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Institutional Transformation in
Higher Education
Susan Rundell Singer
Division Director – Undergraduate Education
National Science Foundation
Many college graduates skills do not match
workforce needs
Programme for the International Assessment
of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) – young adults
born after 1980 (OECD/ETS study)
Gap in college attainment between individuals
from high and low SES families has widened in
one generation
PIAAC: How do the average scores of
U.S. millennials compare with those in
other participating countries?
In literacy, U.S.millennials scored lower
than 15 of the 22 participating
countries.Only millennials in Spain and
Italy had lower scores.
In numeracy, U.S.millennials ranked last,
along with Italy and Spain.
PIAAC: How do millennials with different levels of
educational attainment perform over time and in
relation to their peers internationally?
 Although a greater percentage of young adults in the U.S.are
attaining higher levels of education since 2003, the numeracy
scores of U.S.millennials whose highest level of education is
high school and above high school have declined.
 U.S.millennials with a four-year bachelor’s degree scored
higher in numeracy than their counterparts in only two
countries: Poland and Spain.
 Our best-educated millennials—those with a master’s or
research degree—only scored higher than their peers in
Ireland, Poland, and Spain.

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Despite some gains over the past 20 years, significant numbers of students are not meeting grade-level expectations as defined by performance on academic assessments. Meanwhile, few schools are able to support the sort of accelerated academic learning needed to catch students up to grade-level expectations. Evidence indicates this is not for lack of educator commitment or dedication. Instead, many educators lack clarity about how to help students catch up. Common messages about holding a high bar for academic rigor and personalizing learning to meet students where they are can be perceived as being at odds with one another. “Unfinished: Insights From Ongoing Work to Accelerate Outcomes for Students With Learning Gaps” synthesizes a broad body of research on the science of learning in order to inform efforts to help students close gaps and meet grade-level expectations. This deck argues that helping students catch up is not about rigor or personalization — classrooms need both. Closing learning gaps requires students to be motivated and engaged to grapple with challenging, grade-level skills and knowledge — while also having their individual learning needs met. The report identifies what must happen among educators, systems-level leaders, teacher developers, instructional materials providers, and technology experts to move beyond the dichotomy of “rigor versus personalization” and toward a future that effectively blends the two.

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The Effects Of Parental Involvement On Public Schools

Career and technical education (CTE) can benefit students with disabilities by providing practical skills training. However, CTE teachers need to be prepared to meet the needs of students with disabilities to ensure they have equal access to CTE programs and services. Implementing accommodations and supports outlined in students' individualized education programs (IEPs) or 504 plans is crucial for students with disabilities to succeed in CTE courses.

10 Trends Impacting Higher Education Wfs 7 09
10 Trends Impacting Higher Education  Wfs 7 0910 Trends Impacting Higher Education  Wfs 7 09
10 Trends Impacting Higher Education Wfs 7 09

The document discusses 10 trends affecting the future of higher education: 1) Financial challenges due to public funding cuts and the economic downturn. 2) President Obama's priorities of increasing the percentage of college graduates and supporting community colleges. 3) The growing influence of for-profit colleges. 4) The increasing role of technology and distance education. 5) Internationalization and globalization of higher education. 6) Increased focus on quality, accountability and student outcomes. 7) Sustainability and climate change initiatives on campuses. 8) Shifting focus to 21st century skills. 9) New forms of institutions through partnerships and online programs. 10) What other trends should be considered.

