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Advanced (Simple)
Web Application Architecture
Matthias Noback
A little bit of controversy for you
What makes a framework "good"?
"I make a lot of money with it"
Faulty heuristic
A hard question:
"Is it good?"
Gets replaced by an easy question:
"Do people make money with it?"

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Intro to ember.js
Intro to ember.jsIntro to ember.js
Intro to ember.js

Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for building web applications. It provides features like routing, single page application support, an MVC framework, data access through REST services, reusable components, and testing. Core concepts include routes, controllers, templates, models, and the router which drives the application. Ember uses conventions like MVC and provides tools like Ember CLI to generate code and build/test applications.

"Fast / Resilient / .NET – What to Choose?" Serhiy Kalinets
 "Fast / Resilient / .NET – What to Choose?" Serhiy Kalinets "Fast / Resilient / .NET – What to Choose?" Serhiy Kalinets
"Fast / Resilient / .NET – What to Choose?" Serhiy Kalinets

For a long time It's rather common to see the words “.NET” and “microservices” in a single sentence. Statements like “.NET is Windows only” surprise us and the only reaction is “are you really a .NET developer?”. Everyone makes microservices, runs them in Kubernetes and clouds and that all looks good. However after a closer look at the code most of that coolness disappears. After some zooming microservices become micro monoliths. Practices and approaches put into the heads of young developers by dotnet veterans (who remember stuff like Remoting or COM / DCOM) don’t give up. The result is monstrous overcomplicated (micro)services that don’t necessarily work fine. For some reason, the area of speed and resilience very often is uncovered. During this session Serhii will show typical errors making services vulnerable to unexpected conditions. We will break services then fix them, slow down, speed up, stabilise and so on. Visit this session – its going to be fun. And maybe you’ll recognize your own services among our examples and will fix them proving that .NET can be used to build fast and recilillent solutions.

The document summarizes the development of a new parser tool called the FlexConnector Wizard that improves upon existing logfile parsing methods. It provides an easy to use interface for users to parse logfiles into a Common Event Format readable by ArcSight software. The tool allows users to save and reuse parsing rules, offers a more intuitive layout than existing regex-based tools, and includes features like token filtering testing and import/export functionality. The document also outlines the developer's contributions, including token filtering logic and base regex tokenization, and explains some key terminology used in logfile parsing.

Advanced web application architecture Way2Web
"I learn design patterns from it"
"My framework uses semantic versioning"
"My framework is great for prototyping"

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Introduction to reactive programming
Introduction to reactive programmingIntroduction to reactive programming
Introduction to reactive programming

Reactive programming is quite a popular topic these days. For a long time, reactive programming was constrained to interactive user interface designs. With the advancement of hardware (multi-core CPU’s) and the internet, the scale, complexity, and responsiveness of software began to rise which led to reactive programming being regarded as a major programming paradigm. Read more from here: By: Subash Poudel (Software Engineer @ Leapfrog Technology, Inc.)

reactive programming
React + Mobile
React + MobileReact + Mobile
React + Mobile

Reaktor is a Finnish company that provides mobile development services. They developed a single page application using React for the mobile site of a large Finnish retailer to improve performance. React allows rendering content on both the server and client sides, avoiding challenges of traditional progressive enhancement approaches. By sharing component code and state between server and client, React ensures synchronization and avoids bugs while reducing testing needs. Initial load and search engine indexing are also improved with this approach.

Enterprise Design Pattern: ACID principal ,Concurrency Patterns
Enterprise Design Pattern:ACID principal,Concurrency PatternsEnterprise Design Pattern:ACID principal,Concurrency Patterns
Enterprise Design Pattern: ACID principal ,Concurrency Patterns

This document discusses several enterprise design patterns including transaction patterns, concurrency patterns, and distributed architecture patterns. It provides details on ACID principles for transactions and concurrency patterns including Active Object, Half-Sync/Half-Async, Leader/Followers, and Thread-Specific Storage. The Active Object pattern decouples method execution from invocation using a proxy, client, and servant. The Half-Sync/Half-Async pattern uses asynchronous and synchronous layers with a queue. Leader/Followers uses a thread pool to share event sources. Thread-Specific Storage allows thread-local objects without locking overhead.

