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Web Analytics : Understanding Visitor Behavior  May 6, 2009 (and how this relates to the bottom line)
Agenda Web Analytics Getting started What the H*** are KPIs? Keeping it simple Communicating Questions
Why Should I Measure? Are you spending money on your website/web presence? Are you expecting your website to sell products or generate sales leads? Do your business goals involve an online channel?

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Top 19 Things Business Owners Need to Know About SEM in 2011
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Top 19 Things Business Owners Need to Know About SEM in 2011

What are the top 19 things business owners need to know about search engine marketing in 2011? This presentation covers search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), social media, mobile & local search, and analytics.

search engine marketing sentation covers search enmobile & local searchpay-per-click (ppc)
Social Networking for LeaderPromos
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Dana R Zezzo - VP of Sales for ProTowels Etc conducted a Social Media workshop for the promotional products online distributor Leaderpromos in Columbus, OH. The goal was to help account excutives understand the power that social media had in building customer relationships.

MasterLink Seminar
MasterLink SeminarMasterLink Seminar
MasterLink Seminar

The document summarizes various interactive marketing strategies and tactics. It discusses search engine optimization techniques like keyword research, optimizing content and page structure, link building, and tracking results. It also covers pay-per-click advertising strategies, including keyword research, bidding, writing ads, landing pages, and tracking conversions. Additionally, the document mentions email marketing, reputation management, and using social media to build a brand and engage with customers.

ppcseosocial media
Why Should I Measure? 1.3B internet users worldwide Nearly 75% of US Households subscribe to an internet service 92% of households with annual incomes over $70K are internet subscribers 2 55% of all US Households have high-speed Internet Access 3
Without getting overwhelmed Getting Started
What is “Web Analytics” Using a variety of data sources to understand how online audiences are finding you, using your site, interacting with you, buying or researching your products. Are you visible online? Is your website working? Are your audiences engaged?  Are you meeting your business goals?

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Pulling B2B Buyers Through the Funnel with SEM
Pulling B2B Buyers Through the Funnel with SEMPulling B2B Buyers Through the Funnel with SEM
Pulling B2B Buyers Through the Funnel with SEM

How to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Analytics to help pull business-to-business prospects through the sales funnel. Developed for Online Marketing Connect's Search Focus Week, May 2011. By Stacy Williams, President, Prominent Placement, Inc.

bingsearch engine marketingpay per click
Competitive Intelligence
Competitive  IntelligenceCompetitive  Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence

This document discusses competitive intelligence analysis of web analytics data. It outlines general terms used in web analytics like bounce rate and unique visitors. It also discusses using tools like comScore and Hitwise to collect competitive traffic data and analyze search engine reports. The document proposes designing a tool to catalog and query approved web metrics and analyze competitive data in the future.

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
Introduction to Affiliate  MarketingIntroduction to Affiliate  Marketing
Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

The document provides an introduction and overview of affiliate marketing. It discusses how affiliate marketing involves three parties - the merchant, affiliates, and an affiliate network. The network manages tracking and payments while affiliates promote the merchant's products or services. Affiliate marketing offers opportunities for performance-based marketing but also faces challenges like managing affiliate quality and network commissions.

Your Tool Kit Analytics software/technology People Practices + Process
Analytics Technology—Lots of Vendors Out There
If Nothing Else….Remember This <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> var gaJsHost = ((&quot;https:&quot; == document.location.protocol) ? &quot;https://ssl.&quot; : &quot;http://www.&quot;); document.write(unescape(&quot;%3Cscript src='&quot; + gaJsHost + &quot;' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E&quot;)); </script> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(&quot;UA-7323138-1&quot;); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script>
Get Access Find out who has the keys to the treasure chest and go get them IT Your ISP Your marketing dept Somebody knows!

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LogicClassroom SEM 101
LogicClassroom SEM 101LogicClassroom SEM 101
LogicClassroom SEM 101

This document provides an overview of search engine marketing concepts including SEO, SEM, and PPC. It defines each term and explains why participating in search engine marketing is important. Specifically, it notes that with an estimated 25.21 billion websites, businesses need to stand out from competitors. It also discusses optimizing websites to improve rankings by focusing on elements like title tags, headings, text, and internal links. The document provides tips for blog optimization and compares the pros and cons of SEO versus PPC advertising approaches.

search engine marketingppcsem
Web Analytics Course
Web Analytics Course Web Analytics Course
Web Analytics Course

Teaching the basics of website analytics, including segmentation, context, comparison, and measurement.

