SlideShare a Scribd company logo #SMXL18
6-7-8, NOVEMBER 2018
Advanced Structured Data
Sante J Achille
Search Marketing Specialist #SMXL18
What I’ll be addressing today…
• Benefits of Structured Data
• A closer look at the underlying principles
• Practical implementation
• Examples
• Q&A – all you can eat! #SMXL18
Less Noise, More Conversions – Some Facts on Performance
Before SEO
After SEO
N° Queries in Google Search Console
After Structured Data
Entity Identification

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What's New with Schema and Structured Data - Max Prin - SMX Advanced 2019What's New with Schema and Structured Data - Max Prin - SMX Advanced 2019
What's New with Schema and Structured Data - Max Prin - SMX Advanced 2019

This document discusses structured data and rich results in search engine results pages. It provides examples of how implementing structured data can increase brand awareness and highlight content and product information through rich results like logos, local businesses, and reviews. The document also discusses monitoring structured data and the impact of rich results, including increased click-through rates for some types of rich results. Overall, it emphasizes that structured data can help search engines better understand content and extract relevant entities.

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Internal training class held in October 2010. Updated post-presentation with additional details for those unable to attend.

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The document discusses MySQL 8.0 introducing a document store functionality with all the benefits of a transactional relational database. It provides a schema flexible JSON document store without requiring SQL. Developers can use modern programming styles without embedded SQL strings. The document store relies on the proven transactional capabilities of MySQL InnoDB for full ACID compliance.

mysqldocument storenosql #SMXL18
Performance #SMXL18
Performance #SMXL18
Data does not include leads from
Google Local Business #SMXL18
The Theory…
Understanding structured data

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Industry Ontologies: Case Studies in Creating and Extending for Industry-specific Vocabularies

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The presentation introduces listeners into the details of the most important global semantic vocabulary build jointly by Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Yandex: It then discusses the experiences related to the creation of “hosted” extensions for the automotive industries (existing: and for the financial industries (in making: The two extensions, built by an international team of specialists managed by MakoLab with full respect to the community processes, have two different creation strategies which will be presented and discussed. The use cases for both vocabularies will be demonstrated. They are related to both “external” business effects (better visibility of the websites using them on the web) and “internal” effects (new kind of analytics and search capacities). The presentation will also invite to participate to two W3C Community Groups responsible for the open communication activities around the two extensions.

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Looking at the need for author experience, and its value for the organisation and content end-user, as well as the authors themselves

author experiencecontent strategymulti-channel #SMXL18
“An information web is an organic entity that grows from the
interests and energy of the communities that support it”
“Anyone can say Anything about Any Topic”
Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist
Dean Allemang – Jim Hendler #SMXL18
Organizing Data Across the Web
How is it done?? #SMXL18
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) defines
information about resources. Resources can be anything:
documents, people, physical objects or abstract concepts.
• Information is represented by a Node-Arc model… #SMXL18
In RDF the description of a resource is represented by a series of triples. The
components of each triple are the Subject - Predicate – Object
A triple emulates the structure of a simple phrase such as “Sante lives in L'Aquila…”

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The document discusses using semantic web technologies like structured data, JSON-LD, and linked data to enrich content in TYPO3 with metadata. It provides examples of generating structured data for pages, news articles, and organizations. It also proposes using a REST API powered by the Hydra specification to expose this semantic data and content to applications and search engines.

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This blog is about how to Crawl products from with Python Scrapy. Download Meta Information and Images for every item available in the pre-defined list.

How To Crawl Amazon Website Using Python Scrap (1).pptx
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This blog is about how to Crawl products from with Python Scrapy. Download Meta Information and Images for every item available in the pre-defined list.

