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building a culture of innovation
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14
don’t work in
That’s him, there.
Wednesday, April 9, 14
“software is
eating the
-Marc Andreesen
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Innovation Innovation

1. The document discusses various aspects of innovation including identifying bottlenecks, creating opportunities, achieving focus, engaging commitment, making ideas possible, and making innovations happen through proper project management. 2. It provides examples of why innovations may fail such as lack of leadership, barriers to progress, and not setting up the right type of project. 3. Key steps in the innovation process are outlined including organizing to manage ideas, assessing ideas for value and fit, removing barriers, and de-risking innovations internally and externally.

The ambidextrous organization - Leadership and the administration paradox of ...
The ambidextrous organization - Leadership and the administration paradox of ...The ambidextrous organization - Leadership and the administration paradox of ...
The ambidextrous organization - Leadership and the administration paradox of ...

Organizational ambidexterity is a theoretical concept on how to manage the tension between exploitation (sales) and exploration (innovation). Following the suggestion of Simsek et al. (2009) to do further research on leadership styles and organizational ambidexterity, this master thesis describes the outcome of a research conducted at Philips and Royal HaskoningDHV on organizational ambidexterity and leadership.

hybrid ambidexterityambidexterityexploitation
Seminar presentation-innovation-slides
Seminar presentation-innovation-slidesSeminar presentation-innovation-slides
Seminar presentation-innovation-slides

This document summarizes a lecture on innovation and innovation management. It discusses the role and types of innovation, including product, process, position, and paradigm innovation. It also covers innovation management, noting it must be understood as a core organizational process and deal with complexity. Innovation depends on factors like the type of firm, its goals of survival, growth and profit. Managing innovation requires being systematic by developing routines. Key aspects include invention, technology, knowledge, uncertainty, and moving ideas from tacit to explicit knowledge.

“There’s an opportunity to now look
at software playing a role in really
shaping those automotive experiences of
Venkatesh Prasad
Sr. Technical leader at ford
Wednesday, April 9, 14
“I do run a software company inside of FedEx”
David Zanca
senior vice president for information technology at fedex
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Now available on Spotify
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Employee driven innovation
Employee driven innovationEmployee driven innovation
Employee driven innovation

Creating organization wide impact through individual initiative. Hackdays and [in]cubator at LinkedIn via @prchg

hackday hack incubator innovation

This presentation covers the concept of innovation, types of innovation, observations on the pattern of innovation, and innovation development.

Innovation Culture - MITID Innovation
Innovation Culture - MITID InnovationInnovation Culture - MITID Innovation
Innovation Culture - MITID Innovation

Innovation in Organization is as important as education in a human,s life. Here are 7 Ways Leaders can build a Culture of Innovation in an Organization. To know more details, visit us at :

innovation culturemitid innovation
Wednesday, April 9, 14
we translated this model to software
Wednesday, April 9, 14
software is continuous
Wednesday, April 9, 14
11.6 seconds
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Best Practices for an Effective Innovation Process
Best Practices for an Effective Innovation ProcessBest Practices for an Effective Innovation Process
Best Practices for an Effective Innovation Process

In our webinar with Forrester VP and analyst Chip Gliedman, we discuss best practices for implementing an effective innovation process, from ideas through execution.

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Innovation. Continuous innovation, innovation culture
Innovation. Continuous innovation, innovation cultureInnovation. Continuous innovation, innovation culture
Innovation. Continuous innovation, innovation culture

Discover in this deck the principles of portfolio management; have a set of good practices for innovation funnels; and know how to grow an innovation culture. Want to attend our next webinar? Become a Shiftup Explorer:

innovationcontinuous innovationinnovation culture
Turn Jobs to Be Done Theory into Practice - Tony Ulwick at Business of Softwa...
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Presented at Business of Software USA, Tony Ulwick (Strategyn) shares insights on how to deliver products that do useful jobs for customers, practical steps you can take to discover these jobs and strategies for success. Watch if you are involved in product strategy or development, or simply want to make something great for your customers.

jobs to be donebusiness of software conferencecustomer insight
we are still thinking like this
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14
industrial era management tactics don’t
work in software
Wednesday, April 9, 14
what does this new continuous world
mean for our business?
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Metrics for Agile Teams Forget Velocity: 42 Other Things to Ponder

Velocity is one of the most commonly used - and abused - development metrics. Teams (and their stakeholders) often focus on “improving velocity” without either a proper consideration for root causes that impact velocity or a holistic view of a team’s outcomes. Join Andy Cleff in a lively discussion that explores how we can remove perverse incentives and instead provide healthier ways for teams to gain meaningful insights into the outcomes of their experiments.

