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Messaging With
Apache ActiveMQ
  Bruce Snyder
  19 Nov 2008
  Malmo, Sweden
Do You Use JMS?

A Crash Course in Messaging

:: JMS is:
   :: An API for enterprise messaging
   :: Included in Java EE
    :: Also available stand alone
  :: Loosely coupled

:: JMS is not:
   :: A message broker implementation

JMS Absracts Message Brokers

The JMS Message

Point-to-Point Messaging

Publish-Subscribe Messaging Domain

What is ActiveMQ?

:: Message-oriented middleware
:: Apache project
:: Apache licensed
:: JMS 1.1 compliant

:: Goal:
  :: Standards-based, message-oriented application
    integration across many languages and platforms

Examples Demo

    Easily send and receive
     messages using the
       default examples


ActiveMQ Uses URIs


Example URIs





Wire Formats

:: OpenWire
  :: The default in ActiveMQ; a binary protocol
  :: Clients for C++, Java and .NET

  :: Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol; a text based protocol
  :: Clients for C, Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and more

  :: The Jabber XML protocol

  :: HTTP POST and GET

  :: Not yet fully supported
Two Types of Transports

Transport Connectors

:: Client-to-broker connections
   :: Similar to JDBC connections to a database

:: Protocols are supported:
  :: TCP
  :: UDP
  :: NIO
  :: SSL
  :: HTTP/S
  :: VM
  :: XMPP

Network of Brokers

:: Broker-to-broker connections
:: Protocols supported:
 :: Static
 :: Failover
 :: Multicast
 :: Zeroconf
 :: Peer
 :: Fanout
 :: Discovery

Networks of Brokers

:: Provides large scalability
:: ActiveMQ store-and-forward allows
 messages to traverse brokers
 :: Demand-based forwarding
 :: Some people call this distributed queues

:: Many possible configurations or topologies
 are supported

Topology Example

Topology Example

Topology Example

Topology Example

Topology Example

Message Persistence

AMQ Message Store

:: Transactional message storage solution
:: Fast and reliable
:: Composed of two parts:
   :: Data Store - holds messages in a transactional journal
   :: Reference store - stores message locations for fast
:: The default message store in ActiveMQ 5

Non-Journaled JDBC

:: Transactional message storage solution
:: Reliable but not fast
 :: JDBC connection overhead is prohibitively slow

Journaled JDBC

:: Transactional message storage solution
:: Reliable and faster than non-journaled
:: Two-piece store
   :: Journal - A high-performance, transactional journal
   :: Database - A relational database of your choice

:: Default database in ActiveMQ 4.x is Apache

Message Cursors

:: Messages are no longer stored in memory
   :: Previous to 5.1, message references were stored in
:: Messages are paged in from storage when
 space is available in memory

Master/Slave Broker Configurations

Three Types of Master/Slave

:: Pure master/slave
:: Shared filesystem master/slave
:: JDBC master/slave

Pure Master/Slave

:: Shared nothing, fully replicated topology
   :: Does not depend on shared filesystem or database

:: A Slave broker consumes all message states
   from the Master broker (messages, acks, tx
:: Slave does not start any networking or
   transport connectors

Pure Master/Slave

:: Master broker will only respond to client when a
 message exchange has been successfully
 passed to the slave broker

Pure Master/Slave

:: If the master fails, the slave optionally has two
 modes of operation:
  :: Start up all it’s network and transport connectors
    :: All clients connected to failed Master resume on Slave
  :: Close down completely
    :: Slave is simply used to duplicate state from Master

Shared Filesystem Master/Slave

:: Utilizes a directory on a shared filesystem
:: No restriction on number of brokers
:: Simple configuration (point to the data dir)
:: One master selected at random

JDBC Master/Slave

:: Recommended when using a shared
:: No restriction on the number of brokers
:: Simple configuration
:: Clustered database negates single point of
:: One master selected at random

