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Ideas on
how to create

A guide for Project Managers
by Ciprian Rusen
we use presentations as
     means of communication
yet since 1990 we create…
       boring bad presentations filled with
             meaningless bullet-points
Instead of…
      simple, legible & engaging presentations

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The Art of the Presentation
The Art of the PresentationThe Art of the Presentation
The Art of the Presentation

Karlyn Borysenko and I discuss the elements of putting together an impactful presentation and how to submit them to conferences. Originally presented at Penn State Web - updated and reshared at HighEdWeb 2016 in Memphis Tennessee.

Boring to Bold: Presentation Design Ideas for Non-Designers
Boring to Bold: Presentation Design Ideas for Non-DesignersBoring to Bold: Presentation Design Ideas for Non-Designers
Boring to Bold: Presentation Design Ideas for Non-Designers

This document provides presentation design ideas for non-designers to make their presentations more engaging. It recommends having a clear plan and purpose, telling a story with three acts, minimizing text, using powerful images, choosing fonts and slide layouts wisely, rehearsing, and delivering with confidence. Presenters should know their audience, brainstorm their key message, and make slides beautiful yet simple while focusing on one idea per slide. Rehearsing and dressing professionally can also boost delivery, and providing handouts reinforces the content. The overall goal is to make audiences feel something rather than just informing them.

colleges and universitiespresentationeducation and training
Recipe for a Killer Presentation
Recipe for a Killer PresentationRecipe for a Killer Presentation
Recipe for a Killer Presentation

Follow the given tips to deliver a Killer Presentation. Each of these presentation tips are the building blocks for a killer presentation recipe.

presentation tipspresentationstips to present
How to make them better?
Think of…
      a presentation as a project
      of presentation processes as project processes
Monitoring & Controlling

                           translate to…

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Human-Centric Storytelling in Business
Human-Centric Storytelling in BusinessHuman-Centric Storytelling in Business
Human-Centric Storytelling in Business

9 tips: how to put your excellent content strategy into action by creating great stories. Presentation at Content Strategy Forum 2013

content strategycontent marketing
Exaltus Presentation Design Services
Exaltus Presentation Design ServicesExaltus Presentation Design Services
Exaltus Presentation Design Services

This document provides information about presentation design services from It discusses how presentations can communicate effectively, engage audiences, and leave lasting impressions. It also highlights the importance of understanding the audience and their needs. The document outlines pricing variables like scope of work, type of work, templates, paid artwork, and complexity. Overall, the document promotes Exaltus's presentation design services and emphasizes audience focus to create meaningful presentations.

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10 Powerful Body Language Tips for your next Presentation
10 Powerful Body Language Tips for your next Presentation10 Powerful Body Language Tips for your next Presentation
10 Powerful Body Language Tips for your next Presentation

To Learn more about Presentations go to:

business presentationsbusiness presentation companiespresentation tips
Initiation is to   THINK!
What is your point?
        Why does it matter?

THINK   Restrictions!

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HOW Design Live 2017: Sketchnote Masterclass
HOW Design Live 2017: Sketchnote MasterclassHOW Design Live 2017: Sketchnote Masterclass
HOW Design Live 2017: Sketchnote Masterclass

Presentation from Mike Rohde on sketchnoting, and Andy Brenits on his productivity methodology, from the HOW Design Live conference in Chicago, IL on May 2nd, 2017.

Building a story brand
Building a story brandBuilding a story brand
Building a story brand

The document provides guidance on crafting a clear brand message using storytelling principles. It discusses 7 key principles: 1) Define the customer as the hero with a problem or desire, 2) Identify the problem they face, 3) Position the brand as a trusted guide, 4) Provide a plan for how the brand can help solve the problem, 5) Call customers to action, 6) Explain what customers risk if they don't act, 7) Describe how customers succeed by using the brand's solution. Following these principles helps create a simple, compelling story that resonates with customers and clearly communicates the brand's message and value proposition.

The Science of Presentations
The Science of PresentationsThe Science of Presentations
The Science of Presentations

The document provides tips and guidance for improving presentation skills. It emphasizes preparing thoroughly by starting offline and focusing on curiosity before content. When designing presentations, it recommends keeping things simple with one point per slide, high quality visuals over text, and dumping templates. For delivery, it stresses practicing extensively, presenting from notes not slides, using presenter view, and asking for feedback. The overall goal is to treat audiences like kings by planning strategically and designing and delivering presentations that are visual, coherent and engage attention.

Planning is to create the STORY!
Be Alone!