31 Case Studies on Conversion Optimization
31 Case Studies on Conversion Optimization31 Case Studies on Conversion Optimization
31 Case Studies on Conversion Optimization

We all want to increase our conversion rates, but it often requires hard work and a long process to come up with the right hypothesis and tests to find the changes that will actually lead to great results. Sometimes all you need is some fresh ideas and a little inspiration from others. That is why we will be taking a closer look at some of favorite case studies on conversion optimization. Join us for a webinar as Neil Patel discusses how several successful companies have optimized their conversion rates and what we can learn from them. In this webinar, we will discuss: - How 31 companies have increased conversion rates by making simple changes to their headlines, copy, and even full-on redesigns - How you can use this knowledge to increase your conversion rates - Why some copy changes increase conversion rates while others repel visitors

marketinginternet marketingneil patel
People It’s hard to find people who have experience in online measurement Even fortune 1000 companies are struggling to measure their online properties Hire consultants  Build expertise in-house
March 2007 Global Survey Web Analytics Demystified Research Covering Global Use and Attitudes about Web Analytics Technology and Processes
Process The web is only 16 years old Companies have only been treating online as a serious business channel for 5 or so years Best practices are still being developed and will vary by industry vertical and by individual business

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The Best in Landing Page Optimization Tips
The Best in Landing Page Optimization TipsThe Best in Landing Page Optimization Tips
The Best in Landing Page Optimization Tips

Did you miss Janet Driscoll Miller's presentation at Pubcon on the best in landing page optimization tips? Check out the presentation here and learn the basic tactics to use, as well as advanced landing page tactics including progressive profiling, conversion paths, and social integration.

ppclanding pagepubcon
Advanced Link Building Strategies for Affiliate Sites - Patrick Atloft
Advanced Link Building Strategies for Affiliate Sites - Patrick AtloftAdvanced Link Building Strategies for Affiliate Sites - Patrick Atloft
Advanced Link Building Strategies for Affiliate Sites - Patrick Atloft

This document provides advanced strategies for link building for affiliate sites. It discusses how links are the most important ranking factor for search engines like Google. While on-site optimization can help rank for low competition keywords, links are what Google uses to differentiate between similar sites. The document recommends analyzing competitors' link profiles to identify the types of links that rank highly, such as branded and keyword anchor text links. It also provides tips for link building through content syndication, guest posts, link exchanges, and more to build brand authority over competitors before focusing on keyword anchor text links. Paying for links is risky unless a site already has strong brand authority.

a4uexpo london 2010
Jimmy Newson — Create the Perfect Lead Magnet for Attracting Your Ideal Client
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Jimmy Newson — Create the Perfect Lead Magnet for Attracting Your Ideal Client

These slides were presented at the Semrush webinar "Create the Perfect Lead Magnet for Attracting Your Ideal Client". Video replay and transcript are available at

semrushwebinarsemrush webinar
Simplified Process Step 1:  Define what you want to measure We call these KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) Step 2:  Assign who is responsible for measuring Step 3:  Determine your tools that will provide measurement data Quite often it is not just software, sometimes you need human feedback Step 4 : Put in place system to gather, interpret, document and communicate how you are doing against your KPIs
Advise  It’s more important to start measuring  something  to create a measurement practice within your organization … rather than trying to measure just the right data
What should I measure? What the H*** are KPIs?
KPIs Most Simply: You want to get  MORE  ______ ? ______ Leads, Sales, Visitors, Downloads, Click-Throughs, Etc. You want to get  LESS  ______ ? ______ Errors, Abandonments, Un-subscribes, Customer Complaints

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The Paid Media platforms give us so much data insight into our audiences and this presentation shows you what information you can obtain and how you can then use it across all the different marketing channels

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SEM Marketing 101 - Key to great SEO is an Amazing WebSite
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SEM Marketing 101 - Key to great SEO is an Amazing WebSite

SEM Marketing 101 - Key to great SEO is an Amazing Website. Many people pay for PPC and SEO when their base website is not capable of converting qualified leads.

