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A Data Science Pipeline for Real
Comcast’s Approach to Multi-datacenter, Cloud and On-
premise Machine Learning
“Comcast brings together
the best in media and
technology. We drive
innovation to create the
world's best entertainment
and online experiences.”
High Speed Internet
Home Automation Digital Voice
Xfinity MobileContent
$84b (2017)
29m Customers
“Comcast brings together
the best in media and
technology. We drive
innovation to create the
world's best entertainment
and online experiences.”
High Speed Internet
Home Automation Digital Voice
Xfinity MobileContent
$84b (2017)
29m Customers
A machine learning and data science pipeline for real companies

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Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon
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Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon

Devops, Devops , Devops, from Dev and Ops to Devops presented at Froscon in Sankt-Augusting (Germany) on August 21st 2011

Productionizing Machine Learning with a Microservices Architecture
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Productionizing Machine Learning with a Microservices Architecture

Deploying machine learning models from training to production requires companies to deal with the complexity of moving workloads through different pipelines and re-writing code from scratch.

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Open core summit: Observability for data pipelines with OpenLineage
Open core summit: Observability for data pipelines with OpenLineageOpen core summit: Observability for data pipelines with OpenLineage
Open core summit: Observability for data pipelines with OpenLineage

This document discusses Open Lineage and the Marquez project for collecting metadata and data lineage information from data pipelines. It describes how Open Lineage defines a standard model and protocol for instrumentation to collect metadata on jobs, datasets, and runs in a consistent way. This metadata can then provide context on the data source, schema, owners, usage, and changes. The document outlines how Marquez implements the Open Lineage standard by defining entities, relationships, and facets to store this metadata and enable use cases like data governance, discovery, and debugging. It also positions Marquez as a centralized but modular framework to integrate various data platforms and extensions like Datakin's lineage analysis tools.

• Predictive network analysis
• Customer premise self-healing
• Comcast network self-healing
• Trouble-ticket prioritization
• Customer self-help (voice and text flows)
• Customer Retention
Use Cases: It’s All About The Customer
Our starting point!
Internal Data Centers
Cloud Based Infrastructure
Next Big Thing
Where’s the data?
How do I access it?
What tools do I have?
Where can I find information about data?
A machine learning and data science pipeline for real companies
Our Challenges

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Value stream management is essential for dev ops v4
Value stream management is essential for dev ops v4Value stream management is essential for dev ops v4
Value stream management is essential for dev ops v4

Join us for a live webinar on December 13th to learn why you can’t have effective DevOps without Value Stream Management. While DevOps provides capabilities that improve a business value stream through the implementation of culture, toolchains, orchestration and automation, DevOps alone without Value Stream Management is not sufficient to realize business benefits. Don’t spend the time and money on DevOps alone and NOT get to reap the rewards for the business! Attend this webinar to hear Marc Hornbeek of Trace3, and Jeff Keyes of Plutora discuss how you can leverage all of the data from your DevOps tools chains to provide real-time analytics, and codify policies that must be orchestrated to realize benefits of a business value stream.

Simple cloud migration with OpenText Migrate
Simple cloud migration with OpenText MigrateSimple cloud migration with OpenText Migrate
Simple cloud migration with OpenText Migrate

Migrate any server workload to any target destination with the OpenText Migrate cloud migration platform. Learn about common migration challenges and how to choose the right cloud migration tool.

cloud migration companiescloud migration consultingcloud migration platform
Slim Baltagi – Flink vs. Spark
Slim Baltagi – Flink vs. SparkSlim Baltagi – Flink vs. Spark
Slim Baltagi – Flink vs. Spark

This document provides an overview of a presentation comparing Apache Flink and Apache Spark. The presentation aims to address marketing claims, confusing statements, and outdated information regarding Flink vs Spark. It outlines key criteria to evaluate the two platforms, such as streaming capabilities, state management, and scalability. The document then directly compares some criteria, such as their support for iterative processing and streaming engines. The presenter hopes this evaluation framework will help others assess Flink and Spark for stream processing use cases.