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Presenting Like The Artist
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Presenting Like The Artist

Silent movies are the essence of visual storytelling. Let "The Artist" inspire your next presentation. If you have not seen this movie yet, go and see it !

jean dujardincommunicationmovies
You Suck At PowerPoint! by @jessedee
You Suck At PowerPoint! by @jessedeeYou Suck At PowerPoint! by @jessedee
You Suck At PowerPoint! by @jessedee

This document provides a summary of common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design and tips to avoid them. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality visuals, having a disorganized "visual vomit" style, and lack of preparation. The document emphasizes telling a story over slide design, using whitespace on slides, consistent formatting, and spending significant time preparing presentations.

Strategic Storytelling | Business Presentation Techniques
Strategic Storytelling | Business Presentation TechniquesStrategic Storytelling | Business Presentation Techniques
Strategic Storytelling | Business Presentation Techniques

Learn how to: (a) craft persuasive business presentations using proven narrative frameworks, (b) design data-driven slides, and (c) master your verbal and non-verbal delivery.

public speakingstrategypresentation
Ideas on how to create powerful presentations
Each STORY has

Draft Script!   Introduction
Write Story!

and remember…
Good stories are Simple!

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PowerPoint Porn: 100 Sexy Slides [Safe For Work]PowerPoint Porn: 100 Sexy Slides [Safe For Work]
PowerPoint Porn: 100 Sexy Slides [Safe For Work]

The document appears to be a series of slides from a presentation. It includes slides with quotes, budgets, diagrams, and tips. Key points: - A quote from Michael Chabon states "It's very difficult to fail at pornography". - A slide shows a budget breakdown for a $100k project including categories like consulting, studies, production, and communication. - Another slide provides 7 tips for creating visual presentations, such as using clear landmarks and blasting corporate templates. - Additional slides discuss fostering creativity in the classroom, divergent and convergent thinking, defining problems, and ensuring adequate education.

powerpointyou suck at powerpointmicrosoft powerpoint
Building Great Presentations
Building Great PresentationsBuilding Great Presentations
Building Great Presentations

This document provides tips and advice for creating effective presentations. It discusses crafting a story-driven narrative, focusing on simplicity and reducing unnecessary content. Visual design recommendations include using imagery, asymmetry, and consistent formatting. The importance of practicing delivery techniques like moving away from the podium and making eye contact is also covered. The summary concludes by recommending further reading on public speaking and presentation skills.

powerpointslide showpresentation
Designing Presentations
Designing PresentationsDesigning Presentations
Designing Presentations

This document contains slides from a presentation by Andre Woolery on designing effective presentations by making slides visually appealing. The presentation covers various design elements like fonts, color, composition, shapes, and images that can be manipulated to grab audiences' attention and keep them engaged. It provides examples and tips for using these elements like using bold text or different font sizes to create emphasis, leveraging color to attract the eye or accentuate points, and guiding the viewer's eye through slide composition and alignment.

Good stories are

Good stories are

Good stories are Emotional!
 Be Alone
Go Analog
Draft Script
Write Story

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To succeed in your career, you need to proactively turn your daily office struggles into opportunities. Here's how.

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Inspiring Creativity
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Inspiring Creativity

This is the presentation that I gave to the Young Planners at Cannes 2014. The data herein is taken from survey distributed through @cheiluk, @yellif and @cr

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UiGathering Talk - Masters of visualization / by Allen Chan
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UiGathering Talk - Masters of visualization / by Allen Chan

The document discusses the visual design process for redesigning the user interface of Trend Micro Titanium security software. It describes exploring different styles, concepts, and iterations to make the interface simpler, lighter, and more visually appealing. The final design used animations, image sprites, and a video to help tell the story and engage users. The document emphasizes that every visual element impacts the user experience and inspires designers to believe in themselves.

visual designuxinteraction design
Execution is to DESIGN!
Design &   Be Visual!
Design &   Use Empty Space!
Design &   Use Contrast!

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Making effective presentations

This presentation was for the techniques of preparing effective presentations and to impress your audience

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How to create a content marketing strategy - Drive Digital
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How to create a content marketing strategy - Drive Digital

Customers are becoming blind to traditional marketing interruptions. Creating relevant, engaging and valuable content, such as videos, whitepapers and blog posts, can help to capture their attention online. To ensure you are creating the right content, sharing it via the right channels and reaching the right audiences, Ian Miller, Search Director, at Crafted explains how to develop a content strategy for content marketing.

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Achieving 10X! What it takes to create meaningful products we love
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Achieving 10X! What it takes to create meaningful products we love

Meaningful UX, iterative product development and great teams are vital to achieve success in a fast-paced world where customer expectations are high! This talk illustrates how one creates value-driven innovation through meaningful product design, insight, attention to detail and reflection.

