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Chlorination and Fluoridation Math Series

This training has been developed for all operators who are struggling with math computation related to chlorination and fluoridation. This training will help an individual learn the basic rules and functionalities of dealing with fractions, decimals, percentages, order of operations, unit conversations, and how they all relate to chemical addition. The training will cover basic water industry concepts of areas, volumes, and flow rates with relation to chemical addition. This training is designed to show all operators a surefire methodology for solving chlorination and fluoridation questions based around volumes and flow rates. An individual will learn how to calculate dosages, amount of chemical needed, chemicals used, and amount of chemicals present in the water.



Chlorination and Fluoridation Session 1 -  (recorded 01/09/23 – 2 hours 29 minutes)
This will focus on the basic rules and functionalities and area volumes. 


Chlorination and Fluoridation Session 2(recorded 01/10/23 – 2 hours 27 minutes)
This session will focus on solving chlorination questions based around volumes and flow rates. 


Chlorination and Fluoridation Session 3 (recorded 01/11/23 – 2 hours 43 minutes)
This session 
will focus on solving fluoridation questions based around volumes and flow rates.