Client Connectivity With Master/Slave

:: Again, clients should use failover transport:


Tips for HA and Fault Tolerance

:: RAIDed disks
:: A Storage Area Network
:: Clustered relational databases
:: Clustered JDBC via C-JDBC


Broker Security

:: Authentication
  :: I.e., are you allowed to connect to ActiveMQ?
  :: File based implementation
  :: JAAS based implementation

:: Authorization
  :: I.e., do you have permission to use that ActiveMQ
  :: Destination level
  :: Message level via custom plugin

Consumer Options
:: Message prefetch
:: Consumer dispatch async
:: Exclusive consumer
:: Consumer priority
:: Message groups
:: Redeliery policies
:: Retroactive consumer
:: Selectors
:: Some slow consumer strategies

Message Prefetch

:: Used for slow consumer situations
  :: Consumer is flooded by messages from the broker
:: FIFO buffer on the consumer side

Async Dispatch

:: Asynchronous message delivery to consumers
  :: Default is true
:: Useful for slow consumers
  :: Incurs a bit of overhead

Exclusive Consumers

:: Anytime more than one consumer is consuming from
 a queue, message order is lost
:: Allows a single consumer to consume all messages
 on a queue to maintain message ordering

Consumer Priority

:: Just like it sounds
  :: Gives a consumer priority for message delivery
  :: Allows for the weighting of consumers to optimize
    network traversal for message delivery

Message Groups
:: Uses the JMSXGroupID property to define which
 message group a message belongs
  :: Guarantees ordered processing of related messages across a
    single destination
  :: Load balancing of message processing across multiple consumers
  :: HA/failover if consumer goes down

Retroactive Consumer

:: Message replay at start of a subscription
  :: At the start of every subscription, send any old
     messages that the consumer may have missed
  :: Configurable via policies

Wildcards on Destinations
                <policyEntry topic="Price.Stock.>"

             :: Price.>
             :: Price.Stock.>
             :: Price.Stock.NASDAQ.*
             :: Price.Stock.*.IBM

Virtual Destinations

Total Ordering

:: A guaranteed order of messages for each

Mirrored Queues

Message Selectors

:: Used to attach a filter to a subscription
:: Defined using a subset SQL 92 syntax
:: JMS selectors
  :: Filters only message properties
    :: JMSType = ‘stock’ and trader = ‘bob’ and price < ‘105’

:: XPath selectors
  :: Filters message bodies that contain XML
    :: ‘/message/cheese/text() = 'swiss'’

Retroactive Consumer

:: Used to go back in time
   :: In terms of messages

:: At the start of a subscription, send old
   messages the consumer may have missed
:: Configurable via timed or fixed size recovery

Slow Consumer Strategies

:: Various configurable strategies for handling slow
:: Slow consumer situations are very common
:: Caused by:
  :: Slow network connections
  :: Unreliable network connections
  :: Busy network situations
  :: Busy JVM situations
  :: Half disconnects with sockets

Use Message Limit Strategies

:: PendingMessageLimitStrategy
 :: Calculates the max number of pending messages to
   be held in memory for a consumer above its prefetch
:: ConstantPendingMessageLimitStrategy
 :: A constant limit for all consumers
:: PrefetchRatePendingMessageLimitStrategy
 :: Calculates the max number of pending messages
   using a multiplier of the consumers prefetch size

Use Prefetch and an Eviction Policy

:: Use the prefetch policy
  :: The prefetch policy has a property named
    maximumPendingMessageLimit that can be used on a
    per connection or per consumer basis
:: Use a message eviction policy
  :: OldestMessageEvictionStrategy
    :: Evict the oldest messages first
  :: OldestMessageWithLowestPriorityEvictionStrategy
    :: Evict the oldest messages with the lowest priority first

Use Destination Policies

:: Configured on the destination policies in the
   ActiveMQ XML configuration file
:: Combined with wildcards, this is very powerful

