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Substantial Public Health Risk Project Grants

Program is closed, applications are no longer being accepted.

Purpose: For projects to address a substantial public health risk from treatment system failure.

Goals of the Program: To protect public and environmental health by removing direct and continuous discharges of wastewater from surface or ground water.

Criteria and Eligibility: The following technical criteria will be used in determining substantial public health risk. Projects that meet items 1, 2, or 3 below shall qualify for grant consideration from a technical standpoint. 

  1. Areas with direct and continuous discharges of raw sewage to surface waters or ground waters of the state, or to land. If this involves failing on-site systems or a failing sewerage system, then it must include areas of at least five homes. 
  2. Treatment system failures that have direct and continuous discharges of raw sewage that impact or have a high potential for impacting a public drinking water source.
  3. Direct and continuous discharges of wastewater to surface waters or groundwaters of the state, or to land, that create a substantial public health risk under the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA). 

Per Section 307(4) of PA 53 of 2022, the substantial public health risk for such projects must be confirmed by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) as meeting any of the following:

  • A signed administrative consent order or consent judgment that exists with EGLE.
  • Local health department official determination or equivalent determination.
  • For failing wastewater sewage lagoon treatment systems, a determination based in part by information provided in the most recent national pollutant discharge elimination system permit application.
  • EGLE determination that there is an immediate and substantial public health risk under the NREPA.

Application Process: Applications are available from EGLE. Please reach out to if you are interested in applying.

Priority: As necessary, projects will be prioritized based on a determination by the department of the public health risks associated with the project.

Prioritization will be given to communities with existing orders or consent judgments, documenting public health issues (i.e., impacted drinking water wells, or risk of the public coming into contact with a continuous raw sewage discharge). Other factors may be considered, such as whether a project is funded by another PA 53 of 2022 source, if the applicant received funding under the previous Substantial Public Health Risk (SPHRP) Grant Program, population and size of the area impacted, etc. EGLE may re-evaluate program needs and priority, as necessary.

Nominating Procedures: None.

Deadlines: Applications are accepted continually until program funding is exhausted.

Timelines: Grant cycle is determined by individual project needs.

Dollar Amount Available: A grant shall not exceed $2,000,000, for project costs related to planning, design, and construction of an eligible project.  There is $20,000,000 in total funding available.

Required Match: None.

Financial Criteria: As this program is funded through the Fiscal Recovery Fund (FRF), the applicable federal and state requirements apply. This includes but is not limited to reporting items and compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act. The FRF and other program requirements are outlined in the grant agreement between the applicant and EGLE. Applicants must not appear on the Federal Debarment and Suspension List and must have proof of a successful financial audit within 24 months of grant award or receive an exemption from EGLE.

EGLE may request additional information for clarification purposes. EGLE may offer grant amounts other than those requested and request changes to the proposed work plan.

Source of Funds: The funding for the program was legislatively approved in PA 53 of 2022 using available American Rescue Plan Act resources.

Authority: Public Act No. 53, Public Acts of 2022, effective March 30, 2022, Section 307(4).

Responsible Division/Office Contact: Water Resource Division, Charlie Hill 906-236-3916,

Note: A previous SPHRP Grant Program was authorized under Part 52, Strategic Water Quality Initiatives, of the NREPA, Section 324.5204e, amended on June 9, 2016. The available funds for the original SPHRP Grant Program have been awarded and the above describes a new SPHRP Grant Program.