"I can go to conferences about my framework"
A framework is not something to identify with,
but something you use, and know how to use to
your advantage
Frameworks dictate the structure of your project
High-level structural
● Models/entities
● Controllers
● Views/templates
● Migrations
● Configuration

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Crafting high quality code
Crafting high quality code Crafting high quality code
Crafting high quality code

The document provides guidance on writing high-quality code and functions. It recommends that functions should have a single well-described purpose, use meaningful naming conventions, limit their size and number of parameters, and handle errors. It also emphasizes the importance of testing code through test cases to ensure it works as intended.

Reactive: Programming -> Systems -> Architecture
Reactive: Programming -> Systems -> ArchitectureReactive: Programming -> Systems -> Architecture
Reactive: Programming -> Systems -> Architecture

A summary of Reactive topics. Mostly based on whitepaper: "Reactive Programming versus Reactive Systems Landing on a set of simple Reactive design principles in a sea of constant confusion and overloaded expectations". (By Jonas Bonér and Viktor Klang, Lightbend Inc)

reactive systemsreactive programmingreactive manifesto
Advanced Application Architecture (workshop slides)
Advanced Application Architecture (workshop slides)Advanced Application Architecture (workshop slides)
Advanced Application Architecture (workshop slides)

The document discusses application architecture and describes layers, ports and adapters, and different types of testing. It explains that layered architecture helps define dependency rules and placement of components. Layers should only depend on deeper layers according to the dependency inversion principle. Ports define interfaces that external entities interact with, while adapters translate between ports and infrastructure. The document also outlines unit, integration, acceptance, and system tests and how to balance testing at different levels.

Thin controllers, fat models
● "Only briefly visit your
controller, go to your model
as fast as you can."
● In practice: we build services,
lots of them, and large ones
Advanced web application architecture Way2Web
The effects of a framework-
driven architecture
● Implicit use case scenarios
● Implicit connections to actors
● Coupling to the framework
Why bad?
● Scenarios are interrelated
(legacy spaghetti)
● Domain logic is mixed with
infrastructure logic
● Impossible to switch

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Алексей Веркеенко "Symfony2 & REST API"
Алексей Веркеенко "Symfony2 & REST API" Алексей Веркеенко "Symfony2 & REST API"
Алексей Веркеенко "Symfony2 & REST API"

This document discusses Symfony2 and REST APIs. It provides an overview of REST including its history and core concepts like requests, responses, and URLs to identify resources. It also discusses best practices for building REST APIs with Symfony2, including using a wrapper class, error handling guidelines, and documentation/monitoring goals.

Active Object Design Pattern
Active Object Design PatternActive Object Design Pattern
Active Object Design Pattern

The Active Object pattern decouples method execution from method invocation by allowing objects to reside in their own threads of control. A proxy handles method invocations from clients and dispatches method requests to a scheduler. The scheduler then handles executing the methods on a servant object asynchronously based on guards and an activation list. Clients can retrieve results asynchronously through futures associated with each method request. This pattern is commonly used in distributed and multi-threaded systems to simplify synchronized access to objects.

design pattern (computer science)active objectpython
31 days Refactoring
31 days Refactoring31 days Refactoring
31 days Refactoring

Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure

refactoringsoftware development
What do we want?
● The ability to focus on domain
logic without thinking about
storage, web service, web
requests, etc.
● The ability to switch to a
different database, framework,
message queue, filesystem, etc.
We need to make a split between:
Infrastructure and Domain logic
The intention and the implementation of
First: what is domain
1. Saving an uploaded file to a cloud file storage
2. Instantiating an entity by calling its constructor
3. Storing an entity in the database
4. Calculating the total amount for an invoice
5. Making sure that an order has at least one line
6. Publishing a domain event to a message queue
● Try describing what the
system does without
mentioning any technology.
● Split the implementation
along these lines.

