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HTML Template Language
● What is HTL?
● Why HTL?
● Global Objects
● HTL Block Statements
● HTL Expression Options
● Best Practises
What is HTML Template Language (HTL)?
● Introduced with AEM 6.0
● Takes the place of JSP as the preferred server-side template system
for HTML
● Enforces separation of concerns between Presentation & Business
● A HTL file contains HTML, some basic presentation logic and
variables to be evaluated at runtime
● Sightly was renamed to “HTML Template Language” from August
Why HTL?
● Simplified Development:
○ Purposely limited features: Easy to learn and enforces strict
separation of concerns between markup and logic.
○ HTL template is itself a valid HTML5 file: Doesn't break the validity of
the markup and keeps it readable
○ Allows HTML developers without Java knowledge and with little
product-specific knowledge to be able to edit HTL templates
○ Allows Java developers to focus on the back-end code without
worrying about HTML
After Sightly

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This document discusses client-side libraries in AEM and best practices for their use. It explains that clientlibs allow logical organization of JavaScript and CSS files and avoid duplicate includes. Key points covered include using cq:ClientLibraryFolders to define libraries, including them via cq:includeClientLib, dependencies vs embedding, debugging tools, themes, and minification. Best practices include placing component code in clientlibs, embedding to reduce requests, requesting from /etc, defining dependencies, and minification on publish.

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This document discusses using Sling Models with Sightly and JSP templates in AEM. It provides an overview of Sling Models, including their purpose, design goals, and key annotations. It also describes the standard injectors available in Sling Models and how to create custom injectors. The document outlines how to add Sling Model dependencies and use Sling Models within JSP and Sightly templates, including code examples. It concludes with a demonstration of Sling Models in action and information for appendix materials and questions.

AEM (CQ) Dispatcher Security and CDN+Browser Caching
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AEM (CQ) Dispatcher Security and CDN+Browser Caching

This presentation cover Adobe AEM Dispatcher security and CDN and browser caching. This presentation is the second part of a webinar on AEM Dispatcher: Visit url above to view the whole presentation. Domique Pfister the primary engineer developing AEM Dispatcher covers the first part on new features.

cq5aemadobe systems
Why HTL?
● Increased Security:
○ HTL automatically filters and escapes all text being output to the
presentation layer to prevent cross-site-scripting(XSS) vulnerabilities.
○ Automatically applies the proper context-aware escaping to all
variables being output to the presentation layer
AEM HTL Read–Eval–Print Loop
● To try out basic HTL, a live execution environment called the
Read Eval Print Loop can be used.
● Download Link & documentation:
● After package installation, go to /content/repl.html
HTL Syntax
• Every HTL file is an HTML5 document or fragment, augmented with a
specific syntax that adds the dynamic functionality.
There are two different kind of Syntaxes:-
• HTL Block Statements:- To define structural block elements within HTL
file, HTL employs HTML5 data attributes. This allows to attach behavior
to existing HTML elements. Block statements can't be used inside html
comments, style n script elements. A block statement starts with data-
• HTL Expressions:- HTL expressions are delimited by characters ${ and }.
At runtime, these expressions are evaluated and their value is injected
into the outgoing HTML stream. Expressions can only be used in
attribute values, in element content, or in comments.
<h1 data-sly-test="${currentPage.title}">
<a href="${currentPage.path}.html">
• Output
<a href="/content/my%20page.html">
My page title&#x21;

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OSGI is a Java framework that implements a dynamic component model. It allows modular Java applications to be built from separate bundles that can be loaded, started, stopped and updated independently. Key aspects include: - Bundles are JAR files with additional configuration that can be loaded and stopped independently without affecting other bundles. - Services allow bundles to publish and discover capabilities via a registry. Dependencies between bundles are resolved dynamically. - The OSGi framework provides a lifecycle to manage the loading, starting and stopping of bundles. - Annotations like @Component, @Service and @Reference allow defining OSGi components and services using declarative services. - The OSGi specification is implemented by frameworks like

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Useful Objects Available
• properties
• pageProperties
• Component
• currentDesign
• currentPage
• log
• out
• pageManager
• request
• resource
• response
• sling
• wcmmode
HTL comments are HTML comments with additional syntax. They are
delimited like this:

However, the content of standard HTML comments, delimited like this:

will be passed through the HTL processor and expressions within the
comment will be evaluated.
HTL Block Statements
● dat-sly-test
● data-sly-resource
● data-sly-include
● data-sly-attribute
● data-sly-element & data-sly-text
● data-sly-list
● data-sly-template & dat-sly-call
● data-sly-use
● data-sly-unwrap
• Conditionally removes the host element and it‘s content if an
expression evaluates to false.
• Values that can be converted to false are: undefined variables, null
values, the number zero, and empty strings.
• data-sly-test also supports the naming and reuse of tests.
<div"${wcmmode.edit ||}">
Show this to the author
<div data-sly-test="${!author}">
Not in author mode anymore..