flink forwardapache flinkconference
Our Challenges
Our Challenges
Diversity of Skills
Our Challenges
Diversity of Skills
FAST Provide frameworks, capabilities that allow for rapid deployment.
SIMPLE & TRANSPARENT Develop capabilities to promote self-service and ease of access to data.
CONSISTENT & SECURE Provide a universal security framework to govern all data under the Big Data Domain.
FULLY AUTOMATED Provide a robust operational model allowing for playback, data quality, and self-healing.
Guiding Principles
Gather, organize, make sense of Comcast data, and make it universally accessible to empower, enable, and
transform Comcast into an insight-driven organization.
Product Vision

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Value Stream Architecture: What it is and how it can help
Value Stream Architecture: What it is and how it can helpValue Stream Architecture: What it is and how it can help
Value Stream Architecture: What it is and how it can help

Modern enterprises increasingly rely on software to keep the lights on and lay the foundations for long-term sustainable growth. Among many things, IT leaders are tasked with accelerating the time to value of their software delivery value streams. But when asked, “Do you know what is slowing your software delivery teams down?”, why do IT leaders typically not know the answer? Methodologies such as Agile and DevOps have been adopted to accelerate the time between build to deploy, yet the benefits are often only felt at a localized level (more sprints completed, higher number of deployments etc.) without a tangible link to business outcomes. Enter Value Stream Architecture. During this webinar, Senior Value Stream Architect, Dan Feminella, presents: - The business case for Value Stream Architecture - Why your organization needs it in order to scale Agile and DevOps - How to architect for end-to-end flow of business value from customer request to delivery and back through the customer feedback loop

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Devops Strategy Roadmap Lifecycle Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Complete...
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Devops Strategy Roadmap Lifecycle Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Complete...

Understand the concept of DevOps by employing DevOps Strategy Roadmap Lifecycle PowerPoint Presentation Slides Complete Deck. Describe how DevOps is different from traditional IT with these content-ready PPT themes. The slides also help to discuss DevOps use cases in the business, roadmap, and its lifecycle. Explain the roles, responsibilities, and skills of DevOps engineers by utilizing this visually appealing slide deck. Demonstrate DevOp roadmap for implementation in the organization with the help of a thoroughly researched PPT slideshow. Describe the characteristics of cloud computing, its benefits, and risks with the aid of this PPT layout. Utilize this easy-to-use DevOps transformation strategy PowerPoint slide deck to showcase the difference between cloud and traditional data centers. This ready-to-use PowerPoint layout also discusses the roadmap to integrate cloud computing in business. Highlight the usages of cloud computing and deployment models with the help of visual attention-grabbing DevOps implementation roadmap PowerPoint slides.

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How We Do DevOps at Walmart: OneOps OSS Application Lifecycle Management Plat...
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Recently, Dr. Qingsong Zhang spoke at a Meetup about how Walmart is using DevOps. Within this slide deck, you'll learn about our DataOps, DevOps and OneOps, an application lifecycle management (ALM), and open source DevOps platform for cloud which was developed by Walmart Labs. Feel free to follow us on Twitter: @one_ops! Contribute to One_Ops:

open sourcedevopsbig data
• Avoid religious wars where possible
• Whatever framework makes sense for the business problem at hand
• Focus on federated access to curated data
• Focus on Common APIs for Ingest, Egress and Machine Learning
• Focus on metadata and discoverability for:
• Enterprise Data
• Enterprise Features
• Trained Models
• Enterprise Portal
• Containerized scoring endpoints that accommodate multiple frameworks and
Shameless Lyft: Uber’s Michelangelo becomes Comcast’s Da Vinci
• Focus on Art AND Science (and a smattering of creativity)
• Common APIs usable from multiple frameworks using Python
or Scala
• Metadata is Key
• About data
• About features
• About trained models
Focus on a Common Approach to Features and Models
Egress API (Federation Layer)
Feature Store
Model Store
On Premise Cloud
<Your Favorite Framework Here>
Tools such as Presto and Alluxio
Container Container Container
• Reads and writes features and feature metadata
• Reads and writes model metadata
• Integrates with a common portal searchable by any user