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Demystifying Reactive Programming
Demystifying Reactive ProgrammingDemystifying Reactive Programming
Demystifying Reactive Programming

Reactive programming has been touted as one of the most important new programming paradigms in recent history. The idea of designing software as asynchronous streams of data is compelling, as evidenced by the growing popularity of reactive programming and the frameworks based on it. In this session we’ll explore what it is, where it came from, and look at its implementation in the Reactive Extensions API.

reactive programmingprogramming
Software architectural patterns - A Quick Understanding Guide
Software architectural patterns - A Quick Understanding GuideSoftware architectural patterns - A Quick Understanding Guide
Software architectural patterns - A Quick Understanding Guide

This document discusses various software architectural patterns. It begins by defining architectural patterns as general and reusable solutions to common software architecture problems within a given context. It then outlines 10 common patterns: layered, client-server, master-slave, pipe-filter, broker, peer-to-peer, event-bus, model-view-controller, blackboard, and interpreter. For each pattern, it briefly describes the pattern and provides examples of its usage. The document aims to provide a quick understanding of architectural patterns.

software architectural patterns - a quick understasoftware architectural patternsarchitectural patterns
CouchDB @ PoliMi
CouchDB @ PoliMiCouchDB @ PoliMi
CouchDB @ PoliMi

CouchDB is a document-oriented database that is built for the web, open source, and written in Erlang. It has no schema, uses HTTP as its protocol, supports eventual consistency through multiversion concurrency control, and models transactions through documents. CouchDB is designed for crash-only recovery, allows for automated replication between distributed nodes, and enables long-polling queries through requests that can remain open indefinitely.

Advanced web application architecture Way2Web
Example: Fixer
We convert the invoice line and total
amounts of the invoice currency by
sending a GET request to Fixer's
/api/latest API endpoint, providing
the invoice currency as the base currency
and EUR as the target currency.
Applying the heuristic
"We need to convert the invoice
line and total amounts of the
invoice currency. In order to do
this, we need to find out the
current exchange rate between
the invoice currency and our
standard currency (EUR)."
Applying the heuristic
"We do this by sending a GET
request to Fixer's /api/latest API
endpoint, providing the invoice
currency as the base currency and
EUR as the target currency. The
result will be a JSON string which we
decode. We'll return a Rate value
object based on the data we receive."
FixerExchangeRateProvider implements

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Living with-spec
Living with-specLiving with-spec
Living with-spec

In this talk, you will discover how the 15k LOC codebase was implemented with spec so you don't have to (but probably should). Validation; testing; destructuring; composable “data macros” via conformers; we’ve tried spec in all its multifaceted glory. You will discover a distillation of lessons learned interspersed with musing on how spec alters development flow and one’s thinking.

clojurebig datafunctional programming
Living with-spec
Living with-specLiving with-spec
Living with-spec

We instrumented 15k LOC codebase with spec so you don't have to (but probably should). Validation; testing; destructuring; composable "data macros" via conformers; we've tried spec in all its multifaceted glory. This talk is a distillation of lessons learned interspersed with musing on how spec alters development flow and one's thinking. Presented at EuroClojure 2016

clojurefunctional programmingspec
Beginning MEAN Stack
Beginning MEAN StackBeginning MEAN Stack
Beginning MEAN Stack

This document provides an overview of the MEAN stack and demonstrates how to build a sample application with it. It begins with defining each component of the MEAN stack: MongoDB as the database, Express as the web application framework, AngularJS for the frontend framework, and Node.js as the runtime environment. It then demonstrates setting up a basic Express app, integrating authentication with Passport, and interacting with MongoDB using Mongoose. The document also discusses key concepts like asynchronous I/O in Node.js and model-view-controller patterns in AngularJS. Overall, it serves as a high-level introduction to the technologies that make up the MEAN stack.

Domain logic versus Infrastructure
Domain logic versus
● Entities
● Value objects
● Repository
● Domain
● SQL query
● HTTP headers
● File
● MIME types
Split the code in two parts
● One part which shows what
you're trying to accomplish.
● Another part which fills in the
low-level details.
What about...
A web controller action?
1. In the controller, only take out the
necessary data from the Request.
2. Call a service that knows nothing about
the web.

