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Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data
with Spark Streaming and GraphX
Ming Huang
Meng Zhang, Bin Wei
GuangYuan Huang, Jinkui Shi
Community Detection
•  VIP Customer
•  Reputation Escalator
•  Fraud Seller
•  ………
•  LPA
•  GN
•  Fast Unfolding
•  …….
How to make it Dynamic?
Static Communities Streaming Data
Make sophisticated, real-time decisions
Definition & Solution
Dynamic Community Detection
1.  Decide New Node’s community
2.  Update Graph Physical Topology
3.  Effect communities and modularity
Spark Streaming + GraphX à Streaming Graph

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Database development coding standards
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Database development coding standards

This document provides guidelines for developing databases and writing SQL code. It includes recommendations for naming conventions, variables, select statements, cursors, wildcard characters, joins, batches, stored procedures, views, data types, indexes and more. The guidelines suggest using more efficient techniques like derived tables, ANSI joins, avoiding cursors and wildcards at the beginning of strings. It also recommends measuring performance and optimizing for queries over updates.

Full Text Search In PostgreSQL
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Full Text Search In PostgreSQL

A comparison of different solutions for full-text search in web applications using PostgreSQL and other technology. Presented at the PostgreSQL Conference West, in Seattle, October 2009.

sql postgresql search
Learning c - An extensive guide to learn the C Language
Learning c - An extensive guide to learn the C LanguageLearning c - An extensive guide to learn the C Language
Learning c - An extensive guide to learn the C Language

This document covers entire C language thoroughly. Its for all the students or professionals who would like to learn C or would like to brush up their knowledge with a quick recap.

Streaming Graph
merge merge merge
Stock Graph
… … …
Models and Algorithms
Quick Overview of
Fast Unfolding
∑ δ ci
,cj( )
Q = Qi
∑ =
Incremental Algorithms
JV(Streaming with RDD ) UMG(Streaming with Graph)
"   Union & Modularity Greedy"   Join & Vote

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Character set in c
Character set in cCharacter set in c
Character set in c

C language supports a character set of 256 characters including lowercase and uppercase English alphabets (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), and special symbols like mathematical, logical, and punctuation symbols. Every character has a corresponding ASCII value. A C program is provided that prints all the characters in the C character set along with their ASCII values to demonstrate the set of characters supported.

3 data-types-in-c
3 data-types-in-c3 data-types-in-c
3 data-types-in-c

Programs transform input data into output data using programming languages that support different data types and operations on those types. A data type specifies a set of values and operations on those values and is used to declare variables, return values, and function parameters. Identifiers refer to data types, variables, and functions and have specific naming rules. Common built-in data types include integers, characters, floating points, pointers, arrays, strings, and structures.

The MySQL Query Optimizer Explained Through Optimizer Trace
The MySQL Query Optimizer Explained Through Optimizer TraceThe MySQL Query Optimizer Explained Through Optimizer Trace
The MySQL Query Optimizer Explained Through Optimizer Trace

The document discusses the MySQL query optimizer. It begins by explaining how the optimizer works, including analyzing statistics, determining optimal join orders and access methods. It then describes how the optimizer trace can provide insight into why a particular execution plan was selected. The remainder of the document provides details on the various phases the optimizer goes through, including logical transformations, cost-based optimizations like range analysis and join order selection.

databasemysqlquery optimizer
C1 C2 C2
C1 C2 C2
incEdgeRDD stockCommunityRDD
UMG 1 - Union
(C1 or C2) ?
   newGraph = stockGraph.union(incGraph)"
UMG 2 - findBestCommunity
gain1=G(node(d), community(1))
gain2=G(node(d) , community(2))
incVertexWithNeighbors = newGraph.mapReduceTriplets[Array[VertexData]]
(collectNeighborFunc, _ ++ _,"# # # # #Some((incGraph.vertices, EdgeDirection.Either)))
idCommunity = {"
case (vid, neighbors) => (vid, findBestCommunity(neighbors))"
in∑ +ki,in
UMG 3 - updateCommunities
newCommunityRdd = idCommunity.updateCommunities(commuitiyRdd)"
newModularity =>community.modularity).reduce(_+_)"
Q = Qi
∑ =
(Q1, Q2)

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Primitive data types in java
Primitive data types in javaPrimitive data types in java
Primitive data types in java

The document discusses various primitive data types including integer, floating point, decimal, boolean, character, and string types. It covers the implementation and design considerations of these types in different programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and C#. Enumeration types are also introduced as user-defined ordinal types.