Design &   Use Repetition!
Design &   Align Elements!
   Be Visual
 Empty Space
Align Elements
Monitoring & Controlling is to OPTIMIZE!

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Anyone can be a ux designer: Not everyone IS one.
Anyone can be a ux designer: Not everyone IS one.Anyone can be a ux designer: Not everyone IS one.
Anyone can be a ux designer: Not everyone IS one.

This talk was given at The Junction ( a coworking space organized by Genesis Partners ( a Venture Capital organization in Israel. The premise of the talk is to explain that anyone can be a UX designer but it means taking on A LOT of work!

user experience designstartupsuser experience
Ban Presentations!
Ban Presentations!Ban Presentations!
Ban Presentations!

Most presentations in the current format need to be banned. Learn more - Learn the craft of making persuasive presentations from GetStandingOvation, the experts who have successfully crafted persuasive presentations for CXOs, worldwide.

leadership developmentpresentation trainingpresentation workshop
HealthCare corporate site - Design Evaluation by Mani hk
HealthCare corporate site - Design Evaluation by Mani hkHealthCare corporate site - Design Evaluation by Mani hk
HealthCare corporate site - Design Evaluation by Mani hk

The document provides a design evaluation and recommendations for re-designing the Medtrix corporate website. It discusses focusing on designing the overall brand communication using the website as a medium, rather than just focusing on website design. It recommends using banners on the homepage to communicate the brand vision and impact. It also discusses improving the visual and cognitive design elements like color and composition, as well as the usability of the website by following best practices for navigation, interactions, and responsive design. The deliverables proposed include information architecture, creative banners, wireframes, and ongoing review support.

Stand back!
Share &

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RF Creative Deep Dive May 2014
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RF Creative Deep Dive May 2014

The creative process can appear like a black box. Stuff goes in, gems cone out. But, when you're on the inside you realize it's much more a cypher: iterative, innovative and inclusive.

creative advertising process
Design Principles: The Philosophy of UX
Design Principles: The Philosophy of UXDesign Principles: The Philosophy of UX
Design Principles: The Philosophy of UX

The visual principles of harmony, unity, contrast, emphasis, variety, balance, proportion, repetition, texture and movement (and others) are widely recognized and practiced, even when they aren’t formally articulated. But creating a good design doesn’t automatically mean creating a good experience. In order for us to cultivate positive experiences for our users, we need to establish a set of guiding principles for experience design. Guiding principles are the broad philosophy or fundamental beliefs that steer an organization, team or individual’s decision making, irrespective of the project goals, constraints, or resources. Whitney will share a universally-applicable set of experience design principles that we should all strive to follow, and will explore how you can create and use your own guiding principles to take your site or product to the next level.

mantrauser experiencedesign fail
Design principles philopsohy of ux -Whitney Hess
Design principles philopsohy of ux -Whitney HessDesign principles philopsohy of ux -Whitney Hess
Design principles philopsohy of ux -Whitney Hess

The document discusses design principles for user experience (UX). It begins by introducing Whitney Hess as a UX designer and consultant. It then provides examples of principles from various companies and organizations, such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Burning Man, Starbucks, and others. Finally, it offers tips for crafting one's own design principles, including researching competitors, gathering business goals and user needs, brainstorming, ensuring principles don't overlap, and testing meanings. The overall message is that principles provide consistency, shared vision, and a basis for objective evaluation in UX design.

usabilityweb designux
 Stand back
Get Feedback
Ideas on how to create powerful presentations
Remove barriers!
Be completely present!

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Introduction To Visual Design
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Introduction To Visual Design

This document provides an introduction to visual design concepts. It discusses key visual design tools like color, texture, images, and typography. It also outlines design processes, including observing and collecting inspiration, brainstorming and sketching ideas, editing and refining, and producing the final design. The document emphasizes that design brings order, solves problems, and creates empathy through visually telling stories. It encourages building design skills through activities like observing art, taking photos, sketching, and learning typography fundamentals.