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ReactJS - Re-rendering pages in the age of the mutable DOM
ReactJS - Re-rendering pages in the age of the mutable DOMReactJS - Re-rendering pages in the age of the mutable DOM
ReactJS - Re-rendering pages in the age of the mutable DOM

A quick presentation about ReactJS and its benefits - with some discussion of the Flux pattern/architecture at the end. Follow me:

web developmentreactjsprogramming
Microservices with .Net - NDC Sydney, 2016
Microservices with .Net - NDC Sydney, 2016Microservices with .Net - NDC Sydney, 2016
Microservices with .Net - NDC Sydney, 2016

Presented at NDC Sydney, August 2016 Thanks to organisations like Netflix, and the need to develop solutions that scale well in the cloud, microservices have become the hot new topic. Yet, for all the talk, there are few practical examples of how you actually build a microservice in .NET. It's time to fix that little oversight as we show you how you can build a microservices based solution using .NET, and a number of open source tools (EventStore, RabbitMq and Redis to name a few). You'll also get to understand the pros and cons of a microservices solution and consider how a microservices approach might impact how you and your team relate to your customers.

Puppet – Make stateful apps easier than stateless
Puppet – Make stateful apps easier than statelessPuppet – Make stateful apps easier than stateless
Puppet – Make stateful apps easier than stateless

Stateful apps are considered hard and unpractical. The truth is the opposite! With the correct technology, you can develop a thick client SPA with state entirely controlled on the server. Forget writing countless lines of glue code and the callback hell. Welcome to the DRY world of JSON-Patch and PuppetJS!

puppet puppetjs javascript json websocket http
What about...
Saving an entity to the database?
1. Recognize the need for persistence,
and define an interface for it (e.g. a
repository interface).
2. Provide an implementation that knows
how to talk to your particular database.
Application service
Repository interface
Web controller
Repository implementation
So far
● We've separated domain logic
from infrastructure
● We can replace the
infrastructure "layer"; domain
logic is independent of it
● We can test complete use case
scenarios without invoking
infrastructure code
Application service
Repository interface
Test driver
Repository stub

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The hardest part of microservices: your data
The hardest part of microservices: your dataThe hardest part of microservices: your data
The hardest part of microservices: your data

Microservices architecture is a very powerful way to build scalable systems optimized for speed of change. To do this, we need to build independent, autonomous services which by definition tend to minimize dependencies on other systems. One of the tenants of microservices, and a way to minimize dependencies, is “a service should own its own database”. Unfortunately this is a lot easier said than done. Why? Because: your data. We’ve been dealing with data in information systems for 5 decades so isn’t this a solved problem? Yes and no. A lot of the lessons learned are still very relevant. Traditionally, we application developers have accepted the practice of using relational databases and relying on all of their safety guarantees without question. But as we build services architectures that span more than one database (by design, as with microservices), things get harder. If data about a customer changes in one database, how do we reconcile that with other databases (especially where the data storage may be heterogenous?). For developers focused on the traditional enterprise, not only do we have to try to build fast-changing systems that are surrounded by legacy systems, the domains (finance, insurance, retail, etc) are incredibly complicated. Just copying with Netflix does for microservices may or may not be useful. So how do we develop and reason about the boundaries in our system to reduce complexity in the domain? In this talk, we’ll explore these problems and see how Domain Driven Design helps grapple with the domain complexity. We’ll see how DDD concepts like Entities and Aggregates help reason about boundaries based on use cases and how transactions are affected. Once we can identify our transactional boundaries we can more carefully adjust our needs from the CAP theorem to scale out and achieve truly autonomous systems with strictly ordered eventual consistency. We’ll see how technologies like Apache Kafka, Apache Camel and can help build the backbone for these types of systems. We’ll even explore the details of a working example that brings all of this together.

domain driven designspring bootdistributed systems
MeteorJS Introduction
MeteorJS IntroductionMeteorJS Introduction
MeteorJS Introduction

The document provides an overview of the Meteor platform for building web applications. It discusses that Meteor uses JavaScript on the client, server and database, promotes reactivity through its data publication and subscription system, and aims to provide a simple yet powerful platform for building "next-gen" web apps. Advanced topics like application structure, reactivity, and deployment are also covered at a high-level.

How to – wrap soap web service around a database
How to – wrap soap web service around a databaseHow to – wrap soap web service around a database
How to – wrap soap web service around a database

This document provides steps to create a SOAP web service API that acts as an abstraction layer for a database. It describes configuring a Mule application with a CXF component using a WSDL, adding a database connector to query data, and transforming the response to the SOAP message format. The API decouples front-end applications from changes in the backend database.