What Can We Measure? From Server Logs (Basic Online Site Info) Where visitors came from (site, search engine, advertisement) What words they used to search and find your site Where they came from (location) Time of day How long they stayed What content they were interested in Where they went next With added tools – whether they have been there before
What  Can’t  We Measure From Server Logs (Basic Online Site Info) Who the individual is unless you set up a login account or find some other way to entice users to give your information about who they are If they are a returning visitor when they delete cookies (little bits of code that tell us that a particular computer has access our site information before) Some anti-spy software deletes cookies automatically
Server Log  Information This is basic data on site performance, not KPIs that drive business Server logs give us valuable information but it is usually not enough to decide if marketing programs are working or not Just because there is more traffic to a site, doesn’t mean there are more leads generated or more sales being made.
Fancier Systems Use Page Tagging in combination with log files to tell us such things as: Performance of online advertising in relation to site traffic and conversion Do customers buy? If they don’t buy, why? Who’s talking about you online in blogs and social media How all your customer touch points (from your call center to your bricks and mortar shop, align with online sales) to give you customer lifetime value information.

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Creating A Marketing Strategy for your Auto Body Shop That Works!
Creating A Marketing Strategy for your Auto Body Shop That Works!Creating A Marketing Strategy for your Auto Body Shop That Works!
Creating A Marketing Strategy for your Auto Body Shop That Works!

When we first started AP Media in 2010, we didn’t set out to specialize in the collision repair industry – we set out to specialize in digital marketing. Fate would have it that two of our first accounts were Mark’s Body Shop in Baltimore and K&M Collision in North Carolina – two independent shops with a strong focus on the consumer above all else. Our early education in the industry came from these two shops, and if any of you are aware of Mark’s and K&M, you’ll know that they have a very strong set of core beliefs at the heart of the way they do business. They take great pride in their independence. They believe that their customer, the vehicle owner, is the top priority. And as a result, the quality of the work has to get as close to perfection as humanly possible. Not only did we take this on as the way body shops should do business, we also took these principles and made them our own. And we take pride in striving for perfection, and the customer is number one. The growth of the businesses we work with is the purpose of everything we do, and the key to that growth is to understand and serve the needs of the consumer. If you don’t understand the consumer’s needs and their process of buying your services, you’ll never know how to attract them to your shop, and you may never be in the right place at the right time when they need you. Because the collision repair buying process is very different from most other industries.

marketingdigital marketinggoogle adwords

This document provides an overview of building an email marketing practice. It begins with email marketing statistics showing its growth and potential compared to other digital marketing channels. It then discusses common challenges like deliverability, list quality, and sender reputation that marketers must address. The rest of the document outlines best practices and strategies for email marketing such as segmentation, testing, content design, lifecycle marketing, and integrating email into multi-channel marketing programs. It emphasizes the importance of measurement, resources, and gaining expertise to build a successful email practice.

Developing a cult of analytics
Developing a cult of analyticsDeveloping a cult of analytics
Developing a cult of analytics

The document outlines an 8-step process for organizations to build a data-driven culture centered around web analytics. It discusses establishing urgency, gaining executive buy-in, developing a vision with analytics at the core, internal communication strategies, identifying quick wins, continuous improvement processes, and routinely using data to drive insights. Organizations should assess where they are along a 5 stage path from just starting to use analytics tools to having fully integrated data systems that continuously deliver insights.

KPIs Objective Increase customer satisfaction / loyalty through quality products & services   KPI   Number of visits to customers   Response rate   Customer-loyalty index   Number of customer complaints   Customers lost (in number or %)   Customer retention   Number of negative feedbacks from customers   Annual sales per customer   Response time Objective Increase revenue from common customers   KPI   Annual sales per customers   Average customer size   Customers per employee   Customer service expense per year Objective Increase the market share    KPI   Current market share   Sales volume   Sales per channel   Frequency of sales transactions
General KPIs  Average Order Value (AOV) =  $__Total Revenue /___# of orders $1,000,000 total revenue / 438 orders =  $2,283 AOV
General KPIs  Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) =  $__Average Order Value x __ # of orders by Customer per year x ___ Number of Years for Customer $2,283 x 3 = $6,849 x 3  = $20,547 CLV
General KPIs  Contribution Margin = Amount you’ll invest to to get a new customer —20-25% of AOV is common For our $2,283 in revenue, we can expect to spend around  $457—$570

