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School and Child Care Facility Water Quality Webinar Series

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

School and Child Care Facility Water Quality Webinar Series

Recorded webinars in this series:

Introduction to School & Child Care Drinking Water Quality
(recorded 2/23/22, 64 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
Children are extremely vulnerable to the health risks associated with exposure to contaminants that may exist within school building drinking water.  School building plumbing has the potential to introduce or harbor contaminants, therefore, it is critical to ensure proper operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the school water system. This webinar will give a general overview of the Michigan School Drinking Water Program and cost-free services, the basics of drinking water quality, and the importance of a drinking water management plan. This is part one in a series of webinars on drinking water quality and best management practices (BMPs) for a school or child care drinking water system.

Get the Water Moving & BMPs for Water Quality in School and Child Care Facilities
(recorded 3/16/22, 60 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable
The potential for lead to dissolve into water can increase the longer the water remains in contact with lead in plumbing. As a result, facilities with intermittent water use patterns may have elevated lead concentrations which are detrimental to the health and development of young children. Stagnant or low flow of water also promotes the growth of bacteria in the system and other plumbing problems. This webinar will provide guidance on best water management practices and flushing protocols to reduce the risk of bacteria, lead and/or copper contamination for the drinking water system.

One hour of continuing educational credit (0.1 CEC) is available for certified drinking water operators and the Facilities Director MSBO Voluntary Certification Program. In order to be eligible for credit, you must attend the entire session and answer all poll questions conducted in this session.

Water Management & Water Sampling Plans for Schools and Child Care Facilities
(recorded 4/13/22, 61 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable

Children are vulnerable to the health risks associated with exposure to contaminants that may come from drinking water. Properly operating, maintaining, and monitoring the drinking water system helps build confidence in the delivery of quality drinking water and the protection of health. This webinar will provide guidance on how to develop a water management and testing plan to reduce the risk of bacteria, lead, and copper in school and child care building water.

One hour of continuing educational credit (0.1 CEC) is available for certified drinking water operators and the Facilities Director MSBO Voluntary Certification Program. In order to be eligible for credit, you must attend the entire session and answer all poll questions conducted in this session.

Monitoring School & Child Care Facility Drinking Water for Contaminants
(recorded 5/18/22, 60 min) - Recording temporarily unavailable

Children are vulnerable to the health risks associated with exposure to contaminants that may come from drinking water. Although barriers are put in place to keep water in school buildings safe for drinking, events may happen to break one or more of those barriers down, potentially leading to water contamination. One way of knowing if a barrier is broken is through water sampling. This webinar will explain the importance of sampling water for coliform bacteria, lead and copper, provide proper sampling techniques for reliable results, provide guidance for test result analysis, and describe actions for reducing the risks if contaminants are found.

One hour of continuing educational credit (0.1 CEC) is available for certified drinking water operators and the Facilities Director MSBO Voluntary Certification Program. In order to be eligible for credit, you must attend the entire session and answer all poll questions conducted in this session.