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Large-Scale Lasso and
Elastic-Net Regularized
Generalized Linear Models
DB Tsai
Steven Hillion
• Introduction
• Linear / Nonlinear Classification
• Feature Engineering - Polynomial Expansion
• Big-data Elastic-Net Regularized Linear Models
• Classification is an important and common problem
• Churn analysis, fraud detection, etc….even product
• Many observations and variables, non-linear
• Non-linear and non-parametric models are popular
solutions, but they are slow and difficult to interpret
• Our solution
• Automated feature generation with polynomial mappings
• Regularized regressions with various performance
Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)

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Large Scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark
Large Scale Machine Learning with Apache SparkLarge Scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark
Large Scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark

Spark offers a number of advantages over its predecessor MapReduce that make it ideal for large-scale machine learning. For example, Spark includes MLLib, a library of machine learning algorithms for large data. The presentation will cover the state of MLLib and the details of some of the scalable algorithms it includes.

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Ehtsham Elahi, Senior Research Engineer, Personalization Science and Engineer...
Ehtsham Elahi, Senior Research Engineer, Personalization Science and Engineer...Ehtsham Elahi, Senior Research Engineer, Personalization Science and Engineer...
Ehtsham Elahi, Senior Research Engineer, Personalization Science and Engineer...

Spark and GraphX in the Netflix Recommender System: We at Netflix strive to deliver maximum enjoyment and entertainment to our millions of members across the world. We do so by having great content and by constantly innovating on our product. A key strategy to optimize both is to follow a data-driven method. Data allows us to find optimal approaches to applications such as content buying or our renowned personalization algorithms. But, in order to learn from this data, we need to be smart about the algorithms we use, how we apply them, and how we can scale them to our volume of data (over 50 million members and 5 billion hours streamed over three months). In this talk we describe how Spark and GraphX can be leveraged to address some of our scale challenges. In particular, we share insights and lessons learned on how to run large probabilistic clustering and graph diffusion algorithms on top of GraphX, making it possible to apply them at Netflix scale.

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Ray: A Cluster Computing Engine for Reinforcement Learning Applications with ...
Ray: A Cluster Computing Engine for Reinforcement Learning Applications with ...Ray: A Cluster Computing Engine for Reinforcement Learning Applications with ...
Ray: A Cluster Computing Engine for Reinforcement Learning Applications with ...

As machine learning matures, the standard supervised learning setup is no longer sufficient. Instead of making and serving a single prediction as a function of a data point, machine learning applications increasingly must operate in dynamic environments, react to changes in the environment, and take sequences of actions to accomplish a goal. These modern applications are better framed within the context of reinforcement learning (RL), which deals with learning to operate within an environment. RL-based applications have already led to remarkable results, such as Google’s AlphaGo beating the Go world champion, and are finding their way into self-driving cars, UAVs, and surgical robotics. These applications have very demanding computational requirements–at the high end, they may need to execute millions of tasks per second with millisecond level latencies, and support heterogeneous and dynamic computation graphs. In this talk, we present Ray, a new cluster computing framework that meets these requirements, give some application examples, and discuss how it can be integrated with Apache Spark.

spark summitapache spark
• Linear : In the data’s original input space, labels can be
classified by a linear decision boundary.
• Nonlinear : The classifiers have nonlinear, and possibly
discontinuous decision boundaries.
Linear / Nonlinear Classification
Linear Classifier Examples
• Logistic Regression
• Support Vector Machine
• Naive Bayes Classifier
• Linear Discriminant Analysis
Nonlinear Classifier Examples
• Kernel Support Vector Machine
• Multi-Layer Neural Networks
• Decision Tree / Random Forest
• Gradient Boosted Decision Trees
• K-nearest Neighbors Algorithm
Feature Engineering
Decision Boundary in
Transformed Space
Decision Boundary in
Original Space

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Ernest: Efficient Performance Prediction for Advanced Analytics on Apache Spa...
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Ernest: Efficient Performance Prediction for Advanced Analytics on Apache Spa...