Application service
Repository interface
Hexagonal architecture, or:
Ports & adapters
Port: an intention of a dialog
Adapter: supporting implementation for
the dialog
Hexagon: the application without its
Hexagonal architecture, or:
Ports & adapters
Port: "For saving entities" (represented by
a repository interface with a save()
Adapter: "Save entities by sending SQL
insert/update statements to a MySQL
database" (implemented in a repository
Application service
Repository interface

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Exploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservices
Exploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservicesExploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservices
Exploring Twitter's Finagle technology stack for microservices

This document summarizes a presentation about Finagle, Twitter's microservices technology stack. It discusses how Finagle addresses challenges with microservices like service discovery, load balancing, and request tracing across services. It presents Finagle's core abstractions like Futures, Services, and Filters. Services represent both clients and servers, and Filters can add functionality like retries and timeouts. The document also mentions Twitter Server, a framework for building Finagle-based servers that handles flags, logging, metrics and admin interfaces. Finally, it briefly introduces Finatra, which builds on Finagle and Twitter Server and adds features like dependency injection and routing.

Best of Microsoft Dev Camp 2015
Best of Microsoft Dev Camp 2015Best of Microsoft Dev Camp 2015
Best of Microsoft Dev Camp 2015

This document provides an overview of topics that will be covered at a Microsoft Dev Camp in 2015. The topics include introductions to ASP.NET, Visual Studio web tools, ASP.NET Web API, building real-time web applications with SignalR, and Azure services. Sessions will cover web front-end development, ASP.NET updates, consuming and building Web APIs, and real-world scenarios for scaling, updating, and deploying applications on Azure.

web developmentdevopsmicrosoft,mvc,,mvc,mvc

ASP.NET MVC is a framework that allows developers to apply the MVC pattern to ASP.NET applications. This separates the application into three components - the Model, View, and Controller. The Controller handles requests and interacts with the Model, which contains business logic. The View displays the user interface and data from the Model. This separation of concerns allows for better reusability and easier testing compared to the standard ASP.NET web forms model.

News feed
Blob storage
Advanced web application architecture Way2Web
Application service
Repository interface

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Angular provides a framework for building client-side web applications. It enhances HTML with directives, data binding, and dependency injection to allow web applications to be developed with MVC architecture. The key concepts of Angular include directives, modules, scopes, and data binding which allow building dynamic views that update automatically based on changes to the underlying model/data.

Building Continuous Application with Structured Streaming and Real-Time Data ...
Building Continuous Application with Structured Streaming and Real-Time Data ...Building Continuous Application with Structured Streaming and Real-Time Data ...
Building Continuous Application with Structured Streaming and Real-Time Data ...

This document summarizes a presentation about building a structured streaming connector for continuous applications using Azure Event Hubs as the streaming data source. It discusses key design considerations like representing offsets, implementing the getOffset and getBatch methods required by structured streaming sources, and challenges with testing asynchronous behavior. It also outlines issues contributed back to the Apache Spark community around streaming checkpoints and recovery.

apache sparkspark summit
The Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with Ruby
The Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with RubyThe Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with Ruby
The Future is Now: Leveraging the Cloud with Ruby

My presentation from the Ruby Hoedown on cloud computing and how Ruby developers can take advantage of cloud services to build scalable web applications.

What does this bring us?
Domain logic is decoupled from
infrastructure, meaning that:
What does this bring us?
The domain logic can survive
the replacement of port adapters
What does this bring us?
We can create new adapters
for existing ports and swap them

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Meteor Revolution: From DDP to Blaze Reactive Rendering
Meteor Revolution: From DDP to Blaze Reactive Rendering Meteor Revolution: From DDP to Blaze Reactive Rendering
Meteor Revolution: From DDP to Blaze Reactive Rendering

Meteor is an open-source platform for building mobile and web applications using JavaScript. It uses a reactive programming model and Distributed Data Protocol (DDP) for real-time data synchronization between client and server. Key features include live data updates, shared code between client and server, and latency compensation through local caching of data on the client. Meteor provides a full-stack solution with support for front-end templating, routing, and transparent reactivity as well as backend services through integration with MongoDB.

meteorjavascriptconnected clients
What's New in .Net 4.5
What's New in .Net 4.5What's New in .Net 4.5
What's New in .Net 4.5

This document summarizes new features in .NET Framework 4.5, including improvements to WeakReferences, streams, ReadOnlyDictionary, compression, and large objects. It describes enhancements to server GC, asynchronous programming, the Task Parallel Library, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, WCF, WPF, and more. The .NET 4.5 update focuses on performance improvements, support for asynchronous code and parallel operations, and enabling modern app development patterns.