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Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve InteractiveClosing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive
Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement - Spur Interactive, Steve Interactive

Closing the Gap on ROI Measurement Measuring engagement and attributing credit are now "must-have" capabilities. This session will provide actionable insights and methodologies into defining what to measure, how to measure, how to calculate value from online engagement and how to build a compelling ROI business case. * Steve Latham, President, Spur Interactive (@stevelatham)

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Drive Your Business with Google Analytics
Drive Your Businesswith Google AnalyticsDrive Your Businesswith Google Analytics
Drive Your Business with Google Analytics

A guide to using Google Analytics to drive business decisions Learning outcomes Use and interpret reports to measure what visitors are doing on your site and where they come from Defining the purpose of your website to be able to identify quality traffic and drivers of conversions to sales or other business objectives Track ad campaigns, search (paid and non-paid), email, social Extract information from analytics to suggest website performance improvements Understanding where analytics fits into your marketing Basic understanding of Terminology Structure Accounts, Profiles and Users Terminology Navigating reports helping you find your way around Google Analytics How to use and interpret reports The dashboard and custom reports How to identify quality traffic Campaign tracking for AdWords, social, e-mail and other marketing

googleanalyticsbusiness strategy
Digital marketing metrics and measurement
Digital marketing metrics and measurementDigital marketing metrics and measurement
Digital marketing metrics and measurement

Tom Willis will cover a range of tools, customer data and analytics that can be used to determine metrics and keep your marketing strategies in line with key business goals, regardless of your budget.

General KPIs  Cost-Per-Acquisition or Cost-Per-Action (CPA) =  $__Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) x 20% Contribution Margin (CM) $20,547 x .20 =  $4,109 CPA
General KPIs  Close Rate (CR)  –  ratio of how many leads become customers) =  __Customers / Leads = ___ x 100 = ____% Close Rate (CR) 34 customers /100 leads = .34 x 100 =  34% CR
General KPIs  Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) =  $___ CPA x _____% Close Rate $4,109 x .34 =  $1397 CPL
Value of KPIs Am I measuring the right things? Am I spending the right money in the right places? Where am I getting the best return? Where do I have a competitive advantage?

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Digital measurement &amp; analytics
Digital measurement &amp; analyticsDigital measurement &amp; analytics
Digital measurement &amp; analytics

According to a recent Forbes report, 89% of business leaders believe analytics will revolutionise business operations. Analytics not only provides marketers with valuable insights but also serves as the driving force behind the effectiveness of digital marketing. Understanding your customers' behaviour and preferences helps you drive targeted messages across different digital and social platforms, allowing you to communicate with them more effectively. In collaboration with the Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS), Singtel invites you to a complimentary workshop on Digital Marketing analytics. Key Points: • Learn how analytics enables you to gain insights on your customers so as to develop effective marketing strategies • Understand how to put together an effective web measurement programme to define and improve marketing ROI • Acquire skills to better market your products or services to your target audience using the right tools and platforms

mobile marketing campaignsweb measurementdigital analytics
Document from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptx
Document from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptxDocument from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptx
Document from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptx

Nice ppt

Stamats: Analytics Webinar
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Stamats: Analytics Webinar

This document summarizes a presentation on using web analytics to improve performance. It discusses defining goals and key metrics to track, setting up funnels in analytics tools, and making data actionable by addressing problems and focusing efforts on improving high-value traffic and conversions. Regular reporting and A/B testing were recommended to monitor progress towards goals and continuously optimize the site. People, processes, and tools need to work together, with a focus on progress over perfection through ongoing analysis and improvement.