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Disaster Recovery for Multi-Region Apache Kafka Ecosystems at Uber
Disaster Recovery for Multi-Region Apache Kafka Ecosystems at UberDisaster Recovery for Multi-Region Apache Kafka Ecosystems at Uber
Disaster Recovery for Multi-Region Apache Kafka Ecosystems at Uber

Speaker: Yupeng Fu, Staff Engineer, Uber High availability and reliability are important requirements to Uber services, and the services shall tolerate datacenter failures in a region and fail over to another region. In this talk, we will present the active-active Apache Kafka® at Uber and how it facilitates disaster discovery across regions for Uber services. In particular, we will highlight the key components including topic replication, topic aggregation, offsets sync and then walk through several use cases of their disaster recovery strategy using active-active Kafka. Lastly, we will present several interesting challenges and the future work planned. Yupeng Fu is a staff engineer in Uber Data Org leading the streaming data platform. Previously, he worked at Alluxio and Palantir, building distributed data analysis and storage platforms. Yupeng holds a B.S. and an M.S. from Tsinghua University and did his Ph.D. research on databases at UCSD.

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Introduction to Enterprise Architecture in a simpler, modernized, & realistic model (CSVLOD). Target Audience: 1- Tech Leaders New to Enterprise Architecture. 2- Enterprise Architects. 3- CIO, CTO, CDO, EPMO, ITPMO.

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Building a Real-time Streaming ETL Framework Using ksqlDB and NoSQL
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Event streaming applications unlock new benefits by combining various data feeds. However, getting actionable insights in a timely fashion has remained a challenge, as the data has been siloed in disparate systems. ksqlDB solves this by providing an interactive SQL interface that can seamlessly combine and transform data from various sources. In this webinar, we will show how streaming queries of high throughput NoSQL systems can derive insights from various push/pull queries via ksqlDB's User-Defined Functions, Aggregate Functions and Table Functions.

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The Data Science Pipeline
DX Alpha
• Develop a system to manage features and models running in Spark
– Based on Uber’s Michelangelo
• Make it easier to build and deploy data transformations and ML models
• Enhance sharing of code across data science teams
• Support a variety of data science toolkits
Data Science Pipeline Components
• Feature Store
– Standardized approach to define data transformations
– A feature is a single attribute or column in a data frame
– A feature table is a set of features combined with meta data
– The transformation definition is separated from the ”context” in which it is applied

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Apache Flink and what it is used for
Apache Flink and what it is used forApache Flink and what it is used for
Apache Flink and what it is used for

Aljoscha Krettek is the PMC chair of Apache Flink and Apache Beam, and co-founder of data Artisans. Apache Flink is an open-source platform for distributed stream and batch data processing. It allows for stateful computations over data streams in real-time and historically. Flink supports batch and stream processing using APIs like DataSet and DataStream. Data Artisans originated Flink and provides an application platform powered by Flink and Kubernetes for building stateful stream processing applications.

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Developing Java Streaming Applications with Apache Storm
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Developing Java Streaming Applications with Apache Storm

This document provides an overview of developing Java streaming applications with Apache Storm. It discusses what Storm is, its conceptual model including tuples, streams, spouts, bolts and topologies. It demonstrates developing a word count topology with code examples. It also covers Storm's runtime architecture, additional features like reliability, and integrating Storm with technologies like Kafka and HBase.

