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Introduction to Apache Apex
Thomas Weise <> @thweise
PMC Chair Apache Apex, Architect DataTorrent
Big Data Spain, Madrid, Nov 17th 2016
Stream Data Processing
Sensor Data
Oper1 Oper2 Oper3
visualization, …
Data Delivery Transform / Analytics
Industries & Use Cases
Financial Services Ad-Tech Telecom Manufacturing Energy IoT
Fraud and risk
customer facing
dashboards on
key performance
Call detail record
(CDR) &
extended data
record (XDR)
Supply chain
planning &
Smart meter
Data ingestion
and processing
Credit risk
Click fraud
behavior AND
Reduce outages
& improve
Improve turn around
time of trade
settlement processes
Packaging and
customer data
Product quality &
defect tracking
Asset &
Data governance
• Large scale ingest and distribution
• Real-time ELTA (Extract Load Transform Analyze)
• Dimensional computation & aggregation
• Enforcing data quality and data governance requirements
• Real-time data enrichment with reference data
• Real-time machine learning model scoring
Apache Apex
• In-memory, distributed, parallel stream processing
• Application logic broken into components (operators) that execute distributed in a cluster
• Unobtrusive Java API to express (custom) logic
• Maintain state and metrics in member variables
• Windowing, event-time processing
• Scalable, high throughput, low latency
• Operators can be scaled up or down at runtime according to the load and SLA
• Dynamic scaling (elasticity), compute locality
• Fault tolerance & correctness
• Automatically recover from node outages without having to reprocess from beginning
• State is preserved, checkpointing, incremental recovery
• End-to-end exactly-once
• Operability
• System and application metrics, record/visualize data
• Dynamic changes and resource allocation, elasticity

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Smart Partitioning with Apache Apex (Webinar)
Smart Partitioning with Apache Apex (Webinar)Smart Partitioning with Apache Apex (Webinar)
Smart Partitioning with Apache Apex (Webinar)

Processing big data often requires running the same computations parallelly in multiple processes or threads, called partitions, with each partition handling a subset of the data. This becomes all the more necessary when processing live data streams where maintaining SLA is paramount. Furthermore, multiple different computations make up an application and each of them may have different partitioning needs. Partitioning also needs to adapt to changing data rates, input sources and other application requirements like SLA. In this talk, we will introduce how Apache Apex, a distributed stream processing platform on Hadoop, handles partitioning. We will look at different partitioning schemes provided by Apex some of which are unique in this space. We will also look at how Apex does dynamic partitioning, a feature unique to and pioneered by Apex to handle varying data needs with examples. We will also talk about the different utilities and libraries that Apex provides for users to be able to affect their own custom partitioning.

real timeapache apexbig data
Hadoop Summit SJ 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex
Hadoop Summit SJ 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache ApexHadoop Summit SJ 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex
Hadoop Summit SJ 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex

This is an overview of architecture with use cases for Apache Apex, a big data analytics platform. It comes with a powerful stream processing engine, rich set of functional building blocks and an easy to use API for the developer to build real-time and batch applications. Apex runs natively on YARN and HDFS and is used in production in various industries. You will learn more about two use cases: A leading Ad Tech company serves billions of advertising impressions and collects terabytes of data from several data centers across the world every day. Apex was used to implement rapid actionable insights, for real-time reporting and allocation, utilizing Kafka and files as source, dimensional computation and low latency visualization. A customer in the IoT space uses Apex for Time Series service, including efficient storage of time series data, data indexing for quick retrieval and queries at high scale and precision. The platform leverages the high availability, horizontal scalability and operability of Apex.

big dataapache apexapi
Intro to Apache Apex - Next Gen Platform for Ingest and Transform
Intro to Apache Apex - Next Gen Platform for Ingest and TransformIntro to Apache Apex - Next Gen Platform for Ingest and Transform
Intro to Apache Apex - Next Gen Platform for Ingest and Transform

Introduction to Apache Apex - The next generation native Hadoop platform. This talk will cover details about how Apache Apex can be used as a powerful and versatile platform for big data processing. Common usage of Apache Apex includes big data ingestion, streaming analytics, ETL, fast batch alerts, real-time actions, threat detection, etc. Bio: Pramod Immaneni is Apache Apex PMC member and senior architect at DataTorrent, where he works on Apache Apex and specializes in big data platform and applications. Prior to DataTorrent, he was a co-founder and CTO of Leaf Networks LLC, eventually acquired by Netgear Inc, where he built products in core networking space and was granted patents in peer-to-peer VPNs.

ingestiÓnbig dataapache apex
Native Hadoop Integration
• YARN is
• HDFS for
Application Development Model
A Stream is a sequence of data
A typical Operator takes one or
more input streams, performs
computations & emits one or more
output streams
• Each Operator is YOUR custom
business logic in java, or built-in
operator from our open source
• Operator has many instances
that run in parallel and each
instance is single-threaded
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is
made up of operators and streams
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
Operator Operator
Operator Operator
Kafka Database
Apex Application
• Operators from library or develop for custom logic
• Connect operators to form application
• Configure operator properties
• Configure scaling and other platform attributes
• Test functionality, performance, iterate
Development Process
Application Specification
Java Stream API (declarative)
DAG API (compositional)