stamatsweb analyticsgoogle analytics
If this is too much… Keeping it simple
If That Last Bit Was Overwhelming…Don’t  “Frees Out”
Go Back To This <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> var gaJsHost = ((&quot;https:&quot; == document.location.protocol) ? &quot;https://ssl.&quot; : &quot;http://www.&quot;); document.write(unescape(&quot;%3Cscript src='&quot; + gaJsHost + &quot;' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E&quot;)); </script> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(&quot;UA-7323138-1&quot;); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script>
Crawl, Walk, Run Set up soft conversions Top content viewed on the site Keywords searched to find you Visitor location Set up hard site conversions Form submissions File download Inbound phone call Newsletter open rate

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In this presentation given to a group of attendees at the Market St. Louis Interactive Marketing Conference on April 1, 2010, I go over the basics of using Google Analytics to track activity on your site, increase conversion rate, gain business intelligence about your customers, and use alerts & reports to measure performance.

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This document discusses the importance of measuring website statistics and outlines various digital marketing strategies and metrics. It recommends using a mix of marketing techniques tailored to individual needs, and emphasizes the importance of measuring return on investment. Key metrics to track include visitor numbers and conversions, and the document outlines tools like web analytics and A/B testing to analyze traffic sources, user behavior, and goals. It also stresses the value of gathering customer insights through surveys and other voice of customer tools.

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Data analytics-training - Jess Le Merle

The document provides an overview of Jessica Le Merle and her company Afundi. It includes 10 things about Jessica, a definition of the word "afundi", an introduction to Afundi and what services they provide, their approach and values. The rest of the document outlines an agenda for a data analytics training session, covering topics like objective setting, key performance indicators, metrics, and using Google Analytics.


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This document provides an overview of Internet marketing and search engine optimization. It discusses how 73% of the US population uses the Internet for activities like information gathering and shopping. Time spent online is increasing while time with traditional media decreases. The document then introduces BeSprout as an Internet marketing company that can help businesses drive more targeted traffic to their websites, increase sales through search engine optimization, and improve return on investment through measurable results.

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Qualityo: capabilities overview
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Qualityo: capabilities overview

Agency specialized in Customer Experience measurement & management. This document summaries our research capabilities: how we work and what makes us different. Look beyond your current research.

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The document provides an overview of search engine marketing and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. It discusses key benefits of PPC including large targeted traffic, easy measurement of ROI, and cost effectiveness. Challenges include slow adoption, complexity, and time requirements. The document outlines best practices for successful PPC campaigns including defining goals, keywords, budgets/bidding, and tracking. It also discusses the importance of factors like geography, time of day, negative keywords, and quality scores. Automation and third-party tools can help address challenges for small/medium businesses.

Building Analytics for Growth
Building Analytics for GrowthBuilding Analytics for Growth
Building Analytics for Growth

A guide to helping start-ups with building and operating data systems for growth. Highlights what makes a good metric, how to define the right metrics for your business, and then how to build data infrastructure so that you can collect the relevant data. Presented at Grow Camp 2018 in MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, Canada.

growthdigital marketingdata
Without getting overwhelmed Communicating
This is NOT a  Report
Report Looks Like this We’ve seen a 15 % visitor drop off rate on our technical publication downloads.  Recommendation:  Simplify form to eliminate address requirement and test for 30 days.  Goal:  Improve form completion rate by 20%

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Measuring Digital marketing - ROI & KPIs
Measuring Digital marketing - ROI & KPIsMeasuring Digital marketing - ROI & KPIs
Measuring Digital marketing - ROI & KPIs

My guest lecture at UC Berkeley, discussing the subject of measuring Digital Marketing efforts. The steps included identifying right metrics/KPIs and building campaigns with high ROI metrics.

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The document discusses how engaging with online customers in real-time through chat can increase sales and conversions for e-commerce businesses. It provides an example of an outdoor gear retailer that saw a 20% increase in revenue, 10x growth in conversions for chat users, and 54% higher average order value by targeting site visitors and proactively engaging them in chat. The retailer was able to better match product experts to customer interests and elevate the skills of customer service representatives through chat.

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WAW Houston presentation- Sunny TajWAW Houston presentation- Sunny Taj
WAW Houston presentation- Sunny Taj

Web analytics is the measurement and analysis of website data to understand user behavior and optimize the site. It helps businesses better understand their online customers, identify prospects, improve communications and increase conversions. Key aspects of web analytics include measuring user traffic sources and behavior, setting goals and key performance indicators, segmenting users, and presenting findings and recommendations to stakeholders.