ASP.NET MVC Performance
ASP.NET MVC PerformanceASP.NET MVC Performance
ASP.NET MVC Performance

1. The document discusses various optimizations that can be made to an ASP.NET MVC application to improve performance, including compiled LINQ queries, URL caching, and data caching. 2. Benchmark results show that optimizing partial view rendering, LINQ queries, and URL generation improved performance from 8 requests/second to 61.5 requests/second. Additional caching of URLs, statistics, and content improved performance to over 400 requests/second. 3. Turning off ASP.NET debug mode also provided a significant performance boost, showing the importance of running production sites in release mode.

What does this bring us?
We can switch frameworks
But, I'll never switch
You will
But, I'll never switch
Even a minor framework (or library)
upgrade can sometimes feel like a
complete switch
But, I'll never switch
Your favorite framework today will stop
being maintained some day (just like the
earth itself)

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The document discusses the MVC architecture pattern and how it is commonly implemented using Java technologies like Servlets, JSPs, and frameworks like Struts. It describes the core components of MVC - the Model, View, and Controller layers. The Model contains the business logic and data access code. The View is responsible for presentation and user interface. The Controller accepts user input and interfaces with the Model to handle requests. Frameworks like Struts provide libraries and utilities to simplify building applications using the MVC pattern.

Microservices for performance - GOTO Chicago 2016
Microservices for performance - GOTO Chicago 2016Microservices for performance - GOTO Chicago 2016
Microservices for performance - GOTO Chicago 2016

How do Microservices and Trading Systems overlap? How can one area learn from the other? How can we test components of microservices? Is there a library which helps us implement and test these services?

microservices performance java chronicle
Shopzilla On Concurrency
Shopzilla On ConcurrencyShopzilla On Concurrency
Shopzilla On Concurrency

Slides from my presentation about Shopzilla's concurrency strategies to the Pasadena Java User's Group on April 26, 2010. This is essentially the same material as covered by my colleague Rodney Barlow in an earlier presentation, with a few minor tweaks.

But, I'll never switch
What's modern and cool now, won't be in
just two years
What does this bring us?
We can test every part in isolation
(domain logic, adapters)
But, I don't write tests...
You have to
Why do developers not
write tests?
Because it involves a learning process on
top of the process of learning to write

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Struts 2-overview2
Struts 2-overview2Struts 2-overview2
Struts 2-overview2

Struts is an open-source MVC framework that makes it easier to develop Java web applications by providing common functionality out of the box. While the Model 2 pattern provides a basic structure, frameworks like Struts standardize development and provide features like validation, tag libraries, and simplified configuration. For large applications, frameworks save development time compared to manually implementing common functionality in each application. Struts uses the Model 2 pattern with interceptors, actions, and results to simplify request processing and forwarding.

Rector fireside chat - PHPMiNDS meetup
Rector fireside chat - PHPMiNDS meetupRector fireside chat - PHPMiNDS meetup
Rector fireside chat - PHPMiNDS meetup

This document summarizes a fireside chat about the Rector tool for refactoring PHP code. It introduces Rector as a PHP command line tool that can understand code, improve entire codebases at once, and be fine-tuned or extended for specific needs. Rector can help with continuous improvement, code coaching, and the future of refactoring PHP applications without creating technical debt from migrations. The chat then transitions to a demo by Tomas and discusses a book about how to use and extend Rector.

DPC 2019, Amsterdam: Beyond design patterns and principles - writing good OO ...
DPC 2019, Amsterdam: Beyond design patterns and principles - writing good OO ...DPC 2019, Amsterdam: Beyond design patterns and principles - writing good OO ...
DPC 2019, Amsterdam: Beyond design patterns and principles - writing good OO ...