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Slide.Works Introduction
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Slide.Works Introduction

Introduction to Slide.Works. We create powerful presentations that convey your message and get results.

marketingsalespresentation design
Using Story in UX
Using Story in UXUsing Story in UX
Using Story in UX

The surest way to craft anything is to understand how it fits into the bigger picture...the bigger story. We'll unpack how our favorite movies can unlock tools to craft remarkable digital User Experiences.

customer experienceiauser experience
Connect with the audience!
Remove Barriers
  Be present
 Connect with
 the audience
Can we create
simple, legible & engaging presentations?
Ideas on how to create powerful presentations

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The Secrets of Delivering Impacftul Presentations #ImpactfulPrez
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The Secrets of Delivering Impacftul Presentations #ImpactfulPrez

Why do some presentations and speeches rock, while some others suck? We set out to find the answer by interviewing the people we have worked and people we think have interesting views to presentations. Uncover the secrets in this Slideshare. If you want to discuss presentation creation or design. Contact: / @Timo_Havain (Twitter) / -

presentation designpublic speakingpresentation tips
Great UX Portfolios
Great UX PortfoliosGreat UX Portfolios
Great UX Portfolios

Mary Wharmby provides tips for creating an effective UX portfolio. She recommends treating the portfolio like a UX design project and following the UX design process of discovery, strategy, design, testing and iteration. This includes discovering the audience and competitors, developing an identity and strategy, demonstrating problem-solving and thinking skills through case studies or process descriptions, testing designs with others, and continually updating the portfolio. The portfolio should tell a story, show evidence of work, and highlight the designer's skills, experiences and personality.

designuser experienceux
Slide Design for Non Designers
Slide Design for Non DesignersSlide Design for Non Designers
Slide Design for Non Designers

Let’s go through a few quick guidelines for keeping the quality up when creating slides even if you are not a designer.

slide designeffective presentationpresentation tips
Initiation                    Think
       Planning                       Story
      Execution          is   to…    Design
Monitoring & Controlling            Optimize
        Closing                     Present
Created by…
Credits & Recommendations

“Beyond Bullet Points” by Cliff Atkinson
“presentation zen” by Garr Reynolds
“slide:ology” by Nancy Duarte

Stock Photos taken from:

Office Online Library

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Ideas on how to create powerful presentations