Additional Tips
:: Consider configuring different message cursors
:: The status of slow consumers can be monitored via JMX
  :: discarded - The count of how many messages have been
    discarded during the lifetime of the subscription due to it being a
    slow consumer
  :: matched - The current number of messages matched and to be
    dispatched to the subscription as soon as some capacity is
    available in the prefetch buffer. So a non-zero value implies that
    the prefetch buffer is full for this subscription


:: JMX
:: ActiveMQ web console
:: Additional consumers
 :: Camel routes

:: SpringSource AMS
 :: Based on Hyperic
:: IONA FuseHQ
 :: Based on Hyperic


What is Apache Camel?

What is EIP?

Fluent Java API
          RouteBuilder MyRoute = new RouteBuilder() {
             public void configure() {

XML Config
          <camelContext id="camel"
              <from uri="activemq:example.A" />
              <to uri="file:///Users/bsnyder/camelinbox/text.txt" />
              <to uri=”log:MyLog?showProperties=true” />

EIP Pattern: Content Based Router

          RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
              public void configure() {


EIP Pattern: Content Based Router
          <camelContext id="buildSimpleRouteWithChoice"
              <from uri="seda:a"/>
                    <header name="foo"/>
                    <isEqualTo value="bar"/>
                  <to uri="seda:b"/>
                    <header name="foo"/>
                    <isEqualTo value="cheese"/>
                  <to uri="seda:c"/>
                <otherwise><to uri="seda:d"/></otherwise>
Do You Have Information Overload Yet? ;-)

Thank You For Attending!



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Messaging With Apache ActiveMQ

