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Model Driven Enterprise
Software Development
How Enterprise Software is
being Developed Today?
Resulting, development of almost everything from
ground zero for each new project!
Inability to transfer already developed solutions to
new projects...
No initial architectural foundation is ready at
the beginning, instead it evolves over time...
Inability to create a common vision among project
Using bunch of technologies which are not fully
comprehended by the developers...
Customer requirements are always changing, and no clear
picture of end result can be put on the table at the
What are the Negative
Effects of the Current
In terms of Companies
• Overbuget projects
• High maintenance costs
In terms of Managers
• Failing plans
• Delayed delivery dates
In terms of Developers
• Overtimes, sleepless nights
• Inability to specialize in a
specific topic
In terms of Customers
• Late delivered solutions with
missing functionalities
• Low quality, hard to use
What are the Expectations of
Contemporary Software
Delivering products in shorter
time periods
Improving software development
Lowering costs of project
Then What is
the Solution?
Main Features of the Solution
Should allow creation of a
working solution based
on customer
requirements from day one
Should enable software
development with
reusable components
Should provide a
ready to use
architecture to place
application on top
Should help team
members work on a
common model
Fundamental Building Blocks of the
• Model Driven Software
• Enterprise Middleware
Model Driven Software
It aims software developers to work on a
common model
Turns software development into an activity which
is more visual
Model Driven Software
Common model becomes originating place for
source code, documentation and tests
Source code
Model Driven Software
Helps developers to focus more on business
Model Driven Software
Creation of working solutions becomes faster
Enterprise Middleware Services
• They are orthogonal to business requirements
• Business requirements are built on top of those
They can be implemented
as reusable building
Appear in every
enterprise project again
and again
Deja Vu?
Enterprise Middleware Services
• security,
• data access,
• reporting,
• internationalization,
• logging,
• messaging,
• auditing,
• monitoring,
• help...
and similar requirements are satisfied
by those kind of services
Enterprise Middleware Services
Our Solution!
Speedy Framework
Enables developers to work on a common model
Speedy Framework
Provides ready to use software components
Speedy Framework
Provides a well defined, and ready to use
architecture to build apps on top
Speedy Framework
Brings several different frameworks and libraries
together and integrates them
Speedy Framework
Brings a more systematic and automatic approach to
enterprise software development activity
Speedy Framework
core jdbc orm security web
ui reporting auditing monitoring bpm
Speedy Tools Suite
Eclipse Plugin Stack
Speedy New Project Wizard
Speedy Robustness Diagram Editor
Speedy Class Diagram Editor
Speedy Properties Editor
Eclipse Platform
Robustness Diagram Editor
Class Diagram Editor
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Event based UI programming model based on MVP and
Mediator patterns
Enabling development of modular, decoupled and
reusable UI components
View Model support to managing binding of persistent
domain instances to UI pages effectively
Master-detail oriented page structures ready to use to
develop CRUD like scenarios easier and faster
Read-only and read-write mode support for master and
detail pages
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Search criteria build and dynamic query generation
Managing user defined queries for later uses
Paging support to display large amount of search
results page by page
Dashboard support
Support to define user menu declaratively
User Preferences support to manage user specific
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Support to display confirmation dialogs before
executing UI tasks
Dirty content checking mechanism to detect unsaved
user modification during page navigation
Bread crumb support to help users see where they
are currently located and navigate to previous
pages they viewed
Exception translation support to convert application
specific errors to user friendly messages
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Support to record functional UI tests and run them
Allowing developers to pause functional UI tests to
examine and execute UI test scenarios manually
Sample test data loading mechanism
Target platform support, to manage customization of
application according to target deployment
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Internationalization and localization support
Regional settings support manage Locale, Language,
TimeZone and Currency related user specific data
Context sensitive help mechanism to display help
content related with a specific UI component, page
part, or current page
Tool-tip support to display tooltips for UI components
Support to manage help content either within file
system or in relational database
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Declarative and programmatic transaction
management support
SQL Exception translation support to convert SQL
error codes into meaningful data access related
Multi tenancy and protection domain support to host
several clients in the same application
ORM and JPA support
Support to use Hibernate as an SQL mapping tool
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Support to code domain classes faster and easier, like
equals, hashCode, compareTo methods, ready to use
domain class hierarchies
Generic service and DAO API to perform CRUD
operations on domain classes
Video streaming capability over HTTP
Dynamic report generation for search results, and detail
Exporting reports in various formats, such as PDF,
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Redirecting report output to different targets, like
screen, e-mail or file
Scheduled task execution support, to execute jobs in
predefined times, and in repeated time intervals
Synchronous and asynchronous mail sending
Support to monitor web requests, published events,
service method calls in detail, their execution time,
and their call hierarchies
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Support for different authentication methods, such as
form login, HTTP basic auth, LDAP etc
