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HTML5 APIs CSS3: Exploring
HTML5 and - Where No Man
    Mobile Possibilities
    Has Gone Before!
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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The document discusses RESTful web services and the Eve framework for building them. It provides an overview of key Eve features like setting up a basic API, connecting to MongoDB, adding validation rules, embedding resources, pagination, filtering, sorting, rate limiting, file storage, and ensuring data integrity. The presentation also covers more advanced topics such as geo-spatial support, authentication, and using Eve with other data stores like SQL and Elasticsearch.

codemotion rome 2017
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymoreHTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore
HTML5: where flash isn't needed anymore

Flash over the years, has been used to prop up the regular browser like a sad old man drinking alone in a pub. Today browsers come shipped with technology designed to rival flash and aim to shut it squarely out of the game. Are browser ready to rock without Flash?

REST with Eve and Python
REST with Eve and PythonREST with Eve and Python
REST with Eve and Python

This document discusses using Flask and Eve to build a REST API with Python in 3 days. It introduces Flask as a microframework for building web applications with Python. Eve is presented as a Python framework built on Flask that allows building RESTful APIs with MongoDB in a simple way. The document provides examples of creating basic Flask and Eve apps, configuring Eve settings like schemas and authentication, and describes many features of Eve like filtering, sorting, pagination and validation.

HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
Web Storage
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Montevideo
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, MontevideoJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Montevideo
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Montevideo

The document discusses several JavaScript APIs available in the browser including fullscreen API, camera API, WebRTC, Pointer Lock API, IndexedDB, battery status API, Boot to Gecko, telephony and SMS APIs, vibration API, and developer tools. It provides code examples for how to use these APIs to enable fullscreen mode, access camera and files, capture video streams, track pointer movement, store data in IndexedDB, get battery status, make phone calls and send SMS, trigger vibration, and debug web applications.

Java Configuration Deep Dive with Spring
Java Configuration Deep Dive with SpringJava Configuration Deep Dive with Spring
Java Configuration Deep Dive with Spring

a good primer on Spring's Java configuration style. I present simialar content to this as an introduction to many other talks.

spring frameworkjava configuration
HTML5 & The Open Web - at Nackademin
HTML5 & The Open Web -  at NackademinHTML5 & The Open Web -  at Nackademin
HTML5 & The Open Web - at Nackademin

The document discusses HTML5 and its new features such as video, canvas, geolocation, drag and drop, full screen, camera, battery status, vibration, and WebGL. It provides code examples for implementing these features and encourages trying new things with HTML5. The document is presented by Robert Nyman who works at Mozilla and advocates for open web standards and HTML5.

sessionStorage.setItem("Charming", "Anthony Weiner");
localStorage.setItem("Occupation", "Politician");
var anthonyWeiner = {
    "Interest" : "Photography",
    "Social" : "Twitter"

localStorage.setItem("anthonyWeiner", JSON.stringify(anthonyWeiner));

console.log(typeof JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("anthonyWeiner")));
Web SQL   IndexedDB

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JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MozCamp, Buenos Aires
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MozCamp, Buenos AiresJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MozCamp, Buenos Aires
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MozCamp, Buenos Aires

This document provides summaries of various JavaScript APIs available in the browser, including APIs for fullscreen mode, cameras, WebRTC, pointer lock, IndexedDB, battery status, B2G/Gaia, telephony/SMS, vibration, and developer tools. It encourages trying new things with these Web APIs.

JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Santiago, Chile
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Santiago, ChileJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Santiago, Chile
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day, Santiago, Chile

This document summarizes several JavaScript APIs available in the browser, including APIs for fullscreen mode, cameras, WebRTC, pointer lock, IndexedDB, battery status, and vibration. It also discusses Boot to Gecko, telephony/SMS, and developer tools.

JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day - Buenos Aires
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day - Buenos AiresJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day - Buenos Aires
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform - MDN Hack Day - Buenos Aires

This document discusses several JavaScript APIs available in modern browsers including fullscreen API, camera API, pointer lock API, IndexedDB, battery status API, vibration API, and developer tools. It provides code examples for how to use these APIs to enable fullscreen mode, access camera and files, track mouse movement, store data in IndexedDB, get battery information, trigger vibrations, and open developer tools.

html5html5 javascriptjavascript
Offline Web Applications
if (window.addEventListener) {
        Works well in Firefox and Opera with the
        Work Offline option in the File menu.
        Pulling the ethernet cable doesn't seem to trigger it
    window.addEventListener("online", isOnline, false);
    window.addEventListener("offline", isOffline, false);
else {
        Works in IE with the Work Offline option in the
        File menu and pulling the ethernet cable
    document.body.ononline = isOnline;
    document.body.onoffline = isOffline;
// Poll the navigator.onLine property
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="offline.appcache">

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Node worshop Realtime -
Node worshop Realtime - Socket.ioNode worshop Realtime -
Node worshop Realtime -

The document discusses using to add real-time capabilities to web applications. It provides an overview of and how to install and use it with Node.js. Examples are given of emitting and receiving events, broadcasting to all connections, and setting up with Express.
Forget the Web
Forget the WebForget the Web
Forget the Web

This document discusses various web storage options for offline and client-side storage of data, including Web Storage, IndexedDB, Web SQL Databases, and the History API. Web Storage is recommended for simple storage needs due to its wide browser support and easy API. IndexedDB and Web SQL are suggested for larger data storage, with each having some advantages and limitations. The History API can be used to modify browser URLs and handle back button navigation. The offline manifest feature allows creating an application cache to serve local files when offline.

Top 10 F5 iRules to migrate to a modern load balancing platform
Top 10 F5 iRules to migrate to a modern load balancing platformTop 10 F5 iRules to migrate to a modern load balancing platform
Top 10 F5 iRules to migrate to a modern load balancing platform

With the advent of automation, iRules have become an artifact of the past. Especially when the most commonly deployed F5 iRules such as HTTP redirects, content switching, or logging, require custom scripting. It can be a huge pain for an IT team to train staff on convoluted syntax and manual conversions. Avi eliminates most iRules (#iRulesNoMore) – basic or advanced – with native point-and-click functionalities. Watch this webinar to learn: - How over 75% of F5 iRules can be accommodated by native point-and-click features - Top 10 iRules that can be migrated to native policies on the Avi Vantage Platform - How advanced and custom use cases are easily configured with Avi’s DataScript Full webinar:

irulesf5 networksload balancer



online.css offline.css

if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
        alert(position.coords.latitude + ", " + position.coords.longitude);
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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Extending spring
Extending springExtending spring
Extending spring

The document discusses tailoring Spring for custom usage. It explores extension points in the Spring framework and how to exploit lesser known but powerful hooks. The agenda includes demos of introducing the tool chain, basic dependency injection, BeanPostProcessor, AspectJ, life cycle callbacks, scopes, FactoryBeans, Spring Expression Language, profiles, proxies, resources, object to XML marshalling, REST, transactions, caching, custom views and view resolvers, writing adapters in Spring Integration, and more. QA is also on the agenda.

Connect Intergration Patterns: A Case Study - Patrick Streule
Connect Intergration Patterns: A Case Study - Patrick StreuleConnect Intergration Patterns: A Case Study - Patrick Streule
Connect Intergration Patterns: A Case Study - Patrick Streule

The document provides an overview of Connect integration patterns at Atlassian, including how add-ons can integrate with Connect applications using authentication methods like JWT. It discusses the development process from creating a descriptor and add-on service locally to deploying to staging and production. Examples are given of how add-ons can be installed across multiple applications and handle events through webhooks.

summit 2014summit14atlassian
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the PlatformJavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform
JavaScript APIs - The Web is the Platform

The document discusses JavaScript APIs and developing web apps. It covers topics like manifest files, installing web apps, offline capabilities, fullscreen support, camera, telephony, SMS, battery, vibration, and more. The goal is to enable running HTML5-based web apps across platforms like Windows, Mac, Android, and more using a common Web Runtime.

html5html5 javascriptjavascript
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
History API
var url = "",
title = "My blog",
state = {
    address : url

window.history.pushState(state, title, url);
window.history.replaceState(state, title, url);

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HTTP For the Good or the Bad - FSEC Edition
HTTP For the Good or the Bad - FSEC EditionHTTP For the Good or the Bad - FSEC Edition
HTTP For the Good or the Bad - FSEC Edition

A review of the webshells used by bad guys. How they are protected but also mistakes in their implementation. This talk was updated and presented at the FSEC conference in Croatia, September 2017.