  • 1. Messaging With Apache ActiveMQ Bruce Snyder 19 Nov 2008 Malmo, Sweden
  • 2. Do You Use JMS? 2
  • 3. A Crash Course in Messaging :: JMS is: :: An API for enterprise messaging :: Included in Java EE :: Also available stand alone :: Loosely coupled :: JMS is not: :: A message broker implementation 3
  • 8. What is ActiveMQ? :: Message-oriented middleware :: Apache project :: :: Apache licensed :: JMS 1.1 compliant :: Goal: :: Standards-based, message-oriented application integration across many languages and platforms 8
  • 9. Examples Demo Easily send and receive messages using the default examples 9
  • 11. ActiveMQ Uses URIs <protocol>://<host>:<port>?<transport-options> 11
  • 13. Wire Formats :: OpenWire :: The default in ActiveMQ; a binary protocol :: Clients for C++, Java and .NET :: STOMP :: Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol; a text based protocol :: Clients for C, Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and more :: XMPP :: The Jabber XML protocol :: REST :: HTTP POST and GET :: AMQP :: Not yet fully supported 13
  • 14. Two Types of Transports 14
  • 15. Transport Connectors :: Client-to-broker connections :: Similar to JDBC connections to a database :: Protocols are supported: :: TCP :: UDP :: NIO :: SSL :: HTTP/S :: VM :: XMPP 15
  • 16. Network of Brokers :: Broker-to-broker connections :: Protocols supported: :: Static :: Failover :: Multicast :: Zeroconf :: Peer :: Fanout :: Discovery 16
  • 17. Networks of Brokers :: Provides large scalability :: ActiveMQ store-and-forward allows messages to traverse brokers :: Demand-based forwarding :: Some people call this distributed queues :: Many possible configurations or topologies are supported 17
  • 24. AMQ Message Store :: Transactional message storage solution :: Fast and reliable :: Composed of two parts: :: Data Store - holds messages in a transactional journal :: Reference store - stores message locations for fast retrieval :: The default message store in ActiveMQ 5 24
  • 25. Non-Journaled JDBC :: Transactional message storage solution :: Reliable but not fast :: JDBC connection overhead is prohibitively slow 25
  • 26. Journaled JDBC :: Transactional message storage solution :: Reliable and faster than non-journaled :: Two-piece store :: Journal - A high-performance, transactional journal :: Database - A relational database of your choice :: Default database in ActiveMQ 4.x is Apache Derby 26
  • 27. Message Cursors :: Messages are no longer stored in memory :: Previous to 5.1, message references were stored in memory :: Messages are paged in from storage when space is available in memory 27
  • 29. Three Types of Master/Slave :: Pure master/slave :: Shared filesystem master/slave :: JDBC master/slave 29
  • 30. Pure Master/Slave :: Shared nothing, fully replicated topology :: Does not depend on shared filesystem or database :: A Slave broker consumes all message states from the Master broker (messages, acks, tx states) :: Slave does not start any networking or transport connectors 30
  • 31. Pure Master/Slave :: Master broker will only respond to client when a message exchange has been successfully passed to the slave broker 31
  • 32. Pure Master/Slave :: If the master fails, the slave optionally has two modes of operation: :: Start up all it’s network and transport connectors :: All clients connected to failed Master resume on Slave :: Close down completely :: Slave is simply used to duplicate state from Master 32
  • 33. Shared Filesystem Master/Slave :: Utilizes a directory on a shared filesystem :: No restriction on number of brokers :: Simple configuration (point to the data dir) :: One master selected at random 33
  • 34. JDBC Master/Slave :: Recommended when using a shared database :: No restriction on the number of brokers :: Simple configuration :: Clustered database negates single point of failure :: One master selected at random 34
  • 35. Client Connectivity With Master/Slave :: Again, clients should use failover transport: failover:(tcp://broker1:61616,tcp://broker2:61616, tcp://broker3:61616)?initialReconnectDelay=100 35
  • 36. Tips for HA and Fault Tolerance :: RAIDed disks :: A Storage Area Network :: Clustered relational databases :: Clustered JDBC via C-JDBC :: 36
  • 37. Security 37
  • 38. Broker Security :: Authentication :: I.e., are you allowed to connect to ActiveMQ? :: File based implementation :: JAAS based implementation :: Authorization :: I.e., do you have permission to use that ActiveMQ resource? :: Destination level :: Message level via custom plugin 38
  • 39. Consumer Options :: Message prefetch :: Consumer dispatch async :: Exclusive consumer :: Consumer priority :: Message groups :: Redeliery policies :: Retroactive consumer :: Selectors :: Some slow consumer strategies 39
  • 40. Message Prefetch :: Used for slow consumer situations :: Consumer is flooded by messages from the broker :: FIFO buffer on the consumer side 40
  • 41. Async Dispatch :: Asynchronous message delivery to consumers :: Default is true :: Useful for slow consumers :: Incurs a bit of overhead 41