PIAAC: How do U.S. top-performing
and lower-performing millennials
compare to their international peers?
Top-scoring U.S.millennials (those at the 90th
percentile) scored lower than top-scoring millennials in
15 of the 22 participating countries, and only scored
higher than their peers in Spain.
Low-scoring U.S.millennials (those at the 10th
percentile) ranked last along with Italy and
England/Northern Ireland and scored lower than
millennials in 19 participating countries.
PIACC: What impact do demographic
characteristics have on the
performance of U.S. millennials?
 Among all countries, there was a strong relationship between
parental levels of educational attainment and skills; across all
levels of parental educational attainment, there was no country
where millennials scored lower than those in the United States.
 The gap in scores between U.S.millennials with the highest level of
parental educational attainment and those with the lowest was
among the largest of the participating countries.
 In most countries, native-born millennials scored higher than
foreign-born millennials; however, native-born U.S.millennials did
not perform higher than their peers in any other country.
Influence of family income on college
U.S ranks 12th in
the world in
attainment for
young people
Pell Partnership 2015 Report
The average graduation gap between Pell and
non-Pell students at the institutional level is only
5.7 percentage points. But the national gap is 14
points, a result of large gaps at specific colleges,
as well as too many Pell students enrolling at
colleges with very low graduation rates.
Colleges with large gaps need to do more to
ensure low-income student success, and more
selective institutions should open their doors to
more Pell students.

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Nhsc transitions report
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This document discusses state and district level support for successful transitions to high school. It examines how some states and districts are easing the transition to ninth grade through various policies and programs. The brief outlines initiatives in Texas, California, and New York to better support students in their first year of high school. These include aligned curriculum, early warning systems, freshman academies, and data systems to track student progress. The transitions to high school can significantly impact whether students graduate, so targeted support for ninth graders is an important focus of reform efforts.

OER Chapter 16 - Education
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Based on OpenStax Introduction to Sociology 2e For Open Educational Resource Project CSCC College Credit Plus


Running head: CURRICULUM INCEPTION 1 CURRICULUM INCEPTION 8 Curriculum Inception for School District of Philadelphia Instructor: Calvin Moore Cheanel Nolden January 17, 2019 Curriculum Inception for School District of Philadelphia Description of the School District The School District of Philadelphia is a school district that covers the area of Pennsylvania. Since 2012, the district has been ranked the largest school district in the state of Pennsylvania since it serves a proximately 143,800 students. The district is often under the control of the School Reform Commission. The School District of Philadelphia is situated in the consolidated city county of Philadelphia, which is in the south eastern part of Philadelphia. In 2014, the city county hosted approximately 1,560000 residents, according to a survey undertaken by the United States Census Bureau. Philadelphia performed poorly in comparison to Pennsylvania with respect to higher education achievements for the last 10 years. The county city inhabitants had bachelor’s degree or higher at a rate of 23 percent compared to state residents at 34 percent. The average household income for the county city residents is approximately $37,190- compared to the state, which has an average of $52,359. The poverty rate was 26 percent in the city, and 20.3 percent in the state respectively. Currently, there are approximately 1.45 million people residing w8ithin the confines of the school; district geographical boundaries. This figure is anticipated to reduce to about 1.4 million by 2020. The male to female ratio is 46.5 percent to 53.5 percent and is not projected to change any soon. With respect to racial composition, whites who are non-Hispanics, and to a lesser degree, African Americans are projected to decrease in population in the next five years. Individuals with Hispanic ethnicity and heritage are anticipated to have the highest increase in population by 1.6 percent points in 2020. The forecasted enrollment of students is expected to decline by a proximately 10000 students in the next decade in district operated public school enrollments. This decline is attributed to reduction in birth rates and expansions f school choice in the District. The overall enrollment for school age children is expected to undergo a slight reduction. Further, the parochial and private school enrollment will slightly reduce. The School District of Philadelphia has the capacity to enroll more than 227000 students. Presently, the district serves approximately 154000 students in districts operated schools. This means that about 70000 in excess seats are still needed. The elementary utilization is about 80 percent, while middle and high school utilization is about 60 percent. Furthermore, the charter school enrollment is anticipated to increase by approximately 9000 from 2010 to 2015. The school district of Philadelphia is committed to offering the greatest educational experience for all students who are en.

