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@traviskaufman @benmidi
Introduction Structure Patterns Resources
Introduction Structure Patterns Resources

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Presenting of using Rspec, Mock and Stub in Ruby on Rails Project, and comparing between Mock and Stub.

ruby on railsrubysoftware testing
Unit testing JavaScript: Jasmine & karma intro
Unit testing JavaScript: Jasmine & karma introUnit testing JavaScript: Jasmine & karma intro
Unit testing JavaScript: Jasmine & karma intro

This document provides an introduction to unit testing JavaScript code with Jasmine and Karma. It discusses the basics of Jasmine including test suites, specs, expectations, and matchers. It then covers how to set up and run tests with Karma, including configuring Karma, running tests in browsers, handling failures, and testing AngularJS code. Specific topics covered include spies, $httpBackend for mocking HTTP requests, and testing controllers and dependencies injection.

Testing Ember Apps: Managing Dependency
Testing Ember Apps: Managing DependencyTesting Ember Apps: Managing Dependency
Testing Ember Apps: Managing Dependency

Ember has an amazing testing story built upon the fundamentals of encapsulation and OO programming central to the framework. Despite this, every web application will be dependent upon and need to interact with native and network APIs that are hostile: Unreliable, slow, under-documented, and not to be trusted. The challenge in testing Ember applications lies with how to handle these external entities.

ember.jsjavascriptweb development
Introduction Patterns ResourcesStructure
Introduction Structure Patterns Resources
Team Bicycle
● A Director of Product and Two developers
● Behavior Driven Development and Pairing
● Launched the new mobile web experience in 5 months
● 1000 Unit Tests and 200 Acceptance Tests
How many times have you been here?

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Angular Unit Testing NDC Minn 2018
Angular Unit Testing NDC Minn 2018Angular Unit Testing NDC Minn 2018
Angular Unit Testing NDC Minn 2018

For a number of years now we have been hearing about all of the benefits that automated unit testing provides like increasing our quality, catching errors earlier, ensuring that all developers are testing in the same manner and deploying updates with high confidence that nothing will break. Testing a Web UI though was difficult and fragile which meant that typically we had no automated unit test for our Web UI. This is no longer the case with the latest release of Angular. Unit testing is now a first class citizen in Angular. Out of the box, the project generated by the Angular CLI has unit testing setup with Karma and Jasmine and includes sample tests. Generating new components, services, and pipes includes the unit test Spec file already wired up. Thus allowing you to focus on writing your unit tests and not on the infrastructure needed to get them running. The barriers to writing unit test have been destroyed. This talk will walk through getting started unit testing your Angular components, services, and pipes. Along the way I will share the tips and tricks that I have learned as I have implemented unit testing on my Angular projects at a Fortune 100 company. You will walk away ready to immediately implement unit testing on your Angular project.

angularunit testingndc minnesota
Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma
Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with KarmaGood karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma
Good karma: UX Patterns and Unit Testing in Angular with Karma

The document discusses unit testing in Angular with Karma. It provides examples of UX patterns in Angular like binding elements to variables, lists, and click handlers. It also covers what controllers and scopes are and examples of testing components in Angular like services, factories, and UI elements. Hands-on examples are provided for setting up a test environment and writing tests.

mobile designconferencemodevux
RSpec 3: The new, the old, the good
RSpec 3: The new, the old, the goodRSpec 3: The new, the old, the good
RSpec 3: The new, the old, the good

A presentation used at one of Moove-IT's Friday Talks to introduce the essential changes from RSpec 2 to RSpec 3.