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Leading Change Presentation
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Leading Change Presentation

The document discusses John Kotter's eight-stage process for leading successful organizational change. It states that in the 21st century, constant and frequent change will be required for survival. It also discusses the mental habits needed to support lifelong learning in a changing environment, including risk-taking, reflection, soliciting input from others, careful listening, and openness. Kotter's eight stages for leading change are outlined.

Building A Strong Engineering Culture - my talk from BBC Develop 2013
Building A Strong Engineering Culture - my talk from BBC Develop 2013Building A Strong Engineering Culture - my talk from BBC Develop 2013
Building A Strong Engineering Culture - my talk from BBC Develop 2013

This is the keynote talk I gave at the BBC Develop conference in London, UK in November of 2013. In it I talk about what I believe makes a strong engineering culture, how to protect it if you have it, and how to fix it if you don't. I use a lot of examples from Spotify (where I am a Director of Engineering). As usual, I go a bit light on the bullets, since I prefer to talk, but I think you can still get the gist of my points.

organizational culturelean startupmanagement
how can we take advantage of all of
this new information?
Wednesday, April 9, 14
how can we maximize the creativity,
learning and productivity of our
Wednesday, April 9, 14
in order to survive in this new reality
you must build a
culture of innovation
Wednesday, April 9, 14
a culture of innovation is a culture
of experimentation.
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Hootsuite's Manifesto: Building a Social Revolution
Hootsuite's Manifesto: Building a Social RevolutionHootsuite's Manifesto: Building a Social Revolution
Hootsuite's Manifesto: Building a Social Revolution

This document is a resource for all Hootsuite employees. We give this to each new team member who joins us. Hootsuite's Manifesto contains our core principles, some stories of our history and culture, and a special Peepsbook.

Developing Agile Leadership
Developing Agile LeadershipDeveloping Agile Leadership
Developing Agile Leadership

While most organization seek increased agility, many struggle. Studies indicate leadership is a key barrier. These slides provide an overview of Agile Leadership and how to develop it. For a voiceover version webinar - visit

Innovation Management - 2 - Types of Innovation
Innovation Management - 2 - Types of InnovationInnovation Management - 2 - Types of Innovation
Innovation Management - 2 - Types of Innovation

4 Types of Innovation - Sustaining Innovation - Breakthrough Innovation ​ - Disruptive Innovation - Basic Research Dimensions of Innovation Space - Product - Process - Position - Paradigm

types of innovationsustaining innovationbreakthrough innovation
Deliberate strategy
Wednesday, April 9, 14
emergent strategy
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14
“You need to set up and organize so
that you can do as many experiments
per unit of time as possible.”
jeff bezos, amazon
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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What makes a strong Intuit innovation culture
What makes a strong Intuit innovation culture What makes a strong Intuit innovation culture
What makes a strong Intuit innovation culture

This presentation is about Intuit innovation culture that includes topics like Intuit innovation journey, customer obsession, design thinking, learning from failures and autonomy, mastery and purpose.

Open Innovation: An Introduction and Overview (Chalmers)
Open Innovation: An Introduction and Overview (Chalmers)Open Innovation: An Introduction and Overview (Chalmers)
Open Innovation: An Introduction and Overview (Chalmers)