Recent workload trends indicate rapid growth in the deployment of machine learning, genomics and scientific workloads using Apache Spark. However, efficiently running these applications on cloud computing infrastructure like Amazon EC2 is challenging and we find that choosing the right hardware configuration can significantly improve performance and cost. The key to address the above challenge is having the ability to predict performance of applications under various resource configurations so that we can automatically choose the optimal configuration. We present Ernest, a performance prediction framework for large scale analytics. Ernest builds performance models based on the behavior of the job on small samples of data and then predicts its performance on larger datasets and cluster sizes. Our evaluation on Amazon EC2 using several workloads shows that our prediction error is low while having a training overhead of less than 5% for long-running jobs.

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Implementing Near-Realtime Datacenter Health Analytics using Model-driven Ver...
Implementing Near-Realtime Datacenter Health Analytics using Model-driven Ver...Implementing Near-Realtime Datacenter Health Analytics using Model-driven Ver...
Implementing Near-Realtime Datacenter Health Analytics using Model-driven Ver...

This document discusses using Spark Streaming and GraphX to perform near-realtime analytics on large distributed systems. The authors present a model-driven approach to implement Pregel-style graph processing to handle heterogeneous graphs. They were able to achieve over 100,000 messages per second on a 4 node cluster by using sufficient batch sizes. Implementation challenges included scaling graph processing across nodes, dealing with graph heterogeneity, and hidden memory costs from intermediate RDDs. Lessons learned include the importance of partitioning, testing high availability, and addressing memory sinks.

apache spark
Lazy Join Optimizations Without Upfront Statistics with Matteo Interlandi
Lazy Join Optimizations Without Upfront Statistics with Matteo InterlandiLazy Join Optimizations Without Upfront Statistics with Matteo Interlandi
Lazy Join Optimizations Without Upfront Statistics with Matteo Interlandi

Modern Data-Intensive Scalable Computing (DISC) systems such as Apache Spark do not support sophisticated cost-based query optimizers because they are specifically designed to process data that resides in external storage systems (e.g. HDFS), or they lack the necessary data statistics. Consequently, many crucial optimizations, such as join order and plan selection, are presently out-of-scope in these DISC system optimizers. Yet, join order is one of the most important decisions a cost-optimizer can make because wrong orders can result in a query response time that can become more than an order-of-magnitude slower compared to the better order.

apache sparkspark summit
Feature Engineering
Low-Degree Polynomial Mappings
• 2nd Order Example:
• The dimension of d-degree polynomial mappings
• C.J. Lin, et al., Training and Testing Low-degree
Polynomial Data Mappings via Linear SVM, JMLR, 2010
2-Degree Polynomial Mapping
• 2-Degree Polynomial Mapping:
# of features = O(n2
) for one training sample
• 2-Degree Polynomial Kernel Method:
# of features = O(nl) for one training sample
• n is the dimension of original training sample,
l is the number of training samples.
• In typical setting, l >> n.
• For sparse data, n is the average # non-zeros,
) << O(n2
) ; O(n2
) << O(nl)
Kernel Methods vs Polynomial

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Online learning with structured streaming, spark summit brussels 2016
Online learning with structured streaming, spark summit brussels 2016Online learning with structured streaming, spark summit brussels 2016
Online learning with structured streaming, spark summit brussels 2016

This document summarizes an online presentation about online learning with structured streaming in Spark. The key points are: - Online learning updates model parameters for each data point as it arrives, unlike batch learning which sees the full dataset before updating. - Structured streaming in Spark provides a single API for batch, streaming, and machine learning workloads. It offers exactly-once guarantees and understands external event time. - Streaming machine learning on structured streaming works by having a stateful aggregation query that picks up the last trained model and performs a distributed update and merge on each trigger interval. This allows modeling streaming data in a fault-tolerant way.

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Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data with Spark Stream...
Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data with Spark Stream...Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data with Spark Stream...
Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data with Spark Stream...