Warning: They may laugh at you.
Team Bicycle
● A Director of Product and Two developers
● Behavior Driven Development and Pairing
● Launched the new mobile web experience in 5 months
● 1000 Unit Tests and 200 Acceptance Tests
A team built for speed.
As close to native as possible.
Structure Grunt sets up tasks for running tests, example: grunt specs:debug
Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs
karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing (Chrome for debugging, PhantomJS for CI builds in
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*.js
| | views/
| | **/*.js
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*_spec.js
| | views/
| | **/*_spec.js

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Unit testing in JavaScript with Jasmine and Karma
Unit testing in JavaScript with Jasmine and KarmaUnit testing in JavaScript with Jasmine and Karma
Unit testing in JavaScript with Jasmine and Karma

Unit testing frameworks like Jasmine and Mocha can be used to write unit tests in Angular. Jasmine requires less setup and is fully BDD compliant. Tests are organized into describe blocks for test suites and it blocks for individual specs. Expectations are made using the expect function and matcher functions. Spies can mock and spy on functions. Karma is a test runner that runs tests across browsers and re-runs on file changes. It is configured via a karma.conf.js file. Unit tests validate controllers, services, and other application code. End-to-end tests using Protractor validate full user workflows and interactions.

jasmine karma angularjasmine karma angularjasmine karma angular
Automated Testing in EmberJS
Automated Testing in EmberJSAutomated Testing in EmberJS
Automated Testing in EmberJS

A high-level introduction to testing in EmberJS. This talk explains the difference between unit, integration and acceptance tests, when to use each and how to get started with ember-cli-mocha.

Angular Unit Testing
Angular Unit TestingAngular Unit Testing
Angular Unit Testing

Unit testing Angular applications is important to ensure components and services work as expected. There are several frameworks that can be used for Angular unit testing, including Jasmine for writing tests and Karma as a test runner. Key aspects of unit testing covered in the document include: using test doubles like stubs and spies to isolate the system under test; focusing tests on small units and targeting specific assertions; and dealing with asynchronous code. The document also provides examples of writing pure unit tests in Jasmine without dependencies and using spies to control dependencies.

angular2angularunit testing
Structure Karma sets up our testing environments. Great for running tests on actual devices.
Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs
karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing (Chrome for debugging, PhantomJS for CI builds in
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*.js
| | views/
| | **/*.js
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*_spec.js
| | views/
| | **/*_spec.js
Structure The spec/ directory mirrors app/
Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs
karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*.js
| | views/
| | **/*.js
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*_spec.js
| | views/
| | **/*_spec.js
Structure Inside of spec/ is the helpers/ directory for global setup/tear down,
mocks, convenience functions and custom Jasmine matchers.
Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs
karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*.js
| | views/
| | **/*.js
| helpers/
| | *.js # Helper files loaded in Karma
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*_spec.js
| | views/
| | **/*_spec.js
Structure Our rspec acceptance tests also live in spec/
Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs
karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*.js
| | views/
| | **/*.js
| helpers/
| | *.js # Helper files loaded in Karma
| js/
| | models/
| | **/*_spec.js
| | views/
| | **/*_spec.js
| features/
| | *_spec.rb
| | spec_helper.rb
| | support/
| | **/*.rb

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Angularjs - Unit testing introduction
Angularjs - Unit testing introductionAngularjs - Unit testing introduction
Angularjs - Unit testing introduction

A presentation made for the AngularJS-IL meetup group that took place in May 2014 at Google TLV Campus. its a demonstration of Unit testing an AngularJS component with jasmine and karma.

JavaScript Test-Driven Development with Jasmine 2.0 and Karma
JavaScript Test-Driven Development with Jasmine 2.0 and Karma JavaScript Test-Driven Development with Jasmine 2.0 and Karma
JavaScript Test-Driven Development with Jasmine 2.0 and Karma

This document discusses JavaScript test-driven development using Jasmine 2.0 and Karma. It introduces test-driven development principles and benefits, then covers the Karma test runner, PhantomJS browser, and features of the Jasmine testing framework including describe blocks, expectations, matchers, spies, and custom matchers. It also provides an example of mapping earthquakes and testing color-coded circles using magnitude and discusses code coverage and sustaining test-driven practices.