#howtocrawlamazonwebsiteusingp#howtocrawlamazonwebsite #SMXL18
The Subject of the triple is the URI, identifying the resource being described
The Object may be a value (string, number, data, …) or the URI of another resource which is
somehow related to the subject
The Predicate explains the relationship between subject and object and is a URI chosen
amongst those available in the various Vocabularies … #SMXL18
Let’s see this in action!
A JSON-LD file and equivalent Triples #SMXL18
Example: a simple phrase
Mario Rossi works for Azienda Srl. Their corporate VATID is
ITXXXXXXXXXXX, they can be reached via email at or
you can call at +39. XXX XX XX XXX #SMXL18
The underlying concepts
Mario Rossi is a Person
He worksFor Azienda Srl
Azienda Srl has email
Azienda Srl telephone number is +39. XXX XX XX XXX

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Enterprise systems evolve at a tremendous pace these days. All sorts of new frameworks, databases, operating systems and multiple deployment strategies and infrastructures to adjust to ever growing business demands.

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Structured Document Search and Retrieval
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Overview of structured search technology. Using the structure of a document to create better search results for document search and retrieval. How both search precision and recall is improved when the structure of a document is used. How a keyword match in a title of a document can be used to boost the search score. Case studies with the eXist native XML database. Steps to set up a pilot project.

intranet searchxmldocument search #SMXL18
Equivalent in RDF Triples
<> <> <> .
<> <> "Azienda Srl" .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "Mario Rossi" .
<> <> "" .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "+39. XXX XX XX XXX" .
"@context" : "",
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "Person",
"name" : "Mario Rossi",
"worksFor" :
"@type" : "Organization",
"@id" : "",
"legalName" : "Azienda Srl",
"email" : ”",
"telephone" : "+39. XXX XX XX XXX"
The JSON-LD File
Predicate Object #SMXL18
The JSON-LD File
Subject Predicate Object #SMXL18
Implementing Structured Data
Content Modelling

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MarkLogic Semantics - presented by Stephen Buxton at Lotico Semantics Meetup 2013-10-03 See

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This document provides an introduction to linked data journalism and the use of semantic web technologies like RDF, SPARQL, and linked open data. It explains key concepts such as using RDF triples to represent knowledge, querying linked data with SPARQL, and examples of data sources like DBpedia and data marketplaces.

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Fringe IA: Understanding complex organizational, data, & technical issues
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When approached with a question, librarians create context for understanding using communication skills and their ability to navigate available resources. IAs can do a similar thing for co-workers inside an organization. Using my ongoing experience in Special Projects, we’ll look at how IA tools, processes, and thinking can be used to solve support and maintenance issues in an organization. I’ve worked with people in different product groups and roles, including those with direct customer interaction, developers, testers, and various levels of management. I’ve helped them see connections between existing products and technologies, design a complex future product as part of a “task force”, and generally answer (and be able to ask!) all sorts of questions. Along the way, I’ve discovered and added various tools to my bag of tricks. We’ll take a look at these unexpected tools and how they can be used to explore certain types of information problems.

Schema Markup for Documents
"@context" : "",
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "DigitalDocument",
"name" : "Approved Waivers",
"about" :
"@id" : "",
"@type" : Thing”,
"name" : "I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility"
"hasPart" :
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "ImageObject",
"name" : "Form I-797, Notice of Action",
"description" : "application for travel document: approval notice. ",
"about" :
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "Thing",
"name" : "Extreme Hardship"
} #SMXL18
Equivalent in RDF Triples
<> <> <> .
<> <> "application for travel document: approval notice. " .
<> <> "Form I-797, Notice of Action" .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "Extreme Hardship" .
<> <> "I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility" .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "Approved Waivers" .
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> . #SMXL18
Disambiguation (Entity Identification) #SMXL18

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Structured SEO Data Overview and How To
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The search world is all about social graphing today. Just look at Google's quick results sidebar when you search for a local business. You see a picture of the business, rating/reviews, hours, menu and more. Structured SEO data can help you define and shape what is shown about your site on search results. This talks is intended to help people understand how to apply Structured data to a website and then implement this with a minimum of technical skill. This talk covers: Why you should be using structured data An overview of what structured data is A dive into the standard and how Search Engines expect this to be embedded into a site. A short example of how this was used in the site A how to on using the Metatag and Metatag modules to add structured data to your site. A very quick look at how to go beyond what these can do using code. Note I'm not an SEO wiz that can tell you 'how to make your site shine' but have learned a bit while implementing this on various sites. In other words, I may not be able to tell you what to do for this, but I can tell you how to do it. :)