This document discusses dynamic community detection for e-commerce data using Spark Streaming and GraphX. It presents an approach for processing streaming graph data to perform community detection in real-time. Key points include using GraphX to merge small incremental graphs into a large stock graph, developing incremental algorithms like JV and UMG that make local updates to communities based on modularity optimization, and monitoring communities over time to trigger rebuilds if the modularity drops below a threshold. This dynamic approach allows for more sophisticated analysis of streaming e-commerce data compared to static community detection.

spark summit 2015apache spark
Optimizing Terascale Machine Learning Pipelines with Keystone ML
Optimizing Terascale Machine Learning Pipelines with Keystone MLOptimizing Terascale Machine Learning Pipelines with Keystone ML
Optimizing Terascale Machine Learning Pipelines with Keystone ML

The document describes KeystoneML, an open source software framework for building scalable machine learning pipelines on Apache Spark. It discusses standard machine learning pipelines and examples of more complex pipelines for image classification, text classification, and recommender systems. It covers features of KeystoneML like transformers, estimators, and chaining estimators and transformers. It also discusses optimizing pipelines by choosing solvers, caching intermediate data, and operator selection. Benchmark results show KeystoneML achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on large datasets faster than other systems through end-to-end pipeline optimizations.

#apachespark #sparksummit
Cover’s Theorem
A complex pattern-classification problem, cast in a
high-dimensional space nonlinearly, is more likely
to be linearly separable than in a low-dimensional
space, provided that the space is not densely
— Cover, T.M. , Geometrical and Statistical
properties of systems of linear inequalities with
applications in pattern recognition., 1965
Logistic Regression & Overfitting
• Given a decision boundary, or a hyperplane ax1
+ bx2
+ c = 0
• Distance from a sample to hyperplane
Same classification result but more
sensitive probability
Finding Hyperplane
• Maximum Likelihood Estimation: From a training dataset
• We want to find that maximizes the likelihood of data
• With linear separable dataset, likelihood can always be
increased with the same hyperplane by multiplying a constant
into weights which resulting steeper curve in logistic function.
• This can be addressed by regularization to reduce model
complexity which increases the accuracy of prediction on
unseen data.
Training Logistic Regression
• Converting the product to summation by taking the natural
logarithm of likelihood will be more convenient to work with.
• The negative log-likelihood will be our loss function

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Time-Evolving Graph Processing On Commodity Clusters
Time-Evolving Graph Processing On Commodity ClustersTime-Evolving Graph Processing On Commodity Clusters
Time-Evolving Graph Processing On Commodity Clusters

Tegra is a system for efficiently processing time-evolving graphs on commodity clusters. It uses a distributed graph snapshot index to represent and retrieve multiple snapshots of evolving graphs. It introduces a timelapse abstraction to perform temporal analytics on windows of snapshots, avoiding redundant computation. Tegra supports both bulk and incremental graph computations using this representation, allowing results to be reused when graphs are updated. An evaluation on real-world graphs shows Tegra can store more snapshots in memory and reduce computation time compared to baseline approaches.

Time-evolving Graph Processing on Commodity Clusters: Spark Summit East talk ...
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Time-evolving Graph Processing on Commodity Clusters: Spark Summit East talk ...

Real-world graphs are seldom static. Applications that generate graph-structured data today do so continuously, giving rise to an underlying graph whose structure evolves over time. Mining these time-evolving graphs can be insightful, both from research and business perspectives. While several works have focused on some individual aspects, there exists no general purpose time-evolving graph processing engine. We present Tegra, a time-evolving graph processing system built on a general-purpose dataflow framework. We introduce Timelapse, a flexible abstraction that enables efficient analytics on evolving graphs by allowing graph-parallel stages to iterate over complete history of nodes. We use Timelapse to present two computational models, a temporal analysis model for performing computations on multiple snapshots of an evolving graph, and a generalized incremental computation model for efficiently updating results of computations.

spark summit eastapache spark
Overview of Apache SystemML by Berthold Reinwald and Nakul Jindal
Overview of Apache SystemML by Berthold Reinwald and Nakul JindalOverview of Apache SystemML by Berthold Reinwald and Nakul Jindal
Overview of Apache SystemML by Berthold Reinwald and Nakul Jindal

This deck will provide SystemML architecture, how to get documentation for usage, algorithms etc. It will explain usage of it through command line or through notebook.