Higher ed has a key role – not just K-12
Carnevale & Strohl (2010)
If Americans were able to match the [science and math]
scores reached in Canada, which ranks seventh on the
O.E.C.D. scale, the United States’ gross domestic product
would rise by an additional 6.7 percent, a cumulative increase
of $10 trillion (after taking inflation into account) by the year
2050, the report estimated.
NSF Response
From Access to Completion – Scholarships for
STEM (S-STEM) Program
1. Increase the recruitment, retention, student success,
and graduation (and transfer) of low-income,
academically talented students in STEM.
2. Implement and study models, effective practices,
and/or strategies that contribute to success in STEM.
3. Contribute to the implementation and sustainability of
effective curricular and co-curricular activities in STEM
S-STEM Program Updates
At least 60% of the funds must be used for scholarships
Up to 40% of funds may be used for other things –
support structures, research, recruitment, etc.
Why the change?
Scholarships are not enough
Student success is increased through participation in
systems of academic and student support structures
A more systematic determination of what support
structures are effective will benefit the STEM education

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The document discusses limitations of international standardized data collection in assessing learner diversity and inclusive practices. It acknowledges progress made through comparative analyses but notes significant resistance from teachers due to misuse of data to push political agendas. Key limitations of current data are the failure to record student challenges to learning, school environments' ability to be inclusive, and impacts of school culture. There is a need for large-scale qualitative tools to evaluate ecological factors influencing inclusion and better reflect realities on the ground. Key indicators like ableism, racism, and socioeconomic challenges remain largely ignored.

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The document discusses best practices used in a learning skills and algebra classroom. It describes utilizing a student information system to track grades, attendance, medical needs, and IEP information. Formative assessments are used to monitor progress and guide instruction. Lessons incorporate visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles through interactive activities, technology, and collaborative work. Data-driven instruction and co-planning with other teachers ensures individual student needs are met.

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The document discusses factors that matter most for student success based on research. It finds that student engagement, relationships, high expectations, and developmental education are critical. Engagement must be intentionally designed through activities like collaborative learning and student-faculty interaction. Advising and clear academic plans also promote success. While faculty believe they provide prompt feedback, many students do not feel they receive it. Focused efforts can improve student outcomes.

Undergraduate Strategic Objectives
Implementation of evidence-based instructional practices and
Improve STEM education at 2-year colleges and transfer to 4-year
Support the development of university-industry partnerships to provide
relevant and authentic experiences
Federal STEM Education 5-Year Strategic
Plan (2013, 14 Federal Agencies)
Address high failure rates in introductory undergraduate
Why focus on evidence-based practices?
Current version
Why authentic research experiences?
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates since
Course-based research experience
 FY 2016 budget request
 U.S. National Academies consensus study underway
Challenge of mathematics
 60% of students who arrive at postsecondary
education not ready for entry level mathematics
 5% of students pass developmental mathematics
 80% of the students who place into
developmental math do not complete any
college‐level course within 3 years.
Figures have been rounded. Source: The American Freshman: Forty Year Trends, John H. Pryor, Sylvia Hurtado, Victor B. Saenz,
Jose Luis Santos, and William S. Korn, Cooperative Institutional Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007.

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Long-term economic impact of better skills

The document discusses the importance of quality in education and what is required to improve it. It argues that countries should evaluate their education systems based on the best performing systems globally rather than just their own national standards. It also stresses the importance of developing the types of skills that benefit individuals and societies economically and socially. The document examines data on education spending, graduation rates, and student performance in order to identify best practices for improving education quality and outcomes.

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This study aimed to examine the association between participation in the El Sistema orchestra program at the Rainey Institute and academic outcomes. The study analyzed standardized test scores in math and reading from the 2014-2015 school year for 13 El Sistema participants and compared them to scores from all CMSD students and the state of Ohio. Descriptive statistics showed higher average test scores and attendance rates for El Sistema participants compared to CMSD students. However, the small sample size of only 13 El Sistema participants prevented meaningful statistical analysis and the ability to demonstrate a causal relationship between the program and academic outcomes. The study provides a preliminary analysis but a larger sample is needed to properly evaluate the association.