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Fault Tolerance and Processing Semantics in Apache Apex
Fault Tolerance and Processing Semantics in Apache ApexFault Tolerance and Processing Semantics in Apache Apex
Fault Tolerance and Processing Semantics in Apache Apex

Apache Apex - Fault Tolerance and Processing Semantics Webinar on demand:

processing semanticsapexhadoop
Apache Apex: Stream Processing Architecture and Applications
Apache Apex: Stream Processing Architecture and ApplicationsApache Apex: Stream Processing Architecture and Applications
Apache Apex: Stream Processing Architecture and Applications

Slides from This is an overview of architecture with use cases for Apache Apex, a big data analytics platform. It comes with a powerful stream processing engine, rich set of functional building blocks and an easy to use API for the developer to build real-time and batch applications. Apex runs natively on YARN and HDFS and is used in production in various industries. You will learn more about two use cases: A leading Ad Tech company serves billions of advertising impressions and collects terabytes of data from several data centers across the world every day. Apex was used to implement rapid actionable insights, for real-time reporting and allocation, utilizing Kafka and files as source, dimensional computation and low latency visualization. A customer in the IoT space uses Apex for Time Series service, including efficient storage of time series data, data indexing for quick retrieval and queries at high scale and precision. The platform leverages the high availability, horizontal scalability and operability of Apex.

big datahadoopapache apex
From Batch to Streaming with Apache Apex Dataworks Summit 2017
From Batch to Streaming with Apache Apex Dataworks Summit 2017From Batch to Streaming with Apache Apex Dataworks Summit 2017
From Batch to Streaming with Apache Apex Dataworks Summit 2017

This document discusses transitioning from batch to streaming data processing using Apache Apex. It provides an overview of Apex and how it can be used to build real-time streaming applications. Examples are given of how to build an application that processes Twitter data streams and visualizes results. The document also outlines Apex's capabilities for scalable stream processing, queryable state, and its growing library of connectors and transformations.

apache apexhadoopstreaming analytics
Developing Operators
Operator Library
• Oracle
• MemSQL
• Cassandra, HBase
• Aerospike, Accumulo
• Couchbase/ CouchDB
• Redis, MongoDB
• Geode
• Kafka
• JMS (ActiveMQ, …)
• Kinesis, SQS
• Flume, NiFi
File Systems
• HDFS/ Hive
• S3
• Avro
• Parquet
• Filter, Expression, Enrich
• Windowing, Aggregation
• Join
• Dedup
• Dimensional Aggregations
(with state management for
historical data + query)
• WebSocket
• Elastic Search
• Script (JavaScript, Python, R)
• Solr
• Twitter
Stateful Processing with Event Time
(All) : 5
t=4:00 : 2
t=5:00 : 3
k=A, t=4:00 : 2
k=A, t=5:00 : 1
k=B, t=5:00 : 2
(All) : 4
t=4:00 : 2
t=5:00 : 2
k=A, t=4:00 : 2
K=B, t=5:00 : 2
(All) : 1
t=4:00 : 1
k=A, t=4:00 : 1
Processing Time
+30s +60s +90s
Event Stream
Windowing - Apache Beam Model
ApexStream<String> stream = StreamFactory
.flatMap(new Split())
.window(new WindowOption.GlobalWindow(), new
.countByKey(new ConvertToKeyVal()).print();
Session windows
Keyed or Not Keyed
Allowed Lateness
Accumulation Mode
Merging streams

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Stream Processing with Apache Apex
Stream Processing with Apache ApexStream Processing with Apache Apex
Stream Processing with Apache Apex

- Apache Apex is a platform and framework for building highly scalable and fault-tolerant distributed applications on Hadoop. - It allows developers to build any custom logic as distributed applications and ensures fault tolerance, scalability and data flow. Applications can process streaming or batch data with high throughput and low latency. - Apex applications are composed of operators that perform processing on streams of data tuples. Operators can run in a distributed fashion across a cluster and automatically recover from failures without reprocessing data from the beginning.

apex stream processing
Low Latency Polyglot Model Scoring using Apache Apex
Low Latency Polyglot Model Scoring using Apache ApexLow Latency Polyglot Model Scoring using Apache Apex
Low Latency Polyglot Model Scoring using Apache Apex

This document discusses challenges in building low-latency machine learning applications and how Apache Apex can help address them. It introduces Apache Apex as a distributed streaming engine and describes how it allows embedding models from frameworks like R, Python, H2O through custom operators. It provides various data and model scoring patterns in Apex like dynamic resource allocation, checkpointing, exactly-once processing to meet SLAs. The document also demonstrates techniques like canary deployment, dormant models, model ensembles through logical overlays on the Apex DAG.

apache apexstreaming analyticsmachine learning
Apache Big Data EU 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex
Apache Big Data EU 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache ApexApache Big Data EU 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex
Apache Big Data EU 2016: Next Gen Big Data Analytics with Apache Apex

