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4 steps to using AI
ethically in your
© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
AI can do incredible things, but just because something is possible doesn't mean it's
right. There’s enormous potential for backlash against the misuse of AI, and
policymakers and regulators will no doubt take an increasing interest in AI. This means
it’s vital organizations pursue an ethical use of AI.
Here are four ways to do just that.
4 steps to using AI ethically in your organization
© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
1. Build stakeholder trust
Organizations must be transparent with customers, employees, and other stakeholders
about how they're using AI and data. In the past, some big tech companies have perhaps
tried to get away with not telling users what they're doing, but this is a dangerous path to
go down. It's far better to be upfront about what data you're gathering, how that data is
analyzed, and why you are using this data. And that means telling people in a
straightforward, plain English way, not burying the details in long, jargon-heavy terms and
conditions that nobody reads. This transparency will be key to building stakeholder trust.
Consent is another important part of building trust; meaning businesses must seek
informed consent for gathering people's data and, wherever possible, allow people to opt-
out. When doing this, it helps to demonstrate how AI and data add real value for
stakeholders – for example, by helping the organization create better products, deliver a
smarter service, solve customers' problems, make work better for employees, and so on.
People are far more likely to give consent when they know it will deliver real value for
© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
2. Avoid the “black box problem”
From the satnav I follow in my car to the spellchecker that corrects my typos as I write,
more and more decisions are being supported by AI. We all place a lot of trust in these
systems, allowing them to direct our activities without really questioning how the
technology arrives at its decisions.
And even when we do want to understand how an AI system makes a decision, it's not
always possible to get an explanation. This is known as the "black box problem." The black
box problem means we can’t always understand exactly how AIs work. We give the system
data, and it gives us a response. It's not like we can look under the hood and see what
goes on in there! This is why AI engineers don't always understand how their own systems
work, particularly on very advanced deep learning AIs. This is a problem because if we
can’t understand how advanced AI algorithms are making decisions, how can we trust
those systems? How can you be sure they are accurate? How can we predict when they’re
likely to fail?

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© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
2. Avoid the “black box problem”
Therefore, organizations must think to question AI providers for details of how their AI
does what it does, and, wherever possible, look for AI tools that promote explainability.
The good news is, AI providers appear to be grasping the gravity of this problem; for
example, in 2019, IBM announced a new toolkit of algorithms called AI 360 Explainability,
designed to help explain the decisions of deep learning AIs. It’s not a magic bullet, but it’s
certainly a good start.
© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
3. Think critically (and don’t abdicate all decision making
to AI)
Research has shown that humans have a worrying tendency to blindly follow automated
systems, even when those systems are clearly leading us astray – a phenomenon known as
"automation bias." This means, as more decisions are being driven by AI, the need for
humans to think critically about AI systems is more important than ever.
To ensure the ethical and safe use of AI, it’s really important to give people the tools they
need to overcome automation bias. Organizations must, therefore, train their people to
not blindly follow automated systems. Teams need to be educated about AI and
encouraged to question AI decisions (what data is involved, and how decisions are made,
etc.). Critical thinking should be prioritized. So, too, should data literacy – the more people
understand about data and AI, the better able they are to ask questions about how
systems work and what data is being used to support decisions.
© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
4. Check for biases in your data and algorithms
One of the many advantages of AI is that it has the potential to reduce bias. When
decisions are augmented or even automated by AI systems, we can remove some of the
baggage that humans bring to the decision-making process.
That's the idea, anyway. The reality is that an AI algorithm is only as good as the data it's
trained on. If it's trained on biased data, then the AI system will be biased. Let's say I train
a basic AI to predict the next president of the United States-based only on historical data
of past presidents. It's highly likely to predict the next president will be a white man of
advancing years! That's because there are a hefty race and gender biases built into the
training data. The consequences of not addressing biases in data can be serious –
inaccurate decisions, loss of reputation and trust, to name just a few. Some consequences
could be far graver; just imagine what would happen if patient treatment decisions were
based on biased or incomplete datasets.
© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
4. Check for biases in your data and algorithms
Biased data is usually the result of an unintentional bias based on a lack of representation
– meaning it’s probably an inherent systemic bias rather than any one individual’s
prejudices rearing their head. The most obvious way to avoid these inherent biases is to
look for under- or over-representation in the data and algorithms being used. Granted, it
takes an expert eye to examine data and AI algorithms in any real depth, but that doesn’t
let organizations off the hook. Instead, organizations must think to ask these questions of
their AI providers, rather than blindly trusting that data and AI algorithms are unbiased.
Where necessary, additional data may be needed to correct over-or under-representation
in datasets.
AI is going to impact businesses of all shapes and sizes across all industries. Discover how
to prepare your organization for an AI-driven world in my new book, The Intelligence
Revolution: Transforming Your Business With AI.