How to Use Telegraf and Its Plugin Ecosystem
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How to Use Telegraf and Its Plugin Ecosystem

Telegraf is the open source server agent which is used to collect metrics from your stacks, sensors and systems. It is InfluxDB’s native data collector that supports over 250+ inputs and outputs. Learn how to send data from a variety of systems, apps, databases and services in the appropriate format to InfluxDB. Discover tips and tricks on how to write your own plugins. Join this webinar as Jessica Ingrassellino and Samantha Wang dive into: Types of Telegraf plugins (i.e. input, output, aggregator and processor) Specific plugins including Execd input plugins and the Starlark processor plugin How to create your own Telegraf plugin

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Data Science Pipeline Components
• Model store
– Standardized approach for defining models
– A model is defined by train, predict, and evaluate functions, a hyperparameter set, and associated meta data
– The definition of the train, predict, and evaluate functions are separated from their application
– A model may be associated with one or more trained instances, prediction data frames, and evaluation metrics
Data Science Pipeline Components
• Job Scheduler/Runner
– Handle streaming, scheduled, and one-time jobs
– Support interdependencies between jobs
Data Science Pipeline Components
• File system
– Store executable objects such as jar files and notebooks
– Store data frames
– Store trained models and other runtime artifacts
Development Approach
• Build on top of Databricks and Spark
• Start with a “thin slice” proof of concept
– Demonstrate basic end to end run from data exploration to model evaluation
• Iterate to improve usability and tooling

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Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained
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Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained

Watch this talk here: This session explains Apache Kafka’s internal design and architecture. Companies like LinkedIn are now sending more than 1 trillion messages per day to Apache Kafka. Learn about the underlying design in Kafka that leads to such high throughput. This talk provides a comprehensive overview of Kafka architecture and internal functions, including: -Topics, partitions and segments -The commit log and streams -Brokers and broker replication -Producer basics -Consumers, consumer groups and offsets This session is part 2 of 4 in our Fundamentals for Apache Kafka series.

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Introduction to Apache Flink
Introduction to Apache FlinkIntroduction to Apache Flink
Introduction to Apache Flink

This document provides an overview and introduction to Apache Flink, a stream-based big data processing engine. It discusses the evolution of big data frameworks to platforms and the shortcomings of Spark's RDD abstraction for streaming workloads. The document then introduces Flink, covering its history, key differences from Spark like its use of streaming as the core abstraction, and examples of using Flink for batch and stream processing.

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An architecture for federated data discovery and lineage over on-prem datasou...
An architecture for federated data discovery and lineage over on-prem datasou...An architecture for federated data discovery and lineage over on-prem datasou...
An architecture for federated data discovery and lineage over on-prem datasou...

Comcast's Streaming Data platform comprises a variety of ingest, transformation, and storage services in the public cloud. Peer-reviewed Apache Avro schemas support end-to-end data governance. We have previously reported (DataWorks Summit 2017) on how we extended Atlas with custom entity and process types for discovery and lineage in the AWS public cloud. Custom lambda functions notify Atlas of creation of new entities and new lineage links via asynchronous kafka messaging. Recently we were presented the challenge of providing integrated data discovery and lineage across our public cloud datasources and on-prem datasources, both Hadoop-based and traditional data warehouses and RDBMSs. Can Apache Atlas meet this challenge? A resounding yes! This talk will present our federated architecture, with Atlas providing SQL-like, free-text, and graph search across select metadata from all on-prem and public cloud data sources in our purview. Lightweight, custom connectors/bridges identify metadata/lineage changes in underlying sources and publish them to Atlas via the asynchronous API. A portal layer provides Atlas query access and a federation of UIs. Once data of interest is identified via Atlas queries, interfaces specific to underlying sources may be used for special-purpose metadata mining. While metadata repositories for data discovery and lineage abound, none of them have built-in connectors and listeners for the entire complement of data sources that Comcast and many other large enterprises use to support their business needs. In-house-built solutions typically underestimate the cost of development and maintenance and often suffer from architecture-by-accretion. Atlas' commitment to extensibility, built-in provision of typed, free-text, and graph search, and REST and asynchronous APIs, position it uniquely in the build-vs-buy sweet spot.