Presentation on "Open Innovation: An Introduction and Overview" Part of seminar on “Open innovation - managing innovation across organizational boundaries” at Chalmers University of Technology, organization by the Managing-In-Between (MIB) research group at the Management of Organizational Renewal and Entrepreneurship (MORE) division at the Department of Technology Management and Economics (TME). Description: What does open innovation really mean? How does it change how we think about innovation processes? What are the managerial and organizational implications? Join us in this seminar to explore these questions with researchers and practitioners active in the field! ​About the seminar: The Managing-In-Between research group at the Department of Technology Management and Economics invites you to an inspiring seminar around open innovation, a topic that has gained increasing interest among researchers and practitioners. This seminar will highlight how the concept of open innovation has evolved, what it actually means, and outline where the research frontier is. The seminar will feature presentations from one of the prominent researchers in the field of open innovation, Associate Professor Marcel Bogers, University of Southern Denmark as well as researchers from the Managing-In-Between research group at Chalmers, led by Associate Professor Susanne Ollila. After the initial presentations, we would like to invite the audience to participate in a discussion around the organizational and managerial implications of open innovation for practice. This could be especially interesting to discuss in the Chalmers context where several efforts have been made to increase collaboration and innovation across organizational boundaries, but we still need to further our knowledge of how to support and manage such initiatives. Source:

organizingopen innovationmanaging
Jeff Gothelf: Building a culture of innovation
Jeff Gothelf: Building a culture of innovationJeff Gothelf: Building a culture of innovation
Jeff Gothelf: Building a culture of innovation

You’ve read The Innovator’s Dilemma. You’ve bought in to The Lean Startup. You’re ready to kickstart your company’s product innovation efforts. There’s just one problem: you’re not sure where to begin: What can design teach us about building a collaborative culture?

webdagene 2015webdagenejeff gothelf
at the core of a culture of
innovation is the team
Wednesday, April 9, 14
1. anatomy of the team
what makes up an innovative team?
2. how do we task the team?
3. how should the team work?
Wednesday, April 9, 14
anatomy of the team
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Toca Boca
Toca BocaToca Boca
Toca Boca

This document summarizes research conducted by Björn Jeffery on Toca Boca apps. It explores why research is important, provides background on the founders, and examines key areas of strategy, technology, and types of play. The research looked at the app store, brand and design, competitors, and emerging technologies. It identifies different types of play and popular toys. Lessons learned are that research gives direction, not answers, and risks are required when making decisions based on limited information.

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The document appears to be a slide deck presentation covering various topics related to emerging technologies and business, including electric vehicles, cloud computing, mobile applications, social media, location-based services, augmented reality, online video, internet-connected TVs, and the impact of these technologies on consumer behavior and business models. Several specific companies and products are mentioned like Google Glass, Lytro camera, and location-based social networks.

Unmoderated User Testing
Unmoderated User TestingUnmoderated User Testing
Unmoderated User Testing

This document discusses unmoderated user testing, which allows testing a product with users remotely without a moderator. It provides faster results and more affordable data than moderated testing. Unmoderated testing is well-suited for startups doing private releases to test if people are connecting to their app and for enterprises wanting definitive results quickly through focused tests of narrow hypotheses.

1. siloed
2. service providers
3. no view of “the whole”
4. no collaboration
How not to build innovative teams
Wednesday, April 9, 14
1. siloed
2. service providers
3. no view of “the whole”
4. no collaboration
Wednesday, April 9, 14
1. siloed
2. service providers
3. no view of “the whole”
4. no collaboration
Wednesday, April 9, 14
1. siloed
2. service providers
3. no view of “the whole”
4. no collaboration
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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The document discusses differences between recruiters and programmers and what programmers look for in a workplace. It notes that recruiters enjoy ambiguity, competition, and commissions, while programmers prefer predictable environments where they can focus without distractions. Programmers want pleasant workspaces with good equipment and independence, as well as engineering quality, working on products they identify with, and learning opportunities at smart organizations where their boss and teammates are also programmers.

We need to Talk about Frank
We need to Talk about FrankWe need to Talk about Frank
We need to Talk about Frank

Talk to Frank is a service that provides drug information to young adults. We were asked to redesign it by exploring their needs when looking for information about illegal drugs. At the heart of this project was inclusive design. This session will reflect on what this meant in practice for research, UX, design and development. We will share what we learned and give you the tools you need to ensure your next project has inclusive design at its core.

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This document is a slideshow by Julian Bleecker on design, science, fact and fiction. It discusses using prototypes to design hypothetical future worlds and technologies. It also explores how science fiction can envision futures that science fact cannot yet achieve, and how stories and fictional depictions can influence people's ideas about emerging technologies more than real prototypes. Quotes discuss using fiction for low-cost experimentation of ideas and how the future is often oversold and under-imagined.