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data structures and algorithmsdsa-spring2013
SQL Tunning
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SQL Tunning

This presentation features the fundamentals of SQL tunning like SQL Processing, Optimizer and Execution Plan, Accessing Tables, Performance Improvement Consideration Partition Technique. Presented by Alphalogic Inc :

sqlsql processingoptimizer and execution plan
edgeStreamRDD.foreachRDD { "
  incEdgeRdd => { "
   val incGraph  = buildIncGraph(incEdgeRdd) "
   (communityInfoRDD, modularity) = streamingFU.trainOn(incGraph)"
edgeRdd "
} "
Flow Example Code
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster(……).setAppName(……)"
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(60))"
val totalGraph = initGraph(totalEdgesRdd) "
Val streamingFU = new StreamingFU().setTotalGraph(totalGraph)"
val onlineDataFlow = getDataFlow(ssc.sparkContext)"
val edgeStreamRDD  = ssc.queueStream(onlineDataFlow, true) "
Experiment Results
Autonomous Systems Graphs
Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection(as-733)
Modularity Trend – AS

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List , tuples, dictionaries and regular expressions in python
List , tuples, dictionaries and regular expressions in pythonList , tuples, dictionaries and regular expressions in python
List , tuples, dictionaries and regular expressions in python

python provides data structures such as List, Tuples, dictionaries and regular expressions. This slide having programming examples in python.

listregular expressiondictionaries
Python Dictionary
Python DictionaryPython Dictionary
Python Dictionary

A dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of key-value pairs where keys must be unique and immutable. It allows storing and accessing data values using keys. Keys can be of any immutable data type while values can be of any data type. Dictionaries can be created using curly braces {} or the dict() constructor and elements can be added, accessed, updated, or removed using keys. Common dictionary methods include copy(), clear(), pop(), get(), keys(), items(), and update().

[APJ] Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in SQL
[APJ] Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in SQL[APJ] Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in SQL
[APJ] Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in SQL

Postgres expert, Bruce Momjian, as he discusses common table expressions (CTEs) and the ability to allow queries to be more imperative, allowing looping and processing hierarchical structures that are normally associated only with imperative languages.

by EDB
Online Trading Graph
Buyer Seller
Modularity Trend – OT
Streaming Graph à Better Result
Key Points
"   Operator
"   Merge Small graph into Large graph
"   Model
"   Local changes
"   Index or summary
"   Algorithm
"   Delicate formula
"   Commutative law & Associative law
"   Parallelly & Incrementally
Complex GraphX

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우아하게 준비하는 테스트와 리팩토링 - PyCon Korea 2018
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우아하게 준비하는 테스트와 리팩토링 - PyCon Korea 2018

더 많은 샘플코드는 아래 주소에서 보실 수 있습니다.

Data Structures in Python
Data Structures in PythonData Structures in Python
Data Structures in Python

Data Structures in Python, second in the series of Introduction to Python. Upcoming series will cover Functions and OOPs concept in Python.

data structures in pythonliststuples
Sql commands
Sql commandsSql commands
Sql commands

Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML) , Transaction Control Language (TCL) , Data Control Language (DCL) - , SQL Constraints

data definition language (ddl)data manipulation language (dml)transaction control language (tcl)
Graph Union Operator
∪ =	

Graph Union Operator"
[GraphX] Complex Operators between Graphs: Union"
   newGraph = stockGraph.union(incGraph)"
Complex GraphX Operators
"   Union of Graphs ( G ∪ H )
"   Intersection of Graphs ( G ∩ H)
"   Graph Join
"   Difference of Graphs(G – H)
"   Graph Complement
"   Line Graph ( L(G) )
Complex Operators between Graphs"
Streaming Optimization
Monitoring and Correction
Data Loading Modularity Threshold CheckingStreaming-FU
[Hourly Monitoring]
[Daily Running]



mTime mValue
timestamp1 totalModularity1
…… ……

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Nested structure (Computer programming and utilization)
Nested structure (Computer programming and utilization)Nested structure (Computer programming and utilization)
Nested structure (Computer programming and utilization)

Nested structures in C allow one structure to be defined within another. This document demonstrates a nested structure with an address structure defined within an emp structure. It declares variables of each structure type, assigns values to their members, and prints the member values. The address structure contains phone, city, and pin members, while the emp structure contains name, emp_no, and salary members.