apache atlasapache avroapache kafka
What do we need to know about Feature Tables?
– Descriptive Information
• What data transformation does it perform?
• Who’s owns this feature table?
• Description of Input/output
– Build/deployment information
• Where’s the code? What’s the current version?
• What artifacts have been deployed to the production environment?
– Run information
• What jobs are running or have been run?
• What’s the status of these jobs?
• What data sets or streams are being produced and how do I access them?
• Are there performance metrics or summary statistics available?
What do we need to know about Models?
• Descriptive Information
– What does it do? Classification? Regression?
– Who’s owns this model?
– Is it supervised or unsupervised? What type of labels are required?
– What features does it use?
• Build/deployment information
– Where’s the code? What’s the current version?
– What artifacts have been deployed to the production environment?
• Run information
– What training / prediction / evaluation jobs are running or have run?
– What’s the status of these jobs?
– What data sets or streams are being produced and how do I access them?
– How well is the model performing? What criteria are being used to assess this?
What actions do we need to perform?
• Data exploration and development
• Packaging, versioning, and deployment of ML code
• Job scheduling and monitoring
• Storage/discovery/retrieval of job results
– Data frames
– Metrics
– Trained models
• Discovery of and interaction with Features and Models
What Technologies Already do this?
• Data exploration and development
– Databricks notebooks, local IDE
• Packaging, versioning, and deployment of code and metadata
– Github / Jenkins / Mortar
– Document store for metadata (MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.)
• Job scheduling and monitoring
– Airflow, Databricks Jobs API
• Storage of job results
– DBFS / S3, need to define standard file structure
• Discovery of and interaction with Features and Models
– Finding – Elastic Search or existing Thin Slice API
– Reading/processing data frame artifacts – Spark, Databricks notebooks
– Retrieving/viewing performance metrics - ???
– Monitoring model performance over time - ???
– Algebraic composition features and models - ???

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10 Big Data Technologies you Didn't Know About
10 Big Data Technologies you Didn't Know About 10 Big Data Technologies you Didn't Know About
10 Big Data Technologies you Didn't Know About

This document introduces several big data technologies that are less well known than traditional solutions like Hadoop and Spark. It discusses Apache Flink for stream processing, Apache Samza for processing real-time data from Kafka, Google Cloud Dataflow which provides a managed service for batch and stream data processing, and StreamSets Data Collector for collecting and processing data in real-time. It also covers machine learning technologies like TensorFlow for building dataflow graphs, and cognitive computing services from Microsoft. The document aims to think beyond traditional stacks and learn from companies building pipelines at scale.

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Introduction to Data Engineering
Introduction to Data EngineeringIntroduction to Data Engineering
Introduction to Data Engineering

As part of this session, I will be giving an introduction to Data Engineering and Big Data. It covers up to date trends. * Introduction to Data Engineering * Role of Big Data in Data Engineering * Key Skills related to Data Engineering * Role of Big Data in Data Engineering * Overview of Data Engineering Certifications * Free Content and ITVersity Paid Resources Don't worry if you miss the video - you can click on the below link to go through the video after the schedule. * Upcoming Live Session - Overview of Big Data Certifications (Spark Based) - Relevant Playlists: * Apache Spark using Python for Certifications - * Free Data Engineering Bootcamp - * Join our Meetup group - * Enroll for our labs - * Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Videos - * Access Content via our GitHub - * Lab and Content Support using Slack

data engineeringbig data

In the new era of digitalization, there is an ever-growing need for design and production processes capable of increasing systems quality, reducing risks and the chance of errors, while, at the same me, reducing overall production costs. Nowadays, more and more systems design scenarios comprise a high number of domains. However, the underlying tool landscape is still dominated by closed ecosystems, resulting in the design data remaining in separate silos. To effectively deal with novel, massively diverse yet interconnected engineering scenarios, while also considering industrial sustainability and the well-being of the future digital society, we have to propose new ways to look at the digital thread, supporting every phase of a digital engineering lifecycle, while turning the siloed multi-domain engineering data into a holistic, accessible and globally analyzable digital thread.

digital threadsystems engineeringincquerylabs
Open questions
• How do we abstract file system details and other constants?
• How do we standardize ETL from other systems within Comcast?
• How do we support human-labeling of data sets?
• What other tools (H20, R, etc.) do we need to support?
• Are there other ways we need to interact with features and models?
• How do we integrate AutoML?
• Other technologies that may be useful? Databricks Delta? Amazon Sagemaker?
Architecture V2: PIpelines
• Pipeline Segments (same as Spark ML)
– Transformers
– Estimators
• Pipeline: linear sequence of Pipeline Segments (same as Spark ML)
– Transformation pipelines contain only Transformers
– Estimation pipelines contain one or more Transformers and end with an Estimator
Transformation Pipeline
Estimation Pipeline
Architecture V2: PIpelines
• A pipeline is just a function
• It does not produce anything until supplied a specific DataFrame as input
Architecture V2: Workflows
• A Workflow is a directed (acyclic?) graph of Pipelines
– DataSources load data (from disk, streams, etc.) into a DataFrame
– Connectors merge the output of multiple DataSources into a single DataFrame
– Pipelines process the DataFrames
– DataSinks receive the output of the last pipeline
• Workflow rules
– Workflows must end in a single Pipeline node
– An Estimator Pipeline may only appear as the last node in a Workflow

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The document discusses challenges in maintaining consistency, completeness, and correctness (3C) across disconnected engineering data silos. It proposes using links and transformations to connect models between systems engineering and electrical design tools. Validation rules can then check that connections and components are properly mapped between the silos. The IncQuery Validator was used to import a model from E3.GENESYS into its knowledge graph and generate a validation report checking for 3C issues. Tracking link management and validation results over time provides visibility into the progress of the "digital thread" across the engineering lifecycle.

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Splice Machine's use of Apache Spark and MLflow
Splice Machine's use of Apache Spark and MLflowSplice Machine's use of Apache Spark and MLflow
Splice Machine's use of Apache Spark and MLflow

Splice Machine is an ANSI-SQL Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) on Apache Spark. It has proven low-latency transactional processing (OLTP) as well as analytical processing (OLAP) at petabyte scale. It uses Spark for all analytical computations and leverages HBase for persistence. This talk highlights a new Native Spark Datasource - which enables seamless data movement between Spark Data Frames and Splice Machine tables without serialization and deserialization. This Spark Datasource makes machine learning libraries such as MLlib native to the Splice RDBMS . Splice Machine has now integrated MLflow into its data platform, creating a flexible Data Science Workbench with an RDBMS at its core. The transactional capabilities of Splice Machine integrated with the plethora of DataFrame-compatible libraries and MLflow capabilities manages a complete, real-time workflow of data-to-insights-to-action. In this presentation we will demonstrate Splice Machine's Data Science Workbench and how it leverages Spark and MLflow to create powerful, full-cycle machine learning capabilities on an integrated platform, from transactional updates to data wrangling, experimentation, and deployment, and back again.

Big Data Introduction - Solix empower
Big Data Introduction - Solix empowerBig Data Introduction - Solix empower
Big Data Introduction - Solix empower

This document provides an overview of big data and the Spark framework. It discusses the big data ecosystem, including file systems, data ingestion tools, batch and real-time data processing frameworks, visualization tools, and support technologies. It outlines common big data job roles and their associated skills. The document then focuses on Spark, describing its core functionality, modules like DataFrames and MLlib, and execution modes. It provides guidance on learning Spark, emphasizing programming skills and Spark APIs. A demo of Spark fundamentals on a big data lab is also proposed.

big dataspark
Architecture V2: Workflows
C PTTransformation Workflow
Training Workflow
Architecture V2: Data Sources
• Potential sources of data
– HTTP request
– Persistent store (avro, parquet, EDW, …)
– Kafka topic
– Others?
• Connectors could handle complex logic such as combining HTTP data with other sources before feeding into a
Architecture V2
• Components
– Pipeline Segment Store
• Code catalog of available transforms, estimators, and pipelines
• Searchable by description, tags, and maybe by schema?
– “Find me a feature of type x that is tagged y”
– Workflow Store
• Stores DAGs (maybe Neo4j or other graph DB?)
• Integrates with Databricks to run DAGs as jobs
• Periodic graph analysis to optimize Workflows
– Data Source Store?
• Separate system or subset of Workflow Store?

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Introduction to Data Engineering
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Research Directions for Cross Reality InterfacesResearch Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces
Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces

A machine learning and data science pipeline for real companies

  • 1. A Data Science Pipeline for Real Companies Comcast’s Approach to Multi-datacenter, Cloud and On- premise Machine Learning
  • 2. “Comcast brings together the best in media and technology. We drive innovation to create the world's best entertainment and online experiences.” High Speed Internet Video Home Automation Digital Voice Xfinity MobileContent $84b (2017) 29m Customers
  • 3. “Comcast brings together the best in media and technology. We drive innovation to create the world's best entertainment and online experiences.” High Speed Internet Video Home Automation Digital Voice Xfinity MobileContent $84b (2017) 29m Customers
  • 5. • Predictive network analysis • Customer premise self-healing • Comcast network self-healing • Trouble-ticket prioritization • Customer self-help (voice and text flows) • Customer Retention Use Cases: It’s All About The Customer
  • 6. Our starting point! Internal Data Centers Cloud Based Infrastructure E1 E2 E3 Predictions Next Big Thing Where’s the data? How do I access it? What tools do I have? ? Where can I find information about data?
  • 11. Our Challenges Security Diversity of Skills Discoverability
  • 12. FAST Provide frameworks, capabilities that allow for rapid deployment. SIMPLE & TRANSPARENT Develop capabilities to promote self-service and ease of access to data. CONSISTENT & SECURE Provide a universal security framework to govern all data under the Big Data Domain. FULLY AUTOMATED Provide a robust operational model allowing for playback, data quality, and self-healing. Guiding Principles Gather, organize, make sense of Comcast data, and make it universally accessible to empower, enable, and transform Comcast into an insight-driven organization. Product Vision
  • 13. • Avoid religious wars where possible • Whatever framework makes sense for the business problem at hand • Focus on federated access to curated data • Focus on Common APIs for Ingest, Egress and Machine Learning • Focus on metadata and discoverability for: • Enterprise Data • Enterprise Features • Trained Models • Enterprise Portal • Containerized scoring endpoints that accommodate multiple frameworks and models Approach
  • 14. Shameless Lyft: Uber’s Michelangelo becomes Comcast’s Da Vinci • Focus on Art AND Science (and a smattering of creativity) • Common APIs usable from multiple frameworks using Python or Scala • Metadata is Key • About data • About features • About trained models Focus on a Common Approach to Features and Models
  • 15. AT LAS Ingest API Egress API (Federation Layer) Feature Store Model Store On Premise Cloud Portal <Your Favorite Framework Here> APACHE Tools such as Presto and Alluxio Scala Python Open ML API Training Deployment Container Container Container Client
  • 16. Open ML API • Reads and writes features and feature metadata • Reads and writes model metadata • Integrates with a common portal searchable by any user 16
  • 18. The Data Science Pipeline DX Alpha
  • 19. Goals • Develop a system to manage features and models running in Spark – Based on Uber’s Michelangelo • Make it easier to build and deploy data transformations and ML models • Enhance sharing of code across data science teams • Support a variety of data science toolkits
  • 20. Data Science Pipeline Components • Feature Store – Standardized approach to define data transformations – A feature is a single attribute or column in a data frame – A feature table is a set of features combined with meta data – The transformation definition is separated from the ”context” in which it is applied
  • 21. Data Science Pipeline Components • Model store – Standardized approach for defining models – A model is defined by train, predict, and evaluate functions, a hyperparameter set, and associated meta data – The definition of the train, predict, and evaluate functions are separated from their application – A model may be associated with one or more trained instances, prediction data frames, and evaluation metrics
  • 22. Data Science Pipeline Components • Job Scheduler/Runner – Handle streaming, scheduled, and one-time jobs – Support interdependencies between jobs
  • 23. Data Science Pipeline Components • File system – Store executable objects such as jar files and notebooks – Store data frames – Store trained models and other runtime artifacts
