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Karen Vuong
Principal Open Source Program Manager -
Open Source Solutions
About me
• Open Source Program Manager
• Citrix Open Source Business Office
• Apache CloudStack Project Committee
Member and Committer
• Founder/Organizer of CloudStack Silicon
Valley User Group
• Helps organize CloudStack Collaboration
Conferences and CloudStack Days
• Fun facts: Bungee jumping, riding my
motorcycle and backpacking in California
• Code is the heart of any open source
project, but don’t think that writing code
is the only way to contribute.
• Projects need contributions from
everyone of all skills and levels of
• Open-source projects suffer from a lack
of marketing awareness. You can help
open-source projects get more

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Promoting your research on the web
Promoting your research on the webPromoting your research on the web
Promoting your research on the web

This document provides guidance on promoting research online. It discusses planning objectives and audience, choosing tools like websites, blogs, social media, citation tools and data sharing sites. Success should be measurable. The document recommends writing concisely for the web, using sites like LinkedIn and Twitter to network and share work, and experimenting to find the best methods before concluding.

Ten great ideas summer 2015
Ten great ideas summer 2015Ten great ideas summer 2015
Ten great ideas summer 2015

This document provides an overview of a presentation on digital discipleship and lifelong learning in the new media age. It discusses understanding web 2.0, levels of technology engagement, and introduces 10 useful web tools for ministry, including Pinterest, Dropbox, and Google Docs. The goal is to help attendees continue learning about web 2.0 tools to enhance faith formation and ministry.

Ten Great Ideas 2015
Ten Great Ideas 2015Ten Great Ideas 2015
Ten Great Ideas 2015

Ten Great Ideas for Your Catechetical Classroom or Ministry is part of the Dgital Discipleship Boot Camp series of webinars.

ddbctechnology and ministry
• Find an open source project that is interesting to you
• Start listening – mailing lists, blogs, IRC channel
• Work with Tickets – commenting on a bug
• Work with Documentation – how-to examples
• Work with Community – answer a question, write blog posts, improve a
website, or help organize meetups and conferences
Open Source Meetupsand
• Brings people with a common
interest together to share that
• Brings developers, users,
contributors and people who
are interested in the project
• Face-to-face interaction!
• Share and learn from
• Two common types of in-person open source events
• 3-step process:
• Setup
• Promote (emphasis on this)
• What to do after the events
Setup Promote After the event
Two Common Types of OpenSource
Open Source Meetups Open Source Conferences

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DDBC Capstone Project - Summer 2015
DDBC Capstone Project - Summer 2015DDBC Capstone Project - Summer 2015
DDBC Capstone Project - Summer 2015

This document provides information about the capstone project for the Digital Discipleship Boot Camp (DDBC). It outlines the three phases of the capstone project including proposal, implementation, and final reporting deadlines. It also discusses brainstorming capstone project ideas, the rubric for evaluation, and obtaining continuing education credits upon completion. The capstone project allows participants to apply what they learned in DDBC and create a final project integrating technology into their ministry.

Websites for Ministry
Websites for MinistryWebsites for Ministry
Websites for Ministry

This document provides an overview of a presentation on building websites for ministry. It discusses determining why a ministry needs a website, defines tools for building websites like WordPress, WIX and Blogger, and covers basics of website design including domains, URLs, and copyright considerations. The presentation objectives are to help attendees understand how to properly develop a ministry website that meets objectives and follows copyright laws.

weeblywordpresscreative commons
Finding and-organizing Great Cloud Foundry User Groups
Finding and-organizing Great Cloud Foundry User GroupsFinding and-organizing Great Cloud Foundry User Groups
Finding and-organizing Great Cloud Foundry User Groups

This document discusses organizing and participating in Cloud Foundry user groups. It provides tips for finding existing groups on, deciding whether to start a new group, planning events with good speakers and content, promoting events, and sustaining a group over time. Organizing groups can help technology adoption, build skills and networks, and find job opportunities. Successful events have relevant content, great speakers, good venues, and high attendance.

The Recipe to Getting Attendees to Your Open Source Events
• There were two other open source cloud meetups going on at
the same exact time
• We capped the attendee list at the maximum room capacity
• We did not do anything to promote the meetup
• We did not send reminders to attendees

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Finding and Organizing a Great Cloud Foundry User Group
Finding and Organizing a Great Cloud Foundry User GroupFinding and Organizing a Great Cloud Foundry User Group
Finding and Organizing a Great Cloud Foundry User Group

Slides from the 2015 Cloud Foundry Summit on May 12. Virtualization and global distribution are great when it comes to cloud computing and open source. In both cases, physical location is irrelevant. But one of the best ways to join the Cloud Foundry community is to participate in a local meetup. The presenters will share their experience running user groups over the past decade and lessons learned from recent Cloud Foundry events. This session will teach you how to: 1. Find an active Cloud Foundry (or related cloud computing) user group 2. Contribute your own knowledge at an upcoming event 3. Organize - and sustain - a strong Cloud Foundry community After this presentation, you will: 1. Appreciate the professional (and social) benefits of attending a meetup 2. Know how to share your expertise and establish your eminence as a Cloud Foundry expert 3. Be prepared to effectively organize a sustainable Cloud Foundry user group

meetup usergroup cloud cloudfoundry
Effective Tech Community Engagement - Best Practices
Effective Tech Community Engagement - Best PracticesEffective Tech Community Engagement - Best Practices
Effective Tech Community Engagement - Best Practices

This document provides best practices for effective community engagement in 3 stages: 1) Build your brand and recognition through small contributions, 2) Open up your work by presenting at meetups and publishing materials, and 3) Achieve "community nirvana" by becoming a meetup organizer. It also outlines plans for engaging the Google Cloud Community, including maximizing diverse membership, joint events, and activities like extended sessions, study groups, and webinars.