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Do dreams come true? Aspirations and educational attainments of Ethiopian boys and girls Marta Favara University of Oxford Presented to the 30th Annual Conference of the European Society of Population Economics, Berlin June 16, 2016

Focusing on teaching practices is
not enough
Socio-emotional domain (new NRC
Guided pathways to success
Systems approach – lessons learned
The StratEGIC Toolkit
 Users’ Guide
 Description of the research
 Key points on org change from social science research
 Suggestions for using the Toolkit to support organizational change to
support the advancement of STEM women scholars
 Briefs
 Frequently used interventions are described and analyzed to help
institutions construct their own change portfolios
 Institutional narratives
 Examples of how specific institutions have developed comprehensive
strategic change plans
Ann Austin (Michigan State) and Sandra Laursen (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Forthcoming article in Change: ADVANCing the Agenda for Gender Equity: Tools for Strategic
Institutional Change
Needed: Partnerships, Networks, and
Networks of Networks
 Networks = practitioners, researchers, professional societies,
improvement networks, informal setting, including citizen
 Science of learning = learning science + cognitive psychology +
educational psychology + cognitive science + discipline-based
education research + scholarship of teaching and learning
 Learning engineers + instructional technologists + computer
Disciplinary scientists as partners
Frontier science and cutting edge education
research create robust learning environments
Deep science disciplinary knowledge meets
education research (again)
 Discipline-based Education Research

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The quality of education in a country plays a significant relationship between the government and supports of stakeholders. This research focus on the literature review between Philippine and South Korea educational system. It is not undeniable that both countries have many similarities such as their main purpose of education is to provide educational opportunities to promote responsible and globally competitive individual. As a result of systematic analysis of the two countries, similar variables where taken into consideration for the basis of improvement of one's educational system. Based on the findings, Philippine education is outlying in some aspects of educational system in South Korea. Another remarkable thing in the Philippine educational system is the lack of government spending on education, teachers and student ration, internet services in the school and research and development. The result of the study suggested that Philippine government needs to benchmarks some good practices in south Korean educational system in order to elevate and improve our education system as well. Marievel C. Velasquez | Christna T. Baratbate | Jose L. Tibon | Raiza M. Capao | Marilyn Miranda "A Comparative Analysis of the Best Practices of South Korea and Philippine Education" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-1 , December 2019, URL: URL:

educationeducational systemeducational performance
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Embodied Cognition
Sian Bielock, University of Chicago
Susan Fischer, DePaul University
Can physically handling objects and
directly experiencing “the physics”
improve student understanding?
• Observers score lower on angular
momentum and torque problems
• fMRI patterns differ
Action > Observe
Action >
When only physical reality will do
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program
Workforce Education, Partnerships, Career Pathways
Project- STEM Guitar Project impacting education for
the past 8 years—affecting over 300 two-year
college and secondary school faculty and
thousands of students across the country by
bringing hands-on learning into the classroom.
Cybersecurity- 4 Centers and 1 Large Project for cybersecurity
education, which are leaders in the National Initiative for
Cybersecurity Education and the NSA/DHS Center of Academic
Excellence program, mentoring other colleges nationwide.
Scale effective approaches in all
Discipline-based education research
Students’ conceptual understanding
Problem solving
Use of representations
Effective instructional strategies
Plus deep knowledge about how people
learn from the social sciences
Studies of similarities and differences among different
groups of students
Longitudinal studies
Additional basic research in DBER
Interdisciplinary studies of cross-cutting concepts and
cognitive processes
Additional research on the translational role of DBER
Understanding and measuring intrapersonal and
interpersonal competencies (“noncognitive”
Accelerate learning about learning
in a digital world

