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Turning your web performance to 11Newman Scott Hunter - @nshunter –
Turning Your Website Performance to 11
Faster websites make more money.

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High Performance Snippets
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High Performance Snippets

1. Synchronous scripts block page rendering, so scripts should be loaded asynchronously. 2. Front-end dependencies like social media widgets can cause slowdowns if they fail to load. Blackholing domains in tests can show these slowdowns. 3. "Bootstrap scripts" from content delivery networks often have short cache times, increasing chances of failures. But they can be made self-updating while keeping long cache times.

snippetsfrontend spofasynchronous
Frontend SPOF
Frontend SPOFFrontend SPOF
Frontend SPOF

The document discusses the frontend single point of failure (SPOF) problem caused by blocking JavaScript and CSS files. It provides examples of popular websites, code libraries, widgets, and content management systems that contribute to frontend SPOFs. The document recommends solutions for browsers, widget owners, CMS developers, and site owners to address this issue through asynchronous loading of resources and better monitoring of frontend performance.

SQL Server - CLR integration
SQL Server - CLR integrationSQL Server - CLR integration
SQL Server - CLR integration

This document contains notes from a SQL Server 2008 for Developers course taught by Peter Gfader. The course covered topics such as high availability, online index operations, mirrored backups, and SQL CLR integration. SQL CLR integration allows writing database queries using .NET code. It provides benefits like complex calculations, custom types and aggregates, and leveraging .NET debugging. However, T-SQL is better suited for core data operations. The document provides examples of stored procedures, functions, triggers and other SQL CLR code.

clr integrationstored procedure in csql server
Loading Times @ 4 Seconds, 75% of users will not choose to return to the site.Source:
Perception of PerformanceUser HappynessTime @ 100 ms“Okay, I did something.”...@ 1000 ms“Okay, I’m waiting for it to load”@ 10000 ms“This site is F-ing SLOW.”Source:
Do I have a problem?
Assessing PerformanceFirebug

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Web Performance in the Age of HTTP2 - Topconf Tallinn 2016 - Holger Bartel

Web performance optimisation has been gaining ground and is slowly getting more of its deserved recognition. Nevertheless, much of our time on the web is still used up by waiting. To decrease our wait time and improve the web’s overall performance, this integral part of user experience needs further promotion. Waiting and the perception of time itself, is reason enough to explore some of the psychological effects time has on our users, too. Passing time also plays a big role in the evolution of technologies. Through the history of HTTP we have reached the latest version as HTTP/2, which will turn some of our existing web performance best practices on their head and into the new anti-patterns of today.

web performanceweb designhttp/2 Imagine Presentation 2014 Imagine Presentation Imagine Presentation 2014 Imagine Presentation 2014 is a next generation PHP infrastructure. It is not a webserver like Apache or nginx, nor a Timer Service or Message Queue. It is all of them and much more in one extremely powerful bundle. And it is completely written in PHP enabling PHP developers to adapt to their specific needs with no additional coding language - just PHP!

php application serverappserver.ioapplication-server php
Magento on stereoids, Imagine 2014 Las Vegas
Magento on stereoids, Imagine 2014 Las VegasMagento on stereoids, Imagine 2014 Las Vegas
Magento on stereoids, Imagine 2014 Las Vegas

Imagine if there was a highly-flexible, scalable, secure and easy-to-use platform with unbelievable performance that you could integrate with Magento Enterprise Edition. With the Platform built for Magento Enterprise Edition, they are delivering exactly this. This session will address the status quo of existing Enterprise Edition infrastructure with examples from real case studies. Problems with traditional setups will be outlined along with how they can be solved with the platform.

magentoimagineecommercelas vegas
Turning Your Website Performance to 11
Assessing Performance
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Turning Your Website Performance to 11

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State of the resource timing api

Presentation at WebPerfDays Amsterdam, May 18 2013. This newish browser API can be used to gain insight in the load time of individual page resources. Does the API behave consistently and as expected? Short answer: no, not really. Long answer: view the presentation ;-)

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How to use Request Reply scope
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How to use Request Reply scope

The document discusses how to use the request-reply scope in Mule applications. The request-reply scope allows embedding asynchronous processing within a synchronous Mule flow. It receives a response from an asynchronous flow without hardcoding the destination. The document provides an example Mule flow configuration that uses request-reply scope to convert a one-way VM flow to a request-response flow. The flow demonstrates setting a payload in the request flow, passing it asynchronously to the reply flow which modifies the payload and returns it synchronously.

10 things
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10 things

This document discusses 10 ways to make Magento faster that do not directly involve changes to Magento. It recommends minimizing external service calls, caching static content close to customers using a CDN, reducing blocking operations like database queries over NFS mounts, and focusing on perceived page load speeds rather than raw stats. It also advocates testing performance changes with production-scale data loads.

Site’s SlowProblem?
Where’s the Problem?Front EndImages
CSS / Javascript / HTML
Flash / Video / Rich Media

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The document discusses optimizing client-side delivery of web resources for performance. It notes that generation time accounts for 10-20% of performance, while delivery time accounts for 80-90%. Faster load times improve the customer experience and can increase revenue. Various techniques are presented for reducing load times, such as minimizing HTTP requests, optimizing caching, using content delivery networks, browser-based compression, and minimizing file sizes.

php yiiapachelinux
Smashing Meets for Speed: Why web performance matters – especially now
Smashing Meets for Speed: Why web performance matters – especially nowSmashing Meets for Speed: Why web performance matters – especially now
Smashing Meets for Speed: Why web performance matters – especially now

We talk a lot about web performance, but a lot of these conversations come from a purely technical perspective. Most people have a gut feeling that performance is important, but exactly what influence it has on your users and your business is often overlooked. In this talk I shared at Smashing Conference's 'Meets for Speed', I share why our need for fast online experiences is hard-wired, and how slow performance hurts your users and your business.

web performanceuser experiencesite speed
Cloud Connect Santa Clara 2013: Web Acceleration and Front-End Optimization (...
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Cloud Connect Santa Clara 2013: Web Acceleration and Front-End Optimization (...