Stream data processing is becoming increasingly important to support business needs for faster time to insight and action with growing volume of information from more sources. Apache Apex ( is a unified big data in motion processing platform for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. Apex supports demanding use cases with: * Architecture for high throughput, low latency and exactly-once processing semantics. * Comprehensive library of building blocks including connectors for Kafka, Files, Cassandra, HBase and many more * Java based with unobtrusive API to build real-time and batch applications and implement custom business logic. * Advanced engine features for auto-scaling, dynamic changes, compute locality. Apex was developed since 2012 and is used in production in various industries like online advertising, Internet of Things (IoT) and financial services.

big dataapache apexbig data ingestion
Fault Tolerance
• Operator state is checkpointed to persistent store
ᵒ Automatically performed by engine, no additional coding needed
ᵒ Asynchronous and distributed
ᵒ In case of failure operators are restarted from checkpoint state
• Automatic detection and recovery of failed containers
ᵒ Heartbeat mechanism
ᵒ YARN process status notification
• Buffering to enable replay of data from recovered point
ᵒ Fast, incremental recovery, spike handling
• Application master state checkpointed
ᵒ Snapshot of physical (and logical) plan
ᵒ Execution layer change log
Checkpointing State
 Distributed, asynchronous
 Periodic callbacks
 No artificial latency
 Pluggable storage
• In-memory PubSub
• Stores results until committed
• Backpressure / spillover to disk
• Ordering, idempotency
Container 1
Node 1
Container 2
Node 2
Buffer Server & Recovery
Downstream Operators reset
Independent pipelines
(can be used for speculative execution)
Recovery Scenario
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1
… EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1

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Capital One's Next Generation Decision in less than 2 ms
Capital One's Next Generation Decision in less than 2 msCapital One's Next Generation Decision in less than 2 ms
Capital One's Next Generation Decision in less than 2 ms

This document discusses using Apache Apex for real-time decision making within 2 milliseconds. It provides performance benchmarks for Apex, showing average latency of 0.25ms for over 54 million events with 600GB of RAM. It compares Apex favorably to other streaming technologies like Storm and Flink, noting Apex's self-healing capabilities, independence of operators, and ability to meet latency and throughput requirements even during failures. The document recommends Apex for its maturity, fault tolerance, and ability to meet the goals of latency under 16ms, 99.999% availability, and scalability.

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Actionable Insights with Apache Apex at Apache Big Data 2017 by Devendra Tagare
Actionable Insights with Apache Apex at Apache Big Data 2017 by Devendra TagareActionable Insights with Apache Apex at Apache Big Data 2017 by Devendra Tagare
Actionable Insights with Apache Apex at Apache Big Data 2017 by Devendra Tagare

The presentation covers how Apache Apex is used to deliver actionable insights in real-time for Ad-tech. It includes a reference architecture to provide dimensional aggregates on TB scale for billions of events per day. The reference architecture covers concepts around Apache Apex, with Kafka as source and dimensional compute. Slides from Devendra Tagare at Apache Big Data North America in Miami 2017.

real-time processingstreaming analyticsapache apex
Developing streaming applications with apache apex (strata + hadoop world)
Developing streaming applications with apache apex (strata + hadoop world)Developing streaming applications with apache apex (strata + hadoop world)
Developing streaming applications with apache apex (strata + hadoop world)

David Yan offers an overview of Apache Apex, a stream processing engine used in production by several large companies for real-time data analytics. Apache Apex uses a programming paradigm based on a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Each node in the DAG represents an operator, which can be data input, data output, or data transformation. Each directed edge in the DAG represents a stream, which is the flow of data from one operator to another. As part of Apex, the Malhar library provides a suite of connector operators so that Apex applications can read from or write to various data sources. It also includes utility operators that are commonly used in streaming applications, such as parsers, deduplicators and join, and generic building blocks that facilitate scalable state management and checkpointing. In addition to processing based on ingression time and processing time, Apex supports event-time windows and session windows. It also supports windowing, watermarks, allowed lateness, accumulation mode, triggering, and retraction detailed by Apache Beam as well as feedback loops in the DAG for iterative processing and at-least-once and “end-to-end” exactly-once processing guarantees. Apex provides various ways to fine-tune applications, such as operator partitioning, locality, and affinity. Apex is integrated with several open source projects, including Apache Beam, Apache Samoa (distributed machine learning), and Apache Calcite (SQL-based application specification). Users can choose Apex as the backend engine when running their application model based on these projects. David explains how to develop fault-tolerant streaming applications with low latency and high throughput using Apex, presenting the programming model with examples and demonstrating how custom business logic can be integrated using both the declarative high-level API and the compositional DAG-level API.

