SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Dhawal Damania, Growth Hacker
Action Point Guide to kick-start your
digital marketing
when you don’t know what to do
• Get your Analytics Right!
• SEO - Top Rankings on Google
• Content Marketing
• Social Media
• EDM and Increase the number of website subscribers
• Affiliate Marketing
• Increase Basket Size + Number of Quotes Generated
• Reduce Cart Abandonment
• Get Google Trusted Stores on the website
• Get Reviews – Feedback system
• Increase conversion rate
• Reduce customer service – help related calls by implement an online
knowledge base
• Enhance product affinity (cross – sell / up – sell)
• Competitive pricing
Top Strategies to Focus on
On Page SEO
• Content Creation
• Interlinking
• Blogs
• Page titles
• Meta Descriptions
• Meta Tags
• URL Structure
• Body Tags
• Image SEO
• Website loading times
SEO - Top Rankings on Google
• 60 - 70% of the non-technical business online don’t have analytics setup
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
• Don’t rely just on Google Analytics, there are various tools to achieve
various results, Mixpanel, piwik etc.
Get your Analytics Right

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Marketing Design Businesses: Era of Digital Disruption - Chad Stark and Drew ...
Marketing Design Businesses: Era of Digital Disruption - Chad Stark and Drew ...Marketing Design Businesses: Era of Digital Disruption - Chad Stark and Drew ...
Marketing Design Businesses: Era of Digital Disruption - Chad Stark and Drew ...

The document summarizes a presentation by Chad Stark and Drew McGukin on marketing design businesses in the digital era. It discusses the changing consumer landscape and importance of understanding high-earning millennials. The 4 foundational pillars of digital marketing are authenticity, frequency, etiquette, and relatability. Strategies to thrive include embracing new design trends, leveraging different social media channels, creating inspiring content, and engaging followers. The presentation provided guidance on digital disruption and strategies for design firms.

Content as a Marketing Asset
Content as a Marketing Asset Content as a Marketing Asset
Content as a Marketing Asset

Conference presentation from the Texas Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals (TxGAP) 2012 Professional Development Conference. Author: Mark Barrera & Dan Sturdivant Marketing Consultant Barrera Search Marketing Description: Using content (articles, infographics, video, and other content types) as a way to generate good placement in search engine results is a good practice. But how do you use content to provide a long lasting effect? Mark Barrera and Dan Sturdivant will discuss various ways to use content as an asset whose value out lives that of other marketing tactics. For more information, visit

graduate admissionstxgapnagap

Today’s buyer makes 70% of their purchase decision based on the content on your website. Does your website have the content elements, interactive features and more importantly—stories—that are needed to turn your website into a lead generating machine? Join our webinar to learn what you can add to your website today to help attract and convert more customers.

lead generationdigital marketingcontent marketing
Local SEO
• Reviews
• Local listings – Free / Paid
• Local Directory Submissions
• MOZ Subscription
SEO - Top Rankings on Google
On Page SEO
• Content Creation
• Interlinking
• Blogs
• Page titles
• Meta Descriptions
• Meta Tags
• URL Structure
• Body Tags
• Image SEO
• Website loading times
SEO - Top Rankings on Google
• Create 15-20 blog articles monthly
• Creating 20 articles for guest posting and link back
• Creating PDF / PPT and sharing them on LinkedIn / Slideshare
• Website Product videos
• How-to Videos
• Tutorial guides
• Create infographics – Sharable content
• Hosting a Webinar – office furniture experts
• Testimonials from the customers
• Create landing pages
• Blogger Out reach
• Giveaway
• Reviews
• Link Baits
Content Marketing
• LinkedIn Sponsored updates - Sponsored updates provide a better way to put
your content in front of key influencers and decision makers on LinkedIn
• add photos, videos, linked articles with images, screenshots or even
infographics and SlideShare presentations
• Networking with people
• Discussion group participation
• Tag Connections in posts
• Focus on some groups to start with
• Header image with a compelling image with a CTA
• Create a pitch in the company description
• Blogs, Infographics etc updates related to office furniture business
• Developing and sharing content on LinkedIn
• InMails
• LinkedIn Groups – Contribute to groups in your domain
Social media