apache systemml
• The loss function becomes
• The loss function of regularization doesn’t depend on data.
• Common regularizations are
- L2 Regularization:
- L1 Regularization:
- Elastic-Net Regularization:
Geometric Interpretation
• The ellipses indicate the posterior distribution for no
• The solid areas show the
constraints due to
• The corners of the L1
regularization create more
opportunities for the solution
to have zeros for some of the weights.
Intuitive Interpretation
• L2 penalizes the square of weights resulting very strong
“force” pushing down big weights into tiny ones. For small
weights, the “force” will be very small.
• L1 penalizes their absolute value resulting smaller “force”
compared with L2 when weights are large. For smaller
weights, the “force” will be stronger than L2 which drives
small weights to zero.
• Combining L1 and L2 penalties are called Elastic-Net
method which tends to give a result in between.
• We want to minimize loss function
• First Order Minimizer - require loss, gradient vector of loss
• Gradient Descent is learning rate
• L-BFGS (Limited-memory BFGS)
• OWLQN (Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton) for L1
• Coordinate Descent
• Second Order Minimizer - require loss, gradient, hessian matrix of loss
• Newton-Raphson, quadratic convergence which is fast!
Ref: Journal of Machine Learning Research 11 (2010) 3183-3234,
Chih-Jen Lin et al.

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Kyle Foreman presented on using Spark for large-scale global health simulations. The talk discussed (1) the motivation for simulations to model disease burden forecasts and alternative scenarios, (2) SimBuilder for constructing modular simulation workflows as directed acyclic graphs, and (3) benchmarks showing Spark backends can efficiently distribute simulations across a cluster. Future work aims to optimize Spark DataFrame joins and take better advantage of Numpy's vectorization for panel data simulations.

Deep Dive Into Catalyst: Apache Spark 2.0'S Optimizer
Deep Dive Into Catalyst: Apache Spark 2.0'S OptimizerDeep Dive Into Catalyst: Apache Spark 2.0'S Optimizer
Deep Dive Into Catalyst: Apache Spark 2.0'S Optimizer

This document discusses Catalyst, the query optimizer in Apache Spark. It begins by explaining how Catalyst works at a high level, including how it abstracts user programs as trees and uses transformations and strategies to optimize logical and physical plans. It then provides more details on specific aspects like rule execution, ensuring requirements, and examples of optimizations. The document aims to help users understand how Catalyst optimizes queries automatically and provides tips on exploring its code and writing optimizations.

#apachespark #sparksummit
Download It
Download ItDownload It
Download It

The document discusses using Map-Reduce for machine learning algorithms on multi-core processors. It describes rewriting machine learning algorithms in "summation form" to express the independent computations as Map tasks and aggregating results as Reduce tasks. This formulation allows the algorithms to be parallelized efficiently across multiple cores. Specific machine learning algorithms that have been implemented or analyzed in this Map-Reduce framework are listed.

pattern recognitionmachine learning
Issue of Second Order Minimizer
• Scale horizontally (the numbers of training data) by
leveraging on Spark to parallelize this iterative optimization
• Don't scale vertically (the numbers of training features).
• Dimension of Hessian Matrix: dim(H) = n2
• Recent applications from document classification and
computational linguistics are of this type.
Apache Spark Logistic Regression
• The total loss and total gradient have two part; model part
depends on data while regularization part doesn’t depend on
• The loss and gradient of each sample is independent.
Apache Spark Logistic Regression
• Compute the loss and gradient in parallel in
executors/workers; reduce them to get the lossSum
and gradientSum in driver/controller.
• Since regularization doesn’t depend on data, the loss
and gradient sum are added after distributed
computation in driver.
• Optimization is done in single machine in driver; L1
regularization is handled by OWLQN optimizer.
Apache Spark Logistic Regression
Broadcast Weights
to Executors
Loop until converge
Compute loss and
gradient for each
sample, and sum
them up locally
Final Model
Compute loss and
gradient for each
sample, and sum
them up locally
Compute loss and
gradient for each
sample, and sum
them up locally
Reduce from
executors to
get lossSum
and use
to find next step

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Large-Scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark
Large-Scale Machine Learning with Apache SparkLarge-Scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark
Large-Scale Machine Learning with Apache Spark