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Advances in Learning Sciences
Technology-enhanced Learning
Quality Learning and Learner Persistence
Learning any time, any place:
Opportunity and challenge
1Ho, A. D., Chuang, I., Reich, J., Coleman, C., Whitehill, J., Northcutt, C., Williams, J. J., Hansen, J., Lopez, G.,
& Petersen, R. HarvardX and MITx: Two years of open online courses (HarvardX Working Paper No. 10).
• Prior learning is key
• Learners motivated
by knowledge gaps
but not chasms
• Transfer is hard
• Promise of learning
Challenge of disaggregated education

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Many college graduates skills do not
match workforce needs
Gap in college attainment between
individuals from high and low SES families
has widened in one generation
Opportunities ahead
Furthering robust research and implementation
Integrating practice-based evidence (Bryk) with
evidence-based practice
Learning any time, anywhere:
Supporting learners in creating coherent learning
progressions as technology creates increasingly
disaggregated systems
Math Arts & Lit
Networks and collaboration

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Ardra Nakshatra, the sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spans from 6°40' to 20° in the Gemini zodiac sign. Governed by Rahu, the north lunar node, Ardra translates to "the moist one" or "the star of sorrow." Symbolized by a teardrop, it represents the transformational power of storms, bringing both destruction and renewal. About Astro Pathshala Astro Pathshala is a renowned astrology institute offering comprehensive astrology courses and personalized astrological consultations for over 20 years. Founded by Gurudev Sunil Vashist ji, Astro Pathshala has been a beacon of knowledge and guidance in the field of Vedic astrology. With a team of experienced astrologers, the institute provides in-depth courses that cover various aspects of astrology, including Nakshatras, planetary influences, and remedies. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn astrology or someone looking for expert astrological advice, Astro Pathshala is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and unlock your full potential through the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. For more information about their courses and consultations, visit Astro Pathshala.

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Improve STEM Learning & Learning Environments:
Improve the knowledge base for defining, identifying, and innovating
effective undergraduate STEM education teaching and learning for all
NSF-supported disciplines, and foster widespread use of evidence-
based resources and pedagogies in undergraduate STEM education
Build the Professional STEM Workforce for Tomorrow:
Improve the preparation of undergraduate students so they can
succeed as productive members of the future STEM workforce,
regardless of career path, and be engaged as members of a STEM-
literate society
Broaden Participation & Institutional Capacity for STEM Learning:
Increase the number and diversity of undergraduate students recruited
and retained in STEM education and career pathways through
improving the evidence base for successful strategies to broaden
participation and implementation of the results of this research
Proposals should describe projects that build on available evidence
and theory, and that will generate evidence and build knowledge.
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE: EHR)
NSF 15-585