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The document provides tips and best practices for configuring multiple farms in AEM Dispatcher. Key points include: - Splitting the Dispatcher configuration into multiple farms based on different caching needs, such as separate farms for DAM assets and pages. - Configuring different caching parameters and cache folders for each farm to optimize caching behavior. - Handling cache invalidation requests and vanity URLs across multiple farms. - Different approaches for flushing caches from Author and multiple Publishers to Dispatchers, and avoiding race conditions. - Bypassing the Dispatcher cache for select clients by rewriting URLs to include parameters checked by the Dispatcher configuration.

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This presentation describes how to easily get started with an efficient development workflow with Adobe Experience Manager 6.1. The tools and technologies presented are: * Project Archetype – * AEM Eclipse Extension – * AEM Brackets Extension – * Sightly Template Language – * Sightly REPL Tool – * Sightly TodoMVC Example –

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Javascript 101
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This document provides an introduction to JavaScript, covering basic concepts like data types, variables, operators, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects. It explains that JavaScript is an interpreted language that allows dynamic and interactive functionality on websites. Key points are demonstrated through examples, like using alert to output "Hello World" and basic math operations with variables.

• data-sly-include : Includes the output of a rendering script run with the current
context, passing back control to the current Sightly script.
<div data-sly-include="template.html"></div>
<div data-sly-include="template.jsp"></div>
• The element on which a data-sly-include has been set is ignored and not
• Includes a rendered resource from the same server, using an absolute or relative path.
<div data-sly-resource="${ @path='par',
With an expression more options can be specified:
<section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ appendPath='appended/path'}"></section>
<section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ prependPath='prepended/path'}"></section>
Manipulating selectors:
<section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ selectors='selector1.selector2'}" />
<section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ addSelectors=['selector1', 'selector2']}" />
<section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @removeSelectors=['selector1','selector2']}" />
By default, the AEM decoration tags are disabled, the decorationTagName option allows to
bring them back, and the cssClassName to add classes to that element.
<article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ decorationTagName='span',
• Sets an attribute or a group of attributes on the current element :
<tag class="className" data-sly-attribute.class="${myVar}"></tag>
This overwrites the content of the class attribute
Assuming that foobar = {'id' : 'foo', 'class' : 'bar'} ,
<input data-sly-attribute="${foobar}" type="text"/>
outputs : <input id="foo" class="bar" type="text"/>
• Attributes are processed left-to-right :
<div class="bar1" data-sly-attribute.class="bar2" data-sly-
outputs: <div id="foo" class="bar"></div>
• Changes the element, mostly useful for setting element tags like h1..h6, th, td,
ol, ul :
<div data-sly-element"${'h1'}">Sightly Element Example</div>
outputs: <h1>Sightly Element Example</h1>
For security reasons, data-sly-element accepts only the following element names:
a abbr address article aside b bdi bdo blockquote br caption cite code col colgroup
data dd del dfn div dl dt em figcaption figure footer h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header i ins
kbd li main mark nav ol p pre q rp rt ruby s samp section small span strong sub
sup table tbody td tfoot th thead time tr u var wbr
• Replaces the content of its host element with the specified text.
<p data-sly-text="${properties.jcr:description}">Lorem ipsum</p>