UX Team
Eng PM
Wednesday, April 9, 14
what team structure facilitates a culture of
Wednesday, April 9, 14
innovative team anatomy
1. small
Wednesday, April 9, 14
innovative team anatomy
2. collocated
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Minimum Viable User Experience
Minimum Viable User ExperienceMinimum Viable User Experience
Minimum Viable User Experience

The document discusses the lean startup methodology and minimum viable user experience (MVUX). It describes Grace Ng's process of developing an MVP for a visual question answering app, including wireframing, designing, launching, and learning that the problem was not validated through customer conversations. The document also discusses Ng's process for developing an MVP for a UX help app, including understanding existing behaviors, identifying problems and potential solutions, and delivering a minimum service to test value. Throughout, it emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs and validating problems before building full solutions.

user experiencelean startup
Advanced business models i catapult
Advanced business models   i catapultAdvanced business models   i catapult
Advanced business models i catapult

This document discusses business models and the importance of understanding how all parts of a business model work together. It emphasizes using tools like the Business Model Canvas to help map out key aspects of a business like infrastructure, customers, partnerships, revenue streams, and costs. The document provides examples of using these tools to prototype different business model options, identify risks, and guide business strategy and experimentation. It stresses testing assumptions, gathering customer feedback, and continually learning and adapting the business model based on what works.

Presentatie Ggz-delfland april '13 over E-health & GGZ
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Wat staat de GGZ te wachten de komende jaren behalve bezuinigen? Hoe gaan ze om met mobiel, big data, zelfwerkzaamheid etc. Hierbij laat ik een aantal voorbeelden zien.

ggz-delfland e-health
innovative team anatomy
3. dedicated
Wednesday, April 9, 14
innovative team anatomy
4. self sufficient
Wednesday, April 9, 14
tasking the team
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Social Media Intro For Lcbpc
Social Media Intro For LcbpcSocial Media Intro For Lcbpc
Social Media Intro For Lcbpc

Presented to Lancashire Construction Best Practice Club 31st March event, Working Smarter through Technology

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Social Media Intro For Lcbpc

This document discusses Martin Brown's journey with social media and how it can be used in the built environment field. It provides examples of how to use various social media tools for communication, sharing information and collaborating, such as using Twitter, blogs, and Google docs. It also outlines strategies for businesses to embrace social media, including moving from big campaigns to small connections and being available for customers everywhere.

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Scaling Lean: Principles over Process
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Scaling Lean: Principles over Process

This is an updated version of the talk I gave in Sep 2016 at Mind The Product. I gave this version of the talk at Webstock in Wellington, NZ in Feb 2017 and then later on that month in Sydney at the IxDA Sydney February event. The set up is a bit different in this version and the focus is more on the principles rather than just the project, program, portfolio structure.

leanagilelean ux
You are here! launch!
Wednesday, April 9, 14
they actually look like this
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14
incentivized for creating output
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Talking To Your Boss About Lean UX
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Talking To Your Boss About Lean UX

The 8 biggest challenges teams face from their bosses when trying to implement Lean UX and what to do about them.

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Scaling Lean: Project, Program, Portfolio
Scaling Lean: Project, Program, PortfolioScaling Lean: Project, Program, Portfolio
Scaling Lean: Project, Program, Portfolio

This document discusses scaling lean principles within organizations. It begins by outlining challenges with scaling lean at the project, program, and portfolio levels, such as optimizing velocity, cross-team coordination, and managing business units. It then presents several principles for scaling lean successfully, including focusing on customer value, valuing learning over delivery, radical transparency, and humility. Tactics for implementing these principles include managing by objectives and key results, evidence-based planning, experimentation, transparency rituals, and modernizing technology stacks. The document emphasizes that scaling lean is as much a cultural and leadership effort as a process effort, requiring a focus on continuous learning and admitting what is not known.

leadershipleanagile software development
There is no such thing as UX strategy
There is no such thing as UX strategyThere is no such thing as UX strategy
There is no such thing as UX strategy

Strategy is a holistic look at product, brand, engineering and design. Carving up unique silos of strategy practice reduces collaboration, increases process bloat and results in slower time to market. This talk describes why identifying a separate user experience strategy falls into this trap and what can be done about it.