One approach to performance is to accelerate the network; another is to optimize the application by reducing how much the network is needed and pushing content out towards the user. In this session, Hooman Beheshti reveals how technologies like Front-End Optimization and Content Delivery Networks work alongside the rest of the cloud computing stack to improve performance and increase user productivity.

site speedsite accelerationcloud performance
Headers / Cookies Back EndPHP / Python / Ruby / Java / etc.
Asset ServiceFront End IssuesFirst Stop: FirebugDo we need everything on this page?

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Do we still need a web framework ?

While frameworks were once essential, this document argues they are no longer needed for web development. Modern web applications can be built with only lightweight libraries and no rigid MVC framework. A flexible, event-driven approach using RESTful web services, template rendering, resource aggregation, localization handling, specialized client-side libraries, reverse AJAX, and session clustering provides all that is required to build robust, scalable web applications and mobile apps. Frameworks impose constraints that are no longer necessary given current technologies.

Comment se crasher avec classe pendant un pic d'audience, a.k.a #effetcapital
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Comment allez vous préparer une mise en avant de votre application lors d'un reportage TV ? Allez vous réussir à absorber ce pic de traffic massif, ou autrement dit "Effet Capital"

Our application got popular and now it breaks
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Our application got popular and now it breaks

Our application got popular and now breaks under load. The document discusses common issues that cause applications to break as user load increases, such as overuse of shared scopes, inefficient database queries, and slow client-side performance. It provides examples of better approaches and techniques to optimize performance, such as using distributed caching, improving query efficiency through joins, compressing assets, and prioritizing critical CSS and JavaScript.

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Multiple Images
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Last year at Velocity, Strangeloop's VP Product, Hooman Beheshti, presented the findings from phase one of Strangeloop’s long-term research into the relationship between web performance and business benefits. The results were also published in Watching Websites. Since then, we’ve received a barrage of questions from the web performance community, which fueled phase two of our study. In this presentation, Strangeloop president Joshua Bixby offers our most recent findings. Some of the community’s questions were: * Who were the clients? * How fast were the pages? * What acceleration techniques were implemented? * What happened to the key page components (such as JS size, payload and roundtrips) of the websites? * How did changing key variables (page load time, payload, number of roundtrips, etc.) affect the outcome? We’ve been collecting and analyzing data to help us answer these questions, as well as some new ones we’ve thought up along the way. Join us as we present our findings, and help us consider what areas deserve further study.

site accelerationweb performancevelocity
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As a Tester you need to level up. You can do more than functional verification or reporting Response Time In my Performance Clinic Workshops I show you real life exampls on why Applications fail and what you can do to find these problems when you are testing these applications. I am using Free Tools for all of these excercises - especially Dynatrace which gives full End-to-End Visibility (Browser to Database). You can test and download Dynatrace for Free @

load testingwebperfhibernate
Mot cph when its just too slow
Mot cph when its just too slowMot cph when its just too slow
Mot cph when its just too slow

This document discusses mobile application performance testing. It begins by explaining how fast is perceived by humans, with 100ms seen as instant, 1s as an acceptable delay, and 10s as the limit to maintain focus. It then discusses various performance studies showing user frustration and abandonment rates related to load speeds. The document goes on to describe benchmarking applications, identifying fixes, optimizing through various techniques, and retesting. Specific areas covered in more depth include optimizing images through size, quality, format, caching and lazy loading. Other topics include content delivery networks, animating GIFs, and network information.

Front End Issues
Turning Your Website Performance to 11
Turning Your Website Performance to 11
Apache Header Fix

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Mobile apps and mobile video need to be delivered quickly to keep your customers happy. This presentation was given in Brasov on 13/02/2018

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Building performance into the new yahoo homepage presentation

Nicholas Zakas presented on optimizing the performance of the Yahoo homepage redesign from 2010. The new design added significant functionality but also increased page size and complexity, threatening performance. Areas of focus included reducing time to interactivity, improving Ajax responsiveness, and managing perceived performance. Through techniques like progressive rendering, non-blocking JavaScript loading, and indicating loading states, performance was improved and maintained users' perception of speed. The redesign achieved onload times of ~2.5 seconds, down from ~5 previously, while perceived performance matched the previous version.

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Performance on the Yahoo! Homepage
Performance on the Yahoo! HomepagePerformance on the Yahoo! Homepage
Performance on the Yahoo! Homepage

Overhauling one of the most visited web sites in the world is a major task, and add on top of it the pressure of keeping performance the same while adding a ton of new features, and you have quite a task. Learn how the Yahoo! homepage team achieved performance parity with the previous version even while adding a ton of new features.

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Overloaded Server
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The document discusses techniques for improving web page performance, including making fewer HTTP requests through image maps, CSS sprites, inline images, and combined scripts and stylesheets. It also covers using a content delivery network, adding expiration headers, CSS/JavaScript optimization, parallel downloads, cookies, browser caching, and more. Case studies and experiments demonstrate the impact of these techniques on major websites. The goal is to help web developers optimize front-end performance.

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High Performance Web SitesHigh Performance Web Sites
High Performance Web Sites

14 rules for faster-loading pages by Steve Souders and Tenni Theurer

High Performance Websites By Souders Steve
High Performance Websites By Souders SteveHigh Performance Websites By Souders Steve
High Performance Websites By Souders Steve

Presentation of Steve Souders and Tenni Theurer on "High Performance Web Sites - 14 rules for faster-loading pages"


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