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● Repeats the content of the host element for each property in the provided
<ul data-sly-list="${currentPage.listChildren}">
<li> index: ${itemList.index}, value: ${item.title} </li>
<ul data-sly-list.child="${myObj}">
<li> key: ${child}, value: ${myObj[child]} </li>
● itemList holds the following properties:
index: zero-based counter (0..length-1).
count: one-based counter (1..length).
first: true if the current item is the first item.
middle: true if the current item is neither the first nor the last item.
last: true if the current item is the last item.
odd: true if index is odd.
even: true if index is even.
● Template blocks can be used like function calls:
○ Parameters can be passed when calling templates.
○ They also allow recursion.
● Template Declaration :
<template data-sly-template.example="${@ class, text}">
<span class="${class}">${text}</span>
● Call Statement :
<div data-sly-call="${example @ class=‘css-class', text='Hi'}"></div>
● Output:
<div><span class="css-class">Hi</span></div>
Template & Call Statements
• Initializes a helper object (defined in JavaScript or Java) and exposes it through a
JS: <div"customPage.js">${}</div>
Java: <div data-sly-use.nav="Navigation">${}</div>
• Parameters can be passed to the Use-API by using expression options:
<div data-sly-use.nav="${'Navigation' @ depth=1,showVisible=!wcmmode.edit}">
• Also used to load data-sly-template markup snippets located in a different file :

<template"${@ text}">

<div data-sly-use.library="library.html"
data-sly-call="${ @
text='Hi'}"> </div>
<div><span class="example">Hi</span></div>
Java Use-API JavaScript Use-API
Pros ● faster
● can be inspected with a
● easy to unit-test
● can be modified by front-end
● is located within the component,
keeping the view logic of a
component close to its
corresponding template

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# By Frans Rosén Adobe Experience Manager is an enterprise CMS with a troubled history. It was created with the angle of high customization factor, enabling consulting firms to deploy it all over the world for huge customers. Then came security. Frans will go through some terrible default configuration mistakes, Adobe’s love for bad Flash and how a sysadmin accidentialy exposed an international multi billion dollar company using only sad thoughts. # About speaker Frans Rosén is a tech entrepreneur, bug bounty hunter and a Security Advisor at Detectify, a security service for developers. He’s a frequent blogger at Detectify Labs and a top ranked participant of bug bounty programs, receiving some of the highest bounty payouts ever on HackerOne. Frans was recently featured as #2 on Hackread’s list of 10 Famous Bug Bounty Hunters of All Time and the results of his security research has been covered in numerous international publications such as Observer, BBC, Ars Technica, Wired and Mashable.

Java Use-API enables a HTL file to access helper methods in a custom Java class.
1. Implementing Use interface:
public class HTLComponent implements Use {
public void init(Bindings bindings) {
Resource resource = (Resource)bindings.get("resource");
ValueMap properties = (ValueMap)bindings.get("properties");
// Parameters passed to the use-class
String param1 = (String) bindings.get("param1");
In AEM 6.2, is deprecated, is used instead.
Java Use-API
Java Use-API
2. Extend WCMUsePojo class:
public class HTLComponent extends WCMUsePojo {
private String myTitle;
public void activate() {
String text = get("text", String.class);
myTitle = "My Project " + text + getCurrentPage().getTitle()
+ “ : ” + getProperties().get("title", "");
public String getMyTitle() { return myTitle; }
In AEM 6.2, WCMUse is deprecated, com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo used
• If the Java source file is in the same folder as the HTL file
<div data-sly-use.nav="Navigation">${}</div>
<div data-sly-use.nav="com.htl.model.Navigation">${}</div>
• HTL Use-API resolution
Find a Java UseClass in the same directory OR with a fully qualified class name
Try to adapt the current Resource/Request to UseClass, if unsuccessful, try to
instantiate UseClass with a zero-argument constructor.
Within HTL, bind the newly adapted or created object to the localName.
If UseClass implements the Use interface then call the init method, passing the
current execution context (a javax.scripting.Bindings object).
UseClass extending WCMUse is a special case of implementing Use providing the
convenience context methods and its activate method is automatically called
from Use.init.
If UseClass is a path to a HTL file containing a data-sly-template, prepare the
Otherwise, if UseClass is a path to a JavaScript use-class, prepare the use-class.
data-sly-use (cont.)
• Enables a HTL file to access helper code written in JavaScript.
• Allows all complex business logic to be encapsulated in the JavaScript code, while the HTL
code deals only with direct markup production.
use(function () {
var Constants = {
DESCRIPTION_PROP: "jcr:description",
var title = currentPage.getNavigationTitle() || currentPage.getTitle() ||
var description = properties.get(Constants.DESCRIPTION_PROP, "").substr(0,
return {
title: title,
description: description
data-sly-use JavaScript Use Api