uxuser experiencecollaboration
features, on their own, are not a
measure of success
Wednesday, April 9, 14
the annual planning process
Wednesday, April 9, 14
9 months, 50 people
Wednesday, April 9, 14
task teams to achieve business outcomes
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Almost Everything I've Learned From 5 Years of Lean UX
Almost Everything I've Learned From 5 Years of Lean UXAlmost Everything I've Learned From 5 Years of Lean UX
Almost Everything I've Learned From 5 Years of Lean UX

Since first sharing our agile and ux learnings with the world and then moving the conversation forward into Lean UX, I've had the privilege of spending time with a lot of companies all over the world. This is what I've learned so far about building better digital products and businesses.

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Lean UX: It really is about getting out of the deliverables business
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Lean UX: It really is about getting out of the deliverables business

A look back at the last 4 years of Lean UX, what I've learned and how it's evolved from a design framework to a broader product development perspective.

lean uxlean startupagile
Innovation Studios: The Engines of Enterprise Experimentation
Innovation Studios: The Engines of Enterprise ExperimentationInnovation Studios: The Engines of Enterprise Experimentation
Innovation Studios: The Engines of Enterprise Experimentation

First delivered at the Enterprise UX Conference in San Antonio, TX in May 2015, this talk covers a model for building a disruptive innovation practice inside a large organization.

lean startupenterpriseinnovation
get granular
Wednesday, April 9, 14
give teams a problem to solve, not a
solution to implement
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let the team own the solution
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let the team own the solution
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Lean Product design is the New Marketing
Lean Product design is the New MarketingLean Product design is the New Marketing
Lean Product design is the New Marketing

This is the talk I gave at MarTech San Francisco, March 31, 2015. It focuses on the principles of lean product design as the foundation for driving great relationships that build true consumer value.

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Building a Culture of Learning
Building a Culture of LearningBuilding a Culture of Learning
Building a Culture of Learning

12 minute version of my talk describing how to build innovative teams that take advantage of technology-driven insight.

leanlean uxagile
Purity vs Pragmatism
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Purity vs Pragmatism

Processes have become religions. Let's pick the ideas that work for our organizations' context and grow from there.

agile uxagilelean
Business model validation
Product validation
Small team
Culture / Infrastructure to support continuous learning
Small-chunk, outcome-based, predictable funding
Wednesday, April 9, 14
how should the team work?
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14
no cross functional collaboration
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Better Product Definition with Lean UX and Design Thinking
Better Product Definition with Lean UX and Design ThinkingBetter Product Definition with Lean UX and Design Thinking
Better Product Definition with Lean UX and Design Thinking

This document discusses how Lean UX and Design Thinking can help product teams better define products by articulating assumptions, defining hypotheses to test assumptions, and prioritizing learning over growth. It provides examples of companies like Plancast and Formspring that launched products prematurely based on untested assumptions. The document advocates for articulating assumptions as hypotheses, conducting lightweight tests to validate customer needs before building features, and making decisions based on objective observations of outcomes and impacts rather than outputs.

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Lean UX: Building a shared understanding to get out of the deliverables business
Lean UX: Building a shared understanding to get out of the deliverables businessLean UX: Building a shared understanding to get out of the deliverables business
Lean UX: Building a shared understanding to get out of the deliverables business

This is the latest iteration of the Lean UX conversation as given at UX LX (Lisbon) in May of 2012. Many thanks to Jeff Patton for the opening imagery.

lean uxuxagile ux
(Agile 2011) Lean UX: Getting Out of the Deliverables Business
 (Agile 2011) Lean UX: Getting Out of the Deliverables Business (Agile 2011) Lean UX: Getting Out of the Deliverables Business
(Agile 2011) Lean UX: Getting Out of the Deliverables Business

Most up to date version of the Lean UX deck created for Agile 2011. Covers how to focus on creating experiences instead of documents.

lean uxdeliverableswireframes
fixation on job titles
Wednesday, April 9, 14
Jeff “Skunk” Baxter
Jeffrey Allen "Jeff Skunk" Baxter, born December 13, 1948, is an American
guitarist, known for his stints in the rock bands Steely Dan and The Doobie
Brothers during the 1970s.
More recently, he has been working as a defense consultant and chairs a
Congressional Advisory Board on missile defense.
Wednesday, April 9, 14
fear of failure
Wednesday, April 9, 14
arbitrary deadlines
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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How to "Do" Lean UX in 5 Easy Steps
How to "Do" Lean UX in 5 Easy StepsHow to "Do" Lean UX in 5 Easy Steps
How to "Do" Lean UX in 5 Easy Steps

This is the presentation I gave on June 22nd, 2011 at Ignite: Lean Startup in NYC. Tough to get it all without the narration but a video is forthcoming.

lean uxuxprocess
Lean UX at Work at TheLadders
Lean UX at Work at TheLaddersLean UX at Work at TheLadders
Lean UX at Work at TheLadders

This is the short talk I gave at the beginning of the June 2nd, 2011 meeting of the NYC Agile Experience Design meetup. It is meant to give context to the panel discussion which followed. That consisted of 4 non-designers (dev, product, qa) giving their POV on Lean UX. The full video of that talk is here:

Lean UX: Getting out of the deliverables business
Lean UX: Getting out of the deliverables businessLean UX: Getting out of the deliverables business
Lean UX: Getting out of the deliverables business

Lean UX is an approach to UX design that emphasizes validating designs with customers early and iterating quickly based on feedback, rather than spending a long time documenting specifications. It is inspired by Lean Startup and Agile development methods. The goal is to surface the true nature of the user experience faster and with less emphasis on traditional deliverables. Lean UX advocates rapid prototyping of key assumptions to get customer feedback to evolve the design rapidly.

deliverablesstartupuser experience
no culture of ownership
Wednesday, April 9, 14
cover your ass
Wednesday, April 9, 14
how does a culture of innovation change the
way a team works?
Wednesday, April 9, 14
take smaller risks
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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Making Meaningful Connections: The Redesign of Recruitladder's UI
Making Meaningful Connections: The Redesign of Recruitladder's UIMaking Meaningful Connections: The Redesign of Recruitladder's UI
Making Meaningful Connections: The Redesign of Recruitladder's UI

This is the presentation I gave at Enterprise Search Summit Fall 2010 in Washington DC (also known as Knowledge Management World 2010). It describes the challenges of designing and enterprise search solution for recruiters and hiring managers and the process took to redesign its RecruitLadder product.

Beyond Staggered Sprints: Integrating User Experience and Agile
Beyond Staggered Sprints: Integrating User Experience and AgileBeyond Staggered Sprints: Integrating User Experience and Agile
Beyond Staggered Sprints: Integrating User Experience and Agile

This is the talk I gave at Agile 2010 detailing how UX team has been integrating UX practice into a new Agile environment.


Don't wish for less problems but for more capacity. In this slideshare, you will discover the importance of capacity and different critical areas you must build to achieve your dream life. To get the recording of this seminar, join our community on Clubhouse @ High Impact Makers

clear definitions of success
Wednesday, April 9, 14
promote competencies over roles
Wednesday, April 9, 14
self organization
"The Six Sigma process killed innovation at 3M...they would say
they need a five year business plan for a new idea. Come on, we
don't know yet because we don't know how it works, we don't
know how many customers will take it up, we haven't taken it out
to the customer yet."
Geoff Nicholson
Father of the Post It note
Wednesday, April 9, 14
why should you build a culture of
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Zoho_Final Report_MGT489: Strategic Management_SmM4.pdf

Final Report of MGT 489 Strategic Management under Mr. Samuel Mursalin.

managementstrategic managementproject management
Behavior Based Safety for Safety Improving Safety Culture
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basic understanding of behavior based safety (BBS)

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make customers happy
Wednesday, April 9, 14
reduce waste by building more
successful products
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increase employee morale
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you must transform
from a culture of delivery
to a culture of learning
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This is one of a few books which

Understanding Bias: Its Impact on the Workplace and Individuals
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Understanding Bias: Its Impact on the Workplace and Individuals

In the presentation, I delve into what bias is, the different types of biases that commonly occur, and the profound negative impacts they have on both workplace dynamics and individual well-being. Understanding these aspects is the first step towards creating a more equitable and supportive work culture.

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Contingency Theory

Wednesday, April 9, 14
Wednesday, April 9, 14

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