Processing Guarantees
• On recovery data will be replayed from a previous checkpoint
ᵒ No messages lost
ᵒ Default, suitable for most applications
• Can be used to ensure data is written once to store
ᵒ Transactions with meta information, Rewinding output, Feedback from
external entity, Idempotent operations
• On recovery the latest data is made available to operator
ᵒ Useful in use cases where some data loss is acceptable and latest data is
ᵒ At-least-once processing + idempotency + transactional mechanisms
(operator logic) to achieve end-to-end exactly once behavior
End-to-End Exactly Once
• Important when writing to external systems
• Data should not be duplicated or lost in the external system in case of
application failures
• Common external systems
ᵒ Databases
ᵒ Files
ᵒ Message queues
• Exactly-once results = at-least-once + idempotency + consistent state
• Data duplication must be avoided when data is replayed from checkpoint
ᵒ Operators implement the logic dependent on the external system
ᵒ Platform provides checkpointing and repeatable windowing
NxM PartitionsUnifier
0 1 2 3
Logical DAG
0 1 2
1 Unifier
Logical Diagram
Physical Diagram with operator 1 with 3 partitions
Unifier 3
Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): No bottleneck
Unifier 3
Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): Bottleneck on intermediate Unifier
Advanced Partitioning
2 3 4Unifier
Physical DAG
0 4
1b 2b 3b
Physical DAG with Parallel Partition
Parallel Partition
Logical Plan
Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1
Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1, K = 2 with cascading unifiers
Cascading Unifiers
0 1 2 3 4
Logical DAG

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Deep Dive into Apache Apex App Development
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Deep Dive into Apache Apex App Development

Deep Dive into Apache Apex app development presented by Chaitanya Chebolu: Committer for Apache Apex and Software Engineer at DataTorrent

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Introduction to Apache Apex - CoDS 2016
Introduction to Apache Apex - CoDS 2016Introduction to Apache Apex - CoDS 2016
Introduction to Apache Apex - CoDS 2016

Apache Apex is a stream processing framework that provides high performance, scalability, and fault tolerance. It uses YARN for resource management, can achieve single digit millisecond latency, and automatically recovers from failures without data loss through checkpointing. Apex applications are modeled as directed acyclic graphs of operators and can be partitioned for scalability. It has a large community of committers and is in the process of becoming a top-level Apache project.

hadoopapache apexbig data
Fault-Tolerant File Input & Output
Fault-Tolerant File Input & OutputFault-Tolerant File Input & Output
Fault-Tolerant File Input & Output

Deep dive into how operators reads and writes from/to files in an idempotent manner. This will cover file input operator, file splitter, block reader on the input side and file output operator on the output side. We will present how these operators are made scalable and fault tolerant with the hooks provided by Apache Apex platform.

Dynamic Partitioning
• Partitioning change while application is running
ᵒ Change number of partitions at runtime based on stats
ᵒ Determine initial number of partitions dynamically
• Kafka operators scale according to number of kafka partitions
ᵒ Supports re-distribution of state when number of partitions change
ᵒ API for custom scaler or partitioner
1a1a 2a
1b 2b
1a 2b
1b 2c 3b
Unifiers not shown
How dynamic partitioning works
• Partitioning decision (yes/no) by trigger (StatsListener)
ᵒ Pluggable component, can use any system or custom metric
ᵒ Externally driven partitioning example: KafkaInputOperator
• Stateful!
ᵒ Uses checkpointed state
ᵒ Ability to transfer state from old to new partitions (partitioner, customizable)
ᵒ Steps:
• Call partitioner
• Modify physical plan, rewrite checkpoints as needed
• Undeploy old partitions from execution layer
• Release/request container resources
• Deploy new partitions (from rewritten checkpoint)
ᵒ No loss of data (buffered)
ᵒ Incremental operation, partitions that don’t change continue processing
• API: Partitioner interface
Compute Locality
• Host Locality
ᵒ Operators can be deployed on specific hosts
• (Anti-)Affinity
ᵒ Ability to express relative deployment without specifying a host
(serialization, loopback)
(in-process queue)
• By default operators are distributed on different nodes in the cluster
• Can be collocated on machine, container or thread basis for efficiency
Compute Locality
Message size
(default locality)
64 59,176,512 204,748,032 2,480,432,448
128 89,803,904 395,023,360 3,662,684,672
256 137,019,648 671,409,664 5,218,227,968
512 156,255,744 1,255,749,632 4,416,738,304
1024 167,139,328 2,022,868,992 3,423,519,744
2048 182,349,824 3,508,013,056 4,050,688,000
4096 255,229,952 3,732,725,760 3,884,101,632

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Will it Scale? The Secrets behind Scaling Stream Processing Applications

This talk was presented at the Apache Big Data 2016, North America conference that was held in Vancouver, CA (

Extending The Yahoo Streaming Benchmark to Apache Apex
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Extending Yahoo Streaming computation Benchmark to Apache Apex - Application topology - Comparison of results between Storm, Flink and Apex - Variation of the Apex Benchmarking App with event time and 'results query' support


This brochure summarizes the KKCL Juniors English language and activities program for students aged 11-17. The program focuses on "Go Create! English" lessons that integrate creative workshops like filmmaking, music, web design and interviewing to teach English in a fun way. Students take 20 hours per week of lessons, participate in cultural excursions in London, and can take exam preparation courses. The school aims to help students improve their English while discovering new talents through the creative lessons and activities.