Javascript Testing with Jasmine 101
Javascript Testing with Jasmine 101Javascript Testing with Jasmine 101
Javascript Testing with Jasmine 101

This presentation is prepared for SVCC 2014 on Javascript Testing with Jasmine. It basically goes through basic Jasmine feature and provide tips for developers when they decide to start testing.

DRY it up
describe('views.card', function() {
var model, view;
beforeEach(function() {
model = {};
view = new CardView(model);
describe('.render', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
model.title = 'An Article';
it('creates a "cardTitle" h3 tag set to the model's title', function() {
describe('when the model card type is "author_card"', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
model.type = 'author_card';
it('adds an "authorCard" class to it's $el', function() {
Using this
describe('views.card', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.model = {};
this.view = new CardView(this.model);
describe('.render', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.model.title = 'An Article';
it('creates a "cardTitle" h3 tag set to the model's title', function() {
describe('when the model card type is "author_card"', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.model.type = 'author_card';
it('adds an "authorCard" class to it's $el', function() {
Using this
Jasmine’s userContext (aka this)
● Shared between before/afterEach hooks and tests
(including nested tests)
● Cleaned up after every test
● Removes the need for keeping track of variable declarations
● Removes problems that may occur due to scoping and/or hoisting issues
● No global leaks
● Clearer meaning within tests
● Leads the way to...
Lazy Eval
beforeEach(function() {
this.let_ = function(propName, getter) { // need to use "_" suffix since 'let' is a token in ES6
var _lazy;
Object.defineProperty(this, propName, {
get: function() {
if (!_lazy) {
_lazy =;
return _lazy;
set: function() {},
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Lazy Evaluation (a la Rspec’s let)
describe('.render', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.let_('renderedView', function() {
return this.view.render();
this.model.title = 'An Article';
// ...

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Spring talk111204
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Spring talk111204

This document provides an overview of the Spring framework. Key points include: - Spring is a lightweight container that promotes loose coupling and separation of concerns through dependency injection. - It simplifies programming without J2EE by providing declarative transaction management and abstraction from underlying technologies. - Spring uses dependency injection and inversion of control to configure and wire together components. It supports setter, constructor, and autowiring of dependencies. - The Spring container manages the lifecycle of beans through initialization and destruction callbacks.

java spring
Client side unit tests - using jasmine & karma
Client side unit tests - using jasmine & karmaClient side unit tests - using jasmine & karma
Client side unit tests - using jasmine & karma

This document discusses client-side testing using Jasmine and Karma. It introduces Jasmine as the most popular testing framework for writing unit tests in the browser. It demonstrates a simple example of using Jasmine to test a Person constructor function. It then discusses Karma, a test runner that makes browser testing seamless. Karma allows running tests across multiple browsers simultaneously. The document also covers techniques for testing AngularJS controllers and services, including mocking external server calls. It emphasizes that while tests may pass using mocks, the mocks represent the contract with the external code being tested.

Describe's Full of It's
Describe's Full of It'sDescribe's Full of It's
Describe's Full of It's

A talk about Unit Testing in AngularJS and Angular 2 with the Jasmine framework and techniques for practicing test driven development.

unit testingangularjasmine
Lazy Eval
describe('views.Card', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.model = {};
this.view = new CardView(this.model);
describe('.render', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.model.title = 'An Article';
this.let_('renderedView', function() {
return this.view.render();
it('creates a "cardTitle" h3 tag set to the model's title', function() {
describe('when the model card type is "author_card"', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.model.type = 'author_card'; // no need to re-render the view here!
it('adds an "authorCard" class to its $el', function() {
// ...
Lazy Eval
Lazy Evaluation
● Our render spec, now uses let_
● We only have to call render once, in the getter function, even if we change
the model in nested beforeEach blocks
● Reduced code duplication
● Reduced chance of pollution due to side effects
● Smaller file sizes!
● Note: everything here can be used for Mocha as well!
Behaves Like
describe('Email', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.emailAddress = '';
this.let_('email', function() {
return new Email(this.emailAddress);
describe('.validate', function() {
describe('when emailAddress is missing the "@" symbol', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.emailAddress = '';
it('returns false', function() {
describe('when emailAddress is missing a domain after the "@" symbol', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.emailAddress = '';
it('returns false', function() {
Behaves Like
Shared Behavior
● Thorough, but lots of copy-pasta code
● If API changes, all tests have to be updated
○ e.g. what if validate changes to return a string?
● RSpec solves this with “shared examples”
● Need something like that here...

