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Clean Diesel Grants

Purpose:  EGLE will provide matching grants to local units of government, schools, non-profits, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations, private business and industry for endeavors that will further the goal of the program.

Goals of the Program: The goal of the Michigan Clean Diesel Program is to reduce diesel engine particulate matter and nitrogen oxide emissions in Michigan and provide increased health benefits for populations in areas of the state where the air quality is affected by diesel engine emissions from nearby stationary or mobile emission sources.

Eligibility:  Local units of government, schools, non-profits, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations, private business and industry are eligible to receive funding.

Criteria:  The project activities must meet the criteria detailed in the Request for Proposals and be consistent with U.S. EPA requirements.

Application Process:  A Grant Request for Proposal is announced with a deadline for application.

Filing Fees:  None

Nominating Procedures: Grant applications are selected for funding by the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy based on program priorities, criteria, and eligibility.

Deadlines:  Will be determined once a program review is completed and posted on the Clean Diesel Program Web page.

Timelines:  Will be determined once a program review is completed.

Dollar Amount Available (Min./Max.):  An estimate of $300,000-$400,000 in funding is available annually.

Required Match:  Organizations receiving grants are required to match percentages determined by E.P.A program terms and conditions. Grantee contributions may include cash, in-kind goods and services, and/or third-party contributions.

Source(s) of Funds:  Federal U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Allocation

Authority:   Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Responsible Division and Contact: Materials Management Division, Irene Queen at 517-420-3230

Phase-out/Expansion/Changes for Next year: Funding priorities, dollar amounts available, and match requirements are subject to change on an annual basis.