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  • 1. Institutional Transformation in Higher Education Susan Rundell Singer Division Director – Undergraduate Education National Science Foundation
  • 2. Challenges Many college graduates skills do not match workforce needs Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) – young adults born after 1980 (OECD/ETS study) Gap in college attainment between individuals from high and low SES families has widened in one generation
  • 3. PIAAC: How do the average scores of U.S. millennials compare with those in other participating countries? In literacy, U.S.millennials scored lower than 15 of the 22 participating countries.Only millennials in Spain and Italy had lower scores. In numeracy, U.S.millennials ranked last, along with Italy and Spain.
  • 4. PIAAC: How do millennials with different levels of educational attainment perform over time and in relation to their peers internationally?  Although a greater percentage of young adults in the U.S.are attaining higher levels of education since 2003, the numeracy scores of U.S.millennials whose highest level of education is high school and above high school have declined.  U.S.millennials with a four-year bachelor’s degree scored higher in numeracy than their counterparts in only two countries: Poland and Spain.  Our best-educated millennials—those with a master’s or research degree—only scored higher than their peers in Ireland, Poland, and Spain.
  • 5. PIAAC: How do U.S. top-performing and lower-performing millennials compare to their international peers? Top-scoring U.S.millennials (those at the 90th percentile) scored lower than top-scoring millennials in 15 of the 22 participating countries, and only scored higher than their peers in Spain. Low-scoring U.S.millennials (those at the 10th percentile) ranked last along with Italy and England/Northern Ireland and scored lower than millennials in 19 participating countries.
  • 6. PIACC: What impact do demographic characteristics have on the performance of U.S. millennials?  Among all countries, there was a strong relationship between parental levels of educational attainment and skills; across all levels of parental educational attainment, there was no country where millennials scored lower than those in the United States.  The gap in scores between U.S.millennials with the highest level of parental educational attainment and those with the lowest was among the largest of the participating countries.  In most countries, native-born millennials scored higher than foreign-born millennials; however, native-born U.S.millennials did not perform higher than their peers in any other country.
  • 7. Influence of family income on college completion 7 ications- Indicators_of_Higher_Education_Equity_in _the_US_45_Year_Trend_Report.pdf U.S ranks 12th in the world in college attainment for young people
  • 8. Pell Partnership 2015 Report The average graduation gap between Pell and non-Pell students at the institutional level is only 5.7 percentage points. But the national gap is 14 points, a result of large gaps at specific colleges, as well as too many Pell students enrolling at colleges with very low graduation rates. Colleges with large gaps need to do more to ensure low-income student success, and more selective institutions should open their doors to more Pell students.
  • 9. Higher ed has a key role – not just K-12 Carnevale & Strohl (2010)
  • 10. If Americans were able to match the [science and math] scores reached in Canada, which ranks seventh on the O.E.C.D. scale, the United States’ gross domestic product would rise by an additional 6.7 percent, a cumulative increase of $10 trillion (after taking inflation into account) by the year 2050, the report estimated. 10 esearch/achievement-gap/
  • 11. NSF Response From Access to Completion – Scholarships for STEM (S-STEM) Program 1. Increase the recruitment, retention, student success, and graduation (and transfer) of low-income, academically talented students in STEM. 2. Implement and study models, effective practices, and/or strategies that contribute to success in STEM. 3. Contribute to the implementation and sustainability of effective curricular and co-curricular activities in STEM education.
  • 12. S-STEM Program Updates Funding At least 60% of the funds must be used for scholarships Up to 40% of funds may be used for other things – support structures, research, recruitment, etc. Why the change? Scholarships are not enough Student success is increased through participation in systems of academic and student support structures A more systematic determination of what support structures are effective will benefit the STEM education community.
  • 13. 13 Undergraduate Strategic Objectives Implementation of evidence-based instructional practices and innovations Improve STEM education at 2-year colleges and transfer to 4-year colleges Support the development of university-industry partnerships to provide relevant and authentic experiences Federal STEM Education 5-Year Strategic Plan (2013, 14 Federal Agencies) Address high failure rates in introductory undergraduate mathematics
  • 14. Why focus on evidence-based practices? Current version underway
  • 15. Why authentic research experiences? NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates since 1958 Course-based research experience  FY 2016 budget request  U.S. National Academies consensus study underway 15 l
  • 16. Challenge of mathematics  60% of students who arrive at postsecondary education not ready for entry level mathematics  5% of students pass developmental mathematics courses.  80% of the students who place into developmental math do not complete any college‐level course within 3 years. 16 Figures have been rounded. Source: The American Freshman: Forty Year Trends, John H. Pryor, Sylvia Hurtado, Victor B. Saenz, Jose Luis Santos, and William S. Korn, Cooperative Institutional Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007.