Performance: Throughput vs. Latency?
Apex, Flink w/ 4 Kafka brokers
2.7 million events/second, Kafka latency limit
Apex w/o Kafka and Redis:
43 million events/second with more than 90
percent of events processed with the latency
less than 0.5 seconds
High-Throughput and Low-Latency
Recent Additions & Roadmap
• Declarative Java API
• Windowing Semantics following Beam model
• Scalable state management
• SQL support using Apache Calcite
• Apache Beam Runner, SAMOA integration
• Enhanced support for Batch Processing
• Support for Mesos
• Encrypted Streams
• Python support for operator logic and API
• Replacing operator code at runtime
• Dynamic attribute changes
• Named checkpoints
DataTorrent Product

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BigDataSpain 2016: Stream Processing Applications with Apache Apex
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BigDataSpain 2016: Stream Processing Applications with Apache Apex

Stream processing applications built on Apache Apex run on Hadoop clusters and typically power analytics use cases where availability, flexible scaling, high throughput, low latency and correctness are essential. These applications consume data from a variety of sources, including streaming sources like Apache Kafka, Kinesis or JMS, file based sources or databases. Processing results often need to be stored in external systems (sinks) for downstream consumers (pub-sub messaging, real-time visualization, Hive and other SQL databases etc.). Apex has the Malhar library with a wide range of connectors and other operators that are readily available to build applications. We will cover key characteristics like partitioning and processing guarantees, generic building blocks for new operators (write-ahead-log, incremental state saving, windowing etc.) and APIs for application specification.

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O documento discute estratégias para empreendedores digitais, incluindo 10 nichos de mercado promissores e princípios para estruturar ações mentais e práticas de sucesso. É fornecido um guia detalhado sobre como identificar necessidades de mercado pouco atendidas, focar no valor entregue ao cliente, e usar estratégias comprovadas de marketing digital como geração de tráfego e construção de listas de contatos.

Monitoring Console
Logical View
Physical View
Real-Time Dashboards
Who is using Apex?
• Powered by Apex
• Also using Apex? Let us know to be added: or @ApacheApex
• Pubmatic
• GE
• SilverSpring Networks
Maximize Revenue w/ real-time insights
PubMatic is the leading marketing automation software company for publishers. Through real-time analytics,
yield management, and workflow automation, PubMatic enables publishers to make smarter inventory
decisions and improve revenue performance
Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome
• Ingest and analyze high volume clicks &
views in real-time to help customers
improve revenue
- 200K events/second data
• Report critical metrics for campaign
monetization from auction and client
- 22 TB/day data generated
• Handle ever increasing traffic with
efficient resource utilization
• Always-on ad network, feedback loop
for ad server
• DataTorrent Enterprise platform,
powered by Apache Apex
• In-memory stream processing
• Comprehensive library of pre-built
operators including connectors
• Built-in fault tolerance
• Dynamically scalable
• Real-time query from in-memory state
• Management UI & Data Visualization
• Helps PubMatic deliver ad performance
insights to publishers and advertisers in
real-time instead of 5+ hours
• Helps Publishers visualize campaign
performance and adjust ad inventory in
real-time to maximize their revenue
• Enables PubMatic reduce OPEX with
efficient compute resource utilization
• Built-in fault tolerance ensures
customers can always access ad

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Industrial IoT applications
GE is dedicated to providing advanced IoT analytics solutions to thousands of customers who are using their
devices and sensors across different verticals. GE has built a sophisticated analytics platform, Predix, to help its
customers develop and execute Industrial IoT applications and gain real-time insights as well as actions.
Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome
• Ingest and analyze high-volume, high speed
data from thousands of devices, sensors
per customer in real-time without data loss
• Predictive analytics to reduce costly
maintenance and improve customer
• Unified monitoring of all connected sensors
and devices to minimize disruptions
• Fast application development cycle
• High scalability to meet changing business
and application workloads
• Ingestion application using DataTorrent
Enterprise platform
• Powered by Apache Apex
• In-memory stream processing
• Built-in fault tolerance
• Dynamic scalability
• Comprehensive library of pre-built
• Management UI console
• Helps GE improve performance and lower
cost by enabling real-time Big Data
• Helps GE detect possible failures and
minimize unplanned downtimes with
centralized management & monitoring of
• Enables faster innovation with short
application development cycle
• No data loss and 24x7 availability of
• Helps GE adjust to scalability needs with
Smart energy applications
Silver Spring Networks helps global utilities and cities connect, optimize, and manage smart energy and smart city
infrastructure. Silver Spring Networks receives data from over 22 million connected devices, conducts 2 million
remote operations per year
Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome
• Ingest high-volume, high speed data from
millions of devices & sensors in real-time
without data loss
• Make data accessible to applications
without delay to improve customer service
• Capture & analyze historical data to
understand & improve grid operations
• Reduce the cost, time, and pain of
integrating with 3rd party apps
• Centralized management of software &
• DataTorrent Enterprise platform, powered
by Apache Apex
• In-memory stream processing
• Pre-built operators/connectors
• Built-in fault tolerance
• Dynamically scalable
• Management UI console
• Helps Silver Spring Networks ingest &
analyze data in real-time for effective load
management & customer service
• Helps Silver Spring Networks detect
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El documento contiene varias noticias breves de Ituzaingó. Se anuncia que los municipios de Morón, Pilar y Tres de Febrero subsidiarán a clubes y sociedades de fomento en un 50% del aumento de las tarifas de gas y electricidad por 90 días. También se informa sobre la asamblea pública del Consejo Económico y Social de Ituzaingó contra el aumento de tarifas y su petitorio al gobierno nacional. Por otro lado, se celebra el 50 aniversario de la Escuela Primaria