Analytics: Just Get Started Step 1:  Assign responsibility Step 2:  Define what you want to measure – business objectives Step 3:  Define the process (who, how, what)  Step 4:  Collect data and review to see you have the right information Step 5:  Evaluate if your reports are useful and being used - refine Step 6:  Evaluate if you have the right resources  - refine Step 7 : Use your analysis to inform further marketing/ops investment Test, refine and implement (continual process)
Thank You! Lisa Helminiak Principal | Strategist Twitter:  helmin7 Email:  [email_address] View a copy of this presentation at Twitter:  Follow  Azul7 – Get a  free  site evaluation Facebook : Azul7
Thank You for Participating Questions?

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SPACC IT Day Azul7 Analytics Presentation

  • 1. Web Analytics : Understanding Visitor Behavior May 6, 2009 (and how this relates to the bottom line)
  • 2. Agenda Web Analytics Getting started What the H*** are KPIs? Keeping it simple Communicating Questions
  • 3.  
  • 4. Why Should I Measure? Are you spending money on your website/web presence? Are you expecting your website to sell products or generate sales leads? Do your business goals involve an online channel?
  • 5. Why Should I Measure? 1.3B internet users worldwide Nearly 75% of US Households subscribe to an internet service 92% of households with annual incomes over $70K are internet subscribers 2 55% of all US Households have high-speed Internet Access 3
  • 6. Without getting overwhelmed Getting Started
  • 7. What is “Web Analytics” Using a variety of data sources to understand how online audiences are finding you, using your site, interacting with you, buying or researching your products. Are you visible online? Is your website working? Are your audiences engaged? Are you meeting your business goals?
  • 8.  
  • 9. Your Tool Kit Analytics software/technology People Practices + Process
  • 10. Analytics Technology—Lots of Vendors Out There
  • 11. If Nothing Else….Remember This <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> var gaJsHost = ((&quot;https:&quot; == document.location.protocol) ? &quot;https://ssl.&quot; : &quot;http://www.&quot;); document.write(unescape(&quot;%3Cscript src='&quot; + gaJsHost + &quot;' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E&quot;)); </script> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(&quot;UA-7323138-1&quot;); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script>
  • 12. Get Access Find out who has the keys to the treasure chest and go get them IT Your ISP Your marketing dept Somebody knows!
  • 13. People It’s hard to find people who have experience in online measurement Even fortune 1000 companies are struggling to measure their online properties Hire consultants Build expertise in-house
  • 14. March 2007 Global Survey Web Analytics Demystified Research Covering Global Use and Attitudes about Web Analytics Technology and Processes
  • 15. Process The web is only 16 years old Companies have only been treating online as a serious business channel for 5 or so years Best practices are still being developed and will vary by industry vertical and by individual business
  • 16.  
  • 17. Simplified Process Step 1: Define what you want to measure We call these KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) Step 2: Assign who is responsible for measuring Step 3: Determine your tools that will provide measurement data Quite often it is not just software, sometimes you need human feedback Step 4 : Put in place system to gather, interpret, document and communicate how you are doing against your KPIs
  • 18. Advise It���s more important to start measuring something to create a measurement practice within your organization … rather than trying to measure just the right data
  • 19. What should I measure? What the H*** are KPIs?
  • 20. KPIs Most Simply: You want to get MORE ______ ? ______ Leads, Sales, Visitors, Downloads, Click-Throughs, Etc. You want to get LESS ______ ? ______ Errors, Abandonments, Un-subscribes, Customer Complaints
  • 21. What Can We Measure? From Server Logs (Basic Online Site Info) Where visitors came from (site, search engine, advertisement) What words they used to search and find your site Where they came from (location) Time of day How long they stayed What content they were interested in Where they went next With added tools – whether they have been there before
  • 22. What Can’t We Measure From Server Logs (Basic Online Site Info) Who the individual is unless you set up a login account or find some other way to entice users to give your information about who they are If they are a returning visitor when they delete cookies (little bits of code that tell us that a particular computer has access our site information before) Some anti-spy software deletes cookies automatically
