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How To Develop An
AI Strategy:
9 Things Every
Business Must
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform every business – in the
same way (and possibly more) as the internet has utterly transformed the way we
do business. From smarter products and services to better business decisions and
optimised (or even automated) business processes, AI has the power to change
almost everything.
Those businesses that don’t capitalise on the transformative power of AI risk
being left behind.
How To Develop An Artificial Intelligence
Strategy: 9 Things Every Business Must Include
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
That’s why you need an AI strategy for your business.
One question people often ask me is, ‘Do I still need a separate AI strategy if I’ve
already got a data strategy’? In my view, yes, you should have both. In theory, if
your data strategy was extremely comprehensive and fully considered the use of AI,
then that might be enough. But in practice, a data strategy alone is rarely enough. I
therefore recommend every company has a separate AI strategy.
So what should you include in your AI strategy?
When I work with a company to develop their AI strategy, we look at the following
nine areas:
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
1. Business strategy
Creating an AI strategy for the sake of it won’t produce great results. To get the most out of
AI, it must be tied to your business strategy and your big-picture strategic goals. That’s why
the first step in any AI strategy is to review your business strategy. (After all, you don’t want to
go to all this trouble and apply AI to an outdated strategy or irrelevant business goals.)
In this step, ask yourself questions such as:
• Is our business strategy still right for us?
• Is our strategy still current in this world of smarter products and services?
• Have our business priorities changed?

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Explore how different industries are embracing the utility of AI to create and deliver new value for their customers and organisation * Discuss the state of maturity of AI across industries * Get an appreciation of business posture to AI projects We also review the utility of AI across several industries including: * Healthcare * Newsroom & Journalism * Travel * Finance * Supply Chain / eCommerce / Retail * Streaming & Gaming * Transportation * Logistics * Manufacturing * Agriculture * Defense & Cybersecurity Part of the What Matters in AI series as published on

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© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
2. Strategic AI priorities
Now that you��re absolutely clear on where your business is headed, you can begin to identify
how AI can help you get there.
In other words:
• What are our top business priorities?
• What problems do we want or need to solve?
• How can AI help us deliver our strategic goals?
The AI priorities that you identify in this phase are your use cases. To ensure your AI strategy
is focused and achievable, I’d stick to no more than 3–5 AI use cases.
Examples of AI priorities or use cases include:
• Developing smarter products and services
• Making business processes and functions more intelligent
• Automating repetitive or mundane tasks to free people up for more value-adding activities
• Automating manufacturing processes
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
3. Short-term AI adoption priorities
Transforming products, services or processes is never going to be an overnight task. It may
take some time to deliver the use cases you’ve identified. For that reason, I find it helps to also
identify a few (as in, no more than three) AI quick wins – short-term AI priorities that will help
you demonstrate value and gain buy-in for bigger AI projects.
Ask yourself:
• Are there any opportunities to optimise processes in a quick, relatively inexpensive way?
• What smaller steps and projects could help us gather information or lay the groundwork
for our bigger AI priorities?
Next, across each of the AI priorities or use cases that you’ve identified in the steps above, you
need to work through the following considerations:
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
4. Data strategy
AI needs data to work. Lots and lots of data. Therefore, you need to review your data strategy
in relation to each AI use case and pinpoint the key data issues.
This includes:
• Do we have the right sort of data to achieve our AI priorities?
• Do we have enough of that data?
• If we don’t have the right type or volume of data, how will we get the data we need?
• Do we have to set up new data collection methods, or will we use third-party data?
• Going forward, how can we begin to acquire data in a more strategic way?
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
5. Ethical and legal issues
Let’s not beat around the bush: the idea of super-intelligent machines freaks people out. It’s
therefore crucial that you apply AI in a way that’s ethical and above board.
Here, you’ll need to ask yourself questions like:
• How can we avoid invading people’s privacy?
• Are there any legal implications of using AI in this way?
• What sort of consent do we need from customers/users/employees?
• How can we ensure our AI is free of bias and discrimination?
The ethical implications of AI is a huge topic right now. Notably, tech giants including Google,
Microsoft, IBM, Facebook and Amazon have formed the Partnership on AI, a group that’s
dedicated to researching and advocating for the ethical use of AI.

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[Note: This is a partial preview. To download this presentation, visit:] This presentation is a collection of PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey 20 different digital transformation frameworks and models. INCLUDED FRAMEWORKS/MODELS: 1. Ten Guiding Principles of Digital Transformation 2. The BCG Strategy Palette 3. Digital Value Chain Model 4. Four Levels of Digital Maturity 5. Customer Experience Matrix 6. Design Thinking Framework 7. Business Model Canvas 8. Customer Journey Map 9. OECD Digital Government Transformation Framework 10. Accenture's Nonstop Customer Experience Model 11. MIT's Digital Transformation Framework 12. McKinsey's Digital Transformation Framework 13. Capgemini's Digital Transformation Framework 14. DXC Technology's Digital Transformation Framework 15. Gartner's Digital Transformation Framework 16. Cognizant's Digital Transformation Framework 17. PwC's Digital Transformation Framework 18. Ionolgy's Digital Transformation Framework 19. Accenture's Digital Business Strategy Framework 20. Deloitte's Digital Industrial Transformation Framework

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Artificial intelligence is reshaping business, and the time is ripe for companies to capitalise AI. The organisation can use AI to move their focus from discrete business problems to significant business challenges. An organisation should use ML and Data Science to drive digital transformation for more back-office operational efficiency, better user/engagement, smoother onboarding, and better ROI by lowering cost and bring more data-driven taking mechanism for transparency. AI will be a valuable, transformational change agent not only to the way business is done but to the way people live their daily lives if it isn't perceived as a plug-and-play technology with immediate returns but more like a long term solution to rewire the organisation.