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BigDataSpain 2016: Introduction to Apache Apex

  • 1. Introduction to Apache Apex Thomas Weise <> @thweise PMC Chair Apache Apex, Architect DataTorrent Big Data Spain, Madrid, Nov 17th 2016
  • 2. Stream Data Processing 2 Data Sources Events Logs Sensor Data Social Databases CDC Oper1 Oper2 Oper3 Real-time visualization, … Data Delivery Transform / Analytics SQL Declarative API DAG API SAMOA Beam Operator Library SAMOA Beam (roadmap)
  • 3. Industries & Use Cases 3 Financial Services Ad-Tech Telecom Manufacturing Energy IoT Fraud and risk monitoring Real-time customer facing dashboards on key performance indicators Call detail record (CDR) & extended data record (XDR) analysis Supply chain planning & optimization Smart meter analytics Data ingestion and processing Credit risk assessment Click fraud detection Understanding customer behavior AND context Preventive maintenance Reduce outages & improve resource utilization Predictive analytics Improve turn around time of trade settlement processes Billing optimization Packaging and selling anonymous customer data Product quality & defect tracking Asset & workforce management Data governance • Large scale ingest and distribution • Real-time ELTA (Extract Load Transform Analyze) • Dimensional computation & aggregation • Enforcing data quality and data governance requirements • Real-time data enrichment with reference data • Real-time machine learning model scoring HORIZONTAL
  • 4. Apache Apex 4 • In-memory, distributed, parallel stream processing • Application logic broken into components (operators) that execute distributed in a cluster • Unobtrusive Java API to express (custom) logic • Maintain state and metrics in member variables • Windowing, event-time processing • Scalable, high throughput, low latency • Operators can be scaled up or down at runtime according to the load and SLA • Dynamic scaling (elasticity), compute locality • Fault tolerance & correctness • Automatically recover from node outages without having to reprocess from beginning • State is preserved, checkpointing, incremental recovery • End-to-end exactly-once • Operability • System and application metrics, record/visualize data • Dynamic changes and resource allocation, elasticity
  • 5. Native Hadoop Integration 5 • YARN is the resource manager • HDFS for storing persistent state
  • 6. Application Development Model 6 A Stream is a sequence of data tuples A typical Operator takes one or more input streams, performs computations & emits one or more output streams • Each Operator is YOUR custom business logic in java, or built-in operator from our open source library • Operator has many instances that run in parallel and each instance is single-threaded Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is made up of operators and streams Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Tuple Output Stream Filtered Stream Enriched Stream Filtered Stream Enriched Stream
  • 7. 7 Kafka Input Parser Word Counter JDBC Output CountsWordsLines Kafka Database Apex Application • Operators from library or develop for custom logic • Connect operators to form application • Configure operator properties • Configure scaling and other platform attributes • Test functionality, performance, iterate Filter Filtered Development Process
  • 8. Application Specification 8 Java Stream API (declarative) DAG API (compositional)
  • 10. Operator Library 10 RDBMS • JDBC • MySQL • Oracle • MemSQL NoSQL • Cassandra, HBase • Aerospike, Accumulo • Couchbase/ CouchDB • Redis, MongoDB • Geode Messaging • Kafka • JMS (ActiveMQ, …) • Kinesis, SQS • Flume, NiFi File Systems • HDFS/ Hive • NFS • S3 Parsers • XML • JSON • CSV • Avro • Parquet Transformations • Filter, Expression, Enrich • Windowing, Aggregation • Join • Dedup Analytics • Dimensional Aggregations (with state management for historical data + query) Protocols • HTTP • FTP • WebSocket • MQTT • SMTP Other • Elastic Search • Script (JavaScript, Python, R) • Solr • Twitter
  • 11. Stateful Processing with Event Time 11 (All) : 5 t=4:00 : 2 t=5:00 : 3 k=A, t=4:00 : 2 k=A, t=5:00 : 1 k=B, t=5:00 : 2 (All) : 4 t=4:00 : 2 t=5:00 : 2 k=A, t=4:00 : 2 K=B, t=5:00 : 2 k=A t=5:00 (All) : 1 t=4:00 : 1 k=A, t=4:00 : 1 k=B t=5:59 k=B t=5:00 k=A t=4:30 k=A t=4:00 Processing Time +30s +60s +90s State Event Stream
  • 12. Windowing - Apache Beam Model 12 ApexStream<String> stream = StreamFactory .fromFolder(localFolder) .flatMap(new Split()) .window(new WindowOption.GlobalWindow(), new TriggerOption().withEarlyFiringsAtEvery(Duration.millis(1000)).accumulatingFiredPanes()) .countByKey(new ConvertToKeyVal()).print(); Event-time Session windows Watermarks Accumulation Triggers Keyed or Not Keyed Allowed Lateness Accumulation Mode Merging streams
  • 13. Fault Tolerance 13 • Operator state is checkpointed to persistent store ᵒ Automatically performed by engine, no additional coding needed ᵒ Asynchronous and distributed ᵒ In case of failure operators are restarted from checkpoint state • Automatic detection and recovery of failed containers ᵒ Heartbeat mechanism ᵒ YARN process status notification • Buffering to enable replay of data from recovered point ᵒ Fast, incremental recovery, spike handling • Application master state checkpointed ᵒ Snapshot of physical (and logical) plan ᵒ Execution layer change log