  • 23. Server Log Information This is basic data on site performance, not KPIs that drive business Server logs give us valuable information but it is usually not enough to decide if marketing programs are working or not Just because there is more traffic to a site, doesn’t mean there are more leads generated or more sales being made.
  • 24. Fancier Systems Use Page Tagging in combination with log files to tell us such things as: Performance of online advertising in relation to site traffic and conversion Do customers buy? If they don’t buy, why? Who’s talking about you online in blogs and social media How all your customer touch points (from your call center to your bricks and mortar shop, align with online sales) to give you customer lifetime value information.
  • 25. KPIs Objective Increase customer satisfaction / loyalty through quality products & services   KPI   Number of visits to customers   Response rate   Customer-loyalty index   Number of customer complaints   Customers lost (in number or %)   Customer retention   Number of negative feedbacks from customers   Annual sales per customer   Response time Objective Increase revenue from common customers   KPI   Annual sales per customers   Average customer size   Customers per employee   Customer service expense per year Objective Increase the market share   KPI   Current market share   Sales volume   Sales per channel   Frequency of sales transactions
  • 26. General KPIs Average Order Value (AOV) = $__Total Revenue /___# of orders $1,000,000 total revenue / 438 orders = $2,283 AOV
  • 27. General KPIs Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) = $__Average Order Value x __ # of orders by Customer per year x ___ Number of Years for Customer $2,283 x 3 = $6,849 x 3 = $20,547 CLV
  • 28. General KPIs Contribution Margin = Amount you’ll invest to to get a new customer —20-25% of AOV is common For our $2,283 in revenue, we can expect to spend around $457—$570
  • 29. General KPIs Cost-Per-Acquisition or Cost-Per-Action (CPA) = $__Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) x 20% Contribution Margin (CM) $20,547 x .20 = $4,109 CPA
  • 30. General KPIs Close Rate (CR) – ratio of how many leads become customers) = __Customers / Leads = ___ x 100 = ____% Close Rate (CR) 34 customers /100 leads = .34 x 100 = 34% CR
  • 31. General KPIs Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) = $___ CPA x _____% Close Rate $4,109 x .34 = $1397 CPL
  • 32. Value of KPIs Am I measuring the right things? Am I spending the right money in the right places? Where am I getting the best return? Where do I have a competitive advantage?
  • 33. If this is too much… Keeping it simple
  • 34. If That Last Bit Was Overwhelming…Don’t “Frees Out”
  • 35. Go Back To This <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> var gaJsHost = ((&quot;https:&quot; == document.location.protocol) ? &quot;https://ssl.&quot; : &quot;http://www.&quot;); document.write(unescape(&quot;%3Cscript src='&quot; + gaJsHost + &quot;' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E&quot;)); </script> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(&quot;UA-7323138-1&quot;); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script>
  • 36. Crawl, Walk, Run Set up soft conversions Top content viewed on the site Keywords searched to find you Visitor location Set up hard site conversions Form submissions File download Inbound phone call Newsletter open rate
  • 37.  
  • 38.  
  • 39.  
  • 40.  
  • 41.  
  • 42.  
  • 43.  
  • 44.  
  • 45.  
  • 47. This is NOT a Report
  • 48. Report Looks Like this We’ve seen a 15 % visitor drop off rate on our technical publication downloads. Recommendation: Simplify form to eliminate address requirement and test for 30 days. Goal: Improve form completion rate by 20%
  • 49. Analytics: Just Get Started Step 1: Assign responsibility Step 2: Define what you want to measure – business objectives Step 3: Define the process (who, how, what) Step 4: Collect data and review to see you have the right information Step 5: Evaluate if your reports are useful and being used - refine Step 6: Evaluate if you have the right resources - refine Step 7 : Use your analysis to inform further marketing/ops investment Test, refine and implement (continual process)
  • 50. Thank You! Lisa Helminiak Principal | Strategist Twitter: helmin7 Email: [email_address] View a copy of this presentation at Twitter: Follow Azul7 – Get a free site evaluation Facebook : Azul7
  • 51. Thank You for Participating Questions?

Editor's Notes

  1. Lisa