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Source Water Protection Grants

Purpose:  To provide matching funds to public water supply systems for the development and implementation of a source water protection program to help prevent drinking water sources from becoming contaminated.  These funds can be used to develop a Surface Water Intake Protection Program for systems utilizing surface water or to develop a Wellhead Protection Program for those systems that use groundwater sources. 

Goals of the Program: To provide incentives and financial assistance for the development and implementation of source water protection programs to facilitate the management of a public water system source water protection area to reduce the risk of contamination to the water supply.

Criteria: Funding may be provided to successful applicants meeting the following criteria:

  • Community and not for profit non-transient non-community water systems
  • Not a Federally owned system
  • Public system does not have outstanding fees

Eligibility: Public water system must demonstrate the following to be eligible:

  • Demonstration of funds to cover grant assistance and local match
  • Demonstration of long term commitment to the program
  • Establishment of a local source water protection team

Application Process: Applications are available on our website annually on May 1 and are scored to establish a priority list if request for funding exceeds the funding available.

Nominating Procedures:  None.

Deadlines: Applications are to be postmarked or delivered by June 15 annually.

Timelines: Contracts will be awarded prior to the fiscal year and the grant cycle is from October 1 to September 30, annually.

Dollar Amount(s) Available (Min or Max):  Approximately one half million dollars is available in total annually.

Required Match: Fifty (50) percent local match is required.

Source(s) of Funds: Wellhead Protection and Capacity Development set aside funds from the Michigan Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund.

Authority: State of Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act, Act 399 PA 1976, as amended.

Responsible Division/Office Contact(s):  Office of Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance, Field Operations Section, Jason Berndt 517-241-4796.

Phase-out/Expansion/Changes for Next Fiscal Year:  None.

Related Grants: None.

Recent Awards/Example Project: See Wellhead Protection Web site under Grants.

Request for Proposals: See Wellhead Protection Web site under Grants.