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Testing most things in JavaScript - LeedsJS 31/05/2017
Testing most things in JavaScript - LeedsJS 31/05/2017Testing most things in JavaScript - LeedsJS 31/05/2017
Testing most things in JavaScript - LeedsJS 31/05/2017

Testing is important - it can improve the quality of your code and give you the reassurance to refactor without fear of destroying your application. My talk will cover different types of automated testing in javascript (unit, integration, acceptance) and some regression as well tools to help standardise code (like js lint). I'll also talk about automated build tools like jenkins and travis ci.

Intro to testing Javascript with jasmine
Intro to testing Javascript with jasmineIntro to testing Javascript with jasmine
Intro to testing Javascript with jasmine

Testing with Jasmine provides a framework for writing and running unit tests in JavaScript. It uses a behavior-driven development (BDD) style in which each test specifies the expected behavior it is testing using a describe and it blocks. Within the it block, expect statements make assertions about the code being tested using matchers like toEqual. Jasmine provides spies for mocking function calls and stubs. Running tests involves including Jasmine library files and specs in an HTML page and executing them with a simple HTTP server. Jasmine can also be used to test views by creating DOM fixtures and making assertions about the rendered markup.

unit testingjavascriptjasmine
JavaScript and UI Architecture Best Practices
JavaScript and UI Architecture Best PracticesJavaScript and UI Architecture Best Practices
JavaScript and UI Architecture Best Practices

MyApp provides JavaScript best practices including: 1) Using namespaces to avoid naming collisions and define packages like MyApp.string.utils for reusable functions. 2) Branching code during initialization or lazily on first use to handle browser differences efficiently. 3) Passing configuration as an object instead of many parameters to simplify function calls. 4) Defining private methods and properties using closures to encapsulate code. 5) Employing self-executing functions for one-time initialization tasks. 6) Allowing method chaining for readability when calling several related methods.

Behaves Like
describe('Email', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.emailAddress = '';
this.let_('email', function() {
return new Email(this.emailAddress);
describe('.validate', function() {
shouldInvalidate('an email without an "@" sign', '');
shouldInvalidate('missing a domain', '');
function shouldInvalidate(desc, example) {
describe('when emailAddress is ' + desc, function() {
beforeEach(function() {
this.emailAddress = example;
it('returns false', function() {
Behaves Like
Shared Behavior
● No more duplication of testing logic
● Extremely readable
● Leverage this along with javascripts metaprogramming techniques to create
dynamically built suites
● Looks great in the console
● Completely DRY
● Huge win for something like email validation, where there are tons of cases
to test
● Prevents having one test with a large amount of assertions
We’re Hiring
Front-End Engineer | Full Time
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Developer Tools & Automation Engineer | Full Time
Junior DevOps Engineer | Full Time
Desktop Support Engineer | Full Time
Back-End Engineer | Full Time
● Our Blog:
● Travis’ Gist on userContext:
● Slides:

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Quick tour to front end unit testing using jasmine
Quick tour to front end unit testing using jasmineQuick tour to front end unit testing using jasmine
Quick tour to front end unit testing using jasmine

This document discusses front-end unit testing using the Jasmine testing framework. It explains why unit testing is important, introduces behavior-driven development and the Jasmine framework. It also provides an overview of setting up Jasmine, creating test suites and specs, using matchers, and testing asynchronous code. The document demonstrates how to set up the testing environment, write tests with Jasmine, and integrate Jasmine with the Karma test runner.