Datatypes in c
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Datatypes in c

The document defines and describes various data types in the C programming language. It discusses integer data types like char, short int, int, long int; floating point data types like float, double, long double; void data type; and derived data types like arrays, pointers, structures, unions, enumerated data types, and user-defined data types using typedef. Each data type is explained along with its size, range of values it can hold, and examples.

c programmingdata typesprimary
Spark and Spark Streaming at Netfix-(Kedar Sedekar and Monal Daxini, Netflix)
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Spark and Spark Streaming at Netfix-(Kedar Sedekar and Monal Daxini, Netflix)

This document discusses Netflix's use of Spark and Spark Streaming. Key points include: - Netflix uses Spark on its Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (BDAS) to enable rapid experimentation for algorithm engineers and provide business value through more A/B tests. - Use cases for Spark at Netflix include feature selection, feature generation, model training, and metric evaluation using large datasets with many users. - Netflix BDAS provides notebooks, access to the Netflix ecosystem and services, and faster computation and scaling. It allows for ad-hoc experimentation and "time machine" functionality. - Netflix processes over 450 billion events per day through its streaming data pipeline, which collects, moves, and processes events at cloud scale

spark summit 2015apache spark
Streaming Resource Allocation
•  Driver-Memory: 20G
•  Executors: 100
•  Core: 2
•  Executor-Memory: 20G
Not Enough for Peak Period!
Streaming Buffer
Modularity Correction Buffer
Resource Peak Buffer
"   Streaming Graph
"   Complex Operators will help
"   Daily Rebuild & Threshold Check
"   Costs more memory and time
"   Open Question
checkpoint with Streaming or Graph?
1.  Limits of community detection
2.  Community Detection
3.  Social Network Analysis
4.  Community detection in complex networks using Extremal Optimization

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Limits of community detection
Limits of community detectionLimits of community detection
Limits of community detection

This document discusses two key problems with modularity-based community detection in networks: incomparability and resolution limit. The modularity measure cannot reliably distinguish between networks with genuine communities and networks with no communities. Additionally, the size of communities detected depends on the overall network size, so smaller true communities may not be detected in large networks. The document provides examples of networks where modularity fails to identify the true partition into communities.

complex networksresolution-limit-freeresolution limit

This document summarizes an analysis of complex networks using open source software tools. It provides an overview of network graph analysis and statistical and visual measures used to assess network patterns. It then demonstrates these concepts through case studies of the Miles Davis album collaboration network, the Boston Red Sox player network, and a GDELT news event network. The document concludes that network graph analysis is a powerful technique for understanding relationships in connected data.

Emr hive barcamp 2012
Emr hive   barcamp 2012Emr hive   barcamp 2012
Emr hive barcamp 2012

Este documento describe Hadoop y Hive en AWS. Explica que Hadoop es un framework para procesar grandes cantidades de datos de manera distribuida a través de múltiples nodos, utilizando HDFS para almacenamiento y MapReduce para procesamiento. También describe cómo AWS ofrece servicios como EC2, S3 y EMR que permiten implementar fácilmente clusters Hadoop en la nube de manera elástica y a escala. Finalmente, introduce Hive como una capa SQL sobre Hadoop que facilita el análisis de datos a gran escala.

hadoop barcampba2012 hive mapreduce hdfs elasticm
"   Q & A
"   Dynamic Community Detection
"   Streaming Graph
"   Models and Algorithms
"   Complex GraphX Operators
"   Streaming Optimization
"   Conclusion
Static vs. Dynamic
Static Model Dynamic Model

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Similar to Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data with Spark Streaming and GraphX-(Ming Huang, Taobao) (20)

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GraphQL & DGraph with Go
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Large-scale Recommendation Systems on Just a PC
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Graph protocol for accessing information about blockchains and d apps
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Venkatesh Ramanathan, Data Scientist, PayPal at MLconf ATL 2017
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Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data with Spark Streaming and GraphX-(Ming Huang, Taobao)