Spark is a new cluster computing engine that is rapidly gaining popularity — with over 150 contributors in the past year, it is one of the most active open source projects in big data, surpassing even Hadoop MapReduce. Spark was designed to both make traditional MapReduce programming easier and to support new types of applications, with one of the earliest focus areas being machine learning. In this talk, we’ll introduce Spark and show how to use it to build fast, end-to-end machine learning workflows. Using Spark’s high-level API, we can process raw data with familiar libraries in Java, Scala or Python (e.g. NumPy) to extract the features for machine learning. Then, using MLlib, its built-in machine learning library, we can run scalable versions of popular algorithms. We’ll also cover upcoming development work including new built-in algorithms and R bindings. Bio: Xiangrui Meng is a software engineer at Databricks. He has been actively involved in the development of Spark MLlib since he joined. Before Databricks, he worked as an applied research engineer at LinkedIn, where he was the main developer of an offline machine learning framework in Hadoop MapReduce. His thesis work at Stanford is on randomized algorithms for large-scale linear regression.

machine learningsparkmapreduce
General Tips for participating Kaggle Competitions
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General Tips for participating Kaggle Competitions

The slides of a talk at Spark Taiwan User Group to share my experience and some general tips for participating kaggle competitions.

kagglemachine learningbig data
Generalized Linear Models in Spark MLlib and SparkR by Xiangrui Meng
Generalized Linear Models in Spark MLlib and SparkR by Xiangrui MengGeneralized Linear Models in Spark MLlib and SparkR by Xiangrui Meng
Generalized Linear Models in Spark MLlib and SparkR by Xiangrui Meng

Generalized linear models (GLMs) are a class of models that include linear regression, logistic regression, and other forms. GLMs are implemented in both MLlib and SparkR in Spark. They support various solvers like gradient descent, L-BFGS, and iteratively re-weighted least squares. Performance is optimized through techniques like sparsity, tree aggregation, and avoiding unnecessary data copies. Future work includes better handling of categoricals, more model statistics, and model parallelism.

apache spark
Apache Spark Linear Models
• [SPARK-5253] Linear Regression with Elastic Net (L1/L2)
[SPARK-7262] Binary Logistic Regression with Elastic Net
• Author: DB Tsai, merged in Spark 1.4
• Internally handle feature scaling to improve convergence and
avoid penalizing too much on those features with low variances
• Solutions exactly match R’s glmnet but with scalability
• For LiR, the intercept is computed using close form like R
• For LoR, clever initial weights are used for faster convergence
• [SPARK-5894] Feature Polynomial Mapping
• Author: Xusen Yin, merged in Spark 1.4
Convergence: a9a dataset
Convergence: news20 dataset
Convergence: rcv1 dataset

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Sparse Data Support in MLlib
Sparse Data Support in MLlibSparse Data Support in MLlib
Sparse Data Support in MLlib

MLlib is an Apache Spark component that focuses on machine learning algorithms. It was initially contributed by the AMPLab at UC Berkeley and has supported sparse data since version 1.0. This document discusses how sparse data appears frequently in real-world big data problems and describes how MLlib exploits sparsity to improve storage needs and computation speed for algorithms like k-means, linear methods, and singular value decomposition. By avoiding unnecessary computations on zero values and leveraging sparse linear algebra, MLlib is able to efficiently handle sparse data problems at large scale.


This document summarizes a proposed method for discriminative unsupervised dimensionality reduction called DUDR. It begins by introducing traditional dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA and LDA. It then discusses limitations of existing graph embedding methods that require constructing a graph beforehand. The proposed DUDR method jointly learns the graph construction and dimensionality reduction to avoid this dependency. It formulates an optimization problem to learn a projection matrix and affinity matrix simultaneously. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets show DUDR achieves better clustering performance than other methods like PCA, LPP, k-means and NMF.


This document summarizes techniques for mapping application topologies to interconnect network topologies. It discusses how improving data locality through topology mapping can reduce communication costs, execution time, and energy consumption. Several common mapping techniques are described, including linear programming formulations, greedy approaches, partitioning approaches, transformative approaches, and those based on graph similarity. The document notes that finding an optimal mapping is NP-complete and different techniques may work better depending on the topology.