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© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
6. Technology issues
Here you identify the technology and infrastructure implications of the decisions you’ve made
so far.
• What technology is required to achieve our AI priorities (for example, machine learning,
deep learning, reinforcement learning, etc.)?
• Do we have the right technology in place already?
• If not, what systems do we need to put in place?
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
7. Skills and capacity
For those companies who aren’t Facebook or Google, accessing AI skills can be a real
challenge. Therefore, this step is about reviewing your in-house AI skills and capabilities, and
working out where you need a skills injection.
For example:
• Where are our skills gaps?
• To fill those gaps, do we need to hire new talent, train existing staff, work with an external
AI provider or acquire a new business?
• Do we have awareness and buy-in for AI from leadership and at other levels in the
• What can we do to raise awareness and promote buy-in?
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
8. Implementation
Here you need to think about how you’ll turn your AI strategy into reality.
This might surface questions such as:
• How will we deliver our AI projects?
• What are the key next steps?
• Who is responsible for delivering each action?
• Which actions or projects will need to be outsourced?
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
9. Change management issues
Because people are so wary of AI, particularly what it might mean for their jobs, change
management is a really important part of any AI project.
Example questions include:
• Which employees and teams will be impacted by this AI project?
• How can we communicate effectively with those people about the change?
• How should the change process be managed?
• How will AI change our company culture, and how will we manage that culture change?

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AI will significantly change how PR and marketing professionals work in 2024 according to predictions from Golin's global experts: 1) AI will enable brands to increase social media posting frequencies and generate new types of content at faster speeds. 2) AI tools will optimize content based on objective performance data rather than subjective feedback, removing the guessing game. 3) PR professionals will need to ensure AI systems are trained on accurate, positive information about companies to influence how information is delivered.

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This document provides an overview of generative AI use cases for enterprises. It begins with addressing concerns that generative AI will replace jobs. The presentation then defines generative AI as AI that generates new content like text, images or code based on patterns learned from training data. Several examples of generative AI outputs are shown including code, text, images and advice. Potential use cases for enterprises are then outlined, including synthetic data generation, code generation, code quality checks, customer service, and data analysis. The presentation concludes by emphasizing that people will be "replaced by someone who knows how to use AI", not AI itself.

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© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
Where to go from here
Once you’ve looked at each of these areas, you can then start to create a more formal AI
strategy document. For me, this involves completing my AI Use Case Template for each of the
AI uses/projects identified, and then filling in the AI Strategy Template.
Both are simple, one-page documents designed to help you clarify your AI goals and
requirements on paper, and both are available as free downloads.
When you’re ready to create your own AI strategy, you might like to check out:
How To Define Your AI (Artificial Intelligence) Use Cases – With Handy Template
How To Develop Your Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy – With Handy Template
How To Develop A Data Strategy – With Handy Template
© 2017 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a
strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps
organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and
understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data,
blockchains, and the Internet of Things.
LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent
contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day
Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that
reaches millions of readers.
Visit The
© 2017 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved
Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a
strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps
organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and
understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data,
blockchains, and the Internet of Things.
LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent
contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day
Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that
reaches millions of readers.
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© 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved

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How To develop An Artificial Intelligence Strategy: 9 Things Every Business Must Include