  • 24. Development Approach • Build on top of Databricks and Spark • Start with a “thin slice” proof of concept – Demonstrate basic end to end run from data exploration to model evaluation • Iterate to improve usability and tooling
  • 25. What do we need to know about Feature Tables? – Descriptive Information • What data transformation does it perform? • Who’s owns this feature table? • Description of Input/output – Build/deployment information • Where’s the code? What’s the current version? • What artifacts have been deployed to the production environment? – Run information • What jobs are running or have been run? • What’s the status of these jobs? • What data sets or streams are being produced and how do I access them? • Are there performance metrics or summary statistics available?
  • 26. What do we need to know about Models? • Descriptive Information – What does it do? Classification? Regression? – Who’s owns this model? – Is it supervised or unsupervised? What type of labels are required? – What features does it use? • Build/deployment information – Where’s the code? What’s the current version? – What artifacts have been deployed to the production environment? • Run information – What training / prediction / evaluation jobs are running or have run? – What’s the status of these jobs? – What data sets or streams are being produced and how do I access them? – How well is the model performing? What criteria are being used to assess this?
  • 27. What actions do we need to perform? • Data exploration and development • Packaging, versioning, and deployment of ML code • Job scheduling and monitoring • Storage/discovery/retrieval of job results – Data frames – Metrics – Trained models • Discovery of and interaction with Features and Models
  • 28. What Technologies Already do this? • Data exploration and development – Databricks notebooks, local IDE • Packaging, versioning, and deployment of code and metadata – Github / Jenkins / Mortar – Document store for metadata (MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.) • Job scheduling and monitoring – Airflow, Databricks Jobs API • Storage of job results – DBFS / S3, need to define standard file structure • Discovery of and interaction with Features and Models – Finding – Elastic Search or existing Thin Slice API – Reading/processing data frame artifacts – Spark, Databricks notebooks – Retrieving/viewing performance metrics - ??? – Monitoring model performance over time - ??? – Algebraic composition features and models - ???
  • 29. Open questions • How do we abstract file system details and other constants? • How do we standardize ETL from other systems within Comcast? • How do we support human-labeling of data sets? • What other tools (H20, R, etc.) do we need to support? • Are there other ways we need to interact with features and models? • How do we integrate AutoML? • Other technologies that may be useful? Databricks Delta? Amazon Sagemaker?
  • 30. Architecture V2: PIpelines • Pipeline Segments (same as Spark ML) – Transformers – Estimators • Pipeline: linear sequence of Pipeline Segments (same as Spark ML) – Transformation pipelines contain only Transformers – Estimation pipelines contain one or more Transformers and end with an Estimator • T E D T T T T TD D T Transformation Pipeline Estimation Pipeline
  • 31. Architecture V2: PIpelines • A pipeline is just a function • It does not produce anything until supplied a specific DataFrame as input
  • 32. Architecture V2: Workflows • A Workflow is a directed (acyclic?) graph of Pipelines – DataSources load data (from disk, streams, etc.) into a DataFrame – Connectors merge the output of multiple DataSources into a single DataFrame – Pipelines process the DataFrames – DataSinks receive the output of the last pipeline • Workflow rules – Workflows must end in a single Pipeline node – An Estimator Pipeline may only appear as the last node in a Workflow
  • 33. Architecture V2: Workflows PT PE D D D C D C T PT D D C D C PTTransformation Workflow Training Workflow
  • 34. Architecture V2: Data Sources • Potential sources of data – HTTP request – Persistent store (avro, parquet, EDW, …) – Kafka topic – Others? • Connectors could handle complex logic such as combining HTTP data with other sources before feeding into a Workflow
  • 35. Architecture V2 • Components – Pipeline Segment Store • Code catalog of available transforms, estimators, and pipelines • Searchable by description, tags, and maybe by schema? – “Find me a feature of type x that is tagged y” – Workflow Store • Stores DAGs (maybe Neo4j or other graph DB?) • Integrates with Databricks to run DAGs as jobs • Periodic graph analysis to optimize Workflows – Data Source Store? • Separate system or subset of Workflow Store?

Editor's Notes

  1. We are a technology, entertainment and media company focused on delivering the best customer experience.