Yearning jQuery
Yearning jQueryYearning jQuery
Yearning jQuery

The document discusses a screencast on using jQuery for designers, noting that the screencast will cover getting started with jQuery, DOM navigation and manipulation, events, Ajax, and tips. It provides Remy's contact information and encourages asking questions during the screencast. The document also lists various jQuery resources like documentation, blogs, tutorials, and forums for getting help with jQuery.

Beyond the page
Beyond the pageBeyond the page
Beyond the page

The latest browser APIs now make it possible to redesign how your web pages interact with other applications. Web pages are too often little islands that fail to play well with the wider user interfaces of our devices. This talk will explore the possibilities from Drag and Drop to Web Intents, demonstrating how to make web pages more equal in the world of applications.

Web Sockets
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");

// Send data
ws.send("Some data");

// Close the connection
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");

// When connection is opened
ws.onopen = function () {
    console.log("Connection opened!");

// When you receive a message
ws.onmessage = function (evt) {

// When you close the connection
ws.onclose = function () {
    console.log("Connection closed");

// When an error occurred
ws.onerror = function () {
    console.log("An error occurred");

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Paris js extensions
Paris js extensionsParis js extensions
Paris js extensions

Browser extensions allow additional features to be added to browsers through code added via extension APIs, as extensions have evolved from plugins and addons used in early browsers like Firefox and now provide powerful yet easy-to-use ways to customize Chrome, Firefox, and other modern browsers while leveraging web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Extensions are commonly used to integrate services, implement new specs, and add customized features to browsers, though developers must take care not to overuse extensions in ways that abuse their capabilities.

Android Studio Assignment HelpCan someone who is familiar with And.pdf
Android Studio Assignment HelpCan someone who is familiar with And.pdfAndroid Studio Assignment HelpCan someone who is familiar with And.pdf
Android Studio Assignment HelpCan someone who is familiar with And.pdf

Android Studio Assignment Help Can someone who is familiar with Android Studio help me create (in Java) a code in an app page that lets the user upload any picture and saves it into the app after its uploaded. Can you please post the Java code, XML code, and screenshots if possible? Solution AndroidManifest.xml ----- --------- activity_upload_to_server.xml ---------------- --------------------- --------------------- import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class Upload extends Activity { TextView messageText; Button uploadButton; int serverResponseCode = 0; ProgressDialog dialog = null; String upLoadServerUri = null; /********** File Path *************/ final String uploadFilePath = \"/mnt/sdcard/\"; final String uploadFileName = \"123.png\"; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_upload_to_server); uploadButton = (Button)findViewById(; messageText = (TextView)findViewById(; messageText.setText(\"Uploading file path :- \'/mnt/sdcard/\"+uploadFileName+\"\'\"); /************* Php script path ****************/ upLoadServerUri = \"\"; uploadButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { dialog =, \"\", \"Uploading file...\", true); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageText.setText(\"uploading started.....\"); } }); uploadFile(uploadFilePath + \"\" + uploadFileName); } }).start(); } }); } public int uploadFile(String sourceFileUri) { String fileName = sourceFileUri; HttpURLConnection conn = null; DataOutputStream dos = null; String lineEnd = \"\ \ \"; String twoHyphens = \"--\"; String boundary = \"*****\"; int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize; byte[] buffer; int maxBufferSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024; File sourceFile = new File(sourceFileUri); if (!sourceFile.isFile()) { dialog.dismiss(); Log.e(\"uploadFile\", \"Source File not exist :\" +uploadFilePath + \"\" + uploadFileName); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageText.setText(\"Source File not exist :\" +uploadFilePath + \"\" + uploadFileName); } }); return 0; } else { try { // open a URL connection to the Servlet FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); URL url = new URL(upLoadServerUri); // Open a HTTP connection to the URL conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoInput(true); // Allow Inputs.