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Get guidance through the gigantic sea of freely available Open Data and learn how it can empower you analysis of any kind of sources. This webinar is a live demo of news and data analytics, based on rich links within big knowledge graphs. It will show you how to: Build ranking reports (e.g for people and organisations) View topics linked implicitly (e.g. daughter companies, key personnel, products …) Draw trend lines Extend your analytics with additional data sources

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Pointers for travel bloggers on how to use GA4 (Google Analytics 4) and key differences content creators should note between UA (Universal Analytics) and GA4 (Google Analytics 4). Sante J Achille gave this presentation at TBEX 2023 in Kalamata, Greece, to introduce GA4 and how performance monitoring is changing. The presentation also covered fundamental changes regarding event tracking and things that non-technical people should be aware of and avoid problems or bottlenecks in documenting performance. In addition, the presentation also addressed the complexities related to event attribution, which is a direct consequence of the complex and disarticulated paths users undertake between mobile and desktop devices.

tbextravel bloggerscontent creators #SMXL18 #SMXL18

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This document introduces methods and tools for planning and creating optimized content using natural language processing techniques. It discusses using Distilled NLP to study top-ranking pages in a vertical, identify common topics and how they are combined, and then analyze and optimize one's own content. Specific tools mentioned include SEO Moonshine for implementing Distilled NLP, Majestic for backlink analysis and identifying topical trust flow, and TechSEO360 for keyword analysis. The overall goal is to identify recurring concepts across related pages and use those common topics to target user intent and improve content and search performance.

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The Semantic Web for Travel and Tourism
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The document discusses using structured data and knowledge graphs to build a semantic web for travel and tourism. It explains how structured data provides unambiguous signals to help search engines and AI understand web pages. Implementing ontologies, knowledge graphs, and formats can create a smarter web that connects entities and their relationships to tell a story. The vision is to map local territories with hyper-local wikis and tourism extensions, and optimize public and private websites to foster adoption and train professionals in these technologies.

ttra europesemantic searchweb semantico #SMXL18
Wikidata #SMXL18
Wikidata is a collaboratively edited knowledge base, providing a
common source of data which can be used by Wikimedia projects such
as Wikipedia, and by anyone else, under a public domain license. #SMXL18
What we have addressed today…
• Benefits of Structured Data
• A closer look at the underlying principles
• Practical implementation
• Examples #SMXL18
• Understand your Content
• Create a complete model using
• Implement by means of a JSON-LD file
• Identify all relevant entities at page level
• Disambiguate (WikiData, dBPedia, …)
• Validate your model – Avoid Errors
• Avoid Structured data SPAM Penalties
• Remember content modelling is an art: just because it validates, it
doesn’t mean it’s perfect: Test, test and test again!

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iCities - 4th Italian Conference on ICT for Smart Cities And Communities. A presentation on how structured data can be used in travel and tourism

Principles of Structured Data Implementation for Multilingual Websites
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* An introduction to Structured Data * Creating a model of your website with Structured Data * Moving beyond rich snippets, from keywords to entities * Multilingual implementation: moving beyond the English Language

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Aspetti tecnici per la ottimizzazione di un sito web per posizionarsi sui motori di ricerca - Link Building - Differenza tra traffico proveniente dai Social Media e Ricerche organiche

smxlweb marketingsante j. achille
Thank You :)
Sante J. Achille
• Search Marketing Consultant
• Chairman SMXL.IT
• @sjachille
• Biography & CV
Contact me for more info on my next Structured Data Workshop!