javascriptunit testingjasmine
Unit Testing and Coverage for AngularJS
Unit Testing and Coverage for AngularJSUnit Testing and Coverage for AngularJS
Unit Testing and Coverage for AngularJS

In these slides we are covering Unit testing through Jasmine and Karma and for code coverage we are using Istanbul.

angularjskarmaunit testing
Protractor framework architecture with example
Protractor framework architecture with exampleProtractor framework architecture with example
Protractor framework architecture with example

Protractor is an open source functional testing framework for AngularJS applications. It automates interaction with AngularJS apps for end-to-end testing. Protractor uses Selenium WebDriver for browser control and Jasmine or Mocha for writing test cases. Tests are organized into pages, common utilities, test data, specs, and configuration files. Protractor provides locators and functions to test AngularJS apps and generates Allure reports for test results.

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Painless Javascript Unit Testing

  • 7. Introduction Team Bicycle ● A Director of Product and Two developers ● Behavior Driven Development and Pairing ● Launched the new mobile web experience in 5 months ● 1000 Unit Tests and 200 Acceptance Tests
  • 10. Introduction Team Bicycle ● A Director of Product and Two developers ● Behavior Driven Development and Pairing ● Launched the new mobile web experience in 5 months ● 1000 Unit Tests and 200 Acceptance Tests A team built for speed.
  • 11. Introduction Product As close to native as possible.
  • 12. Structure Grunt sets up tasks for running tests, example: grunt specs:debug Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing (Chrome for debugging, PhantomJS for CI builds in Jenkins) app/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*.js | | views/ | | **/*.js spec/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*_spec.js | | views/ | | **/*_spec.js
  • 13. Structure Karma sets up our testing environments. Great for running tests on actual devices. Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing (Chrome for debugging, PhantomJS for CI builds in Jenkins) app/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*.js | | views/ | | **/*.js spec/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*_spec.js | | views/ | | **/*_spec.js
  • 14. Structure The spec/ directory mirrors app/ Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing app/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*.js | | views/ | | **/*.js spec/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*_spec.js | | views/ | | **/*_spec.js
  • 15. Structure Inside of spec/ is the helpers/ directory for global setup/tear down, mocks, convenience functions and custom Jasmine matchers. Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing app/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*.js | | views/ | | **/*.js spec/ | helpers/ | | *.js # Helper files loaded in Karma | js/ | | models/ | | **/*_spec.js | | views/ | | **/*_spec.js
  • 16. Structure Our rspec acceptance tests also live in spec/ Gruntfile.js # Grunt for automating test runs karma.conf.js # Karma for unit testing app/ | js/ | | models/ | | **/*.js | | views/ | | **/*.js spec/ | helpers/ | | *.js # Helper files loaded in Karma | js/ | | models/ | | **/*_spec.js | | views/ | | **/*_spec.js | features/ | | *_spec.rb | | spec_helper.rb | | support/ | | **/*.rb
  • 17. Patterns DRY it up describe('views.card', function() { var model, view; beforeEach(function() { model = {}; view = new CardView(model); }); describe('.render', function() { beforeEach(function() { model.title = 'An Article'; view.render(); }); it('creates a "cardTitle" h3 tag set to the model's title', function() { expect(view.$el.find('.cardTitle')).toContainText(model.title); }); }); describe('when the model card type is "author_card"', function() { beforeEach(function() { model.type = 'author_card'; view.render(); }); it('adds an "authorCard" class to it's $el', function() { expect(view.$el).toHaveClass('authorCard'); }); }); });
  • 18. Patterns Using this describe('views.card', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.model = {}; this.view = new CardView(this.model); }); describe('.render', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.model.title = 'An Article'; this.view.render(); }); it('creates a "cardTitle" h3 tag set to the model's title', function() { expect(this.view.$el.find('.cardTitle')).toContainText(this.model.title); }); }); describe('when the model card type is "author_card"', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.model.type = 'author_card'; this.view.render(); }); it('adds an "authorCard" class to it's $el', function() { expect(this.view.$el).toHaveClass('authorCard'); }); }); });