Of course, you should read all you can about SOLID, Design patterns, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, etc. Once you have a basic understanding of these topics you still have to write that code though, and write it well too! What is good code? Are there some guidelines, or rules of thumb, which you can follow while making your everyday coding decisions? In this talk I’ll cover many of these coding guidelines, which aren’t usually covered by patterns or principles books. They should help you write better code and give you a richer vocabulary for reviewing other people’s code. Some of the subjects that we’ll discuss are: state, mutability, CQS, one-method objects, domain-first, API-driven, functional programming influences, object boundaries, (de)serialization, and many more!

object-oriented programmingobject designcqs
Why do developers not
write tests?
Because it seems to be possible to skip
the extra effort needed to write tests and
do something easier: write production
Why do developers not
write tests?
The feedback loop is very slow: you'll only
learn later that having a test suite is
absolutely required to keep the software
in a presentable state in the long run.
So please write your tests
Start learning today;
Reduce the extra effort it takes
And finally: enjoy the increase
in development speed
"What if my project is short-lived?"

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Beyond design principles and patterns (muCon 2019 edition)
Beyond design principles and patterns (muCon 2019 edition)Beyond design principles and patterns (muCon 2019 edition)
Beyond design principles and patterns (muCon 2019 edition)

Of course, you should read all you can about SOLID, Design patterns, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, etc. Once you have a basic understanding of these topics you still have to write that code though, and write it well too! What is good code? Are there some guidelines, or rules of thumb, which you can follow while making your everyday coding decisions? In this talk Matthias will cover many of these coding guidelines, which aren’t usually covered by patterns or principles books. They should help you write better code and give you a richer vocabulary for reviewing other people’s code. Some of the subjects that we’ll discuss are: state, mutability, CQS, one-method objects, domain-first, API-driven, functional programming influences, object boundaries, (de)serialization, and more!

oopobject designcqs
Brutal refactoring, lying code, the Churn, and other emotional stories from L...
Brutal refactoring, lying code, the Churn, and other emotional stories from L...Brutal refactoring, lying code, the Churn, and other emotional stories from L...
Brutal refactoring, lying code, the Churn, and other emotional stories from L...

Working effectively with legacy code isn’t all about creating test harnesses before refactoring algorithms. The “safety first” strategy doesn’t always apply. Not if the code you’re looking at is LYING IN YOUR FACE anyway. In this talk I’ll show you what brutal refactoring is. I’ll show you the red glowy eyes of the Churn. And I’ll hold up some big warning signs that should prevent you from producing legacy code today. Table flips allowed.

legacy coderefactoringtesting
Beyond Design Principles and Patterns
Beyond Design Principles and PatternsBeyond Design Principles and Patterns
Beyond Design Principles and Patterns

The document discusses object-oriented design principles and patterns. It covers design patterns like abstract factory, mediator, proxy, builder, and others. It also discusses design principles like SOLID principles, package design principles, and tactical domain-driven design patterns. It emphasizes that while knowing patterns and principles is important, the key is applying them correctly. It provides guidance on writing good object-oriented code by focusing on object cohesion, encapsulation, defensive programming, and using composition over inheritance.

object-oriented programmingobject design
The advice doesn't apply
(But don't decide to quickly)
What's a good framework?
A framework that doesn't get in the way
A good framework allows me to split:
Infrastructure and Domain logic
The intention and the implementation of
Matthias Noback
Training & Consultancy

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Designing for Autonomy
Designing for AutonomyDesigning for Autonomy
Designing for Autonomy

The much hyped "Microservice Architecture" tells us to design our services to be autonomous. Let's find out what this means and how we can achieve it. In this talk I will guide you through the fascinating world of asynchronous communication, event-driven systems and distributed data.

autonomyservicesmicroservice architecture
Docker workshop
Docker workshopDocker workshop
Docker workshop

Docker allows for isolation of applications into lightweight containers that can be linked together and share resources. Containers are run from images that act as templates containing the files, configuration, and dependencies for an application. Images are built from Dockerfiles that define the build process and layers, and can be pulled from or pushed to a registry for distribution. Docker uses a client-server model with daemons managing containers on each host.

Docker swarm workshop
Docker swarm workshopDocker swarm workshop
Docker swarm workshop

This document introduces Docker Swarm and its key features. It discusses running Docker daemons in Swarm mode to create a cluster, using tools like docker-machine to provision nodes. It explains how Swarm provides service discovery, load balancing and networking between nodes. The document also covers best practices for building Docker images like using official base images and optimizing layers.

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