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Client libraries helper template library
The client libraries helper template library
(/libs/granite/HTL/templates/clientlib.html) can be loaded
through data-sly-use and stored in a clientLib block element variable.
Loading the library's CSS style sheets and JavaScript is done
through data-sly-call. The clientLib template library exposes three
• css - loads only the CSS files of the referenced client libraries
• js - loads only the JavaScript files of the referenced client libraries
• all - loads all the files of the referenced client libraries
Client libraries helper template library Example
<head data-sly-
<css data-sly-call="${clientLib.css @ categories=['category1',
'category2']}" data-sly-unwrap/>

<js data-sly-call="${clientLib.js @ categories=['category1',
'category2']}" data-sly-unwrap/>
• The <sly> HTML tag can be used to remove the current element, allowing only
its children to be displayed:
<sly data-sly-test="${event.hasDate}" >
• Its functionality is similar to the data-sly-unwrap block element :
<div data-sly-test="${event.hasDate}" data-sly-unwrap>
Both Output :
• Although not a valid HTML 5 tag, the <sly> tag can be displayed in the final
output using data-sly-unwrap:
<sly data-sly-unwrap="${false}"></sly>
outputs: <sly></sly>
<sly> & data-sly-unwrap
Expression Options

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Display Context Option
The context option offers control over escaping and XSS protection.
• Allowing some HTML markup (filtering out scripts)
<div>${‘<p>Hello</p>’ @ context='html'}</div>
Without context :
• Adding URI validation protection
<p data-link="${link @ context='uri'}">text</p>
• Applying CSS string escaping
<style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style>
Display Context Option
Context Use
• html
• text
• elementName
• uri
• scriptString
• scriptComment
• scriptRegExp
• styleString
• styleComment
• comment
• number
• unsafe
Outputs HTML - Removes markup that may contain XSS risks
For simple HTML content - Encodes all HTML
Allows only element names that are white-listed, else outputs 'div'
To get valid Href link or path
Applies JavaScript string escaping
For JavaScript block comments
To apply JavaScript regular expression escaping
To apply CSS string escaping
For CSS comments
To apply HTML comment escaping
Outputs zero if the value is not a number
Disables XSS protection completely, use this at your own risk.
String Format Option
Numbered parameters can be used for injecting variables:
${'Assets {0}' @ format=properties.assetName}
${'Assets {0}' @ format=[properties.assetName]}
${'Page {0} of {1}' @ format=[current, total]}
Array Join Option
The join option allows to control the output of an ahorray object by specifying the
separator string. This can for e.g. be useful for setting class-names
${['one', 'two'] @ join='; '} 
<span class="${myListOfClassNames @ join=' '}"></span>
Internationalization (@i18n)
To translate a string to the resource language:
${'Assets' @ i18n}
Two more options can be used with i18n:
• locale : Overrides the language from the source. For e.g.: en-US or fr-CH
• hint : Allows to provide some information about the context for the translators.
${'Assets' @ i18n, locale='en-US', hint='Translation Hint'}

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Backup? Who cares! Now and Then? We store our data in the cloud. Somewhere in the Cloud. Which Cloud? Who cares! But we are still SQL Server Professionals, so… are we need backup? Should we use newest opportunities or old methods? Are we going a step further or step back? On my session, I will try to find answers for all of those (and more) questions. Demos, cases, and examples from the world of backup. And of course worst practices.

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URI Manipulation
• Scheme - Allows adding or removing the scheme part for a URI :
${'' @ scheme='http'}
${'' @ scheme='https'}
• Domain - Allows adding or replacing the host and port (domain) part for a URI :
${'///path/page.html' @ domain=''}
outputs: //
${'' @ domain=''}
URI Manipulation
Path / prependPath / appendPath – Modify the path that identifies a resource :
${'’@ path='that/two'}
${'' @ path=‘’}
${'path' @ prependPath='..'}
outputs: ../path
${'' @ prependPath='foo'}
${'one' @ appendPath='two'}
outputs: one/two
URI Manipulation
Selectors / addSelectors / removeSelectors - Modifies or removes the selectors
from a URI:
${'path/' @ selectors=''}
outputs: path/
${'path/' @ selectors=['foo', 'bar']}
outputs: path/
${'path/' @ addSelectors=''}
outputs: path/
${'path/' @ removeSelectors=['foo', 'bar']}
outputs: path/page.woo.html
URI Manipulation
query / addQuery / removeQuery- adds, replaces or removes the query segment of a URI,
depending on the contents of its map value :
assuming that jsuse.query evaluates to:
"query": {
"q" : "sightly",
"array" : [1, 2, 3]
${'' @ query=jsuse.query}
${'' @ addQuery=jsuse.query}
${'' @ removeQuery=['s', 'q']}

