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CDSMI and Lead and Copper Rule Webinars


The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy offered training on the Michigan Lead and Copper Rule and the Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory (CDSMI) to drinking water operators and administrators and focused on assisting community water systems required to conduct lead and copper sampling.


Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (4/18/24, 1 Hour, 1 Minute)

Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory (CDSMI) Final Submittal (recorded 3/13/2024, 1 hr. 06 min)

Evaluating Minimum Service Line Materials Verification Data (Recorded 5/22/2023, 1 hr. 03 min.)

Overview of Service Line Replacement and CDSMI-Minimum Services Line Material Verification Requirements (Recorded 9/13/2022, 1 hr. 19 min)


Site Selection/Sampling Plans (Recorded 03/22/2023, 1 hr. 09 min.)

This webinar will explain requirements for site selection and sampling plans for Lead and Copper monitoring. EGLE staff will guide drinking water operators through the Lead and Copper site selection and the form used for sampling plans so that water supplies maintain compliance for lead and copper under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Sampling (Recorded 04/05/2023,  1 hr. 06 Min)

This webinar will explain requirements for site sampling for Lead and Copper compliance monitoring. EGLE staff will guide drinking water operators through the Lead and Copper sampling and the submission of samples so that water supplies maintain compliance for lead and copper under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Reporting (Recorded 04/019/2023, 1 hr. 06 min)

This webinar will explain requirements and deadlines for reporting Lead and Copper drinking water results after a scheduled monitoring round is complete. EGLE staff will guide drinking water operators through the Lead and Copper Report forms for timely completeness, so that water supplies maintain compliance for lead and copper under the Safe Drinking Water Act.


All Things Water Quality Parameters (WQPs) (Recorded 9/20/22, 1 hr. 00 min.)

Beginning July 1, 2019, under the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act, small and medium public water supplies with corrosion control treatment were required to sample for a suite of WQPs corresponding to their treatment method at the entry point to the distribution system (EPTDS) and at a minimum number of sites in the distribution system based on their population. This training session will cover all things related to WQP monitoring and reporting including: what are WQPs and their purpose; where, when, and how to monitor; reporting requirements; designated OWQP ranges and excursion days; and compliance is determination.

This webinar is intended for public water supplies that conduct water quality parameter monitoring because they have corrosion control treatment or have triggered WQP monitoring due to an Action Level exceedance or change in source water or treatment. However, all interested parties are welcome to attend.