  • 14. Checkpointing State 14  Distributed, asynchronous  Periodic callbacks  No artificial latency  Pluggable storage
  • 15. • In-memory PubSub • Stores results until committed • Backpressure / spillover to disk • Ordering, idempotency Operator 1 Container 1 Buffer Server Node 1 Operator 2 Container 2 Node 2 Buffer Server & Recovery 15 Downstream Operators reset Independent pipelines (can be used for speculative execution)
  • 16. Recovery Scenario … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 0 … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 7 … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 10 … EW2, 1, 3, BW2, EW1, 4, 2, 1, BW1 sum 7 16
  • 17. Processing Guarantees 17 At-least-once • On recovery data will be replayed from a previous checkpoint ᵒ No messages lost ᵒ Default, suitable for most applications • Can be used to ensure data is written once to store ᵒ Transactions with meta information, Rewinding output, Feedback from external entity, Idempotent operations At-most-once • On recovery the latest data is made available to operator ᵒ Useful in use cases where some data loss is acceptable and latest data is sufficient Exactly-once ᵒ At-least-once processing + idempotency + transactional mechanisms (operator logic) to achieve end-to-end exactly once behavior
  • 18. End-to-End Exactly Once 18 • Important when writing to external systems • Data should not be duplicated or lost in the external system in case of application failures • Common external systems ᵒ Databases ᵒ Files ᵒ Message queues • Exactly-once results = at-least-once + idempotency + consistent state • Data duplication must be avoided when data is replayed from checkpoint ᵒ Operators implement the logic dependent on the external system ᵒ Platform provides checkpointing and repeatable windowing
  • 19. Scalability 19 NxM PartitionsUnifier 0 1 2 3 Logical DAG 0 1 2 1 1 Unifier 1 20 Logical Diagram Physical Diagram with operator 1 with 3 partitions 0 Unifier 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Unifier 3 Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): No bottleneck Unifier Unifier0 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Unifier 3 Physical DAG with (1a, 1b, 1c) and (2a, 2b): Bottleneck on intermediate Unifier
  • 20. Advanced Partitioning 20 0 1a 1b 2 3 4Unifier Physical DAG 0 4 3a2a1a 1b 2b 3b Unifier Physical DAG with Parallel Partition Parallel Partition Container uopr uopr1 uopr2 uopr3 uopr4 uopr1 uopr2 uopr3 uopr4 dopr dopr doprunifier unifier unifier unifier Container Container NICNIC NICNIC NIC Container NIC Logical Plan Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1 Execution Plan, for N = 4; M = 1, K = 2 with cascading unifiers Cascading Unifiers 0 1 2 3 4 Logical DAG
  • 21. Dynamic Partitioning 21 • Partitioning change while application is running ᵒ Change number of partitions at runtime based on stats ᵒ Determine initial number of partitions dynamically • Kafka operators scale according to number of kafka partitions ᵒ Supports re-distribution of state when number of partitions change ᵒ API for custom scaler or partitioner 2b 2c 3 2a 2d 1b 1a1a 2a 1b 2b 3 1a 2b 1b 2c 3b 2a 2d 3a Unifiers not shown
  • 22. How dynamic partitioning works 22 • Partitioning decision (yes/no) by trigger (StatsListener) ᵒ Pluggable component, can use any system or custom metric ᵒ Externally driven partitioning example: KafkaInputOperator • Stateful! ᵒ Uses checkpointed state ᵒ Ability to transfer state from old to new partitions (partitioner, customizable) ᵒ Steps: • Call partitioner • Modify physical plan, rewrite checkpoints as needed • Undeploy old partitions from execution layer • Release/request container resources • Deploy new partitions (from rewritten checkpoint) ᵒ No loss of data (buffered) ᵒ Incremental operation, partitions that don’t change continue processing • API: Partitioner interface
  • 23. Compute Locality 23 • Host Locality ᵒ Operators can be deployed on specific hosts • (Anti-)Affinity ᵒ Ability to express relative deployment without specifying a host Default (serialization+IPC) HOST (serialization, loopback) CONTAINER (in-process queue) THREAD (callstack) • By default operators are distributed on different nodes in the cluster • Can be collocated on machine, container or thread basis for efficiency
  • 24. Compute Locality 24 Message size (bytes) (default locality) (bytes/s) CONTAINER_LOCAL (bytes/s) THREAD_LOCAL (bytes/s) 64 59,176,512 204,748,032 2,480,432,448 128 89,803,904 395,023,360 3,662,684,672 256 137,019,648 671,409,664 5,218,227,968 512 156,255,744 1,255,749,632 4,416,738,304 1024 167,139,328 2,022,868,992 3,423,519,744 2048 182,349,824 3,508,013,056 4,050,688,000 4096 255,229,952 3,732,725,760 3,884,101,632
  • 25. Performance: Throughput vs. Latency? 25 computation-engines-at
  • 26. 26 Apex, Flink w/ 4 Kafka brokers 2.7 million events/second, Kafka latency limit Apex w/o Kafka and Redis: 43 million events/second with more than 90 percent of events processed with the latency less than 0.5 seconds High-Throughput and Low-Latency
  • 27. Recent Additions & Roadmap 27 • Declarative Java API • Windowing Semantics following Beam model • Scalable state management • SQL support using Apache Calcite • Apache Beam Runner, SAMOA integration • Enhanced support for Batch Processing • Support for Mesos • Encrypted Streams • Python support for operator logic and API • Replacing operator code at runtime • Dynamic attribute changes • Named checkpoints
  • 31. Who is using Apex? 31 • Powered by Apex • • Also using Apex? Let us know to be added: or @ApacheApex • Pubmatic • • GE • • apache-apex-hadoop • SilverSpring Networks • • silver-spring-networks
  • 32. Maximize Revenue w/ real-time insights 32 PubMatic is the leading marketing automation software company for publishers. Through real-time analytics, yield management, and workflow automation, PubMatic enables publishers to make smarter inventory decisions and improve revenue performance Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome • Ingest and analyze high volume clicks & views in real-time to help customers improve revenue - 200K events/second data flow • Report critical metrics for campaign monetization from auction and client logs - 22 TB/day data generated • Handle ever increasing traffic with efficient resource utilization • Always-on ad network, feedback loop for ad server • DataTorrent Enterprise platform, powered by Apache Apex • In-memory stream processing • Comprehensive library of pre-built operators including connectors • Built-in fault tolerance • Dynamically scalable • Real-time query from in-memory state • Management UI & Data Visualization console • Helps PubMatic deliver ad performance insights to publishers and advertisers in real-time instead of 5+ hours • Helps Publishers visualize campaign performance and adjust ad inventory in real-time to maximize their revenue • Enables PubMatic reduce OPEX with efficient compute resource utilization • Built-in fault tolerance ensures customers can always access ad network
  • 33. Industrial IoT applications 33 GE is dedicated to providing advanced IoT analytics solutions to thousands of customers who are using their devices and sensors across different verticals. GE has built a sophisticated analytics platform, Predix, to help its customers develop and execute Industrial IoT applications and gain real-time insights as well as actions. Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome • Ingest and analyze high-volume, high speed data from thousands of devices, sensors per customer in real-time without data loss • Predictive analytics to reduce costly maintenance and improve customer service • Unified monitoring of all connected sensors and devices to minimize disruptions • Fast application development cycle • High scalability to meet changing business and application workloads • Ingestion application using DataTorrent Enterprise platform • Powered by Apache Apex • In-memory stream processing • Built-in fault tolerance • Dynamic scalability • Comprehensive library of pre-built operators • Management UI console • Helps GE improve performance and lower cost by enabling real-time Big Data analytics • Helps GE detect possible failures and minimize unplanned downtimes with centralized management & monitoring of devices • Enables faster innovation with short application development cycle • No data loss and 24x7 availability of applications • Helps GE adjust to scalability needs with auto-scaling
  • 34. Smart energy applications 34 Silver Spring Networks helps global utilities and cities connect, optimize, and manage smart energy and smart city infrastructure. Silver Spring Networks receives data from over 22 million connected devices, conducts 2 million remote operations per year Business Need Apex based Solution Client Outcome • Ingest high-volume, high speed data from millions of devices & sensors in real-time without data loss • Make data accessible to applications without delay to improve customer service • Capture & analyze historical data to understand & improve grid operations • Reduce the cost, time, and pain of integrating with 3rd party apps • Centralized management of software & operations • DataTorrent Enterprise platform, powered by Apache Apex • In-memory stream processing • Pre-built operators/connectors • Built-in fault tolerance • Dynamically scalable • Management UI console • Helps Silver Spring Networks ingest & analyze data in real-time for effective load management & customer service • Helps Silver Spring Networks detect possible failures and reduce outages with centralized management & monitoring of devices • Enables fast application development for faster time to market • Helps Silver Spring Networks scale with easy to partition operators • Automatic recovery from failures
  • 36. Curious? 36 • • Learn more - • Getting involved - • Download - • Follow @ApacheApex - • Meetups - • Examples - • Slideshare - • • Free Enterprise License for Startups -