Editor's Notes

  1. In today’s corporate world we increasingly use presentations as means of communication.
  2. Even if PowerPoint for Windows has been around since 1990 we still create boring bad presentations filled with meaningless bullet-points.
  3. Instead of… simple, legible& engaging presentations which our audiences can understand and enjoy.
  4. Since I’ve became a project manager almost two years ago, I have often asked myself & others: “How do we make those simple, legible & engaging presentations?”After reading several books & blogs on this topic, viewing great presentations and experimenting with my own, I’ve come up with a concept that works for me and might help you out as well.
  5. Think of a presentation as a project and of presentation processes as project processes
  6. I’m sure you all know the fiveprocesses of each project:InitiationPlanningExecutionMonitoring & ControllingClosingThey translate to…
  7. The five processes of each presentation:Think StoryDesign OptimizePresentLet’s see into more details what I mean by this.
  8. Initiation is to think about what you want to achieve, which are your goals, your scope of work, your restrictions, etc.
  9. As all project managers do when initiating a project, you first start with your goal. Take the time and think about it!What is the point you want to make? Why does it matter? If the audience could remember only one thing, what do you want it to be and why is it important? Answering these questions will help you get closer to the audience and explain the reasons why they should listen and care about what you are about to say.
  10. Next, think about your audience. You can consider the audience as your project board. You must be convincing in front of your board, you must keep the board satisfied about your project, keep them involved, etc. They are the ones who can shut down your project. To be convincing in front of your audience, ask questions such as:Who are the people that will listen to you? What’s their background? What do they expect of you? What do you want them to do?
  11. Another very important thing to think about is the restrictions you have. Any project manager thinks about the factors that could restrict or influence in any way his or her project. Why shouldn’t you do the same when creating a presentation? Ask yourself things such as:How much time do I have? What are the available tools? Do I need to use any specific templates?
  12. Once you have done all this, think again about your goal and make sure it is crystal clear for you.
  13. To recap: initiation is to think about what you are going to do next. Think about: your goal, the audience, your restrictions.
  14. Now it is time to do the planning or, in other words, creating the story of your presentation. Your project plan tells the story of your project. Right?
  15. First, start with being alone. Make sure that, at least for a while, you are far away from distractions. It will help you concentrate and remain focused on your presentation.
  16. Don’t be afraid to Go Analog and write your plan/story on a piece of paper, whiteboard, post it, etc.Depending on the person, staying in front of your computer might not help you remain focused. You can always get interrupted by yet another chat message or e-mail. Your phone might start ringing again. Taking the time to be alone and write your thoughts on a piece of paper will always help.
  17. Think about your projects: you always sketch the high-level processes your project will go through. The same must be done with the script of your story.Start with sketching the introduction then go to the main action of your story and don’t forget to think a bit about how you want to close.
  18. Now that you have a rough sketch ready, you can detail each stage of your story. Start writing and remember a these simple concepts…
  19. Good stories are simple. Make sure your point is obvious to your audience. Make the effort to simplify and strip down your message to its core.Nobody likes very long stories filled with unnecessary details.
  20. Good stories are concrete. Keep in mind that abstract concepts are hard to understand & follow. There is no need to overcomplicate your story.Even though most people don’t admit this in public, everyone hates long corporate speeches which use a mix of abbreviations and meaningless business expressions. For example, why say “overall accountability” instead of “responsibility”? Do your best to be natural and use real-life examples and concepts, not abstractions.
  21. Build your credibility in front of the audience. How can you do that?Investigate more about the topic you are talking about, prepare some hard data to backup your statements and use that data in your presentations.Present that data in terms that people can visualize and strip it to the bare essentials so that you won’t end up boring your audience in your quest for being credible.
  22. Good stories are always emotional. It is not enough to present some cold data. You must make people feel something. One way to do it, is to use images to help make your point.
  23. To recap, planning is to create your story. The steps to create one are: be alone, go analog, draft the script & write your story.
  24. Next stage in project management is Project Execution. In the presentation world this is called the Design Phase of your Presentation.
  25. Don’t be afraid to be visual and use images, suggestive clip-art, comics, etc. If you use bullet points that doesn’t make you a professional.On the other hard, images will help you make a point.
  26. Don’t be afraid of empty space. Try to control your tendency to fill in every available white space on your slides. Empty space means clarity, means purpose.People will never have the time nor the patience to read all your bullet points but will be able to understand & remember one very simple idea.
  27. Contrast is a very powerful tool. If used properly, will help the audience get your point very quickly. Contrast can be achieved through the color choices you make, the text you use, positioning, etc.
  28. This means reusing elements of design and or key ideas of your presentations. Reusing elements of design will bring a sense of consistency and cohesiveness while repeating the key ideas of your presentation can help the audience to remember it.However, be careful not to overdo it as your presentation will become tiring and people will stop caring about what you have to say.
  29. Executing your project plan means that all tasks are done in a certain order. Nothing is executed randomly.Then why not do the same for your presentations? Spend a bit of time to align all elements in your presentation, make it look polished. If you did not care enough about your presentation to align the images & text boxes, to use the same font, then why should the audience care? Why should they listen to you? It surely means that you have nothing important to say. Take the time to align & connect all elements and you will gain more credibility.
  30. To recap: Execution is to design. The tips for good design are: be visual, use empty space, use repetition and align elements.
  31. For a project manager, Monitoring & Controlling is about observing the execution of the project to identify problems and fix them. In the presentation world, this stage is the optimization stage. You basically review and improve your presentation. This is how to do it…
  32. First, stand back! Take a break and clear your mind.
  33. Then go back and review your initial scope, the plan you created and your execution.
  34. Based on your observations, improve your plan and execution. Meaning, improve your Story and Design.
  35. Once you have done this, don’t be afraid to share your work and ask for feedback. Share the presentation with people who will be part of your audience or people who are familiar with your audience. Get their feedback and then go back and improve your story and design. I mean… your plan and execution.
  36. To recap, monitoring and controlling means to optimize your presentation. The steps to do it are: Stand back Check your scope, plan & executionImprove your plan & executionShare and get feedback
  37. Last but not least, we all have to officially close our projects. The same with presentations. Now that we have our presentation ready we must also present it.
  38. When presenting, the first thing you should do is to remove barriers separating you from the audience. The sooner you do this, the better. For example, make sure the lighting is appropriate, check that there are no cables on which you can trip, verify that your NetMeeting/LiveMeeting is working properly, etc.
  39. Do your best to be completely present. Take a break before the presentation to clear your mind from worries and things that distract from the presentation you are about to give.You must be completely there, not concerned with the past or the future. You must clear your mind and be in one place: right here!
  40. If you manage to be completely present than it will be easier to connect with the audience. One idea would be to start with a joke and move on from there to telling your story. Here one rule you should not forget is to use 90-95 percent of your allotted time. It is better to leave the audience yearning for more than to say that it was too much.
  41. Quick Recap: Closing is to Present. Tips worth remembering when presenting are:Remove barriersBe presentConnect with the audience
  42. Let’s get back to our initial question: Can we create simple, legible & engaging presentations?
  43. The Answer is YES!
  44. All you need to do is to remember that the five processes of each project translate into the phases of a presentation. The logic behind them is pretty much the same.
  45. “Beyond Bullet Points” by Cliff Atkinson – teaches you how to structure your story and how to use PowerPoint to bring your stories to life“presentation zen” by Garr Reynolds – share simples & very effective ideas on presentation design and delivery“slide:ology” by Nancy Duarte – teaches you how to be a visual thinker and create great presentations