Polynomial Mapping Experiment
• New Spark ML Pipeline APIs allows us to construct
the experiment very easily.
• StringIndexer for converting a string of labels into
label indices used in algorithms.
• PolynomialExpansion for mapping the features into
high dimensional space.
• LogisticRegression for training large scale Logistic
Regression with L1/L2 Elastic-Net regularization.
Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)
• a9a, ijcnn1, and webspam datasets are used in the experiment.
Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)

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This document discusses sensitivity analysis of machine learning hyperparameters. It begins by introducing the goal of tuning hyperparameters through trial and error while analyzing how sensitive models are to small parameter changes. Next, it outlines the machine learning process, including evaluating hypotheses, model selection with validation sets, and analyzing bias and variance. It then provides an example of applying these concepts to reinforcement learning in a gridworld environment. Specifically, it tunes learning rate and discount factor, finds the optimal point, and analyzes the hyperparameter surface around this point. In summary, the document advocates for techniques like Spearmint and canonical analysis to enable fair model comparisons and choose models with smooth hyperparameter surfaces.

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- The document proposes ProxGen, a unified framework for stochastic proximal gradient descent methods that can handle arbitrary preconditioners and non-convex regularizers. - ProxGen derives proximal updates for popular optimizers like Adam that incorporate the preconditioner into the proximal mapping, which previous work had not addressed. - Experiments on sparse neural networks and binary neural networks demonstrate that ProxGen converges faster and achieves better generalization than subgradient-based methods and previous proximal gradient methods.

Cvpr 2018 papers review (efficient computing)
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Overview of CVPR 2018 papers For mobile DL NetAdapt, ADC, Quantization and Training of ... (Tensorflow Lite quantization)

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Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)
Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)
Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)
Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)

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Designing Distributed Machine Learning on Apache Spark
Designing Distributed Machine Learning on Apache SparkDesigning Distributed Machine Learning on Apache Spark
Designing Distributed Machine Learning on Apache Spark

This document summarizes Joseph Bradley's presentation on designing distributed machine learning on Apache Spark. Bradley is a committer and PMC member of Apache Spark and works as a software engineer at Databricks. He discusses how Spark provides a unified engine for distributed workloads and libraries like MLlib make it possible to perform scalable machine learning. Bradley outlines different methods for distributing ML algorithms, using k-means clustering as an example of reorganizing an algorithm to fit the MapReduce framework in a way that minimizes communication costs.

apache sparkmachine learningdatabricks
Nimrita deep learning
Nimrita deep learningNimrita deep learning
Nimrita deep learning

Deep learning uses multilayered neural networks to process information in a robust, generalizable, and scalable way. It has various applications including image recognition, sentiment analysis, machine translation, and more. Deep learning concepts include computational graphs, artificial neural networks, and optimization techniques like gradient descent. Prominent deep learning architectures include convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, autoencoders, and generative adversarial networks.

machine learningdeep learningartificial neural networks
Week 12 Dimensionality Reduction Bagian 1
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Week 12 Dimensionality Reduction Bagian 1

This document discusses dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis (PCA). It explains that PCA is used to reduce the number of variables in a dataset while retaining the variation present in the original data. The document outlines the PCA algorithm, which transforms the original variables into new uncorrelated variables called principal components. It provides an example of applying PCA to reduce data from 2D to 1D. The document also discusses key PCA concepts like covariance matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and transforming data to the principal component coordinate system. Finally, it presents an assignment applying PCA and classification to a handwritten digits dataset.

Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)
Linear SVM Linear SVM
a9a 84.98 85.06 85.03 85.0 85.26
ijcnn1 92.21 97.84 98.69 92.0 97.74
webspam 93.15 98.44 99.20 92.76 98.57
• The results of Linear and Kernel SVM experiment are from
C.J. Lin, et al., Training and Testing Low-degree Polynomial Data
Mappings via Linear SVM, JMLR, 2010
• For some problems, linear methods with feature
engineering are as good as nonlinear kernel methods.
• However, the training and scoring are much faster for linear
• For problems of document classification with sparsity, or
high dimensional classification, linear methods usually
perform well.
• With Elastic-Net, sparse models get be trained, and the
models are easier to interpret.
Thank you!