  • 19. Patterns Using this Jasmine’s userContext (aka this) ● Shared between before/afterEach hooks and tests (including nested tests) ● Cleaned up after every test ● Removes the need for keeping track of variable declarations ● Removes problems that may occur due to scoping and/or hoisting issues ● No global leaks ● Clearer meaning within tests ● Leads the way to...
  • 20. Patterns Lazy Eval beforeEach(function() { this.let_ = function(propName, getter) { // need to use "_" suffix since 'let' is a token in ES6 var _lazy; Object.defineProperty(this, propName, { get: function() { if (!_lazy) { _lazy =; } return _lazy; }, set: function() {}, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); }; }); Lazy Evaluation (a la Rspec’s let) describe('.render', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.let_('renderedView', function() { return this.view.render(); }); this.model.title = 'An Article'; }); // ...
  • 21. Patterns Lazy Eval describe('views.Card', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.model = {}; this.view = new CardView(this.model); }); describe('.render', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.model.title = 'An Article'; this.let_('renderedView', function() { return this.view.render(); }); }); it('creates a "cardTitle" h3 tag set to the model's title', function() { expect(this.renderedView.$el.find('.cardTitle')).toContainText(this.model.title); }); describe('when the model card type is "author_card"', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.model.type = 'author_card'; // no need to re-render the view here! }); it('adds an "authorCard" class to its $el', function() { expect(this.renderedView.$el).toHaveClass('authorCard'); }); // ...
  • 22. Patterns Lazy Eval Lazy Evaluation ● Our render spec, now uses let_ ● We only have to call render once, in the getter function, even if we change the model in nested beforeEach blocks ● Reduced code duplication ● Reduced chance of pollution due to side effects ● Smaller file sizes! ● Note: everything here can be used for Mocha as well!
  • 23. Patterns Behaves Like describe('Email', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.emailAddress = ''; this.let_('email', function() { return new Email(this.emailAddress); }); }); describe('.validate', function() { describe('when emailAddress is missing the "@" symbol', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.emailAddress = ''; }); it('returns false', function() { expect(; }); }); describe('when emailAddress is missing a domain after the "@" symbol', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.emailAddress = ''; }); it('returns false', function() { expect(; }); }); }); });
  • 24. Patterns Behaves Like Shared Behavior ● Thorough, but lots of copy-pasta code ● If API changes, all tests have to be updated ○ e.g. what if validate changes to return a string? ● RSpec solves this with “shared examples” ● Need something like that here...
  • 25. Patterns Behaves Like describe('Email', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.emailAddress = ''; this.let_('email', function() { return new Email(this.emailAddress); }); }); describe('.validate', function() { shouldInvalidate('an email without an "@" sign', ''); shouldInvalidate('missing a domain', ''); //.. function shouldInvalidate(desc, example) { describe('when emailAddress is ' + desc, function() { beforeEach(function() { this.emailAddress = example; }); it('returns false', function() { expect(; }); }); } }); });
  • 26. Patterns Behaves Like Shared Behavior ● No more duplication of testing logic ● Extremely readable ● Leverage this along with javascripts metaprogramming techniques to create dynamically built suites ● Looks great in the console ● Completely DRY ● Huge win for something like email validation, where there are tons of cases to test ● Prevents having one test with a large amount of assertions
  • 27. Resources We’re Hiring Front-End Engineer | Full Time QA Engineer | Full Time Developer Tools & Automation Engineer | Full Time Junior DevOps Engineer | Full Time Desktop Support Engineer | Full Time Back-End Engineer | Full Time
  • 28. Resources Links ● Our Blog: ● Travis’ Gist on userContext: ● Slides: Thanks!