Building a community - BuildStuff Lithuania 2014
Building a community - BuildStuff Lithuania 2014Building a community - BuildStuff Lithuania 2014
Building a community - BuildStuff Lithuania 2014

You want to be a user group lead? Thinking of starting your own user group? Awesome! But there are a number of things to think about before starting. Is your whole idea viable? Where do I get speakers and attendees? Should I create a legal entity? How do I finance the whole thing? In this session, Gill Cleeren will tell you how he has had a successful user group in Belgium for almost 10 years now.

buildstuffcommunityuser groups
Setup Promote After the event
• Heard of Been? Organize? Want to?
• Tips and best practices for setting it up, promoting, and what to
do after
• Yes, there are steps that you can follow - It’s SIMPLE
• I’ve made it even more SIMPLE with checklists!
SettingUpyourMeetupGroupIf you haven’t done so already, create a meetup group!
Even says “you don’t need to be an expert to organize an awesome meetup.”
*Add 15 topics. If you
add “open source”
People who search for
topics, such as “open
source” will come across
your meetup group.

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Tools Of Engagement Presenting And Training In Social Media
Tools Of Engagement  Presenting And Training In Social MediaTools Of Engagement  Presenting And Training In Social Media
Tools Of Engagement Presenting And Training In Social Media

This document discusses tools and strategies for engaging audiences in online presentations and training using social media. It provides examples of incorporating platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and GoToTraining into the presentation process to encourage participation and continue the conversation. Tips include monitoring the Twitter backchannel, creating Facebook events and pages, leveraging LinkedIn for research, and using tools like Camtasia and AuthorStream to publish presentations online with embedded video and narration. The goal is to move from traditional one-way broadcasting to an ongoing dialogue.

Making and sharing content online
Making and sharing content onlineMaking and sharing content online
Making and sharing content online

This document summarizes a presentation about making and sharing content online as a researcher. It discusses recording, editing, and hosting digital content like documents, slides, images, audio, and video. It encourages open sharing of research outputs to enhance impact and engagement. Some challenges of digital sharing are addressed, such as copyright and ensuring materials are adapted for different audiences. Tools for different types of digital media are listed.

researcherdigital literacy
The Well Connected Facility
The Well Connected FacilityThe Well Connected Facility
The Well Connected Facility

Presented at CYTO 2014 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA May 19, 2014. Focused on methods used to enhance exposure of shared resource laboratories (or core facilities) by means of increased participation in social media activities.

flow cytometrysrlcyto2014
• First meetup: Start with a beginner’s talk “Intro to …”
• Send out a call for speakers note:
• Reach out to the developers and users mailing lists
• Reach out to meetup group members
• Reach out to your own contacts
• Select a date/time for your
• Check’s calendar of
meetups in your area first for
conflicting dates
• Avoid Mondays/Fridays
• Find a Venue
• Reach out to your contacts and ask if they can offer a space for
your meetup
• They said YES? Go and check out the space (no surprises)
• Test out the speakers, mic, projector
(especially if you are going to
live stream)
• Remember to hit “record”
• Ask local libraries or colleges
• Now you’re all set!
• Announce the meetup to your members
• Provide a map and parking information

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Hudson Valley DevFest 2021 / HVTechFest'21
Hudson Valley DevFest 2021 / HVTechFest'21Hudson Valley DevFest 2021 / HVTechFest'21
Hudson Valley DevFest 2021 / HVTechFest'21

135 individuals attended the third Hudson Valley Tech Festival Conference and Hackathon in 2021.In partnership with Google Developers Community, supported by Google, this event was the major tech event for the region. The 3-day Conference was live-streamed and transcribed by the New York Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC NY) with all sessions archived online, Day one of the Conference was a hybrid in-person/virtual session, days two and three featured virtual workshops with technical papers being presented and discussed, 81 individuals participated in the Hackathon, using Zoom, Discord, Padlet and other tools provided. Participants List 3 separate social/civic problems were addressed.