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URI Manipulation
• Extension - adds, modifies or removes the extension from a URI:
${'path/page.json?key=value' @ extension='html'}
outputs: path/page.html?key=value
${'path/page.json#fragment' @ extension='html'}
outputs: path/page.html#fragment
• fragment - adds, modifies or replaces the fragment segment of a URI :
${'path/page' @ fragment='fragment'}
outputs: path/page#fragment
${'path/page#one' @ fragment='two'}
outputs: path/page#two
${'path/page#one' @ fragment}
outputs: path/page
Best practices
● Abuse of sly
● HTL comments instead of Html comments
● Reuse code using templates
● Use api to be used only when the HTL file alone is not enough to
implement logic
● Javascript use is slower than Java use class so use Javascript only for
less intensive logic
● Use local java use class if the class is used only for that component,
otherwise create a bundle use class
● Passing a parameter to a use-class should only be done when the use-
class is used in a data-sly-template file which itself is called from another
HTL file with parameters that need to be passed on.
Moving from JSP to HTL
• Components written in HTL are compatible with components
written in JSP or ESP.
A JSP can include a HTL file like this,
• <cq:include script="footer.html"/>
and a HTL file can include a JSP like this,
<div data-sly-include="footer.jsp"></div>
• HTL Specification :
• Gabriel Walt’s Slideshare PPT:

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HTL(Sightly) - All you need to know