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Advanced Structured Data Principles and Applications

  • 1. #SMXL18 6-7-8, NOVEMBER 2018 Advanced Structured Data Sante J Achille Search Marketing Specialist
  • 2. #SMXL18 What I’ll be addressing today… • Benefits of Structured Data • A closer look at the underlying principles • Practical implementation • Examples • Q&A – all you can eat!
  • 3. #SMXL18 Benefits Less Noise, More Conversions – Some Facts on Performance
  • 4. Before SEO After SEO N° Queries in Google Search Console After Structured Data Implementation & Entity Identification
  • 7. #SMXL18 Performance NOTE: Data does not include leads from Google Local Business
  • 9. #SMXL18 “An information web is an organic entity that grows from the interests and energy of the communities that support it” “Anyone can say Anything about Any Topic” Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist Dean Allemang – Jim Hendler
  • 10. #SMXL18 Organizing Data Across the Web How is it done??
  • 11. #SMXL18 The Resource Description Framework (RDF) defines information about resources. Resources can be anything: documents, people, physical objects or abstract concepts. • Information is represented by a Node-Arc model…
  • 12. #SMXL18 In RDF the description of a resource is represented by a series of triples. The components of each triple are the Subject - Predicate – Object A triple emulates the structure of a simple phrase such as “Sante lives in L'Aquila…”
  • 13. #SMXL18 The Subject of the triple is the URI, identifying the resource being described The Object may be a value (string, number, data, …) or the URI of another resource which is somehow related to the subject The Predicate explains the relationship between subject and object and is a URI chosen amongst those available in the various Vocabularies …
  • 14. #SMXL18 Let’s see this in action! A JSON-LD file and equivalent Triples
  • 15. #SMXL18 Example: a simple phrase Mario Rossi works for Azienda Srl. Their corporate VATID is ITXXXXXXXXXXX, they can be reached via email at or you can call at +39. XXX XX XX XXX
  • 16. #SMXL18 The underlying concepts Mario Rossi is a Person He worksFor Azienda Srl Azienda Srl has VatID ITXXXXXXXXXXX Azienda Srl has email Azienda Srl telephone number is +39. XXX XX XX XXX
  • 17. #SMXL18 Equivalent in RDF Triples <> <> <> . <> <> "Azienda Srl" . <> <> <> . <> <> "Mario Rossi" . <> <> "" . <> <> <> . <> <> "+39. XXX XX XX XXX" . <> <> "ITXXXXXXXXXXX" .
  • 18. #SMXL18 { "@context" : "", "@id" : "", "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Mario Rossi", "worksFor" : { "@type" : "Organization", "@id" : "", "legalName" : "Azienda Srl", "vatID" : "ITXXXXXXXXXXX", "email" : ”", "telephone" : "+39. XXX XX XX XXX" } } The JSON-LD File Subject Predicate Object
  • 19. #SMXL18 The JSON-LD File Subject Predicate Object
  • 21. Schema Markup for Documents { "@context" : "", "@id" : "", "@type" : "DigitalDocument", "name" : "Approved Waivers", "about" : { "@id" : "", "@type" : Thing”, "name" : "I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility" }, "hasPart" : { "@id" : "", "@type" : "ImageObject", "name" : "Form I-797, Notice of Action", "description" : "application for travel document: approval notice. ", "about" : { "@id" : "", "@type" : "Thing", "name" : "Extreme Hardship" } } }
  • 22. #SMXL18 Equivalent in RDF Triples <> <> <> . <> <> "application for travel document: approval notice. " . <> <> "Form I-797, Notice of Action" . <> <> <> . <> <> "Extreme Hardship" . <> <> "I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility" . <> <> <> . <> <> "Approved Waivers" . <> <> <> . <> <> <> . <> <> <> .
  • 30. #SMXL18 Wikidata Wikidata is a collaboratively edited knowledge base, providing a common source of data which can be used by Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, and by anyone else, under a public domain license.
  • 31. #SMXL18 What we have addressed today… • Benefits of Structured Data • A closer look at the underlying principles • Practical implementation • Examples
  • 32. #SMXL18 Conclusions • Understand your Content • Create a complete model using • Implement by means of a JSON-LD file • Identify all relevant entities at page level • Disambiguate (WikiData, dBPedia, …) • Validate your model – Avoid Errors • Avoid Structured data SPAM Penalties • Remember content modelling is an art: just because it validates, it doesn’t mean it’s perfect: Test, test and test again!
  • 33. Thank You :) Sante J. Achille • Search Marketing Consultant • Chairman SMXL.IT • • • @sjachille • Biography & CV Contact me for more info on my next Structured Data Workshop!