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Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business FEDA 20140401
 Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business FEDA 20140401 Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business FEDA 20140401
Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business FEDA 20140401

Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business explores a methodology for developing an internet marketing plan that covers social media and search engine marketing that delivers results. Elements of this session cover positioning your website as a funnel that processes traffic, how to determine your online potential and position content in the path of a target audience and social media as a force multiplier.

seosocial mediasearch engine optimization
Building a Content Strategy That Search Engines Love - Dylan Sellberg
Building a Content Strategy That Search Engines Love - Dylan SellbergBuilding a Content Strategy That Search Engines Love - Dylan Sellberg
Building a Content Strategy That Search Engines Love - Dylan Sellberg

1. The document discusses creating a content strategy that search engines and marketers will love. It outlines some of the challenges with current ad hoc content strategies and lack of documented strategies. 2. The speaker then shares how Hubspot improved their content and search results by shifting from a keyword-focused strategy to a topics-based "content cluster framework". 3. The content cluster framework groups topics and subtopics to create pillar, topic and subtopic pages that provide a holistic view of each area to better serve searchers and improve search engine results.

Building effective landing page and Calls-to-action for conversion
Building effective landing page and Calls-to-action for conversionBuilding effective landing page and Calls-to-action for conversion
Building effective landing page and Calls-to-action for conversion

Learn about landing pages and calls-to-action (CTAs) and their importance in conversion. My presentation gives you the basics of landing pages and CTAs. I will be sharing slides focused on the two soon.

conversion ratectalanding page
• Share your projects – testimonials – make a case study, make a video
• Share blog posts
• Share tips in your industry
• Interlinking posts from other networks
• Facebook Offers
• Customer support
• Environmental images
• Inspiration
• Interesting niche related articles
• Videos – How to’s – direct upload to facebook > views as opposed to the links
• Ads- Retargetting and regular ads to target decision makers
Social media
• Following / follow back people in the niche
• RTs and sharing content
• Hashtaging keywords
• Generate leads
• Sharing interesting content
• Connect with industry people
• Create lists on twitter, to target specific users –
• Favourite good content and mentions
• Customer support on twitter
• Lead Gen Cards
• Connect Instagram to post photos
• Use tracking URL
• Tag people in the images
Social media
• Blog Article’s links
• Interesting furniture related articles
• Hashtag
• Google+ Review
• Adding people to circles
• Comment
• Discussion
• Cross promote
• Create hangouts with suppliers
• Hangout on air (webinars)
Social media
• Popups to get • Price drops • Coupon Codes • Competitions • New product
releases • Industry news • Tips and tricks
• First order discount to use on the website with Facebook /twitter / pinterest
google+ like box
• Exclusive giveaways for subscribers – post them on social media / blog
• In line Subscription form – below product page
• Run a contest – Giveaway – ask for emails
• Add number of subscribes to social proof – “5000+ sign ups already “
• Retargeting ads to offer 10% discount if they subscribe to email – Acquisition
cost will be about .1 to .5 per acquisition – requires landing page
• A contest to win gadgets etc every month from the draw of subscribers
• Email Conceptualization, graphics, content creation, format/design, schedule,
track report
• Drip Campaigns
EDM – Email Marketing

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Email Automation Workshop: Building Workflows That Cut Your To-Do List in Half
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VIEO Design's Torrie Boggs presented a workshop about email marketing automation at the Knoxville HubSpot User Group.

marketing automationworkflowemail marketing
How to use Google Analytics to redesign your website
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How to use Google Analytics to redesign your website

This document provides guidance on how to use Google Analytics to redesign a website. It recommends collecting data on website objectives and user behavior to analyze website performance and identify areas for improvement. Key metrics to track include time on page, number of pages visited, goal completions, and traffic sources. The document also presents a case study where analyzing homepage data from Google Analytics revealed opportunities to improve click-through rates and better achieve lead generation objectives by reorganizing content and calls to action. The takeaway is that analytics can identify what is and isn't working to inform content and design changes that drive better results.