Marketing Your Open Source Project
Marketing Your Open Source ProjectMarketing Your Open Source Project
Marketing Your Open Source Project

This document discusses the importance of marketing for open source projects. It begins by introducing different tracers that existed with varying levels of popularity, using this as an example of how marketing can impact awareness and usage of a project. The document then defines marketing as promoting and distributing an idea to gain attention and resources. It acknowledges common reasons why marketing may not occur for open source projects and argues that good marketing does not happen by accident. Finally, it provides an overview of various marketing tools for open source like documentation, blog posts, videos, conferences and emphasizing community-building. The key message is that marketing is necessary to capture attention for a project in an environment with many options and that everything a project does can be a form of marketing

open sourcemarketinglinux
How to Use Social Media to Sell Out Your #TableauUserGroup Events.pdf
How to Use Social Media to Sell Out Your #TableauUserGroup Events.pdfHow to Use Social Media to Sell Out Your #TableauUserGroup Events.pdf
How to Use Social Media to Sell Out Your #TableauUserGroup Events.pdf

This document provides social media best practices and recommendations for Tableau User Group (TUG) leaders to promote their events. It covers: - Why social media is important for connecting the Tableau community (#DataFam) and promoting events - An overview of Tableau's social media channels and hashtags to use like #TableauUserGroup - Tips for optimizing a TUG leader's social profiles and sample social media checklists for pre-event, during event, and post-event promotion - YouTube best practices like using captions, chapters, and experimenting with formats like Shorts The goal is to help TUGs drive registrations and engagement through strategic social media usage.

It’s a free event – expect a
30% - 50% no show rate
• The day of your meetup:
• Arrive about 45 minutes to 1 hour early
• Registration table
• Name badges
• Directional signage
• Beer & Food
• Speakers prepare
• Get slides from speakers

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A Future Friendly Workflow
A Future Friendly WorkflowA Future Friendly Workflow
A Future Friendly Workflow

My talk from the latest Brisbane Web Design meetup (June 2012) about the techniques I have been using to build responsive, future friendly sites. How it effects designers, developers and clients. Thanks to these people for their ideas: Brad Frost - Stephen Hay - Workflow Redesigned: A Future-Friendly Approach - The Smashing Book #3 Andy Clarke - Becoming Fabulously Flexible - The Smashing Book #3 Samantha Warren -

web design and developmentresponsivefuture friendly

The document provides tips for marketing an open source project on GitHub. It recommends explaining the motivation and purpose of the project, researching similar existing projects, and developing the project to be easy to install, use, and contribute to. Key steps include writing a good README, publishing the project in relevant communities, and submitting it to curated lists to help users discover the project. The goal is to build an active community of contributors and users to support the long-term success of the open source project.

open sourceossproduct management
Community vision and plan webinar 7 july2011
Community vision and plan webinar 7 july2011Community vision and plan webinar 7 july2011
Community vision and plan webinar 7 july2011

The document outlines Jeff Potts' objectives for the Alfresco Community which are to engage community members, enable the community with tools and resources, and expose great contributions. Key plans for 2011 include an annual community survey, supporting local meetups, the DevCon conference, and promoting exceptional community contributors. The goals are to increase participation, make contributions easier, and promote the community.

jeff pottscommunityalfresco
• How am I going to get
people together?
• Put yourself in their shoes!
Setup Promote After the event
Social media channels (the project’s LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) ✓
Announce to your meetup group members
Post your meetup on event websites and event calendars ✓
Share a Blurb with meetup group organizers ✓
Email Blasts
Tweet pictures during the meetup ✓
• Social media channels:
• The project’s LinkedIn page, Twitter, Facebook
• Twitter – schedule tweets (use Hootsuite), create click-to-tweets and
ask the community to tweet
• Facebook – post statuses (use Hootsuite), join other groups and post
• LinkedIn – post discussions in the Open Source Groups and the
project’s LinkedIn page

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Community Organizing Tools from the Experts Webinar
Community Organizing Tools from the Experts WebinarCommunity Organizing Tools from the Experts Webinar
Community Organizing Tools from the Experts Webinar

This document provides information about various community organizing tools including 501 Tech Clubs, Communities of Practice, and volunteer organizers. It discusses using Microsoft Office for mass email campaigns, including building contact lists in Excel, writing email copy in Word, and personalizing emails using Outlook mail merge. The document also covers using text expansion utilities to increase productivity, tools for creating training and instructional videos like Jing, planning Twitter chats, and an introduction to using Google Drive and Docs for document collaboration and file storage.

How to Use WordPress to Host Your Podcast
How to Use WordPress to Host Your PodcastHow to Use WordPress to Host Your Podcast
How to Use WordPress to Host Your Podcast

This document provides an overview of how to use WordPress to host a podcast. It discusses the benefits of podcasting such as building rapport with an audience and growing a business. It then outlines the setup process, including purchasing additional hosting, configuring an RSS feed, and submitting to directories. It details equipment options and provides a step-by-step workflow for creating podcast episodes, which involves preparing, recording, editing, tagging, uploading audio files, writing show notes, and publishing. The document emphasizes creating podcasts consistently through scheduling, habit formation, and using templates.

Open World Forum - The Agile and Open Source Way
Open World Forum - The Agile and Open Source WayOpen World Forum - The Agile and Open Source Way
Open World Forum - The Agile and Open Source Way

Slides from Open World Forum 2013 (#OWF13) The Agile and Open Source Way is the book for everyone who wants to scale agile in multiple distributed teams. This book will also help you to collaborate upstream with Open Source projects. Whether you want to improve interactions with other teams inside or outside your company, or just interested in scaling from more than one team, you will find in this publication the information you need, illustrated by a real case.

itproject managementowf13
• Announce to your meetup group members:
• Email members in your meetup group
• Don’t be afraid to send reminders!
• Send reminders 7, 2, 1, and the day of the meetup reminding RSVPs
that the event is still happening.
• Automatic reminders
• Post your meetup on event websites and event calendars:
• Write up a blurb that other meetup group organizers in the
area can share with their members
This meetup will be
This is a partner announcement from the CloudStack Silicon Valley User Meetup group. It might
be very interesting for many of you:
Dear Community,
It's my pleasure to announce that our next meetup will be around Docker, Kubernetes, CoreOS
and Big Data in Apache CloudStack! Our main speaker of the evening will be Sebastien
Goasguen. He is currently a Senior Open Source Solutions Architect at Citrix, where he works
primarily on the Apache CloudStack project, helping to develop the CloudStack ecosystem.
Sebastien is a project management committee member (PMC) of CloudStack and Apache
libcloud and a member of the Apache Software Foundation.