  • 17. Focusing on teaching practices is not enough Socio-emotional domain (new NRC study) Guided pathways to success Systems approach – lessons learned from ADVANCE
  • 18. The StratEGIC Toolkit  Users’ Guide  Description of the research  Key points on org change from social science research  Suggestions for using the Toolkit to support organizational change to support the advancement of STEM women scholars  Briefs  Frequently used interventions are described and analyzed to help institutions construct their own change portfolios  Institutional narratives  Examples of how specific institutions have developed comprehensive strategic change plans Ann Austin (Michigan State) and Sandra Laursen (University of Colorado, Boulder) Forthcoming article in Change: ADVANCing the Agenda for Gender Equity: Tools for Strategic Institutional Change
  • 19. Needed: Partnerships, Networks, and Networks of Networks  Networks = practitioners, researchers, professional societies, improvement networks, informal setting, including citizen science  Science of learning = learning science + cognitive psychology + educational psychology + cognitive science + discipline-based education research + scholarship of teaching and learning  Learning engineers + instructional technologists + computer scientists 19
  • 20. Disciplinary scientists as partners Frontier science and cutting edge education research create robust learning environments Deep science disciplinary knowledge meets education research (again)  Discipline-based Education Research
  • 21. Embodied Cognition Sian Bielock, University of Chicago Susan Fischer, DePaul University Can physically handling objects and directly experiencing “the physics” improve student understanding? • Observers score lower on angular momentum and torque problems • fMRI patterns differ Action > Observe premoto r M1 SPL Action > Observation R When only physical reality will do
  • 22. 22 Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program Workforce Education, Partnerships, Career Pathways Project- STEM Guitar Project impacting education for the past 8 years—affecting over 300 two-year college and secondary school faculty and thousands of students across the country by bringing hands-on learning into the classroom. Cybersecurity- 4 Centers and 1 Large Project for cybersecurity education, which are leaders in the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education and the NSA/DHS Center of Academic Excellence program, mentoring other colleges nationwide.
  • 23. Scale effective approaches in all environments Discipline-based education research Students’ conceptual understanding Problem solving Use of representations Effective instructional strategies Plus deep knowledge about how people learn from the social sciences +CIRTL MOOC
  • 24. Studies of similarities and differences among different groups of students Longitudinal studies Additional basic research in DBER Interdisciplinary studies of cross-cutting concepts and cognitive processes Additional research on the translational role of DBER Understanding and measuring intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies (“noncognitive” competencies) Accelerate learning about learning in a digital world
  • 26. Advances in Learning Sciences + Technology-enhanced Learning Quality Learning and Learner Persistence Everywhere 26
  • 27. Learning any time, any place: Opportunity and challenge
  • 28. 1Ho, A. D., Chuang, I., Reich, J., Coleman, C., Whitehill, J., Northcutt, C., Williams, J. J., Hansen, J., Lopez, G., & Petersen, R. HarvardX and MITx: Two years of open online courses (HarvardX Working Paper No. 10). doi:10.2139/ssrn.2586847 • Prior learning is key • Learners motivated by knowledge gaps but not chasms • Transfer is hard • Promise of learning progressions Challenge of disaggregated education
  • 29. Challenges Many college graduates skills do not match workforce needs Gap in college attainment between individuals from high and low SES families has widened in one generation
  • 30. Opportunities ahead Furthering robust research and implementation infrastructures Integrating practice-based evidence (Bryk) with evidence-based practice Learning any time, anywhere: Supporting learners in creating coherent learning progressions as technology creates increasingly disaggregated systems
  • 31. 31 Humanities Social sciences Math Arts & Lit Networks and collaboration Practitioners Learning engineers Learning scientists Academic technologists Information technologists Computer science Learners
  • 33. Improve STEM Learning & Learning Environments: Improve the knowledge base for defining, identifying, and innovating effective undergraduate STEM education teaching and learning for all NSF-supported disciplines, and foster widespread use of evidence- based resources and pedagogies in undergraduate STEM education Build the Professional STEM Workforce for Tomorrow: Improve the preparation of undergraduate students so they can succeed as productive members of the future STEM workforce, regardless of career path, and be engaged as members of a STEM- literate society Broaden Participation & Institutional Capacity for STEM Learning: Increase the number and diversity of undergraduate students recruited and retained in STEM education and career pathways through improving the evidence base for successful strategies to broaden participation and implementation of the results of this research Proposals should describe projects that build on available evidence and theory, and that will generate evidence and build knowledge. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE: EHR) NSF 15-585