  • 2. Agenda ● What is HTL? ● Why HTL? ● Global Objects ● HTL Block Statements ● HTL Use-API ● HTL Expression Options ● Best Practises
  • 3. What is HTML Template Language (HTL)? ● Introduced with AEM 6.0 ● Takes the place of JSP as the preferred server-side template system for HTML ● Enforces separation of concerns between Presentation & Business logic ● A HTL file contains HTML, some basic presentation logic and variables to be evaluated at runtime ● Sightly was renamed to “HTML Template Language” from August 2016
  • 4. Why HTL? ● Simplified Development: ○ Purposely limited features: Easy to learn and enforces strict separation of concerns between markup and logic. ○ HTL template is itself a valid HTML5 file: Doesn't break the validity of the markup and keeps it readable ○ Allows HTML developers without Java knowledge and with little product-specific knowledge to be able to edit HTL templates ○ Allows Java developers to focus on the back-end code without worrying about HTML After Sightly
  • 5. Why HTL? ● Increased Security: ○ HTL automatically filters and escapes all text being output to the presentation layer to prevent cross-site-scripting(XSS) vulnerabilities. ○ Automatically applies the proper context-aware escaping to all variables being output to the presentation layer
  • 6. AEM HTL Read–Eval–Print Loop ● To try out basic HTL, a live execution environment called the Read Eval Print Loop can be used. ● Download Link & documentation: ● After package installation, go to /content/repl.html ?
  • 7. HTL Syntax • Every HTL file is an HTML5 document or fragment, augmented with a specific syntax that adds the dynamic functionality. There are two different kind of Syntaxes:- • HTL Block Statements:- To define structural block elements within HTL file, HTL employs HTML5 data attributes. This allows to attach behavior to existing HTML elements. Block statements can't be used inside html comments, style n script elements. A block statement starts with data- sly. • HTL Expressions:- HTL expressions are delimited by characters ${ and }. At runtime, these expressions are evaluated and their value is injected into the outgoing HTML stream. Expressions can only be used in attribute values, in element content, or in comments.
  • 9. Useful Objects Available • properties • pageProperties • Component • currentDesign • currentPage • log • out • pageManager • request • resource • response • sling • wcmmode
  • 10. Comments HTL comments are HTML comments with additional syntax. They are delimited like this: <!--/* A HTL Comment */--> However, the content of standard HTML comments, delimited like this: <!-- An HTML Comment --> will be passed through the HTL processor and expressions within the comment will be evaluated.
  • 11. HTL Block Statements ● dat-sly-test ● data-sly-resource ● data-sly-include ● data-sly-attribute ● data-sly-element & data-sly-text ● data-sly-list ● data-sly-template & dat-sly-call ● data-sly-use ● data-sly-unwrap
  • 12. data-sly-test • Conditionally removes the host element and it‘s content if an expression evaluates to false. • Values that can be converted to false are: undefined variables, null values, the number zero, and empty strings. • data-sly-test also supports the naming and reuse of tests. Example <div"${wcmmode.edit ||}"> Show this to the author </div> <div data-sly-test="${!author}"> Not in author mode anymore.. </div>
  • 13. • data-sly-include : Includes the output of a rendering script run with the current context, passing back control to the current Sightly script. <div data-sly-include="template.html"></div> <div data-sly-include="template.jsp"></div> • The element on which a data-sly-include has been set is ignored and not displayed data-sly-include
  • 14. data-sly-resource • Includes a rendered resource from the same server, using an absolute or relative path. Examples: <div data-sly-resource="${ @path='par', resourceType='foundation/components/parsys'}"/> With an expression more options can be specified: <section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ appendPath='appended/path'}"></section> <section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ prependPath='prepended/path'}"></section> Manipulating selectors: <section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ selectors='selector1.selector2'}" /> <section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @ addSelectors=['selector1', 'selector2']}" /> <section data-sly-resource="${'my/path' @removeSelectors=['selector1','selector2']}" /> By default, the AEM decoration tags are disabled, the decorationTagName option allows to bring them back, and the cssClassName to add classes to that element. <article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ decorationTagName='span', cssClassName='className'}"></article>
  • 15. data-sly-attribute • Sets an attribute or a group of attributes on the current element : <tag class="className" data-sly-attribute.class="${myVar}"></tag> This overwrites the content of the class attribute Assuming that foobar = {'id' : 'foo', 'class' : 'bar'} , <input data-sly-attribute="${foobar}" type="text"/> outputs : <input id="foo" class="bar" type="text"/> • Attributes are processed left-to-right : <div class="bar1" data-sly-attribute.class="bar2" data-sly- attribute="${foobar}"></div> outputs: <div id="foo" class="bar"></div>