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Open Source Lessons from the TODO Group
Open Source Lessons from the TODO GroupOpen Source Lessons from the TODO Group
Open Source Lessons from the TODO Group

Given at OSCON 2016, members of the TODO Group discuss open source lessons learned in their respective open source programs.

licensingopen source
Oscon 2016: open source lessons from the todo group
Oscon 2016: open source lessons from the todo groupOscon 2016: open source lessons from the todo group
Oscon 2016: open source lessons from the todo group

The document summarizes lessons learned from open source programs at several major tech companies presented at an event by the TODO Group. The TODO Group is a collaboration of companies who share practices for running successful open source programs. Several companies including Netflix, Microsoft, Capital One, Box, Sandisk, Google and Yahoo discussed how they scale their open source programs, build communities, and realize strategic benefits from their involvement in open source.

open source
Management de communaute
Management de communauteManagement de communaute
Management de communaute

This document discusses strategies for creating an open source community as a software publisher. It recommends building community to get feedback, contributors, and evangelists which improves software quality. Key elements include choosing an open source license and development model, and using tools like websites, code repositories, issue trackers, and mailing lists for marketing, development, and governance. Community engagement is important through conferences, workshops, and being responsive to contributors.

methodspracticescommunity management

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Drive Member Engagement through Revitalized Chapter Events
Drive Member Engagement through Revitalized Chapter EventsDrive Member Engagement through Revitalized Chapter Events
Drive Member Engagement through Revitalized Chapter Events

This document provides suggestions for revitalizing chapter events to drive member engagement through co-creation, collaboration, connections, and content. It recommends getting members involved in event creation, having chapters collaborate on events, building networking into the event design, and making content engaging and an enjoyable learning experience. Specific tactics include asking members for input, setting up focus groups, adding polls, collaborating across chapters, offering interactive table exercises, meetups for specific interests, and exploring new session formats. It also includes examples of short event formats and ways to expand events such as curated playlists, expert clinics, and explorer groups.

chapterschapter-based associationsleverage chapters
BLOG ISSUE 46- Balmer Lawrie Quarterly Gazette
BLOG ISSUE 46- Balmer Lawrie Quarterly GazetteBLOG ISSUE 46- Balmer Lawrie Quarterly Gazette
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BLOG ISSUE 46- Balmer Lawrie Quarterly Gazette

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Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...
Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...
Powering Up Your Digital Strategy, Amplifying the Potential of Performance-Ba...

In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, yesterday's strategies simply won't suffice. Join us for a groundbreaking session on revenue based marketing where we'll explore cutting-edge approaches and the latest strategies that can supercharge your digital marketing plans. Discover how to leverage performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing to drive revenue, optimize your campaigns, and achieve measurable results. We'll dive into effective methods for building brand awareness, cultivating deep engagement, driving conversions, and fostering lasting customer loyalty. Prepare to gain fresh ideas, valuable insights, and innovative methodologies designed to elevate your digital marketing efforts to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your strategy and stay ahead of the curve! Key Takeaways: 1. Advanced Revenue-Driven Strategies: Learn how performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing can drive revenue and optimize your marketing efforts. 2. Building and Engaging Your Audience: Discover effective methods for increasing brand awareness and cultivating deep engagement with your target audience. 3. Driving Conversions and Loyalty: Gain insights into strategies for driving conversions and fostering lasting customer loyalty to sustain your brand's growth.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Setup Promote After the event

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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024
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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024

The "Digital Marketing Metrics" PDF by Digital Scape provides a detailed guide to essential metrics used in digital marketing. It explains the importance of metrics in tracking and optimizing marketing efforts, offering definitions, formulas, and examples for each metric. The document covers metrics such as Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Cost of Acquisition (COA), Click Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CVR), Cost Per Sale (CPS), Bounce Rate, and Lead Conversion Rate (LCR). The aim is to equip marketers with the knowledge needed to make data-driven decisions and enhance campaign performance. Learn what is metrics, difference in metrics, different types of metrics and calculation.

digitdigital marketingdigital strategy
Traditional Foods Of Australia and The History
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One of the most iconic foods in Australia is the meat pie. This handheld snack or meal consists of a pastry shell filled with minced meat, most commonly beef, and savoury gravy. It is often enjoyed at sporting events or as a quick and satisfying lunch option. Visit -

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Know about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptxKnow about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptx

Training devistation provides quality training in digital marketing. ChatGPT Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of online strategies and tactics designed to connect businesses with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately generate leads and sales. Here’s a comprehensive description: Digital marketing leverages various online channels and platforms such as search engines (Google, Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email, websites, and mobile apps to reach consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on print ads, billboards, or TV commercials, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and measurement of campaigns in real time. also know about benefits of digital marketing click here - address - industrial area, phase 8, F7, MOHALI, PUNJAB

digital marketingseoppc
• Keep a consistent
schedule – every
1.5 months is
• Create a poll and
ask members
which topics they
are interested in
(make a list of 4 or
• Poll only takes 30

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What Does a Social Media Manager�� ‎ ‎ Do?
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Curious about what a social media manager really does? Our latest presentation breaks down the key responsibilities and daily tasks of this dynamic role. Want to understand more about this essential position? Read the full deck now! Full blog here -

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Free Healthcare Marketing Plan for Medical Practices and Healthcare professionals in USA!

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Top 10 Cases of Amnesia A Journey through Memory Loss.pptx

Amnesia, the loss of memory, is a fascinating and complex condition that has captured the imagination of scientists, storytellers, and the general public alike. It can be triggered by various factors such as brain injury, psychological trauma, or even certain medical conditions. This article delves into ten intriguing cases of amnesia each offering unique insights into the human mind and the fragile nature of memory.

cases of amnesia
Setup Promote After the event
Set your goals ✓
Select a date for your conference ✓
Look at Open Source Event Calendars ✓
Consider the option to co-locate with other conferences
Logistics and Volunteers ✓
• List out your wants!
• I want three tracks – one for developers,
one for users, and one for building
• I want to have 300 attendees.
• I want to raise $30,000 in sponsorship
• Remember: commit to the basics first,
then build out the conference as you get
more sponsors

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An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver
An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiverAn Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver
An Odyssey into Composable Digital Solutions - Brian McKeiver

Much like Odysseus's fabled journey, the venture of an organization into creating compelling websites, easy-to-use digital solutions, and flawless user experience is laden with trials and triumphs. This session explores a BizStream customer case study that demonstrates how crafting composable digital solutions with headless CMS and headless commerce is possible. The result now serves as a modern-day Athena, navigating the customer through the stormy seas of digital transformation. Attendees can expect to learn how to embrace modern composable solutions, understand the benefits they bring, and identify which of Odysseus's conflicts to avoid. Key Takeaways: What makes up a composable digital solution. Why content is still king in a composable world. How Headless CMS and Headless Commerce are different.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Brand Repositioning & Communication Presentation
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Brand Repositioning Strategy Presentation

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Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024
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Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024

In 2024, digital marketing is not just an optional strategy for businesses; it's a fundamental component of any successful marketing plan. The rapid evolution of technology and changing consumer behaviors have made digital marketing more critical than ever. Here’s why digital marketing is indispensable in 2024 and how digital marketing agency can propel your business to new heights. EyekooTech is committed to helping businesses navigate the complexities of digital marketing. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our innovative strategies and data-driven approach can elevate your brand and connect you with your target audience.

digital marketing agencyonline marketingdigital marketing company
• Select a date for your conference
• Look at open source event calendars:
• O’Reilly Media’s Big Conference List: http://oreilly-
Consider the option to co-locate with other conferences
Call for
Registration Budget
Sponsors Giveaways
Twitter Page
• Make it known to the community that the conference planning is
open to everyone
• Send out a call for volunteers note to the mailing lists
• Put a “call for volunteers” banner on your conference website
• Use Trello or Asana and Slack to organize tasks, todo lists and
communicate with eachother

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webs jyoti php training in gurgaon
webs  jyoti  php training   in   gurgaonwebs  jyoti  php training   in   gurgaon
webs jyoti php training in gurgaon

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with various databases and web servers, making it one of the most popular languages for building dynamic websites and web applications.led by Mr. Hirdesh Bharadwaj, is an ideal choice for summer training in PHP in Delhi. With Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years of experience in the field, Webs Jyoti offers top-notch training in PHP development. One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.Ducat offers comprehensive PHP training with a strong focus on practical implementation and live projects. Their course covers the latest industry standards and trends, ensuring that students are well-prepared for job placements​ ​. Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Voice Search Optimization ACIL Computer Education: Known for its industry-standard training, ACIL offers various PHP courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. They emphasize hands-on training with real-world simulations and provide job assistance and placement guarantees for certain courses​. APTRON Gurgaon: APTRON offers a well-structured PHP course with modules on basic to advanced PHP concepts, webs jyoti, and CodeIgniter. They also provide live project experience and job placement assistance. ​​SLA Consultants India: SLA offers an advanced PHP training program designed by experienced professionals. Their course includes live projects, instructor-led classroom sessions, and extensive practical exposure to ensure students are industry-ready​ ​. Each of these institutes has its own strengths, so you might choose one based on specific criteria such as course content, faculty experience, or placement records.Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Webs Jyoti ensures that students receive top-notch education and support to kickstart their careers in coding and software development.One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years experien

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Chemical Industry- Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF) .pptx
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Research on chemical industry with considering one of PSU as an example Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF). Chemical Industry trend, strengths, weaknesses. Chemical Industry market position as well as RCF position. RCF revenue, profit, EBITDA, forecast, technology, past performance. State wise revenue of chemical industry and RCF as well

Setup Promote After the event
Post conference on event websites and event calendars ✓
Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin) ✓
Encourage blog posts by partners/sponsors ✓
Email Blasts ✓
Project’s mailing lists ✓
Outreach to Meetup Groups ✓
Ask speakers to share a slide at presentations ✓
Student discounts ✓
Advertising ✓
Press ✓
• Post conference on event websites and event calendars
• (make sure to add topics)
“Save the date! CloudStack
Collaboration Conf will be on
August 20”
“Call for Sponsors!
Support the CloudStack
community and help make
CloudStack Days happen”
“The agenda is NOW live
for CloudStack Days
Dublin! Check out the talks ”
“Submit your proposal for
CloudStack Days Tokyo
today! The deadline is May

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• Encourage blog posts by community
members, partners and sponsors
• Send out email blasts:
• Contacts that you have collected from open source expos
• Invite people to submit talks or to register for the conference
• Invite previous conference attendees/speakers (if this applies)
• If this applies, send out the CFP information and deadline
reminders to the project’s mailing lists

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• Outreach to Meetup Groups
• Create a blurb for local meetup organizers with a discount code
to the conference
• Ask them to share the blurb with their members
• If you have extra space at the conference, offer it to meetup
• Community members within the project who speak at various
conferences, meetups or webinars
• Create a slide about the conference for speakers to share
during their presentations
• Add a special discount code
• Create a discount code for students
• Purchase advertising space on relevant websites and on social
media sites to reach new people

Recommended for you

• Create a press release announcing the event and send to
• Line up media outlets as media partners for the event:
• Provide the media outlets with their logo on:
• Conference website
• Conference emails
• Conference signage
• Exchange for ad space on their sites and social media
Setup Promote After the event
Announce the next conference dates
Send a follow-up email and quick survey
Publish Videos and Slides
Schedule tweets of videos
• Announce the next conference dates
• Include a link/information about the next conference in post-
conference follow-up email

Recommended for you

• Send a follow-up email with a quick survey
• Surveymonkey – mention that it takes 2 minutes, offer a raffle prize if
you can giveaway prizes!
• Feedback from attendees on content, schedule, format, etc.
• Publish videos
and slides to the
• Schedule tweets of videos
from the project’s
social media channels
The Recipe to Getting Attendees to Your Open Source Events

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The Recipe to Getting Attendees to Your Open Source Events