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data clean.ppt
data clean.pptdata clean.ppt
data clean.ppt

This document discusses various techniques for data preprocessing, including data integration, transformation, reduction, and discretization. It covers topics such as schema integration, handling redundant data, data normalization, dimensionality reduction, data cube aggregation, sampling, and entropy-based discretization. The goal of these techniques is to prepare raw data for knowledge discovery and data mining tasks by cleaning, transforming, and reducing the data into a suitable structure.

data mining
Supervised Learning.pptx
Supervised Learning.pptxSupervised Learning.pptx
Supervised Learning.pptx

Supervised learning is a machine learning paradigm where the algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset, learning patterns and relationships between input features and corresponding output labels to make accurate predictions on new, unseen data. It involves a teacher-supervisor relationship, where the algorithm strives to minimize the error between its predictions and the actual outcomes during training.

machine learningsoftware developmentcloud computing
Query Decomposition and data localization
Query Decomposition and data localization Query Decomposition and data localization
Query Decomposition and data localization

This document discusses query processing in distributed databases. It describes query decomposition, which transforms a high-level query into an equivalent lower-level algebraic query. The main steps in query decomposition are normalization, analysis, redundancy elimination, and rewriting the query in relational algebra. Data localization then translates the algebraic query on global relations into a query on physical database fragments using fragmentation rules.

query decompositiondata localizationquery processing

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Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (DB Tsai and Steve Hillion, Netflix and Alpine Data Labs)

