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RIDE Mapper

Aerial image from RIDE Mapper showing a buffer being used to identify features within a placed point
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

RIDE Mapper


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Map feedback or suggestions:

RIDE Mapper is an online map application showing sites related to the work of the Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD), including:

  • Sites of environmental contamination regulated under Part 201
  • Leaking underground storage tank sites (open and closed) regulated under Part 213
  • Underground storage tank facilities (active and closed) regulated under Part 211
  • Land or resource use restrictions that have been provided to EGLE

RIDE Mapper replaces the Environmental Mapper to provide a better user experience and improve our ability to share mapped data and information.

New and improved features in RIDE Mapper include:

-   A more intuitive and responsive interface

-   Better integration with RRD's RIDE Database and EGLE's Open Data Portal

-   New search tools - find your site base on a site name, location ID number or EGLE Reference Number

-   New buffer tools - find sites within a specified distance of a point, line, or area that you draw on the map

-   The ability to add additional EGLE data layers or even your own!

-   A new metrics dashboard provides high-level statistics statewide or for your district, city, township, or county

A map view from RIDE Mapper
A map view from RIDE Mapper

RIDE Mapper

An interactive map displaying sites throughout Michigan regulated under Parts 201, 211, and 213.

Launch web map

View the interactive map that displays contaminated sites throughout the State of Michigan.

User guide

Access the user guide for this map and it's data.

Access data

Similar data to the data used in this map is available to download and view as a table.

Maps and data portal

Find all of EGLE's web maps and open data centralized to one location.

Your map to RIDE

As the name indicates, RIDE Mapper has strong connections to the Remediation Information Data Exchange (RIDE) application. RIDE Mapper shows the locations of facilities regulated by RRD. Basic site information and attributes about facility locations are available in RIDE Mapper, but more detailed site information is available in RIDE. 

RIDE allows for the exchange of data and information related to contaminated properties. The regulated community is able to submit and view documents electronically in many cases. Certain hyperlinks in RIDE Mapper will take you directly to the pertinent information in RIDE. We'll strive to make these connections even stronger and more seamless in the future to provide both the detailed site information you need along with the ever-important location context.

Data disclaimer

Information provided through RIDE Mapper is based in part on submittals provided to EGLE by the owner/operator or their consultant. The information may not be reflective of actual site and tank data due to various reasons, such as failure to report changes, an error in reporting ownership changes, and data entry errors.
Mapped locations have been identified by address matching, the use of global positioning systems (GPS), and in some cases by drawing boundaries based on legal descriptions provided in documents submitted to EGLE. Mapped points and areas are intended to show a good representation of the feature relative to the aerial photograph, basemaps, and other reference layers; however, these features are not survey-grade and should not be used as such. See the metadata for each map layer to obtain additional data quality information and use limitations.
Some sites exist in the RIDE database, but they are missing latitude and longitude information, so these sites will not appear in RIDE Mapper. See the Inventory of Facilities in the RIDE Database for the complete list of sites know to EGLE.

EGLE does not make any representations regarding the accuracy of the information, nor does it accept any responsibility for errors or omissions contained therein.

As one of EGLE's public maps, the use of RIDE Mapper carries EGLE's Terms of Use