Editor's Notes

  1. So a little bit about me, My name is Karen and I am the Open Source Program Manager at Citrix and an Apache CloudStack committer. I do not code but I was given the rights to change the code if I wanted to screw everything up in Apache CloudStack. I have had a lot of Fun working in tradeshows and events the past 6 years. But I started participating in an open source project 3 years ago called Apache CloudStack by helping the community organize CloudStack meetups and CloudStack Conferences. In 2013 – I founded and became the organizer of the CloudStack SV user group and helped the community plan meetups in the bay area since. Some fun facts about me, you can find me bungee jumping off of bridges, riding my motorcycle and backpacking in California on the weekends.
  2. How many of you have helped organized an open source meetup or conference? How many of you want to?
  3. So there are many ways to contribute to an open source project without knowing how to code. The Code is the heart of any open source project but don’t think that writing code is the only way to contribute. Open Source projects need contributions from everyone of all skills and levels of expertise. A lot of times, open source projects suffer from a lack of marketing awareness. You can help open source projects get more exposure in many ways.
  4. So many of you are probably participating in open source projects already, but for those of you who are looking to contribute, here’s how to start. If you have an open source project that is interesting to you, start by listening in on the mailing lists, blogs and IRC channel. You could work with tickets by commenting on a bug or working with documentation such as creating how-to examples. Another way to contribute is to work with the community by answering a question, writing blog posts, improving a website or helping to organize meetups and conferences.
  5. Why are open source meetups and conferences important for communities? It’s all about bringing people with a common interest together to share that passion for the project in person These events bring developers, users and people who are interested in the project together. A lot of times, most interaction is done on the mailing lists and IRC channels but these events give them the chance to get that face-to-face interaction. The reason why I like to help organize events in the CloudStack community is to see everyone from the community come together in one place. I remember my first time at a CloudStack conference . It was my first time meeting everyone from the mailing lists. And it was pretty cool to see everyone come from all over the world to be in one place to talk about how cool the project is.
  6. So everyone who’s helped organized an open source event whether it be a meetup or conference has that same goal in mind – to get all of the people with the same interests TOGETHER! So I’ll go over the two common types of in-person open source events And I’ll go over a 3 step process that I’ve created which is setting up your event, promoting it, and what to do after the events.
  7. So the two common types of open source events are open source meetups and open source conferences. An open source Meetup is usually a local user group around specific open source projects which invites community members, contributors or people who just want to learn more about a certain project. Open Source Conferences –are larger scale events, with breakout sessions throughout the day, on various topics around open source cloud, or topics around a specific open source project.
  8. So back In 2013, we organized our first CLoudStack meetup It was a success, bringing in 50 attendees, we had beer and food for everyone, and great feedback after the meetup
  9. The next 5 meetups were successful until we hit #7. What happened? Ordered more than plenty of pizza and beer and when the meetup started – there were only 5 people sitting in the room. So that means Each person gets their own pizza and case of beer right? Right, but we wanted to get to the bottom of this – WHY did only 5 people show up instead of the usual 50?
  10. So what happened?
  11. How many of you have heard of Been to a meetup? Want to start your own meetup group? Over the past few years, I’ve learned quite a bit, made mistakes, learned what the best practices were when it comes to setting up your meetup group, promoting it, and what to do after. So today, I want to make it as simple as possible for you and share my tips and experiences.
  12. 6 Things on the Setup checklist for meetups
  13. So if you haven’t done so already, create a meetup group! Even says “you don’t need to be an expert to organize an awesome meetup” When you do setup your meetup group, don’t forget to add 15 topics. If you add “open source” People who search for topics, such as “open source” will come across your meetup group.
  14. So now that you have that going, you want to start your first meetup. I’d suggest starting with a Beginner’s talk like an Introduction to your Open Source Project And you can’t have a meetup without a speaker, of course, So send out a call for speakers note.
  15. So next you’re going to want to select a date/time for your meetup. So this brings us back to when only 5 people showed up at the meetup vs. the usual 50 I made the mistake of forgetting to check’s calendar of meetups. On the day of our meetup – there were 2 other open source cloud meetups going on at the same exact time! So learn from my mistake when picking your date/time and check’s calendar for meetups in your area I’d also suggest avoiding Mondays/Fridays because Mondays are when people are catching emails and work and Friday are happy hour days.
  16. So now that you’ve got your speaker and date and time, you’ll want to find a venue. Reach out to your contacts and ask if they can offer a space for your meetup. If they said YES, go and check out the space – just so there are no surprises on the big day. Test out the speakers, microphone and projector, especially if you are going to live stream. And on the day of, remember to hit record.
  17. Okay and now you’re all set for your first meetup. Announce the meetup to your members and don’t forget to provide parking information and a map. A lot of times companies have huge campuses and people tend to get lost.
  18. Don’t forget, it is a free event so expect a 30 – 50% no show rate. Don’t take it personally, many things get in the way.
  19. A 30 – 50% no show rate has always been a trend for our meetup group. I also spoke with other meetup group organizers in the bay area, and they’ve also experienced that same trend. So, instead of capping your attendee list at the maximum, go ahead and add 50% more to the maximum number.
  20. So on The day of your meetup: Arrive about 45 minutes to 1 hour early just so that you could setup the Registration table, lay out the Name badges and Put up signs directing attendees to where the entrance is – a lot of time companies are huge and people tend to get lost. Make sure the food and beer arrives on time and let your speakers prepare for their presentations.
  21. so now that you got that going – you’re probably wondering how am I going to get people together and where are they going to find my meetup? “Promoting” may not be as complicated as you may think it is. What I like to do is think of it this way. Put yourself in their shoes. “How am I going to find a meetup that I like? Where am I going to look?
  22. So here comes the promo checklist. There are 5 things on this checklist that I’ll talk about.
  23. So promote your meetup on social media channels through the project’s linkedin page, twitter page and facebook page. Use Hootsuite – it’s a social media management dashboard where you can schedule tweets to be sent out from the project’s twitter page. You can Write a message that you want others to share Using And Whoever clicks on the link will have the message automatically added to their Twitter status box and they simply click to tweet! On linkedin you can post discussions about your meetup in open source groups
  24. A lot of times, people forget to add events to their personal calendars – so don’t be afraid to send reminders! You could send reminders 7 days, 2 days, 1 day and the day of your meetup reminding everyone that it’s still happening.
  25. It’s always good to give your meetup the maximum exposure, so add your meetup to event websites and event calendars: – you can add your meetup to the conferences and events calendar. The next day you’ll get a notification that it’s been accepted and added. Eventbrite – people search for events on Eventbrite so add your meetup there but make sure to include a link to your meetup Eventful is another site where people can search for events in their area. You can list your meetup in up to 3 categories. Lanyrd is a great website to add your meetup to. You can add topics – so include “open source” and other topics that your meetup is about so that people can easily find it when they search for topics.