  • 1. Large-Scale Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models DB Tsai Steven Hillion
  • 2. Outline • Introduction • Linear / Nonlinear Classification • Feature Engineering - Polynomial Expansion • Big-data Elastic-Net Regularized Linear Models
  • 3. Introduction • Classification is an important and common problem • Churn analysis, fraud detection, etc….even product recommendations • Many observations and variables, non-linear relationships • Non-linear and non-parametric models are popular solutions, but they are slow and difficult to interpret • Our solution • Automated feature generation with polynomial mappings • Regularized regressions with various performance optimizations
  • 5. • Linear : In the data’s original input space, labels can be classified by a linear decision boundary. • Nonlinear : The classifiers have nonlinear, and possibly discontinuous decision boundaries. Linear / Nonlinear Classification
  • 6. Linear Classifier Examples • Logistic Regression • Support Vector Machine • Naive Bayes Classifier • Linear Discriminant Analysis
  • 7. Nonlinear Classifier Examples • Kernel Support Vector Machine • Multi-Layer Neural Networks • Decision Tree / Random Forest • Gradient Boosted Decision Trees • K-nearest Neighbors Algorithm
  • 8. Feature Engineering Decision Boundary in Transformed Space Decision Boundary in Original Space
  • 10. Low-Degree Polynomial Mappings • 2nd Order Example: • The dimension of d-degree polynomial mappings • C.J. Lin, et al., Training and Testing Low-degree Polynomial Data Mappings via Linear SVM, JMLR, 2010
  • 11. 2-Degree Polynomial Mapping • 2-Degree Polynomial Mapping: # of features = O(n2 ) for one training sample • 2-Degree Polynomial Kernel Method: # of features = O(nl) for one training sample • n is the dimension of original training sample, l is the number of training samples. • In typical setting, l >> n. • For sparse data, n is the average # non-zeros, O(n2 ) << O(n2 ) ; O(n2 ) << O(nl)
  • 12. Kernel Methods vs Polynomial Mapping
  • 13. Cover’s Theorem A complex pattern-classification problem, cast in a high-dimensional space nonlinearly, is more likely to be linearly separable than in a low-dimensional space, provided that the space is not densely populated. — Cover, T.M. , Geometrical and Statistical properties of systems of linear inequalities with applications in pattern recognition., 1965
  • 14. Logistic Regression & Overfitting • Given a decision boundary, or a hyperplane ax1 + bx2 + c = 0 • Distance from a sample to hyperplane Same classification result but more sensitive probability z z z
  • 15. Finding Hyperplane • Maximum Likelihood Estimation: From a training dataset • We want to find that maximizes the likelihood of data • With linear separable dataset, likelihood can always be increased with the same hyperplane by multiplying a constant into weights which resulting steeper curve in logistic function. • This can be addressed by regularization to reduce model complexity which increases the accuracy of prediction on unseen data.
  • 16. Training Logistic Regression • Converting the product to summation by taking the natural logarithm of likelihood will be more convenient to work with. • The negative log-likelihood will be our loss function
  • 17. Regularization • The loss function becomes • The loss function of regularization doesn’t depend on data. • Common regularizations are - L2 Regularization: - L1 Regularization: - Elastic-Net Regularization:
  • 18. Geometric Interpretation • The ellipses indicate the posterior distribution for no regularization. • The solid areas show the constraints due to regularization. • The corners of the L1 regularization create more opportunities for the solution to have zeros for some of the weights.
  • 19. Intuitive Interpretation • L2 penalizes the square of weights resulting very strong “force” pushing down big weights into tiny ones. For small weights, the “force” will be very small. • L1 penalizes their absolute value resulting smaller “force” compared with L2 when weights are large. For smaller weights, the “force” will be stronger than L2 which drives small weights to zero. • Combining L1 and L2 penalties are called Elastic-Net method which tends to give a result in between.
  • 20. Optimization • We want to minimize loss function • First Order Minimizer - require loss, gradient vector of loss • Gradient Descent is learning rate • L-BFGS (Limited-memory BFGS) • OWLQN (Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton) for L1 • Coordinate Descent • Second Order Minimizer - require loss, gradient, hessian matrix of loss • Newton-Raphson, quadratic convergence which is fast! Ref: Journal of Machine Learning Research 11 (2010) 3183-3234, Chih-Jen Lin et al.
  • 21. Issue of Second Order Minimizer • Scale horizontally (the numbers of training data) by leveraging on Spark to parallelize this iterative optimization process. • Don't scale vertically (the numbers of training features). • Dimension of Hessian Matrix: dim(H) = n2 • Recent applications from document classification and computational linguistics are of this type.
  • 22. Apache Spark Logistic Regression • The total loss and total gradient have two part; model part depends on data while regularization part doesn’t depend on data. • The loss and gradient of each sample is independent.
  • 23. Apache Spark Logistic Regression • Compute the loss and gradient in parallel in executors/workers; reduce them to get the lossSum and gradientSum in driver/controller. • Since regularization doesn’t depend on data, the loss and gradient sum are added after distributed computation in driver. • Optimization is done in single machine in driver; L1 regularization is handled by OWLQN optimizer.
  • 24. Apache Spark Logistic Regression Broadcast Weights to Executors Driver/Controller Executors/Workers Loop until converge Initialize Weights Compute loss and gradient for each sample, and sum them up locally Final Model Weights Compute loss and gradient for each sample, and sum them up locally Compute loss and gradient for each sample, and sum them up locally Reduce from executors to get lossSum and gradientSum Handle regularization and use LBFGS/OWLQN to find next step Driver/Controller
  • 25. Apache Spark Linear Models • [SPARK-5253] Linear Regression with Elastic Net (L1/L2) [SPARK-7262] Binary Logistic Regression with Elastic Net • Author: DB Tsai, merged in Spark 1.4 • Internally handle feature scaling to improve convergence and avoid penalizing too much on those features with low variances • Solutions exactly match R’s glmnet but with scalability • For LiR, the intercept is computed using close form like R • For LoR, clever initial weights are used for faster convergence • [SPARK-5894] Feature Polynomial Mapping • Author: Xusen Yin, merged in Spark 1.4
  • 29. Polynomial Mapping Experiment • New Spark ML Pipeline APIs allows us to construct the experiment very easily. • StringIndexer for converting a string of labels into label indices used in algorithms. • PolynomialExpansion for mapping the features into high dimensional space. • LogisticRegression for training large scale Logistic Regression with L1/L2 Elastic-Net regularization.
  • 31. Datasets • a9a, ijcnn1, and webspam datasets are used in the experiment.
  • 38. Comparison Test Accuracy Linear SVM Linear SVM Degree-2 Polynomial SVM RBF Kernel Logistic Regression Logistic Regression Degree-2 Polynomial a9a 84.98 85.06 85.03 85.0 85.26 ijcnn1 92.21 97.84 98.69 92.0 97.74 webspam 93.15 98.44 99.20 92.76 98.57 • The results of Linear and Kernel SVM experiment are from C.J. Lin, et al., Training and Testing Low-degree Polynomial Data Mappings via Linear SVM, JMLR, 2010
  • 39. Conclusion • For some problems, linear methods with feature engineering are as good as nonlinear kernel methods. • However, the training and scoring are much faster for linear methods. • For problems of document classification with sparsity, or high dimensional classification, linear methods usually perform well. • With Elastic-Net, sparse models get be trained, and the models are easier to interpret.