Additional authentication checks during user login,
like account status check, credentials expiration,
allowed IP range check etc
Captcha support for multi factor authentication
Storing password encrypted
Redirecting users to different pages after their
authentication based on their roles
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Remember-me support
Managing authentication data in various user realms,
like DB, LDAP
Authentication bypass support for testing purposes
User session management to allow max concurrent
sessions opened by a single user account
Protecting users from session fixation attacks
CSRF protection support
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Hierarchical group and authority management
Authorization support to protect web requests, service
method invocations and access to domain objects
Hierarchical page level security to manage access
rights to pages and parts defined in those pages
Switching from one user account to another at runtime
Invoking a service method with different privileges at
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Support to create and manage domain object level
security metadata (ACL data)
Security operations related event publish support to
let applications customize their authentication and
authorization scenarios
Entity and service level auditing to record user
operations performed in the system in order to give
answers to questions like who, when, from where
and what
Speedy Framework
Main Features
Support to validate input arguments and return
values of service method calls
Support to cache service method results
Fail safe log4j configuration during bootstrapping
• Software development becomes faster as most of
the middleware services are provided out of the
box, and a ready to use architecture available from
the beginning
• Ensures a same level of quality accross the
whole system
• Quality will be less dependent on individual
software developers
Expected Benefits
Expected Benefits
• Cuts number of bugs down as considerable
amount of code won't be written because of
reusable software components, and generation of
source code out of model
• Learning curve of finished system for end users
will be much lower as system will have more
standardized look and feel, and standard handling
of user scenarios
• Project costs in every phase of the software
development will be lower
Business Model
Speedy Core Framework will be open source Apache
Version 2.0 License
Speedy UI Modules and Speedy Tool Suite will be open
source, too, but are planned to be commercial licensed
We expect to earn money by selling professional support
We are already using Speedy Framework to develop
contract based enterprise web application solutions,
and expect an increase in number of such development
Business Model
Offer mentoring and consultancy services related
with developing enterprise software
Organize public and private trainings related with
enterprise technologies we are highly
knowledgeable and experienced
Target Customer Profile
Any organization or company in which enterprise web
application development performed is a potential
customer for Speedy
Those organizations or companies might be producing
enterprise software for their customers,
Or they might be developing software for their own
use within their IT departments
We aim to persuade technical people of those
organizations that employing our solution makes
their progress much faster and easier
Marketing & Sales
Advertise our solution set in IT related conferences
and public speaks
Publish technical articles on popular technology
related sites and magazines to demonstrate our
technical expertise,
and how common pain points in enterprise web
application development are solved by employing
our solution
Visit potential customers on site to demonstrate our
There are several tools and frameworks which
address parts of our solution
However, three main competitors appear as close
competitors to what we offer as full stack
enterprise software development platform
CUBA Enterprise Application Development
Radicore Application Development Toolkit
Evolutility CRUD Framework
CUBA Enterprise
Application Development Platform
Data aware visual components
UI style customization
Generic data filter
Support for persistence and data access operations
Built-in report engine
Multiple languages support
Scheduled tasks
Audit support
Admins tools
Async e-mail sending
CUBA Enterprise
Application Development Platform
Java EE based technology stack used
Runtime framework is open sourced with Apache
Version 2
Development Studio is available as commercial
Radicore Application
Development Toolkit
Automatic generation of Business model, CRUD services and UI
Built-in menu and navigation system
Role based access control system
Built-in messaging between components
Workflow engine
Support for audit logging
Internationalization and localization
Online help support
Export to different formats, like XSL, PDF
Radicore Application
Development Toolkit
PHP based technology used
Offers dual licensing
– AGPL v3 for non-commercial use
– Commercial license
Evolutility CRUD Framework
Metadata-driven framework to develop database
oriented applications without hand-coding
Supports CRUD based UI generation
Master-detail pages and CRUD functionality
Multi-user support with password protection, row level
Support for multiple export formats
Cross-browser support
Evolutility CRUD Framework
Microsoft .NET platform as technology stack
Offers dual licensing
– AGPL v3 for non commercial uses
– Commercial license
Organizations We Work Together
Harezmi IT Solutions
Speedy Framework
Tel: +90312 210 1036
Cep: +90533 638 2091

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20160422 Speedy Framework Enterprise Application Development Platform

  • 1. Model Driven Enterprise Software Development Platform
  • 2. How Enterprise Software is being Developed Today?
  • 3. Resulting, development of almost everything from ground zero for each new project! Inability to transfer already developed solutions to new projects...
  • 4. No initial architectural foundation is ready at the beginning, instead it evolves over time...
  • 5. Inability to create a common vision among project members...
  • 6. Using bunch of technologies which are not fully comprehended by the developers...
  • 7. Customer requirements are always changing, and no clear picture of end result can be put on the table at the beginning...
  • 8. What are the Negative Effects of the Current Situation?
  • 9. In terms of Companies • Overbuget projects • High maintenance costs In terms of Managers • Failing plans • Delayed delivery dates
  • 10. In terms of Developers • Overtimes, sleepless nights • Inability to specialize in a specific topic In terms of Customers • Late delivered solutions with missing functionalities • Low quality, hard to use solutions
  • 11. What are the Expectations of Contemporary Software Houses?
  • 12. Delivering products in shorter time periods Improving software development productivity Lowering costs of project development
  • 13. Then What is the Solution?
  • 14. Main Features of the Solution Should allow creation of a working solution based on customer requirements from day one Should enable software development with reusable components Should provide a ready to use architecture to place application on top Should help team members work on a common model
  • 15. Fundamental Building Blocks of the Solution • Model Driven Software Development • Enterprise Middleware Services
  • 16. Model Driven Software Development It aims software developers to work on a common model Turns software development into an activity which is more visual
  • 17. Model Driven Software Development Common model becomes originating place for source code, documentation and tests Source code documentation
  • 18. Model Driven Software Development Helps developers to focus more on business requirements
  • 19. Model Driven Software Development Creation of working solutions becomes faster
  • 20. Enterprise Middleware Services • They are orthogonal to business requirements • Business requirements are built on top of those services
  • 21. They can be implemented as reusable building blocks Appear in every enterprise project again and again Deja Vu? Enterprise Middleware Services
  • 22. • security, • data access, • reporting, • internationalization, • logging, • messaging, • auditing, • monitoring, • help... and similar requirements are satisfied by those kind of services Enterprise Middleware Services
  • 24. Speedy Framework Enables developers to work on a common model
  • 25. Speedy Framework Provides ready to use software components
  • 26. Speedy Framework Provides a well defined, and ready to use architecture to build apps on top
  • 27. Speedy Framework Brings several different frameworks and libraries together and integrates them
  • 28. Speedy Framework Brings a more systematic and automatic approach to enterprise software development activity
  • 29. Speedy Framework Modules core jdbc orm security web ui reporting auditing monitoring bpm Spring JPA/ Hibernate Vaadin Spring Security Activiti Jasper Reports jdbc-h2 jdbc- oracle jdbc- c3p0 jdbc- dbcp orm- hibernate security- cas ui- security ui- reporting ui- auditing ui- monitoring ui- settings Technology Stack Core Modules Stack Optional Modules Stack Pluggable Modules Stack AspectJ
  • 30. Speedy Tools Suite Eclipse Plugin Stack Speedy New Project Wizard Speedy Robustness Diagram Editor Speedy Class Diagram Editor Speedy Properties Editor Eclipse Platform
  • 33. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Event based UI programming model based on MVP and Mediator patterns ● Enabling development of modular, decoupled and reusable UI components ● View Model support to managing binding of persistent domain instances to UI pages effectively ● Master-detail oriented page structures ready to use to develop CRUD like scenarios easier and faster ● Read-only and read-write mode support for master and detail pages
  • 34. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Search criteria build and dynamic query generation support ● Managing user defined queries for later uses ● Paging support to display large amount of search results page by page ● Dashboard support ● Support to define user menu declaratively ● User Preferences support to manage user specific data
  • 35. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Support to display confirmation dialogs before executing UI tasks ● Dirty content checking mechanism to detect unsaved user modification during page navigation ● Bread crumb support to help users see where they are currently located and navigate to previous pages they viewed ● Exception translation support to convert application specific errors to user friendly messages
  • 36. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Support to record functional UI tests and run them automatically ● Allowing developers to pause functional UI tests to examine and execute UI test scenarios manually ● Sample test data loading mechanism ● Target platform support, to manage customization of application according to target deployment platform
  • 37. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Internationalization and localization support ● Regional settings support manage Locale, Language, TimeZone and Currency related user specific data ● Context sensitive help mechanism to display help content related with a specific UI component, page part, or current page ● Tool-tip support to display tooltips for UI components ● Support to manage help content either within file system or in relational database
  • 38. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Declarative and programmatic transaction management support ● SQL Exception translation support to convert SQL error codes into meaningful data access related exceptions ● Multi tenancy and protection domain support to host several clients in the same application ● ORM and JPA support ● Support to use Hibernate as an SQL mapping tool
  • 39. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Support to code domain classes faster and easier, like equals, hashCode, compareTo methods, ready to use domain class hierarchies ● Generic service and DAO API to perform CRUD operations on domain classes ● Video streaming capability over HTTP ● Dynamic report generation for search results, and detail views ● Exporting reports in various formats, such as PDF, DOC, XSL or HTML
  • 40. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Redirecting report output to different targets, like screen, e-mail or file ● Scheduled task execution support, to execute jobs in predefined times, and in repeated time intervals ● Synchronous and asynchronous mail sending capability ● Support to monitor web requests, published events, service method calls in detail, their execution time, and their call hierarchies
  • 41. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Support for different authentication methods, such as form login, HTTP basic auth, LDAP etc ● Additional authentication checks during user login, like account status check, credentials expiration, allowed IP range check etc ● Captcha support for multi factor authentication ● Storing password encrypted ● Redirecting users to different pages after their authentication based on their roles
  • 42. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Remember-me support ● Managing authentication data in various user realms, like DB, LDAP ● Authentication bypass support for testing purposes ● User session management to allow max concurrent sessions opened by a single user account ● Protecting users from session fixation attacks ● CSRF protection support
  • 43. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Hierarchical group and authority management ● Authorization support to protect web requests, service method invocations and access to domain objects ● Hierarchical page level security to manage access rights to pages and parts defined in those pages ● Switching from one user account to another at runtime ● Invoking a service method with different privileges at runtime
  • 44. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Support to create and manage domain object level security metadata (ACL data) ● Security operations related event publish support to let applications customize their authentication and authorization scenarios ● Entity and service level auditing to record user operations performed in the system in order to give answers to questions like who, when, from where and what
  • 45. Speedy Framework Main Features ● Support to validate input arguments and return values of service method calls ● Support to cache service method results ● Fail safe log4j configuration during bootstrapping process
  • 46. • Software development becomes faster as most of the middleware services are provided out of the box, and a ready to use architecture available from the beginning • Ensures a same level of quality accross the whole system • Quality will be less dependent on individual software developers Expected Benefits
  • 47. Expected Benefits • Cuts number of bugs down as considerable amount of code won't be written because of reusable software components, and generation of source code out of model • Learning curve of finished system for end users will be much lower as system will have more standardized look and feel, and standard handling of user scenarios • Project costs in every phase of the software development will be lower
  • 48. Business Model ● Speedy Core Framework will be open source Apache Version 2.0 License ● Speedy UI Modules and Speedy Tool Suite will be open source, too, but are planned to be commercial licensed ● We expect to earn money by selling professional support ● We are already using Speedy Framework to develop contract based enterprise web application solutions, ● and expect an increase in number of such development projects
  • 49. Business Model ● Offer mentoring and consultancy services related with developing enterprise software ● Organize public and private trainings related with enterprise technologies we are highly knowledgeable and experienced
  • 50. Target Customer Profile ● Any organization or company in which enterprise web application development performed is a potential customer for Speedy ● Those organizations or companies might be producing enterprise software for their customers, ● Or they might be developing software for their own use within their IT departments ● We aim to persuade technical people of those organizations that employing our solution makes their progress much faster and easier
  • 51. Marketing & Sales ● Advertise our solution set in IT related conferences and public speaks ● Publish technical articles on popular technology related sites and magazines to demonstrate our technical expertise, ● and how common pain points in enterprise web application development are solved by employing our solution ● Visit potential customers on site to demonstrate our product
  • 52. Competitors ● There are several tools and frameworks which address parts of our solution ● However, three main competitors appear as close competitors to what we offer as full stack enterprise software development platform ● CUBA Enterprise Application Development Platform ● Radicore Application Development Toolkit ● Evolutility CRUD Framework
  • 53. CUBA Enterprise Application Development Platform ● Data aware visual components ● UI style customization ● Generic data filter ● Support for persistence and data access operations ● Built-in report engine ● Multiple languages support ● Scheduled tasks ● Audit support ● Admins tools ● Async e-mail sending
  • 54. CUBA Enterprise Application Development Platform ● Java EE based technology stack used ● Runtime framework is open sourced with Apache Version 2 ● Development Studio is available as commercial product
  • 55. Radicore Application Development Toolkit ● Automatic generation of Business model, CRUD services and UI ● Built-in menu and navigation system ● Role based access control system ● Built-in messaging between components ● Workflow engine ● Support for audit logging ● Internationalization and localization ● Online help support ● Export to different formats, like XSL, PDF
  • 56. Radicore Application Development Toolkit ● PHP based technology used ● Offers dual licensing – AGPL v3 for non-commercial use – Commercial license
  • 57. Evolutility CRUD Framework ● Metadata-driven framework to develop database oriented applications without hand-coding ● Supports CRUD based UI generation ● Master-detail pages and CRUD functionality ● Multi-user support with password protection, row level security ● Multi-lingual ● Support for multiple export formats ● Cross-browser support
  • 58. Evolutility CRUD Framework ● Microsoft .NET platform as technology stack ● Offers dual licensing – AGPL v3 for non commercial uses – Commercial license
  • 60. Contact Harezmi IT Solutions Speedy Framework Tel: +90312 210 1036 Cep: +90533 638 2091