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What Visual Studio Code
can do for Java
Ed Burns
Way more than I can
show in 15 minutes.
So I will go slow and not rush.
Ed Burns
© Microsoft Corporation
• Why VS Code?
• How to get started?
• Simple Java Authoring
• More Complex Java Authoring
• Summary and key takeaways
My Plan for Your Time Investment
© Microsoft Corporation

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This document provides an overview and introduction to continuous integration with SharePoint 2010. It discusses what continuous integration is, the benefits of CI including having software that is continuously tested and deployed with few bugs. It also covers topics like automating builds, keeping builds fast, treating builds like an assembly line, and using a CI server like TeamCity to detect changes and trigger builds. The document provides examples of a CI build process and mentions resources for learning more about continuous integration.

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Put an end to regression with codeception testing
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Ever kill a bug only to have it resurface later? How about that last intermittent bug you had to trace down? Looking forward to fixing it again when it pops back up? If you hate reanimated bugs then this session is for you. In this session, we will discuss the why and the how of building regression testing into your tests using the Codeception testing framework. Join me, let's hunt some zombie bugs. (Weapons not required)

© Microsoft Corporation
1. On a Mac? Just install it from
2. On a PC?
A. Java for Windows? Just install it.
B. Coming from Mac?
a. Install WSL 2
b. Install a GNU/Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store
c. Install VS Code on the Windows side
d. Install Remote Development Extension Pack
3. Install the Java Extension Pack
How to Get Started?
RecommendedWorkflowfor JavaDevelopers
Simple Java Authoring
 Learning how to learn VS Code
 What about “projects”?
 Runner and Debugger
© Microsoft Corporation
• Help is actually helpful
• Optimized for keyboard only lovers (but not quite Emacs)
• Help -> Welcome
• Learn
• Find and run all commands
• Interface overview
• Works with extensions
• Gitter chat room from Extension page for “Language Support for Java
by RedHat”
Learning How to Learn VS Code
VS Codeis a Front Endto EverythingCool Happeningin Azure
© Microsoft Corporation
• Wait, what about “projects”?
• NetBeans: pom.xml is the project, or .nbproject
• IntelliJ/Eclipse: Project with imported pom.xml
• VS Code
• Folder
• Workspace
Let’s get a little into Java

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Composer at Scale, Release and Dependency Management
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Composer at Scale, Release and Dependency Management

Having one application to support is easy enough, but what if you have a CMS, an API, a design tool, and a core library that each other tool also needs to consume? Where do you even begin juggling the release management and cycle of so many interconnected and interdependent packages? Learn how a small team manages a large CMS project and utilizes real-world best practices of Git, CI/CD, and old fashion planning to bring a solid platform to thousands of editors and millions of viewers.

composercontinuous deliverydependency management
© Microsoft Corporation
• Start From Maven Archetype
• Ctrl+Shift+P Java: Overview
• Start
• Create a Maven Project
• Have access to the entire maven archetype catalog: maven-archetype-quickstart
• Breadcrumb navigation
• Outline
• File Browser
• Run Project
• Debug Project
Let’s get a little into Java
© Microsoft Corporation
• Get on the Update Train
• Xiaokai He’s blog posts
Peek call hierarchy
Data breakpoints
Better symbol details
Inline refactoring
Let’s get a little into Java
© Microsoft Corporation
• Spring Petclinic
• Dependency viewer
• Ctrl T: Go go symbol: PetClinicApplication
A little more advanced
© Microsoft Corporation
• VS Code is worth mastering
• Not trying to be IntelliJ
• But it probably does everything you need for Java
• And it fits today’s reality that developers need to
switch languages constantly
Summary and Key Takeaways

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Test Driven Development with OSGi - Balázs Zsoldos

1. Test Driven Development with OSGi focuses on reducing deployment time through the use of OSGi and maven plugins to allow for faster iteration. 2. The eosgi-maven-plugin is demonstrated which allows defining OSGi container environments and running integration tests directly from maven. 3. The plugin supports configuring JVM options, system properties, timeouts and more to customize the container environment for running tests.

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Thank You
© Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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What Visual Studio Code can do for Java Development

  • 1. What Visual Studio Code can do for Java Development Ed Burns @edburns
  • 2. Way more than I can show in 15 minutes. So I will go slow and not rush. Ed Burns @edburns
  • 3. © Microsoft Corporation • Why VS Code? • How to get started? • Simple Java Authoring • More Complex Java Authoring • Summary and key takeaways My Plan for Your Time Investment
  • 5. © Microsoft Corporation 1. On a Mac? Just install it from 2. On a PC? A. Java for Windows? Just install it. B. Coming from Mac? a. Install WSL 2 b. Install a GNU/Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store c. Install VS Code on the Windows side d. Install Remote Development Extension Pack 3. Install the Java Extension Pack How to Get Started? RecommendedWorkflowfor JavaDevelopers
  • 6. Simple Java Authoring  Learning how to learn VS Code  What about “projects”?  Runner and Debugger
  • 7. © Microsoft Corporation • Help is actually helpful • Optimized for keyboard only lovers (but not quite Emacs) • Help -> Welcome • Learn • Find and run all commands • Interface overview • Works with extensions • Gitter chat room from Extension page for “Language Support for Java by RedHat” Learning How to Learn VS Code VS Codeis a Front Endto EverythingCool Happeningin Azure
  • 8. © Microsoft Corporation • Wait, what about “projects”? • NetBeans: pom.xml is the project, or .nbproject • IntelliJ/Eclipse: Project with imported pom.xml • VS Code • Folder • Workspace Let’s get a little into Java ExtremelySimpleProject
  • 9. © Microsoft Corporation • Start From Maven Archetype • Ctrl+Shift+P Java: Overview • Start • Create a Maven Project • Have access to the entire maven archetype catalog: maven-archetype-quickstart • Breadcrumb navigation • Outline • File Browser • Run Project • Debug Project Let’s get a little into Java ExtremelySimpleProject
  • 10. © Microsoft Corporation • Get on the Update Train • Xiaokai He’s blog posts • Peek call hierarchy Data breakpoints • Better symbol details • Inline refactoring Let’s get a little into Java ExtremelySimpleProject
  • 11. © Microsoft Corporation • Spring Petclinic • Dependency viewer • Ctrl T: Go go symbol: PetClinicApplication A little more advanced
  • 12. © Microsoft Corporation • VS Code is worth mastering • Not trying to be IntelliJ • But it probably does everything you need for Java • And it fits today’s reality that developers need to switch languages constantly • Summary and Key Takeaways
  • 14. © Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Editor's Notes

  1. Extensions: Note you can choose to install extensions on the Windows side or the WSL side. Install just the remote extension on the Windows side and all the rest on the WLS side.