  • 1. Dynamic Community Detection for Large-scale e-Commerce data with Spark Streaming and GraphX Ming Huang Meng Zhang, Bin Wei GuangYuan Huang, Jinkui Shi
  • 2. Community Detection Scenarios •  VIP Customer •  Reputation Escalator •  Fraud Seller •  ……… Algorithms •  LPA •  GN •  Fast Unfolding •  …….
  • 3. How to make it Dynamic? Static Communities Streaming Data Make sophisticated, real-time decisions
  • 4. Definition & Solution Dynamic Community Detection 1.  Decide New Node’s community 2.  Update Graph Physical Topology 3.  Effect communities and modularity Spark Streaming + GraphX à Streaming Graph REAL-TIME
  • 7. Quick Overview of Fast Unfolding Modularity: ! Q= 1 2m Aij * ki kj 2m ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥i,j ∑ δ ci ,cj( ) ! Q = Qi i c ∑ = in∑ 2m ) tot∑ 2m ⎛ ⎝⎜ ⎞ ⎠⎟ 2 ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥i c ∑
  • 8. Incremental Algorithms JV(Streaming with RDD ) UMG(Streaming with Graph) "   Union & Modularity Greedy"   Join & Vote
  • 9. JV A B C C1 C2 C2 D D D A B C D D D C1 C2 C2 D C2 join Vote incEdgeRDD stockCommunityRDD D C2
  • 10. UMG 1 - Union A B C1 C2 C3 C (C1 or C2) ?    newGraph = stockGraph.union(incGraph)" A B C D
  • 11. UMG 2 - findBestCommunity A B C D gain1=G(node(d), community(1)) gain2=G(node(d) , community(2)) C3 incVertexWithNeighbors = newGraph.mapReduceTriplets[Array[VertexData]] (collectNeighborFunc, _ ++ _,"# # # # #Some((incGraph.vertices, EdgeDirection.Either))) idCommunity = {" case (vid, neighbors) => (vid, findBestCommunity(neighbors))" }.cache()" ! Ci =Cmax j G(nodei ,Cj ) ! ΔQ= in∑ +ki,in 2m + tot+ki∑ 2m ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 2 ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ + in∑ 2m + tot∑ 2m ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 2 + ki 2m ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 2 ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ C2 C1
  • 12. UMG 3 - updateCommunities A D B C newCommunityRdd = idCommunity.updateCommunities(commuitiyRdd)" " newModularity =>community.modularity).reduce(_+_)" C1 C2 ! Q = Qi i c ∑ = in∑ 2m ) tot∑ 2m ⎛ ⎝⎜ ⎞ ⎠⎟ 2 ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥i c ∑ (Q1, Q2)
  • 13. edgeStreamRDD.foreachRDD { "   incEdgeRdd => { "    val incGraph  = buildIncGraph(incEdgeRdd) "    (communityInfoRDD, modularity) = streamingFU.trainOn(incGraph)" outputToHBase(communityInfoRDD)" outputToHBase(modularity)" edgeRdd "   }" } " Flow Example Code ssc.start()" ssc.awaitTermination()" val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster(……).setAppName(……)" val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(60))" " " val totalGraph = initGraph(totalEdgesRdd) " Val streamingFU = new StreamingFU().setTotalGraph(totalGraph)" " val onlineDataFlow = getDataFlow(ssc.sparkContext)" val edgeStreamRDD  = ssc.queueStream(onlineDataFlow, true) " "
  • 15. Autonomous Systems Graphs Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection(as-733)
  • 18. Modularity Trend – OT Streaming Graph à Better Result
  • 19. Key Points "   Operator "   Merge Small graph into Large graph "   Model "   Local changes "   Index or summary "   Algorithm "   Delicate formula "   Commutative law & Associative law "   Parallelly & Incrementally
  • 21. Graph Union Operator GRAPH(H)GRAPH(G) ∪ =  E F G H B C D E F A B C D E F A H G GRAPH(G U H) Graph Union Operator" " [GraphX] Complex Operators between Graphs: Union" "    newGraph = stockGraph.union(incGraph)"
  • 22. Complex GraphX Operators "   Union of Graphs ( G ∪ H ) "   Intersection of Graphs ( G ∩ H) "   Graph Join "   Difference of Graphs(G – H) "   Graph Complement "   Line Graph ( L(G) ) Issues:" Complex Operators between Graphs"
  • 24. Monitoring and Correction Ω Data Loading Modularity Threshold CheckingStreaming-FU FastUnfolding [Hourly Monitoring] [Streaming] [Daily Running] FastUnfolding communityID  communityInfo  community1  (in1,tot1,degree1,modularity1)  ……  ……  mTime mValue timestamp1 totalModularity1 …… …… modularityTablecommRDDTable
  • 25. Streaming Resource Allocation •  Driver-Memory: 20G •  Executors: 100 •  Core: 2 •  Executor-Memory: 20G Not Enough for Peak Period!
  • 27. Conclusion "   Streaming Graph "   Complex Operators will help "   Daily Rebuild & Threshold Check "   Costs more memory and time "   Open Question checkpoint with Streaming or Graph?
  • 28. Acknowledgements 1.  Limits of community detection " 2.  Community Detection " 3.  Social Network Analysis " 4.  Community detection in complex networks using Extremal Optimization "
  • 29. "   Q & A
  • 30. Agenda "   Dynamic Community Detection "   Streaming Graph "   Models and Algorithms "   Complex GraphX Operators "   Streaming Optimization "   Conclusion
  • 31. Static vs. Dynamic Static Model Dynamic Model