  • 42. Exclusive Consumers :: Anytime more than one consumer is consuming from a queue, message order is lost :: Allows a single consumer to consume all messages on a queue to maintain message ordering 42
  • 43. Consumer Priority :: Just like it sounds :: Gives a consumer priority for message delivery :: Allows for the weighting of consumers to optimize network traversal for message delivery 43
  • 44. Message Groups :: Uses the JMSXGroupID property to define which message group a message belongs :: Guarantees ordered processing of related messages across a single destination :: Load balancing of message processing across multiple consumers :: HA/failover if consumer goes down 44
  • 45. Retroactive Consumer :: Message replay at start of a subscription :: At the start of every subscription, send any old messages that the consumer may have missed :: Configurable via policies 45
  • 46. Wildcards on Destinations ... <destinationPolicy> EXAMPLE <policyMap> <policyEntries> <policyEntry topic="Price.Stock.>" memoryLimit="128mb"> </policyEntries> </policyMap> </destinationPolicy> ... :: Price.> :: Price.Stock.> :: Price.Stock.NASDAQ.* :: Price.Stock.*.IBM 46
  • 48. Total Ordering :: A guaranteed order of messages for each consumer 48
  • 50. Message Selectors :: Used to attach a filter to a subscription :: Defined using a subset SQL 92 syntax :: JMS selectors :: Filters only message properties :: JMSType = ‘stock’ and trader = ‘bob’ and price < ‘105’ :: XPath selectors :: Filters message bodies that contain XML :: ‘/message/cheese/text() = 'swiss'’ 50
  • 51. Retroactive Consumer :: Used to go back in time :: In terms of messages :: At the start of a subscription, send old messages the consumer may have missed :: Configurable via timed or fixed size recovery 51
  • 52. Slow Consumer Strategies :: Various configurable strategies for handling slow consumers :: Slow consumer situations are very common :: Caused by: :: Slow network connections :: Unreliable network connections :: Busy network situations :: Busy JVM situations :: Half disconnects with sockets 52
  • 53. Use Message Limit Strategies :: PendingMessageLimitStrategy :: Calculates the max number of pending messages to be held in memory for a consumer above its prefetch size :: ConstantPendingMessageLimitStrategy :: A constant limit for all consumers :: PrefetchRatePendingMessageLimitStrategy :: Calculates the max number of pending messages using a multiplier of the consumers prefetch size 53
  • 54. Use Prefetch and an Eviction Policy :: Use the prefetch policy :: The prefetch policy has a property named maximumPendingMessageLimit that can be used on a per connection or per consumer basis :: Use a message eviction policy :: OldestMessageEvictionStrategy :: Evict the oldest messages first :: OldestMessageWithLowestPriorityEvictionStrategy :: Evict the oldest messages with the lowest priority first 54
  • 55. Use Destination Policies :: Configured on the destination policies in the ActiveMQ XML configuration file :: Combined with wildcards, this is very powerful 55
  • 56. Additional Tips :: Consider configuring different message cursors :: The status of slow consumers can be monitored via JMX properties :: discarded - The count of how many messages have been discarded during the lifetime of the subscription due to it being a slow consumer :: matched - The current number of messages matched and to be dispatched to the subscription as soon as some capacity is available in the prefetch buffer. So a non-zero value implies that the prefetch buffer is full for this subscription 56
  • 57. Monitoring :: JMX :: ActiveMQ web console :: Additional consumers :: Camel routes :: SpringSource AMS :: Based on Hyperic :: IONA FuseHQ :: Based on Hyperic 57
  • 59. What is Apache Camel? 59
  • 61. Fluent Java API RouteBuilder MyRoute = new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { EXAMPLE from("activemq:TEST.QUEUE"). to("file:///Users/bsnyder/camelinbox/text.txt"). to("log:MyLog"); } }; 61
  • 62. XML Config <camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""> EXAMPLE <package>com.mycompany</package> <route> <from uri="activemq:example.A" /> <to uri="file:///Users/bsnyder/camelinbox/text.txt" /> <to uri=”log:MyLog?showProperties=true” /> </route> </camelContext> 62
  • 63. EIP Pattern: Content Based Router EXAMPLE RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() { from("seda:a").choice().when(header("foo").isEqualTo("bar ")).to("seda:b") .when(header("foo").isEqualTo("cheese")).to(" seda:c").otherwise().to("seda:d"); } }; 63
  • 64. EIP Pattern: Content Based Router <camelContext id="buildSimpleRouteWithChoice" xmlns=""> EXAMPLE <route> <from uri="seda:a"/> <choice> <when> <predicate> <header name="foo"/> <isEqualTo value="bar"/> </predicate> <to uri="seda:b"/> </when> <when> <predicate> <header name="foo"/> <isEqualTo value="cheese"/> </predicate> <to uri="seda:c"/> </when> <otherwise><to uri="seda:d"/></otherwise> </choice> </route> </camelContext> 64
  • 65. Do You Have Information Overload Yet? ;-) 65
  • 66. Thank You For Attending! Questions? 66