  26. It’s always helpful to share your meetup with other meetup group organizers in your area. Most of the time, other organizers will be more than happy to share your meetup with their members. So write a blurb to make it easier to share!
  27. Send out an email blast to contacts that you have in the area. Puppet Labs does a great job of doing this. For example, the Puppet Silicon Valley User Group will send out an invitation to people that are based in the Silicon Valley.
  28. And most importantly, Have fun and take a bunch of pictures during the meetup and tweet them to show how awesome your meetup went!
  29. So now that you’re done with the meetup it’s time to celebrate with your co-organizers!
  30. But now that the celebration is over, you’re probably going to wonder what do I do now?
  31. So Here’s the after the meetup checklist.
  32. Collect all of the nametags that were leftover at the meetup These leftovers are the people that didn’t show up to the meetup and You can send them a nasty email, just kidding don’t do that. Check off the people that didn’t show up on your attendee spreadsheet Then, you can click on “good to see you” for the ones that did show up to your meetup And what this does is it sends a note from your email address saying “it was good to see you! This shows that you noticed they were there
  33. I guarantee you that there will be at least 3 people asking for the slides and videos the day after your meetup Make sure to get the slides from the speakers the day of the meetup Share the links to the slides and videos in the discussion forum.
  34. And remember when I said to take a bunch of pictures during your meetup? Upload those pictures on and Share how awesome the meetup went
  35. Write a recap blog post and make sure to include links to the slides and videos. Do a recap of what happened during the meetup, what the speakers talked about Share pictures in your blog
  36. Create tweets with a link to the video or slides and tweet them out from the project’s Twitter page. Create click-to-tweets and ask others in the community to tweet.
  37. So after you’re done with your first meetup, you should try and keep a consistent schedule about every month and a half is good but it’s totally up to you. Create a poll and ask members which topics they’re interested in (make a list of 4 or so). And don’t forget to Mention that the poll only takes two seconds, it will encourage more people to take it knowing that it doesn’t take up too much of their time.
  38. Moving on to Open Source Conferences You might have been to one or a few of these conferences. Open Source confereces are a Larger scale event with breakout sessions, keynotes, and topics around open source cloud or an open source project.
  39. I’ll go over the 3 step process for setting up your conference, promoting it and what to do after.
  40. Here’s the checklist for setting up your conference.
  41. Start with setting goals for your conference
  42. When planning for your conference the first thing that you’re going to want to consider are the dates for your conference. Take a look at open source event calendars….
  43. After you select a date, you’ll want to find a location for the conference. You can also Consider the option to co-locate with other conferences to bring more attendees to your conference Here’s an example, LinuxCon/CloudOpen North America is in August and CloudStack Days Seattle has co-located their event with LinuxCon/CloudOpen. You can have the other conference include an add-on option for your conference on their registration page. This will help drive more attendees to your conference.
  44. SCATTER THE WORDS ON THE SLIDE AROUND THE VOLUNTEERS GUY. So I won’t go into detail with the logistics because we don’t have too much time here but: There are so many things to do when setting up a conference such as the…………………………….. You’re going to need help with planning so send out a call for volunteers to the mailing lists, post it on the conference website, make it known that the conference planning is open to the community. is a good site to use with a group of volunteers. It helps you organize tasks and keep track of the todo list with your volunteers.
  45. Here’s a checklist for promoting your conference.
  46. Remember when I said, you can apply the same practices? Post your conference on event websites and event calendars
  47. SCATTER THE TWEETS ALL OVER THE SLIDE IN DIFFERENT FONT SIZES Once you announce the dates of your conference - create save the date tweets, call for proposals tweets, call for sponsors tweets and schedule them from your conference’s Twitter page. Because Once the agenda is published, you’ll want to get the word out there about the keynotes or sessions. You can also tweet about specific talks or keynotes.
  48. Create a special hashtag for your conference – For example, Docker uses “hashtag” dockercon for their annual conference Dockercon. On the days of your conference, Have a social media “lead” retweet tweets from attendees about the conference from your conference twitter page Post up highlights (keynotes, talks, pictures, etc.) throughout the day And by doing all of this, it shows the amount of activity that’s happening at the conference and when people are thinking about going to your conference next year, they’ll get a recap of what happened at last year’s conference.
  49. So The more blog posts about your conference, the better! Encourage contributors of the project, partners/sponsors to blog about the conference. It helps spread the word!
  50. You can also send out email blast invitations to invite people to submit talks, or an invitation to register for the conference and provide the schedule. If you have worked a booth, then you can send email blasts to those contacts that you have collected.
  51. If this applies to your conference - Send out the CFP information to the project’s mailing lists and friendly reminders about the CFP deadlines.
  52. You could Email other meetup group organizers in the conference area to see if they want to share a blurb about your conference and a discount code with their meetup group. Also, if you happen to have extra space at your conference, offer space to the meetup groups.
  53. SO there are probably members from the open source project that you’re contributing to, who give presentations at various conferences or meetups. This is a good chance to ask them to share a slide about your upcoming conference. SO Create a slide about your conference for speakers from your project to share at their presentations.
  54. I remember when I was a poor college student, I worked part-time at a shoestore in the mall and went to school full time. So Students might want to attend your conference but they can’t always afford to.
  55. Here’s a little tip that Dan Brown with the Linux Foundation suggested – you could Purchase advertising space on relevant websites and on social media sites to reach new people This is another good way to get more exposure to your event
  56. Create a press release announcing the event and send it to a list of media You could also line up media outlets as media partners for the event. Provide them with a logo on website, logo in emails and on signage in exchange for ad space on their site and social media posts. It’s like an exchange
  57. So here’s the after the conference checklist.
  58. If you have the next conference dates, announce it at the conference so that people can save it on their calendars. Also, Put a link to your next conference in your post conference follow up email.
  59. Send a follow up email with a quick survey. You could use a site like surveymonkey and mention that it only takes 2 minutes. Offer a prize if you can giveaway prizes.
  60. A lot of your attendees are going to ask about the videos and slides so publish them as soon as they’re available.
  61. And here’s another way to apply the same practices as I’ve mentioned before. Schedule tweets of the conference videos. If you have 40 videos you can schedule them for every other business day.
  62. So make it easier on yourself and follow the 3 step process when planning your next open source meetup or event Use the checklists!
  63. I’ve made the checklists available for you to download. They have detailed notes on them. You can find them at this link.
  64. I hope you found this talk useful and thanks for coming today.