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Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a
strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps
organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and
understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data,
blockchains, and the Internet of Things.
LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent
contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day
Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that
reaches millions of readers.
Visit The
© 2020 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
© 2017 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a
strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps
organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and
understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data,
blockchains, and the Internet of Things.
LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent
contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day
Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that
reaches millions of readers.
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© 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved

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4 Steps To Using AI Ethically In Your Organization

  • 1. 4 steps to using AI organization ethically in your
  • 2. © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved Title Text Introduction Introduction AI can do incredible things, but just because something is possible doesn't mean it's right. There’s enormous potential for backlash against the misuse of AI, and policymakers and regulators will no doubt take an increasing interest in AI. This means it’s vital organizations pursue an ethical use of AI. Here are four ways to do just that. 4 steps to using AI ethically in your organization
  • 3. © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 1. Build stakeholder trust Organizations must be transparent with customers, employees, and other stakeholders about how they're using AI and data. In the past, some big tech companies have perhaps tried to get away with not telling users what they're doing, but this is a dangerous path to go down. It's far better to be upfront about what data you're gathering, how that data is analyzed, and why you are using this data. And that means telling people in a straightforward, plain English way, not burying the details in long, jargon-heavy terms and conditions that nobody reads. This transparency will be key to building stakeholder trust. Consent is another important part of building trust; meaning businesses must seek informed consent for gathering people's data and, wherever possible, allow people to opt- out. When doing this, it helps to demonstrate how AI and data add real value for stakeholders – for example, by helping the organization create better products, deliver a smarter service, solve customers' problems, make work better for employees, and so on. People are far more likely to give consent when they know it will deliver real value for them.
  • 4. © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 2. Avoid the “black box problem” From the satnav I follow in my car to the spellchecker that corrects my typos as I write, more and more decisions are being supported by AI. We all place a lot of trust in these systems, allowing them to direct our activities without really questioning how the technology arrives at its decisions. And even when we do want to understand how an AI system makes a decision, it's not always possible to get an explanation. This is known as the "black box problem." The black box problem means we can’t always understand exactly how AIs work. We give the system data, and it gives us a response. It's not like we can look under the hood and see what goes on in there! This is why AI engineers don't always understand how their own systems work, particularly on very advanced deep learning AIs. This is a problem because if we can’t understand how advanced AI algorithms are making decisions, how can we trust those systems? How can you be sure they are accurate? How can we predict when they’re likely to fail?
  • 5. © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 2. Avoid the “black box problem” Therefore, organizations must think to question AI providers for details of how their AI does what it does, and, wherever possible, look for AI tools that promote explainability. The good news is, AI providers appear to be grasping the gravity of this problem; for example, in 2019, IBM announced a new toolkit of algorithms called AI 360 Explainability, designed to help explain the decisions of deep learning AIs. It’s not a magic bullet, but it’s certainly a good start.
  • 6. © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 3. Think critically (and don’t abdicate all decision making to AI) Research has shown that humans have a worrying tendency to blindly follow automated systems, even when those systems are clearly leading us astray – a phenomenon known as "automation bias." This means, as more decisions are being driven by AI, the need for humans to think critically about AI systems is more important than ever. To ensure the ethical and safe use of AI, it’s really important to give people the tools they need to overcome automation bias. Organizations must, therefore, train their people to not blindly follow automated systems. Teams need to be educated about AI and encouraged to question AI decisions (what data is involved, and how decisions are made, etc.). Critical thinking should be prioritized. So, too, should data literacy – the more people understand about data and AI, the better able they are to ask questions about how systems work and what data is being used to support decisions.
  • 7. © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 4. Check for biases in your data and algorithms One of the many advantages of AI is that it has the potential to reduce bias. When decisions are augmented or even automated by AI systems, we can remove some of the baggage that humans bring to the decision-making process. That's the idea, anyway. The reality is that an AI algorithm is only as good as the data it's trained on. If it's trained on biased data, then the AI system will be biased. Let's say I train a basic AI to predict the next president of the United States-based only on historical data of past presidents. It's highly likely to predict the next president will be a white man of advancing years! That's because there are a hefty race and gender biases built into the training data. The consequences of not addressing biases in data can be serious – inaccurate decisions, loss of reputation and trust, to name just a few. Some consequences could be far graver; just imagine what would happen if patient treatment decisions were based on biased or incomplete datasets.
  • 8. © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 4. Check for biases in your data and algorithms Biased data is usually the result of an unintentional bias based on a lack of representation – meaning it’s probably an inherent systemic bias rather than any one individual’s prejudices rearing their head. The most obvious way to avoid these inherent biases is to look for under- or over-representation in the data and algorithms being used. Granted, it takes an expert eye to examine data and AI algorithms in any real depth, but that doesn’t let organizations off the hook. Instead, organizations must think to ask these questions of their AI providers, rather than blindly trusting that data and AI algorithms are unbiased. Where necessary, additional data may be needed to correct over-or under-representation in datasets. AI is going to impact businesses of all shapes and sizes across all industries. Discover how to prepare your organization for an AI-driven world in my new book, The Intelligence Revolution: Transforming Your Business With AI.
  • 9. Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things. LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that reaches millions of readers. Visit The Website © 2020 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved © 2017 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things. LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that reaches millions of readers. Visit The Website
  • 10. Title Subtitle Be the FIRST to receive news, articles, insights and event updates from Bernard Marr & Co straight to your inbox. Signing up is EASY! Simply fill out the online form and we’ll be in touch! © 2020 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved