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Architectures and Technologies   Enabling the Diffusion of   Atmospheric Science Information Rudolf B. Husar and Erin Robinson  Washington University, St. Louis  Presented at EGU, Vienna April 18, 2007 Think Networking! Data Data Data Data Data Application Application Application Application Application
The Transformational Effect of Networking Information has become the main driver of progress Time and place are no longer barriers to participation and interaction  The Web has become a medium participation  - ‘Web 2.0’ phenomenon “ Networking has led to an unprecedented surge of productivity” Time Magazine, Person of the Year 2006,  YOU These are  opportunities  to enable Earth Science through more networking  But many  resistances  to networking exist that need to be overcome
Networking Multiplies Value Creation Application Data 1 User Stovepipe  Value =   1   1 Data  x  1 Program = 1 Enclosed Value-Creating Process -  ‘Stovepipe’
Application Data Application Application Application Application Stovepipe 1 User Stovepipe  Value =   1   1 Data  x  1 Program = 1 5 Uses of Data  Value =   5 1 Data  x  5 Program = 5 Networking Multiplies Value Creation

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Data Lakes: 8 Enterprise Data Management Requirements
Data Lakes: 8 Enterprise Data Management RequirementsData Lakes: 8 Enterprise Data Management Requirements
Data Lakes: 8 Enterprise Data Management Requirements

2016 is the year of the data lake. As you consider adopting an enterprise data lake strategy to manage more dynamic, poly-structured data, your data integration strategy must also evolve to handle new requirements. Thinking you can simply hire more developers to write code or rely on your legacy rows-and-columns centric tools is a recipe to sink in a data swamp instead of swimming in a data lake. In this presentation, you'll learn about eight enterprise data management requirements that must be addressed in order to get maximum value from your big data technology investments. To learn more, visit:

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Quick Guide to Refresh Spark skills
Quick Guide to Refresh Spark skillsQuick Guide to Refresh Spark skills
Quick Guide to Refresh Spark skills

quick guide to refresh your spark skills - especially used while preparing for interviews and getting a overview of spark-sql,core & streaming

Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4
Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4
Data Lakehouse Symposium | Day 4

The document discusses the challenges of modern data, analytics, and AI workloads. Most enterprises struggle with siloed data systems that make integration and productivity difficult. The future of data lies with a data lakehouse platform that can unify data engineering, analytics, data warehousing, and machine learning workloads on a single open platform. The Databricks Lakehouse platform aims to address these challenges with its open data lake approach and capabilities for data engineering, SQL analytics, governance, and machine learning.

Networking Multiplies Value Creation Merging data may creates new, unexpected opportunities  Not all data are equally valuable to all programs 1 User Stovepipe  Value =   1   1 Data  x  1 Program = 1 5 Uses of Data  Value =   5 1 Data  x  5 Program = 5 Open Network  Value =   25 5 Data  x  5 Program = 25 Data Data Data Data Data Stovepipe Application Application Application Application Application
Agile Information System:  Data Access, Processing and Products Data Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Value Adding Processes Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others
Agile Information System:  Data Access, Processing and Products Data Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others
Agile Information System:  Data Access, Processing and Products Data Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Characterizing Display/Browse Compare/Fuse   Characterize Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Data Processing  Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others

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ETL big data with apache hadoop
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It Tells hoe ETL does with map reduce techniques and architecure of ETL with HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)

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Better software, better service, better research: The Software Sustainabilit...
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Ever spotted some great looking software only to discover you can’t get it, it doesn’t work, there is no documentation to help fix it and the developers don’t have the time or incentive to help? Ever produced some software that you want to be widely used or have folks contribute? What’s the sustainability of that key platform/library/tool /database your lab uses day in and day out? Are you helping the providers? The same issues stand for Data (or as we now say “FAIR” Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable Data) and its metadata. Is anyone looking out for Europe’s data services– the datasets and analysis systems you use and you make – the standards they use and the curators and developers who make them? Or is FAIR just a FAIRy story? I’ll tell how two organisations with quite different structures and approaches - the UK’s Software Sustainability Institute and the ELIXIR European Research Infrastructure for Life Science Data – are working for the common goal of better software, better service, and better research.

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Archiving as a Service - A Model for the Provision of Shared Archiving Servic...
Archiving as a Service - A Model for the Provision of Shared Archiving Servic...Archiving as a Service - A Model for the Provision of Shared Archiving Servic...
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The document proposes a four-layer model for providing cloud-based archiving services that enables long-term digital preservation. The model builds on the OAIS reference model and adds a preservation layer to capture preservation metadata and package digital objects early in their lifecycle. A case study on archiving challenges in the Japanese government demonstrates how the model could integrate systems and provide automated preservation functionality across agencies using a shared cloud platform and services.

Agile Information System:  Data Access, Processing and Products Data Analyzing Filter/Integrate Aggregate/Fuse Custom Analysis Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Characterizing Display/Browse Compare/Fuse   Characterize Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Data Processing  Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products   Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others
Value-Adding Processes Data Analyzing Filter/Integrate Aggregate/Fuse Custom Analysis Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Characterizing Display/Browse Compare/Fuse  Characterize Reporting Inclusiveness Iterative/Agile   Dynamic Report Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Data Processing  Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products   Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others
Agile Information System:  Data Access, Processing and Products Control Data Data Control Seeking Information Providing Information Negotiating & Market Space Uniform Access Data Processing  Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products   Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others
System of Systems Global Earth  Observing System of Systems - GEOSS Characteristics of System of Systems (SoS) Autonomous constituents managed/operated independently Independent evolution of each constituent SoS displays emergent behavior Must recognize, manage, exploit the characteristics: No stakeholder has complete SoS insight Central control is limited; distributed control is essential Users, must be involved throughout the life of a SoS

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The document discusses the need for a new open source database management system called SciDB to address the challenges of storing and analyzing extremely large scientific datasets. SciDB is being designed to handle petabyte-scale multidimensional array data with native support for features important to science like provenance tracking, uncertainty handling, and integration with statistical tools. An international partnership involving scientists, database experts, and a nonprofit company is developing SciDB with initial funding and use cases coming from astronomy, industry, genomics and other domains.

Cloud Modernization and Data as a Service Option
Cloud Modernization and Data as a Service OptionCloud Modernization and Data as a Service Option
Cloud Modernization and Data as a Service Option

Watch here: The current data landscape is fragmented, not just in location but also in terms of shape and processing paradigms. Cloud has become a key component of modern architecture design. Data lakes, IoT, NoSQL, SaaS, etc. coexist with relational databases to fuel the needs of modern analytics, ML and AI. Exploring and understanding the data available within your organization is a time-consuming task. Dealing with bureaucracy, different languages and protocols, and the definition of ingestion pipelines to load that data into your data lake can be complex. And all of this without even knowing if that data will be useful at all. Attend this session to learn: - How dynamic data challenges and the speed of change requires a new approach to data architecture – one that is real-time, agile and doesn’t rely on physical data movement. - Learn how logical data architecture can enable organizations to transition data faster to the cloud with zero downtime and ultimately deliver faster time to insight. - Explore how data as a service and other API management capabilities is a must in a hybrid cloud environment.

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Oracle Stream Analytics - Developer Introduction
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Oracle Stream Analytics - Developer Introduction

This is a brief technology introduction to Oracle Stream Analytics, and how to use the platform to develop streaming data pipelines that support a wide variety of industry use cases

streamingkafkastream processing
Lets agree on Space-Time-Parameter Data Access Query Protocol
Interoperability Stack: Key concept of the Web  Connecting Machines  and People   IP – Internet Protocol Service Orientation   Open Architecture  Data Standards Amplify Individuals Connect Minds System components have to be interoperable at each layer
Loosely Coupled Data Access through Standard Protocols Standard Data Query Language: Where? When? What?  (Space-time query - WMS, WCS) GetCapabilities GetData Capabilities, ‘Profile’ Data Where? When? What? Which Format? Server Back End Std. Interface Client Front End Std. Interface T2 T1 Standard Messaging What data you have? Give me  this  data  Uniform Access Data Processing  Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products   Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Control Data Acquisition   Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others Data CF, EOS, OGC CF OGC, ISO OGC, ISO Standards netCDF, HDF.. Format Temperature What? Time When? BBOX Where? GetData Query
Web Services and Workflow for Loose Coupling   Workflow Software: Dynamic Linking Software Mashups Software Mashup: Coarse-grain Linking Uniform Access Data Processing  Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products   Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Control Data Acquisition   Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others Data Service Chaining & Workflow

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Scaling Databricks to Run Data and ML Workloads on Millions of VMs

Keynote at Scale By The Bay 2020. Cloud service developers need to handle massive scale workloads from thousands of customers with no downtime or regressions. In this talk, I’ll present our experience building a very large-scale cloud service at Databricks, which provides a data and ML platform service used by many of the largest enterprises in the world. Databricks manages millions of cloud VMs that process exabytes of data per day for interactive, streaming and batch production applications. This means that our control plane has to handle a wide range of workload patterns and cloud issues such as outages. We will describe how we built our control plane for Databricks using Scala services and open source infrastructure such as Kubernetes, Envoy, and Prometheus, and various design patterns and engineering processes that we learned along the way. In addition, I’ll describe how we have adapted data analytics systems themselves to improve reliability and manageability in the cloud, such as creating an ACID storage system that is as reliable as the underlying cloud object store (Delta Lake) and adding autoscaling and auto-shutdown features for Apache Spark.

cloud computingdatabricksscalability
MPages at Lpch - Thus Far
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MPages at Lpch - Thus Far

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford (LPCH) has a long history of using Cerner applications including PowerChart. The document discusses clinical and technical challenges LPCH has faced in using MPages, including how to store resources and implement AJAX functionality. It provides examples of current and future MPages projects at LPCH like integrating external databases into genviews and developing multi-patient dashboards for different units.

Sept 24 NISO Virtual Conference: Library Data in the Cloud
Sept 24 NISO Virtual Conference: Library Data in the CloudSept 24 NISO Virtual Conference: Library Data in the Cloud
Sept 24 NISO Virtual Conference: Library Data in the Cloud

Integrated Library Systems Moving to the Cloud: Fair Skies or... Joseph R. Matthews, author and library consultant

Collaborative Reporting and Dynamic Delivery Co Writing - Wiki Collaborative Analysis and Writing Wiki, Blogs, Group Annotations Dynamic Content Delivery:   GoogleEarth, Screencasting…  Uniform Access Data Processing  Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products   Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Control Data Acquisition   Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA  AIRNow others Data ScreenCast
‘ Stovepipe’ and Federated Usage Architectures Landscape Each project/program can be  augmented by Federation data and services Scientist Science DAACs Current info systems are  project/program oriented  and provide end-to-end solutions Info Users Data Providers Info System AIRNow Public AIRNow Model Compliance Manager Part of the data resources of any project can be  shared for re-use   through DataFed Through the Federation, the  data are homogenized  into multi-dimensional cubes Data processing  and rendering can then be performed  through web services
DataFed: 100+ Datasets Non-intrusively Federated Data are accessed from autonomous, distributed providers DataFed ‘wrappers’ provide uniform geo-time referencing Tools allow space/time overlay, comparisons and fusion Near Real Time Data Integration Delayed Data Integration Surface Air Quality  AIRNOW O3, PM25  ASOS_STI Visibility, 300 sites METAR Visibility, 1200 sites VIEWS_OL 40+ Aerosol Parameters Satellite MODIS_AOT AOT, Idea Project GASP Reflectance, AOT TOMS Absorption Indx, Refl. SEAW_US Reflectance, AOT Model Output NAAPS Dust, Smoke, Sulfate, AOT WRF Sulfate Fire Data HMS_Fire Fire Pixels MODIS_Fire Fire Pixels Surface Meteorology RADAR NEXTRAD SURF_MET Temp, Dewp, Humidity… SURF_WIND Wind vectors ATAD Trajectory, VIEWS locs.

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Time to Talk about Data Mesh
Time to Talk about Data MeshTime to Talk about Data Mesh
Time to Talk about Data Mesh

This document discusses data mesh, a distributed data management approach for microservices. It outlines the challenges of implementing microservice architecture including data decoupling, sharing data across domains, and data consistency. It then introduces data mesh as a solution, describing how to build the necessary infrastructure using technologies like Kubernetes and YAML to quickly deploy data pipelines and provision data across services and applications in a distributed manner. The document provides examples of how data mesh can be used to improve legacy system integration, batch processing efficiency, multi-source data aggregation, and cross-cloud/environment integration.

Data lake analytics for the admin
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Data lake analytics for the admin

In this session we will take a look at Azure Data Lake from an administrator's perspective. Do you know who has what access where? How much data is in your data lake? What about the accesses to the data lake, is everything running normally? In this session we will show you what possibilities the portal offers you to keep an eye on the Azure Data Lake. In addition, we will show you further scripts and tools to perform the corresponding tasks. Dive with us into the depths of your Data Lake.

Tapping into the Big Data Reservoir (CON7934)
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Tapping into the Big Data Reservoir (CON7934)

This document discusses Oracle Data Integration solutions for tapping into big data reservoirs. It begins with an overview of Oracle Data Integration and how it can improve agility, reduce risk and costs. It then discusses Oracle's approach to comprehensive data integration and governance capabilities including real-time data movement, data transformation, data federation, and more. The document also provides examples of how Oracle Data Integration has been used by customers for big data use cases involving petabytes of data.

Sample of Federated Datasets
A Sample of Datasets Accessible through ESIP Mediation Near Real Time (~ day) It has been demonstrated (project FASTNET) that these and other datasets can be accessed, repackaged and delivered by AIRNow through ‘Consoles’ MODIS Reflectance MODIS AOT TOMS Index GOES  AOT GOES  1km Reflec NEXTRAD Radar MODIS  Fire Pix NRL MODEL NWS Surf Wind, Bext
Summary Grand Convergence Will we make use of it?  Third-party  mediation can homogenize  distributed ES data Agile SOA-based IS can deliver diverse  info products to users Since 2005, one such IS,  DataFed is used  by EPA and in research  However, more data need to be federated  by the community Parting thoughts Think outside  the stovepipe –  Think networking Divide and Conquer, NO!  Connect and Enable, YES! Thank you

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Webinar future dataintegration-datamesh-and-goldengatekafka
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Webinar future dataintegration-datamesh-and-goldengatekafka

The Future of Data Integration: Data Mesh, and a Special Deep Dive into Stream Processing with GoldenGate, Apache Kafka and Apache Spark. This video is a replay of a Live Webinar hosted on 03/19/2020. Join us for a timely 45min webinar to see our take on the future of Data Integration. As the global industry shift towards the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” continues, outmoded styles of centralized batch processing and ETL tooling continue to be replaced by realtime, streaming, microservices and distributed data architecture patterns. This webinar will start with a brief look at the macro-trends happening around distributed data management and how that affects Data Integration. Next, we’ll discuss the event-driven integrations provided by GoldenGate Big Data, and continue with a deep-dive into some essential patterns we see when replicating Database change events into Apache Kafka. In this deep-dive we will explain how to effectively deal with issues like Transaction Consistency, Table/Topic Mappings, managing the DB Change Stream, and various Deployment Topologies to consider. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a brief look into how Stream Processing will help to empower modern Data Integration by supplying realtime data transformations, time-series analytics, and embedded Machine Learning from within data pipelines. GoldenGate: Webinar Speaker: Jeff Pollock, VP Product (

AnIML: A New Analytical Data Standard
AnIML: A New Analytical Data StandardAnIML: A New Analytical Data Standard
AnIML: A New Analytical Data Standard

Started in 2004 (under ASTM Committee E13.15) the Analytical Information Markup Language (AnIML) is an XML based standard for capturing, sharing, viewing, and archiving analytical instrument data from any analytical technique. This paper discusses the AnIML standard in terms of philosophy, structure, usage, and the resources available to work with the standard. Examples will be given for different techniques as well as strategies for migration of legacy data. Finally, the current status of the standard and time frame for promulgation through ASTM will be reported.

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061206 Ua Huntsville Seminar
061206 Ua Huntsville Seminar061206 Ua Huntsville Seminar
061206 Ua Huntsville Seminar

The document describes an agile distributed air quality data system called DataFed. It discusses how DataFed facilitates access to heterogeneous air quality data from various autonomous providers through standard protocols and formats. DataFed transforms and homogenizes the data for uniform access and provides tools for collaborative analysis, reporting and dynamic delivery of information products to users.

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070416 Egu Vienna Husar

  • 1. Architectures and Technologies Enabling the Diffusion of Atmospheric Science Information Rudolf B. Husar and Erin Robinson Washington University, St. Louis Presented at EGU, Vienna April 18, 2007 Think Networking! Data Data Data Data Data Application Application Application Application Application
  • 2. The Transformational Effect of Networking Information has become the main driver of progress Time and place are no longer barriers to participation and interaction The Web has become a medium participation - ‘Web 2.0’ phenomenon “ Networking has led to an unprecedented surge of productivity” Time Magazine, Person of the Year 2006, YOU These are opportunities to enable Earth Science through more networking But many resistances to networking exist that need to be overcome
  • 3. Networking Multiplies Value Creation Application Data 1 User Stovepipe Value = 1 1 Data x 1 Program = 1 Enclosed Value-Creating Process - ‘Stovepipe’
  • 4. Application Data Application Application Application Application Stovepipe 1 User Stovepipe Value = 1 1 Data x 1 Program = 1 5 Uses of Data Value = 5 1 Data x 5 Program = 5 Networking Multiplies Value Creation
  • 5. Networking Multiplies Value Creation Merging data may creates new, unexpected opportunities Not all data are equally valuable to all programs 1 User Stovepipe Value = 1 1 Data x 1 Program = 1 5 Uses of Data Value = 5 1 Data x 5 Program = 5 Open Network Value = 25 5 Data x 5 Program = 25 Data Data Data Data Data Stovepipe Application Application Application Application Application
  • 6. Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Value Adding Processes Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others
  • 7. Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others
  • 8. Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Characterizing Display/Browse Compare/Fuse Characterize Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others
  • 9. Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Data Analyzing Filter/Integrate Aggregate/Fuse Custom Analysis Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Characterizing Display/Browse Compare/Fuse Characterize Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others
  • 10. Value-Adding Processes Data Analyzing Filter/Integrate Aggregate/Fuse Custom Analysis Organizing Document Structure/Format Interfacing Characterizing Display/Browse Compare/Fuse Characterize Reporting Inclusiveness Iterative/Agile Dynamic Report Value Adding Processes Homogenizing Format profile Standard access Data as Service Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others
  • 11. Agile Information System: Data Access, Processing and Products Control Data Data Control Seeking Information Providing Information Negotiating & Market Space Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others
  • 12. System of Systems Global Earth Observing System of Systems - GEOSS Characteristics of System of Systems (SoS) Autonomous constituents managed/operated independently Independent evolution of each constituent SoS displays emergent behavior Must recognize, manage, exploit the characteristics: No stakeholder has complete SoS insight Central control is limited; distributed control is essential Users, must be involved throughout the life of a SoS
  • 13. Lets agree on Space-Time-Parameter Data Access Query Protocol
  • 14. Interoperability Stack: Key concept of the Web Connecting Machines and People IP – Internet Protocol Service Orientation Open Architecture Data Standards Amplify Individuals Connect Minds System components have to be interoperable at each layer
  • 15. Loosely Coupled Data Access through Standard Protocols Standard Data Query Language: Where? When? What? (Space-time query - WMS, WCS) GetCapabilities GetData Capabilities, ‘Profile’ Data Where? When? What? Which Format? Server Back End Std. Interface Client Front End Std. Interface T2 T1 Standard Messaging What data you have? Give me this data Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Control Data Acquisition Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others Data CF, EOS, OGC CF OGC, ISO OGC, ISO Standards netCDF, HDF.. Format Temperature What? Time When? BBOX Where? GetData Query
  • 16. Web Services and Workflow for Loose Coupling Workflow Software: Dynamic Linking Software Mashups Software Mashup: Coarse-grain Linking Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Control Data Acquisition Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others Data Service Chaining & Workflow
  • 17.  
  • 18. Collaborative Reporting and Dynamic Delivery Co Writing - Wiki Collaborative Analysis and Writing Wiki, Blogs, Group Annotations Dynamic Content Delivery: GoogleEarth, Screencasting… Uniform Access Data Processing Web Service Chain Custom Processing SciFlo DataFed Products Reports Forecast Compli. Other Science Public Manager Scientist Users other Control Data Acquisition Provider NASA DAACs EPA Model EPA AIRNow others Data ScreenCast
  • 19. ‘ Stovepipe’ and Federated Usage Architectures Landscape Each project/program can be augmented by Federation data and services Scientist Science DAACs Current info systems are project/program oriented and provide end-to-end solutions Info Users Data Providers Info System AIRNow Public AIRNow Model Compliance Manager Part of the data resources of any project can be shared for re-use through DataFed Through the Federation, the data are homogenized into multi-dimensional cubes Data processing and rendering can then be performed through web services
  • 20. DataFed: 100+ Datasets Non-intrusively Federated Data are accessed from autonomous, distributed providers DataFed ‘wrappers’ provide uniform geo-time referencing Tools allow space/time overlay, comparisons and fusion Near Real Time Data Integration Delayed Data Integration Surface Air Quality AIRNOW O3, PM25 ASOS_STI Visibility, 300 sites METAR Visibility, 1200 sites VIEWS_OL 40+ Aerosol Parameters Satellite MODIS_AOT AOT, Idea Project GASP Reflectance, AOT TOMS Absorption Indx, Refl. SEAW_US Reflectance, AOT Model Output NAAPS Dust, Smoke, Sulfate, AOT WRF Sulfate Fire Data HMS_Fire Fire Pixels MODIS_Fire Fire Pixels Surface Meteorology RADAR NEXTRAD SURF_MET Temp, Dewp, Humidity… SURF_WIND Wind vectors ATAD Trajectory, VIEWS locs.
  • 22.  
  • 23. A Sample of Datasets Accessible through ESIP Mediation Near Real Time (~ day) It has been demonstrated (project FASTNET) that these and other datasets can be accessed, repackaged and delivered by AIRNow through ‘Consoles’ MODIS Reflectance MODIS AOT TOMS Index GOES AOT GOES 1km Reflec NEXTRAD Radar MODIS Fire Pix NRL MODEL NWS Surf Wind, Bext
  • 24. Summary Grand Convergence Will we make use of it? Third-party mediation can homogenize distributed ES data Agile SOA-based IS can deliver diverse info products to users Since 2005, one such IS, DataFed is used by EPA and in research However, more data need to be federated by the community Parting thoughts Think outside the stovepipe – Think networking Divide and Conquer, NO! Connect and Enable, YES! Thank you