google analytics goalsgoogle analyticsdigital strategy toronto
Landing page
Landing pageLanding page
Landing page

This document discusses landing pages, including what they are, best practices for elements to include, and tools for building them. A landing page is a single webpage that appears when someone clicks a link from search, advertising, or email. Good landing pages have elements like headlines, subheadlines, graphics, social proof, testimonials, videos, and clear calls to action. Popular tools for building landing pages include HTML, WordPress, Unbounce, Instapage, Wishpond, Leadpages, and Squarespace.

startupstartupslean startup
• Creating a new channel for people to make money out of selling your products
/ services– commission based
• Daily deal sites
• Coupon sites
• Creating Creatives
• Affiliate Publisher Interactions
• Setup TOS
• Affiliate payout
Affiliate Marketing
• Free Shipping over a certain amount
• Discount Codes
• Buy $X worth products get 10% discount, $X+X– 20%
• Personalised coupons
• Bundled product discount
• Re-design up-sell / cross-sell
• 10% Cash backs for the next purchase
• Coupons popup to do certain tasks to get discounts (like us on facebook, leave
a review etc)
Increase Basket Size / No. Of Quotes
• Takes 7x more to acquire a new customer than to retain a customer
• Everything from basket Size Increase
• Dynamic Retargetting using Adroll- Adwords
• Emails with coupon to come back and buy
• Cart abandonment tools – like barilliance etc.
• Include Security proofing
• Guarantee delivery at a certain date
Cart Abandonment
• Increase the sales to 200 a month
• Sell in products which move quickly – best option for consistent sale numbers
• Cart Abandonment and Increase basket size steps
• Offer incentive to buy
Google Trusted Stores

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How To Make Money With Facebook
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This document provides tips and strategies for using Facebook to make money online, including selling your own digital products, affiliate marketing, event marketing, and paid advertising. It recommends starting with affiliate marketing using Clickbank and promoting high-quality products. The document also discusses using Facebook apps, events, limited-time offers, and paid support services to generate sales and build an audience.

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Web Marketing Career Presentation
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The document provides an overview of web marketing, including definitions, examples of different tools and roles, statistics, and best practices. It defines web marketing as utilizing online tools and strategies to accomplish marketing goals. It describes key elements like search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, content marketing, and analytics. It also outlines typical job requirements, skills, and educational backgrounds for web marketing professionals.

ppcweb marketingsem
Think Global Institute Inbound Marketing January 2015
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The document is an inbound marketing workshop presentation by Elyse Meyer of Prism Global Marketing Solutions. The presentation covers what inbound marketing is, how to plan an inbound strategy, expected results and ROI, and includes tips on developing content, optimizing websites, blogging, social media, email marketing, and analyzing data. Key points discussed are developing content to attract and nurture leads, understanding buyers to personalize marketing, optimizing websites and content for search, and implementing inbound marketing techniques like blogging, social media, and email to generate qualified leads at a lower cost than traditional marketing. Sample results are provided from implementing inbound marketing including increased traffic, leads, and conversions.

online marketinginbound marketingdigital marketing
• Implement automatic feedback system - eg. Trustpilot
• Sales / operation teams to get in touch with the customers to get review ratings
about the website / service
• Google+ Local Listing review
Reviews / Feedback system
• A/B Testing
• Create Landing Pages for Ads to achieve 1 specfic Goal – eg. Lead Gen
• Make product page / Category page more compelling
• Build trust, explain the benefits right away– push a deal top bar with money
back guarantee, return policy – Quick Shipping etc [proven data increase sale
upto 400%]
• Customer testimonial / review on the product page
• Video showcase for all products
• Popup to segment users to go to various part of the sites according to their
functional role
• Content creation for all of the above
Increase Conversion rate
• Reduce help related calls by implement an online knowledge base
• Build an online knowledge base for content marketing
• To reduce support calls to the website
• Create instruction content – slide shows, video, document for assembly etc
• Create evergreen solutions for general issues
Reduce Customer Service Hit Rate
• Enhance or deduce a way to create worthly cross-sell / up sell
Enhance Product Affinity (Cross/Upsell)

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Email marketing 101
Email marketing 101Email marketing 101
Email marketing 101

This document discusses email marketing strategies and best practices. It covers defining email marketing, essential elements like compelling subject lines and calls to action, metrics to track success, common mistakes to avoid, and trends for the future of email marketing like increased social engagement and video. The overall message is that email marketing has evolved into an effective personalized communication tool when done properly by following best practices around content, list segmentation, and analytics.