  • 16. • Changes the element, mostly useful for setting element tags like h1..h6, th, td, ol, ul : <div data-sly-element"${'h1'}">Sightly Element Example</div> outputs: <h1>Sightly Element Example</h1> For security reasons, data-sly-element accepts only the following element names: a abbr address article aside b bdi bdo blockquote br caption cite code col colgroup data dd del dfn div dl dt em figcaption figure footer h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header i ins kbd li main mark nav ol p pre q rp rt ruby s samp section small span strong sub sup table tbody td tfoot th thead time tr u var wbr data-sly-text • Replaces the content of its host element with the specified text. <p data-sly-text="${properties.jcr:description}">Lorem ipsum</p> data-sly-element
  • 17. data-sly-list ● Repeats the content of the host element for each property in the provided object. <ul data-sly-list="${currentPage.listChildren}"> <li> index: ${itemList.index}, value: ${item.title} </li> </ul> <ul data-sly-list.child="${myObj}"> <li> key: ${child}, value: ${myObj[child]} </li> </ul> ● itemList holds the following properties: index: zero-based counter (0..length-1). count: one-based counter (1..length). first: true if the current item is the first item. middle: true if the current item is neither the first nor the last item. last: true if the current item is the last item. odd: true if index is odd. even: true if index is even.
  • 18. ● Template blocks can be used like function calls: ○ Parameters can be passed when calling templates. ○ They also allow recursion. ● Template Declaration : <template data-sly-template.example="${@ class, text}"> <span class="${class}">${text}</span> </template> ● Call Statement : <div data-sly-call="${example @ class=‘css-class', text='Hi'}"></div> ● Output: <div><span class="css-class">Hi</span></div> Template & Call Statements
  • 19. • Initializes a helper object (defined in JavaScript or Java) and exposes it through a variable: JS: <div"customPage.js">${}</div> Java: <div data-sly-use.nav="Navigation">${}</div> • Parameters can be passed to the Use-API by using expression options: <div data-sly-use.nav="${'Navigation' @ depth=1,showVisible=!wcmmode.edit}"> ${} </div> • Also used to load data-sly-template markup snippets located in a different file : data-sly-use <!-- library.html --> <template"${@ text}"> <span class="example">${text}</span> </template> <!-- template.html --> <div data-sly-use.library="library.html" data-sly-call="${ @ text='Hi'}"> </div> Output: <div><span class="example">Hi</span></div>
  • 20. HTL Use-API Java Use-API JavaScript Use-API Pros ● faster ● can be inspected with a debugger ● easy to unit-test ● can be modified by front-end developers ● is located within the component, keeping the view logic of a component close to its corresponding template
  • 21. Java Use-API enables a HTL file to access helper methods in a custom Java class. 1. Implementing Use interface: public class HTLComponent implements Use { @Override public void init(Bindings bindings) { Resource resource = (Resource)bindings.get("resource"); ValueMap properties = (ValueMap)bindings.get("properties"); // Parameters passed to the use-class String param1 = (String) bindings.get("param1"); } In AEM 6.2, is deprecated, is used instead. Java Use-API
  • 22. Java Use-API 2. Extend WCMUsePojo class: public class HTLComponent extends WCMUsePojo { private String myTitle; @Override public void activate() { String text = get("text", String.class); myTitle = "My Project " + text + getCurrentPage().getTitle() + “ : ” + getProperties().get("title", ""); } public String getMyTitle() { return myTitle; } } In AEM 6.2, WCMUse is deprecated, com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo used instead.
  • 23. • If the Java source file is in the same folder as the HTL file <div data-sly-use.nav="Navigation">${}</div> Otherwise, <div data-sly-use.nav="com.htl.model.Navigation">${}</div> • HTL Use-API resolution Find a Java UseClass in the same directory OR with a fully qualified class name Try to adapt the current Resource/Request to UseClass, if unsuccessful, try to instantiate UseClass with a zero-argument constructor. Within HTL, bind the newly adapted or created object to the localName. If UseClass implements the Use interface then call the init method, passing the current execution context (a javax.scripting.Bindings object). UseClass extending WCMUse is a special case of implementing Use providing the convenience context methods and its activate method is automatically called from Use.init. If UseClass is a path to a HTL file containing a data-sly-template, prepare the template. Otherwise, if UseClass is a path to a JavaScript use-class, prepare the use-class. data-sly-use (cont.)
  • 24. • Enables a HTL file to access helper code written in JavaScript. • Allows all complex business logic to be encapsulated in the JavaScript code, while the HTL code deals only with direct markup production. use(function () { var Constants = { DESCRIPTION_PROP: "jcr:description", DESCRIPTION_LENGTH: 50 }; var title = currentPage.getNavigationTitle() || currentPage.getTitle() || currentPage.getName(); var description = properties.get(Constants.DESCRIPTION_PROP, "").substr(0, Constants.DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); return { title: title, description: description }; }); data-sly-use JavaScript Use Api
  • 25. Client libraries helper template library The client libraries helper template library (/libs/granite/HTL/templates/clientlib.html) can be loaded through data-sly-use and stored in a clientLib block element variable. Loading the library's CSS style sheets and JavaScript is done through data-sly-call. The clientLib template library exposes three templates: • css - loads only the CSS files of the referenced client libraries • js - loads only the JavaScript files of the referenced client libraries • all - loads all the files of the referenced client libraries
  • 26. Client libraries helper template library Example <head data-sly- use.clientLib="${'/libs/granite/HTL/templates/clientlib.html'}"> <css data-sly-call="${clientLib.css @ categories=['category1', 'category2']}" data-sly-unwrap/> </head> <body> <!-- content --> <js data-sly-call="${clientLib.js @ categories=['category1', 'category2']}" data-sly-unwrap/> </body>
  • 27. • The <sly> HTML tag can be used to remove the current element, allowing only its children to be displayed: <sly data-sly-test="${event.hasDate}" > <span>Hello</span> </sly> • Its functionality is similar to the data-sly-unwrap block element : <div data-sly-test="${event.hasDate}" data-sly-unwrap> <span>Hello</span> </div> Both Output : <span>Hello</span> • Although not a valid HTML 5 tag, the <sly> tag can be displayed in the final output using data-sly-unwrap: <sly data-sly-unwrap="${false}"></sly> outputs: <sly></sly> <sly> & data-sly-unwrap
  • 29. Display Context Option The context option offers control over escaping and XSS protection. • Allowing some HTML markup (filtering out scripts) <div>${‘<p>Hello</p>’ @ context='html'}</div> Without context : &lt;p&gt;hello&lt;/p&gt; • Adding URI validation protection <p data-link="${link @ context='uri'}">text</p> • Applying CSS string escaping <style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style>
  • 30. Display Context Option Context Use • html • text • elementName • uri • scriptString • scriptComment • scriptRegExp • styleString • styleComment • comment • number • unsafe Outputs HTML - Removes markup that may contain XSS risks For simple HTML content - Encodes all HTML Allows only element names that are white-listed, else outputs 'div' To get valid Href link or path Applies JavaScript string escaping For JavaScript block comments To apply JavaScript regular expression escaping To apply CSS string escaping For CSS comments To apply HTML comment escaping Outputs zero if the value is not a number Disables XSS protection completely, use this at your own risk.
  • 31. String Format Option Numbered parameters can be used for injecting variables: ${'Assets {0}' @ format=properties.assetName} OR ${'Assets {0}' @ format=[properties.assetName]} ${'Page {0} of {1}' @ format=[current, total]} Array Join Option The join option allows to control the output of an ahorray object by specifying the separator string. This can for e.g. be useful for setting class-names ${['one', 'two'] @ join='; '} <!--/* outputs: one; two */--> <span class="${myListOfClassNames @ join=' '}"></span>
  • 32. Internationalization (@i18n) To translate a string to the resource language: ${'Assets' @ i18n} Two more options can be used with i18n: • locale : Overrides the language from the source. For e.g.: en-US or fr-CH • hint : Allows to provide some information about the context for the translators. ${'Assets' @ i18n, locale='en-US', hint='Translation Hint'}
  • 33. URI Manipulation • Scheme - Allows adding or removing the scheme part for a URI : ${'' @ scheme='http'} outputs: ${'' @ scheme='https'} outputs: • Domain - Allows adding or replacing the host and port (domain) part for a URI : ${'///path/page.html' @ domain=''} outputs: // ${'' @ domain=''} outputs:
  • 34. URI Manipulation Path / prependPath / appendPath – Modify the path that identifies a resource : ${'’@ path='that/two'} outputs: ${'' @ path=‘’} outputs: ${'path' @ prependPath='..'} outputs: ../path ${'' @ prependPath='foo'} outputs: ${'one' @ appendPath='two'} outputs: one/two
  • 35. URI Manipulation Selectors / addSelectors / removeSelectors - Modifies or removes the selectors from a URI: ${'path/' @ selectors=''} outputs: path/ ${'path/' @ selectors=['foo', 'bar']} outputs: path/ ${'path/' @ addSelectors=''} outputs: path/ ${'path/' @ removeSelectors=['foo', 'bar']} outputs: path/page.woo.html
  • 36. URI Manipulation query / addQuery / removeQuery- adds, replaces or removes the query segment of a URI, depending on the contents of its map value : assuming that jsuse.query evaluates to: { "query": { "q" : "sightly", "array" : [1, 2, 3] } } ${'' @ query=jsuse.query} outputs:;array=1&amp;array=2&amp;array=3 ${'' @ addQuery=jsuse.query} outputs:;q=sightly&amp;array=1&amp;array=2&amp;arra y=3 ${'' @ removeQuery=['s', 'q']} outputs:
  • 37. URI Manipulation • Extension - adds, modifies or removes the extension from a URI: ${'path/page.json?key=value' @ extension='html'} outputs: path/page.html?key=value ${'path/page.json#fragment' @ extension='html'} outputs: path/page.html#fragment • fragment - adds, modifies or replaces the fragment segment of a URI : ${'path/page' @ fragment='fragment'} outputs: path/page#fragment ${'path/page#one' @ fragment='two'} outputs: path/page#two ${'path/page#one' @ fragment} outputs: path/page
  • 38. Best practices ● Abuse of sly ● HTL comments instead of Html comments ● Reuse code using templates ● Use api to be used only when the HTL file alone is not enough to implement logic ● Javascript use is slower than Java use class so use Javascript only for less intensive logic ● Use local java use class if the class is used only for that component, otherwise create a bundle use class ● Passing a parameter to a use-class should only be done when the use- class is used in a data-sly-template file which itself is called from another HTL file with parameters that need to be passed on.
  • 39. Moving from JSP to HTL • Components written in HTL are compatible with components written in JSP or ESP. A JSP can include a HTL file like this, • <cq:include script="footer.html"/> and a HTL file can include a JSP like this, <div data-sly-include="footer.jsp"></div>
  • 40. • HTL Specification : spec/blob/master/ • Gabriel Walt’s Slideshare PPT: • • f • References