Firefox OS learnings & visions, WebAPIs -
Firefox OS learnings & visions, WebAPIs - budapest.mobileFirefox OS learnings & visions, WebAPIs -
Firefox OS learnings & visions, WebAPIs -

This document summarizes the Firefox OS platform and its APIs. It discusses how Firefox OS uses HTML5, CSS and JavaScript to build apps, and describes various Web APIs for features like notifications, vibration, screen orientation, battery status and more. It also covers app packaging and security levels, and looks at future APIs for areas like NFC, WebRTC and others. Instructions are provided for getting started with Firefox OS development using tools like the simulator and inspector.

webapisfirefox os
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
File API

<input id="files-upload" type="file" multiple>

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Frontend Servers and NGINX: What, Where and How
Frontend Servers and NGINX: What, Where and HowFrontend Servers and NGINX: What, Where and How
Frontend Servers and NGINX: What, Where and How

1) Nginx is a popular and productive open source HTTP and reverse proxy server that can serve as a front end server. 2) As a front end server, nginx processes requests for static resources, proxies requests to dynamic applications in the back end, and can perform tasks like compression, caching, uploading/downloading, and image processing. 3) The document provides examples of basic nginx configuration for serving static files, proxying requests to backends, setting up virtual hosts, compressing responses, and generating thumbnails.

java fusion 2012sysiqnginx
Pushing the Web: Interesting things to Know
Pushing the Web: Interesting things to KnowPushing the Web: Interesting things to Know
Pushing the Web: Interesting things to Know

The document discusses upcoming web standards like HTML5 and WebSockets. It provides examples of using local storage, handling errors with window.onerror, and the Same Origin Policy. It also demonstrates how to access device sensors and use the webcam with getUserMedia. The document promotes Opera's developer tools like Dragonfly and extensions to aid web development.

Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W...
 	Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W... 	Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W...
Bringing the open web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS - Whisky W...

The document discusses building apps for Firefox OS using open web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It explains that apps can be developed like regular web apps and then packaged for installation on Firefox OS devices. Developers can access device APIs for features like contacts, notifications, and sensors. The document outlines the steps to take which include developing the app, creating a manifest file, and publishing/installing the app. It provides details on various web APIs and permissions available to Firefox OS apps.

webapiswebrtcfirefox os
var filesUpload = document.getElementById("files-upload");
filesUpload.onchange = function () {
    // Access to data about all files
    var files = this.files,
    for (var i=0, l=files.length; i<l; i++) {
        file = file[i];; // Get the name of the file
        file.size; // Get the size of the file, in bytes
        file.type; // Get the type of the file
for (var i=0, l=files.length, file, img; i<l; i++) {
    file = files[i];

    if (typeof FileReader !== "undefined") {
        img = document.createElement("img");
        reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = (function (theImg) {
            return function (evt) {
                 theImg.src =;
// For Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"post", "upload/upload.php", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
   if (this.readyState === 4) {
         // File uploaded

// Upload file: Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Name", file.fileName);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Size", file.fileSize);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Type", file.type);

HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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HTML5: huh, what is it good for?
HTML5: huh, what is it good for?HTML5: huh, what is it good for?
HTML5: huh, what is it good for?

HTML5 provides new semantic elements like <article> and <header> that allow for more meaningful structure than generic divs and spans. It also enables new multimedia capabilities with <video>, <audio>, and the <canvas> element for drawing. Behind the scenes, HTML5 introduces APIs for offline web applications, local storage, and client-side databases. The document discusses these new features and how to use polyfills to provide fallback support for older browsers that don't yet support the full HTML5 specification.


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine. It allows JavaScript to run on the server-side and is used for building network applications. Some key points about Node.js include: - It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. - Node package manager (npm) allows installation of external packages and libraries. - Modules are used to organize code into reusable pieces and can be local or installed via npm. - Testing frameworks like Mocha allow writing unit tests for modules and APIs.

Service Worker - Reliability bits
Service Worker - Reliability bitsService Worker - Reliability bits
Service Worker - Reliability bits

Service Worker allows web applications to work offline by intercepting network requests, caching responses, and serving cached responses when there is no network connection. It runs in the background and can handle events like fetch requests and push notifications. Key concepts include registering a service worker script, caching assets on install and user demand, and responding to fetch events by checking the cache first before making network requests. Common patterns are caching static resources on install, caching dynamic resources on each request, and migrating caches on activate. Service workers enable new capabilities like push notifications and progressive web apps.

progressive web appsweb progressionsservice worker
<video controls src="nasa.webm"></video>
<video controls>
    <source src="nasa.mp4"></source>
    <source src="nasa.webm"></source>
    <p>Hello, older web browser</p>
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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Cliw - extension development
Cliw -  extension developmentCliw -  extension development
Cliw - extension development

Browser extensions are programs that add new functionality to browsers. They are developed using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. The general structure of an extension includes metadata, a user interface, and functionality. Chrome extensions have a manifest file and folder structure that includes optional files. Firefox extensions have an install manifest file and chrome folder structure that can include XUL, JavaScript, images and more. Extensions are loaded by clicking "Load unpacked extension" in the browser extensions page after placing the extension files in a folder.

Web APIs & Apps - Mozilla
Web APIs & Apps - MozillaWeb APIs & Apps - Mozilla
Web APIs & Apps - Mozilla

This document summarizes the Firefox OS, an open web platform for building mobile apps and customizing the user interface using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It outlines key web APIs, the process for developing and publishing open web apps, and the different types of apps including regular web apps, installed web apps, and privileged web apps with additional capabilities. Security levels and permissions for APIs are also discussed.

apiweb apiapis
Denys Serhiienko "ASGI in depth"
Denys Serhiienko "ASGI in depth"Denys Serhiienko "ASGI in depth"
Denys Serhiienko "ASGI in depth"

With the advent of asyncio, the python community started to build new performant web frameworks and servers for asynchronous backends. In this way, ASGI specification appeared as a successor to WSGI. In this talk, we will take a closer look into the details of this new specification and consider its implementation in the uvicorn server and Starlette framework.

<video src=""
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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Week 4 - jQuery + Ajax
Week 4 - jQuery + AjaxWeek 4 - jQuery + Ajax
Week 4 - jQuery + Ajax

This document provides an introduction to jQuery, including what jQuery is, why it's useful, how to include it, and some common jQuery syntax and methods. Key points: - jQuery is a JavaScript framework that makes interacting with HTML, CSS, and browser functionality simpler. It provides methods for DOM manipulation, AJAX requests, and event handling. - jQuery uses CSS selector syntax to select elements and chainable methods to manipulate them. Common methods include show(), hide(), addClass(), removeClass(), and more. - Events like click and change can have callback functions attached via jQuery. AJAX requests allow asynchronous data retrieval without page reloads. - jQuery handles cross-browser compatibility and provides a consistent

HTML5 vs Silverlight
HTML5 vs SilverlightHTML5 vs Silverlight
HTML5 vs Silverlight

The document compares various features of HTML5 and Silverlight, including platforms supported, storage options, databases, offline capabilities, threading models, communication APIs, notifications, audio/video support, canvas drawing, and other miscellaneous features. Key differences discussed include HTML5's broader platform support versus Silverlight's reliance on the .NET framework and browser plugins. The document provides overviews and comparisons to help understand how the technologies compare in various areas.

Firefox OS Introduction at Bontouch
Firefox OS Introduction at BontouchFirefox OS Introduction at Bontouch
Firefox OS Introduction at Bontouch

Firefox OS is Mozilla's open source mobile operating system. It uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build apps that have access to device APIs for features like notifications, vibration, battery status, and geolocation. Apps are divided into regular web apps, installed web apps with more access, and certified web apps that are critical to device functions. The document outlines several device APIs available to Firefox OS apps and their usage, as well as pre-installed system apps and how to get started developing for the platform.

firefox osapis
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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Mozilla, Firefox OS and the Open Web
Mozilla, Firefox OS and the Open WebMozilla, Firefox OS and the Open Web
Mozilla, Firefox OS and the Open Web

Mozilla is a non-profit dedicated to promoting open web standards. Firefox OS is Mozilla's open source operating system for mobile devices that uses HTML5, CSS and JavaScript to build apps. The document discusses Firefox OS's use of web technologies and APIs to access device capabilities like contacts, notifications, vibration and sensors while maintaining security and privacy. It provides code examples for common APIs and outlines Mozilla's vision of enabling developers to use the web to create full-featured mobile apps and games.

firefox osjavascriptapis
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....

1. HTML5 provides new semantic elements like header, footer, nav and article that improve accessibility and help structure documents. It also extends existing APIs and adds new APIs for multimedia, geolocation, offline storage and more. 2. HTML5 introduces new form input types for dates, times, numbers and more. It also provides built-in form validation without JavaScript. 3. The <video> and <audio> elements allow native playback of multimedia across browsers without plugins. The <canvas> element allows dynamic drawing via JavaScript. 4. While still evolving, many HTML5 features can be used today through progressive enhancement and feature detection. It offers developers new capabilities for building web applications and interactive experiences on

htmlaudioweb design

Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library. It is non-blocking and scalable, using epoll and other low-level I/O modules. Tornado includes modules for HTTP handling, templates, authentication, and more. It was originally developed at FriendFeed and later open sourced by Facebook. Example usages include a simple "Hello World" app, handling requests and responses, using cookies and secure cookies, internationalization, and asynchronous database requests.

Apple even creates open
 standards for the web
                 -Steve Jobs
<canvas id="my-canvas" width="500" height="500">
    I am canvas
var canvas = document.getElementById("my-canvas"),
    context = canvas.getContext("2d");

context.fillStyle = "#f00";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);;

context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 200, 0.5)";
context.fillRect(50, 50, 100, 100);

context.clearRect(40, 40, 20, 20);


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Html5 For Jjugccc2009fall
Html5 For Jjugccc2009fallHtml5 For Jjugccc2009fall
Html5 For Jjugccc2009fall

HTML5 introduces new semantic elements like article, header, nav, and section that divide the content into meaningful regions. It also defines new multimedia elements such as video, audio, and canvas. New form input types and attributes are added for validation. The Canvas API allows dynamic drawing via scripting. The Drag and Drop API supports dragging and dropping elements. Other HTML5 APIs include Geolocation, Web Storage, and Web Workers. Overall, HTML5 provides a powerful set of features for building robust, dynamic web applications.

Have you tried listening?
Have you tried listening?Have you tried listening?
Have you tried listening?

The document discusses Robert Nyman's career in developer relations, including the different personas in the field, common activities like speaking at events and using social media, and challenges around measuring the impact of the work. It provides tips for those in developer relations such as figuring out your strengths, getting feedback, acknowledging people, and having passion for the work of connecting with developers.

developer relations
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017

New internet users are coming online around the world and are facing very different constraints to accessing the internet. In this talk, we'll cover what we've learned from building experiences for new internet users and walk through how you can build great experiences that work well for billions of users around the world. This is a presentation from Google I/O 2017, the video is available at Speakers: Tal Oppenheimer, Mariya Moeva, Robert Nyman

accelerated mobile pagesampio17
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
context.fillRect(350, 50, 100, 100);

context.lineWidth = "10";
context.lineJoin = "round";

context.moveTo(50, 50);
context.lineTo(200, 200);
context.lineTo(100, 300);

context.strokeStyle = "#00f";
context.arc(200, 400, 75, 0, Math.PI*2, false);

HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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Introduction to Google Daydream
Introduction to Google DaydreamIntroduction to Google Daydream
Introduction to Google Daydream

Daydream is a VR platform from Google that aims to make VR experiences more accessible and approachable through mobile. The document discusses how VR challenges traditional design expectations around visuals, presence, immersion, interfaces, attention, and timing. It emphasizes experimenting with bite-sized VR experiences that tempt user curiosity on mobile through Daydream.

vrgoogle vrdaydream
Predictability for the Web
Predictability for the WebPredictability for the Web
Predictability for the Web

This document discusses improving predictability for web developers. It describes challenges like cross-browser inconsistencies that make development difficult. The authors outline efforts by Chrome to address these issues, such as collaborating with other browsers, listening to developers, and minimizing breaking changes. Developers are encouraged to test new browser features, file bugs, and provide feedback to help continue enhancing predictability.

browser bug searcherdeveloper feedbackcross-browser
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - View Source conference, Berlin 2016

The document discusses the future of the web, covering topics like user identification, payments, connecting with hardware, virtual reality, and more. It notes that user identification will improve with autofill and smart lock passwords. Payments will be simplified through the Payment Request API. Connecting with hardware like Bluetooth devices and NFC will allow interaction with physical objects. Virtual reality on the web is progressing with the WebVR API landing in browsers. Overall, the web continues advancing in powerful ways.

context.fillStyle = "#fff";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);

context.fillStyle = "#f00";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

context.fillRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
context.strokeStyle = "transparent";

context.arc(100, 100, 75, 0, Math.PI*2, false);

context.fillStyle = "#fff";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);

context.fillStyle = "#f00";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

context.fillRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016
The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016
The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016

A presentation about the Future of the Web at the Cold Front conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 1 2016.

The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for IndonesiaThe Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia
The Future of Progressive Web Apps - Google for Indonesia

Presentation about the Future of Progressive Web Apps at the Google for Indonesia event in Jakarta, August 2016.

Google tech & products
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Google tech & products

This document discusses trends in web and mobile usage and Google announcements from Google I/O. It notes that while native mobile apps saw more usage time than browsers in the past, the web has grown significantly with over 1 billion users on browsers. Google announced several new products at I/O including Instant Apps for Android, apps on Chromebooks, Google Home, Google Assistant improvements, Allo with smart replies and Google Assistant integration, Duo video calling with a Knock Knock feature, Daydream VR platform, and projects from ATAP like Jacquard and Soli.

var canvas = document.getElementById("my-canvas"),
    context = canvas.getContext("2d"),
    img = document.createElement("img");

img.addEventListener("load", function () {
    context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 600, 200);
    // Get canvas content as a base64 image
    var base64Img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
}, false);

img.setAttribute("src", "view.jpg");

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Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...

This document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.

Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan
Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, JapanProgressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan
Progressive Web Apps keynote, Google Developer Summit, Tokyo, Japan

This document provides a history of the development of the web from 1991 to the present. It discusses technologies like HTML, HTTP, XMLHttpRequest, AJAX, and mobile web development. It then introduces progressive web apps, which are web applications that are reliable, fast and engaging like native apps through the use of technologies like service workers, web app manifests and push notifications. Examples are given of companies like Flipkart that have seen success adopting progressive web apps.

progressive web appspwatokyo
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps have gained popularity, especially on mobile, the web still accounts for a large portion of usage. It outlines tools from Google like service workers, push notifications, and app install banners that aim to close capabilities gaps between the web and native apps. The document advocates for progressive web apps that are accessible like websites but also feel like native apps to users. The future of the web, it argues, depends on continuing to match and surpass native platforms while keeping the web open, accessible, and long-lasting.

HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS

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The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps have gained popularity, especially on mobile, the web remains strong with over 1 billion active users. It outlines tools from Google like Service Workers that help the web compete with capabilities previously only available to native apps like push notifications, offline access, and background processing. The document advocates for continued progress to simplify the web development process and ensure the longevity of technologies, arguing this will help the web remain diverse and accessible across all platforms.

webjavascriptservice workers
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Istanbul
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - IstanbulThe web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Istanbul
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Istanbul

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It describes how the web currently lacks capabilities that native mobile apps have like push notifications, background processing, and offline access. However, new web features being developed like Service Workers, Push Notifications, and Background Sync aim to address these gaps. The document argues that with these new features, the divide between native and web is diminishing and the web can provide an app-like experience without requiring users to download an app. The future of the web depends on further developing these capabilities and ensuring the web remains accessible, simple to use, and continues to work across all platforms.

The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must goThe web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps currently dominate mobile usage, the web is working to address its limitations through new features like service workers for offline access, background sync for periodic processing, and push notifications. It highlights tools from Google like Mobile-Friendly Test, Chrome DevTools, and Web Fundamentals. It argues the web needs to simplify onboarding and spread awareness of its capabilities to ensure its long-term viability against native platforms. The future of the web depends on matching and surpassing native capabilities while keeping content universally accessible across different platforms.

HTML5 APIs - Where No Man Has Gone Before! - GothamJS
Robert Nyman    Twitter: @robertnyman

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