Digital Toolkit Website Fundamentals
Digital Toolkit Website FundamentalsDigital Toolkit Website Fundamentals
Digital Toolkit Website Fundamentals

This is the updated presentation of the Website Fundamentals course I teach periodically with NYC Business Solutions.

social media marketingwebsite designmarketing
Effective ecommerce strategies
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Effective ecommerce strategies

This document provides strategies and best practices for effective e-commerce, as presented by Mike Duncan of Sage Island. It discusses Amazon's formula for success, finding customers and driving traffic to stores through search engine optimization, paid search, and shopping networks. The document also covers e-commerce design trends like building loyalty, reviews, navigation, personalization, mobile, and tracking performance.

• Use tools like price2spy to ensure we are at the lowest or the most competitive
Competitive Pricing
Need a Comprehensive
strategy, have a question? Or
need a helping hand with your
digital marketing effort?
I have helped more than 200+ startups across the world grow
from single person businesses to well funded ones
Email me:

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How to Kickstart your Online Marketing - When you don't know what to do

  • 1. Dhawal Damania, Growth Hacker Action Point Guide to kick-start your digital marketing when you don’t know what to do
  • 2. • Get your Analytics Right! • SEO - Top Rankings on Google • Content Marketing • Social Media • EDM and Increase the number of website subscribers • Affiliate Marketing • Increase Basket Size + Number of Quotes Generated • Reduce Cart Abandonment • Get Google Trusted Stores on the website • Get Reviews – Feedback system • Increase conversion rate • Reduce customer service – help related calls by implement an online knowledge base • Enhance product affinity (cross – sell / up – sell) • Competitive pricing Top Strategies to Focus on
  • 3. On Page SEO • Content Creation • Interlinking • Blogs • Page titles • Meta Descriptions • Meta Tags • URL Structure • Body Tags • Image SEO • Website loading times SEO - Top Rankings on Google
  • 4. • 60 - 70% of the non-technical business online don’t have analytics setup correctly. If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. • Don’t rely just on Google Analytics, there are various tools to achieve various results, Mixpanel, piwik etc. Get your Analytics Right
  • 5. Local SEO • Reviews • Local listings – Free / Paid • Local Directory Submissions • MOZ Subscription SEO - Top Rankings on Google
  • 6. On Page SEO • Content Creation • Interlinking • Blogs • Page titles • Meta Descriptions • Meta Tags • URL Structure • Body Tags • Image SEO • Website loading times SEO - Top Rankings on Google
  • 7. • Create 15-20 blog articles monthly • Creating 20 articles for guest posting and link back • Creating PDF / PPT and sharing them on LinkedIn / Slideshare • Website Product videos • How-to Videos • Tutorial guides • Create infographics – Sharable content • Hosting a Webinar – office furniture experts • Testimonials from the customers • Create landing pages • Blogger Out reach • Giveaway • Reviews • Link Baits Content Marketing
  • 8. LinkedIn • LinkedIn Sponsored updates - Sponsored updates provide a better way to put your content in front of key influencers and decision makers on LinkedIn • add photos, videos, linked articles with images, screenshots or even infographics and SlideShare presentations • Networking with people • Discussion group participation • Tag Connections in posts • Focus on some groups to start with • Header image with a compelling image with a CTA • Create a pitch in the company description • Blogs, Infographics etc updates related to office furniture business • Developing and sharing content on LinkedIn • InMails • LinkedIn Groups – Contribute to groups in your domain Social media
  • 9. Facebook • Share your projects – testimonials – make a case study, make a video • Share blog posts • Share tips in your industry • Interlinking posts from other networks • Facebook Offers • Customer support • Environmental images • Inspiration • Interesting niche related articles • Videos – How to’s – direct upload to facebook > views as opposed to the links • Ads- Retargetting and regular ads to target decision makers Social media