  • 1. How To Develop An AI Strategy: 9 Things Every Business Must Include
  • 2. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved Title Text IntroductionIntroduction Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform every business – in the same way (and possibly more) as the internet has utterly transformed the way we do business. From smarter products and services to better business decisions and optimised (or even automated) business processes, AI has the power to change almost everything. Those businesses that don’t capitalise on the transformative power of AI risk being left behind. How To Develop An Artificial Intelligence Strategy: 9 Things Every Business Must Include
  • 3. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved That’s why you need an AI strategy for your business. One question people often ask me is, ‘Do I still need a separate AI strategy if I’ve already got a data strategy’? In my view, yes, you should have both. In theory, if your data strategy was extremely comprehensive and fully considered the use of AI, then that might be enough. But in practice, a data strategy alone is rarely enough. I therefore recommend every company has a separate AI strategy. So what should you include in your AI strategy? When I work with a company to develop their AI strategy, we look at the following nine areas:
  • 4. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 1. Business strategy Creating an AI strategy for the sake of it won’t produce great results. To get the most out of AI, it must be tied to your business strategy and your big-picture strategic goals. That’s why the first step in any AI strategy is to review your business strategy. (After all, you don’t want to go to all this trouble and apply AI to an outdated strategy or irrelevant business goals.) In this step, ask yourself questions such as: • Is our business strategy still right for us? • Is our strategy still current in this world of smarter products and services? • Have our business priorities changed?
  • 5. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 2. Strategic AI priorities Now that you’re absolutely clear on where your business is headed, you can begin to identify how AI can help you get there. In other words: • What are our top business priorities? • What problems do we want or need to solve? • How can AI help us deliver our strategic goals? The AI priorities that you identify in this phase are your use cases. To ensure your AI strategy is focused and achievable, I’d stick to no more than 3–5 AI use cases. Examples of AI priorities or use cases include: • Developing smarter products and services • Making business processes and functions more intelligent • Automating repetitive or mundane tasks to free people up for more value-adding activities • Automating manufacturing processes
  • 6. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 3. Short-term AI adoption priorities Transforming products, services or processes is never going to be an overnight task. It may take some time to deliver the use cases you’ve identified. For that reason, I find it helps to also identify a few (as in, no more than three) AI quick wins – short-term AI priorities that will help you demonstrate value and gain buy-in for bigger AI projects. Ask yourself: • Are there any opportunities to optimise processes in a quick, relatively inexpensive way? • What smaller steps and projects could help us gather information or lay the groundwork for our bigger AI priorities? Next, across each of the AI priorities or use cases that you’ve identified in the steps above, you need to work through the following considerations:
  • 7. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 4. Data strategy AI needs data to work. Lots and lots of data. Therefore, you need to review your data strategy in relation to each AI use case and pinpoint the key data issues. This includes: • Do we have the right sort of data to achieve our AI priorities? • Do we have enough of that data? • If we don’t have the right type or volume of data, how will we get the data we need? • Do we have to set up new data collection methods, or will we use third-party data? • Going forward, how can we begin to acquire data in a more strategic way?
  • 8. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 5. Ethical and legal issues Let’s not beat around the bush: the idea of super-intelligent machines freaks people out. It’s therefore crucial that you apply AI in a way that’s ethical and above board. Here, you’ll need to ask yourself questions like: • How can we avoid invading people’s privacy? • Are there any legal implications of using AI in this way? • What sort of consent do we need from customers/users/employees? • How can we ensure our AI is free of bias and discrimination? The ethical implications of AI is a huge topic right now. Notably, tech giants including Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook and Amazon have formed the Partnership on AI, a group that’s dedicated to researching and advocating for the ethical use of AI.
  • 9. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 6. Technology issues Here you identify the technology and infrastructure implications of the decisions you’ve made so far. Consider: • What technology is required to achieve our AI priorities (for example, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, etc.)? • Do we have the right technology in place already? • If not, what systems do we need to put in place?
  • 10. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 7. Skills and capacity For those companies who aren’t Facebook or Google, accessing AI skills can be a real challenge. Therefore, this step is about reviewing your in-house AI skills and capabilities, and working out where you need a skills injection. For example: • Where are our skills gaps? • To fill those gaps, do we need to hire new talent, train existing staff, work with an external AI provider or acquire a new business? • Do we have awareness and buy-in for AI from leadership and at other levels in the business? • What can we do to raise awareness and promote buy-in?
  • 11. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 8. Implementation Here you need to think about how you’ll turn your AI strategy into reality. This might surface questions such as: • How will we deliver our AI projects? • What are the key next steps? • Who is responsible for delivering each action? • Which actions or projects will need to be outsourced?
  • 12. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved 9. Change management issues Because people are so wary of AI, particularly what it might mean for their jobs, change management is a really important part of any AI project. Example questions include: • Which employees and teams will be impacted by this AI project? • How can we communicate effectively with those people about the change? • How should the change process be managed? • How will AI change our company culture, and how will we manage that culture change?
  • 13. © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved Where to go from here Once you’ve looked at each of these areas, you can then start to create a more formal AI strategy document. For me, this involves completing my AI Use Case Template for each of the AI uses/projects identified, and then filling in the AI Strategy Template. Both are simple, one-page documents designed to help you clarify your AI goals and requirements on paper, and both are available as free downloads. When you’re ready to create your own AI strategy, you might like to check out: How To Define Your AI (Artificial Intelligence) Use Cases – With Handy Template How To Develop Your Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy – With Handy Template How To Develop A Data Strategy – With Handy Template
  • 14. © 2017 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things. LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that reaches millions of readers. Visit The Website © 2017 Bernard Marr , Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved Bernard Marr is an internationally best-selling author, popular keynote speaker, futurist, and a strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things. LinkedIn has ranked Bernard as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers. He is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes. Every day Bernard actively engages his 1.5 million social media followers and shares content that reaches millions of readers. Visit The Website
  • 15. Title Subtitle Be the FIRST to receive news, articles, insights and event updates from Bernard Marr & Co straight to your inbox. Signing up is EASY! Simply fill out the online form and we’ll be in touch! © 2018 Bernard Marr, Bernard Marr & Co. All rights reserved