  • 10. Twitter • Following / follow back people in the niche • RTs and sharing content • Hashtaging keywords • Generate leads • Sharing interesting content • Connect with industry people • Create lists on twitter, to target specific users – • Favourite good content and mentions • Customer support on twitter • Lead Gen Cards • Connect Instagram to post photos • Use tracking URL • Tag people in the images Social media
  • 11. Google+ • Blog Article’s links • Interesting furniture related articles • Hashtag • Google+ Review • Adding people to circles • Comment • Discussion • Cross promote • Create hangouts with suppliers • Hangout on air (webinars) Social media
  • 12. • Popups to get • Price drops • Coupon Codes • Competitions • New product releases • Industry news • Tips and tricks • First order discount to use on the website with Facebook /twitter / pinterest google+ like box • Exclusive giveaways for subscribers – post them on social media / blog • In line Subscription form – below product page • Run a contest – Giveaway – ask for emails • Add number of subscribes to social proof – “5000+ sign ups already “ • Retargeting ads to offer 10% discount if they subscribe to email – Acquisition cost will be about .1 to .5 per acquisition – requires landing page • A contest to win gadgets etc every month from the draw of subscribers • Email Conceptualization, graphics, content creation, format/design, schedule, track report • Drip Campaigns EDM – Email Marketing
  • 13. • Creating a new channel for people to make money out of selling your products / services– commission based • Daily deal sites • Coupon sites • Creating Creatives • Affiliate Publisher Interactions • Setup TOS • Affiliate payout Affiliate Marketing
  • 14. • Free Shipping over a certain amount • Discount Codes • Buy $X worth products get 10% discount, $X+X– 20% • Personalised coupons • Bundled product discount • Re-design up-sell / cross-sell • 10% Cash backs for the next purchase • Coupons popup to do certain tasks to get discounts (like us on facebook, leave a review etc) Increase Basket Size / No. Of Quotes
  • 15. • Takes 7x more to acquire a new customer than to retain a customer • Everything from basket Size Increase • Dynamic Retargetting using Adroll- Adwords • Emails with coupon to come back and buy • Cart abandonment tools – like barilliance etc. • Include Security proofing • Guarantee delivery at a certain date Cart Abandonment
  • 16. • Increase the sales to 200 a month • Sell in products which move quickly – best option for consistent sale numbers • Cart Abandonment and Increase basket size steps • Offer incentive to buy Google Trusted Stores
  • 17. • Implement automatic feedback system - eg. Trustpilot • Sales / operation teams to get in touch with the customers to get review ratings about the website / service • Google+ Local Listing review Reviews / Feedback system
  • 18. • A/B Testing • Create Landing Pages for Ads to achieve 1 specfic Goal – eg. Lead Gen • Make product page / Category page more compelling • Build trust, explain the benefits right away– push a deal top bar with money back guarantee, return policy – Quick Shipping etc [proven data increase sale upto 400%] • Customer testimonial / review on the product page • Video showcase for all products • Popup to segment users to go to various part of the sites according to their functional role • Content creation for all of the above Increase Conversion rate
  • 19. • Reduce help related calls by implement an online knowledge base • Build an online knowledge base for content marketing • To reduce support calls to the website • Create instruction content – slide shows, video, document for assembly etc • Create evergreen solutions for general issues Reduce Customer Service Hit Rate
  • 20. • Enhance or deduce a way to create worthly cross-sell / up sell Enhance Product Affinity (Cross/Upsell)
  • 21. • Use tools like price2spy to ensure we are at the lowest or the most competitive prices Competitive Pricing
  • 22. Need a Comprehensive strategy, have a question? Or need a helping hand with your digital marketing effort? I have helped more than 200+ startups across the world grow from single person businesses to well funded ones Email me: