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A Deep Dive into Air Permitting

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

A Deep Dive into Air Permitting


In Michigan, getting an air permit is an important part of using industrial equipment that emits air contaminants.  An air permit is free to apply for and is referred to as a “permit to install” or “PTI.”  Did you know you actually need an approved air permit in hand before you start construction?  And we mean even before you pour concrete!  A PTI is required if you plan to install, construct, reconstruct or modify existing equipment at your facility.  It can be a daunting task to put together a complete application and frustrating to submit an application, then get the dreaded “Off-line Tracking” letter or an additional information request.

The purpose of this Webinar Series is to help applicants put together a complete application from the beginning of the process to the end and ensure you have included all necessary elements – as well as how to work through some of the most complicated portions.  Air Quality Division staff will walk you through Best Practices as well as some of the more complicated regulations and rules on the books.





Practicable Enforceability (recorded 1/22/2020, 61 min)
Emissions, production, and operational restrictions, oh my!  In this session Permit Section Staff will talk you through what is necessary for a practicably enforceable restriction.  We will also provide you with some insight regarding essential information to include in your application.

Best Practices for a Complete Air Permit Application (recorded 1/22/2020, 60 min)
What does it mean to have a complete air permit application?  Sometimes you hear the Air Quality Division talk about administratively and technically complete; how does your application get there?  In this webinar we will go through what we are looking for in a complete application.  We’ll also include some tips and suggestions to help the permit application review process go more smoothly! 

Air Dispersion Modeling & Policy and Procedure AQD-022 (Recorded 2/20/2020, 60 min)
What does air modeling have to do with it?  When we’re talking about your air permit application, it could mean everything.  Tune in to this webinar and hear Permit Section Manager Annette Switzer discuss the air dispersion modeling Policy and Procedure and provide some clarification about when you need to model.  Meteorologist Jim Haywood will also be available to answer some of the tough “how to” questions, after you determine that modeling is necessary.  During his discussion we will also provide information about the recent revisions to Appendix W and what that means when putting together your application.

Air Toxics Rules and Your Permit Application (recorded 4/23/2020, 83 min)
What is an air toxic?  Just about anything that is not a criteria pollutant (with a few exceptions). By submitting an air permit application subject to Rule 201, the equipment included in the application is also subject to the state air toxics rules.  Join Air Quality Division staff to talk through what is required to go through an air toxics analysis, how you can do one, and what you would expect to see in your permit conditions.  We will also run through the use of the Allowable Emission Rate (AER) Table available on our website!

Meaningful Change and Policy and Procedure AQD-025 (Recorded 5/20/2020, 80 min)
Air permit in hand and ready to go, right?  Wait!  My coating changed; do I need to submit a new permit application and update my Air Toxics Analysis?  Maybe; first you must determine if it is a meaningful change.  Listen in to hear Andy Drury and Tracey McDonald discuss the Meaningful Change Policy and Procedure, including new helpful guidance.

Particulate Emissions (Recorded 6/24/2020, 63 min)
Emissions of particulate are important to include in your air permit application.  Did you know that there are different types of particulate and each are subject to different regulations?  Join Mark Mitchell to discuss PM, PM10 (particles 10 microns or less), PM2.5 (particles 2.5 microns or less) and condensable.  The discussion will include what to provide in your application, what emission limits and requirements you could see in your final permit conditions.

How to Perform a Top-Down Best Available Control Technology Analysis (BACT) (Recorded 9/23/2020,  57 min)
What is a Top-Down BACT analysis?  Well, for starters it has 5-steps!  Tune in with Catherine Asselin to hear about what to include in your air permit application for Top-Down BACT.  We will discuss what information to include, a cost-analysis and where this process is used.  Hint:  It applies to more than just Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)

Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)/Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Applicability – Part 1 – Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and NNSR (Recorded 10/21/2020,  67 min)
Wow! That is a lot of acronyms! With recent changes in attainment status for ozone, non-attainment new source review applications have been received along with PSD applications.  Join Air Quality Division staff to discuss PSD and Non-attainment New Source Review.  We will discuss the differences and commonalities between the two.  Also, provide some tips on what to include in your application.

Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)/Nonattainment New Source Review  (NNSR) Applicability – Part 2 – Baseline and Applicability Analyses (Recorded 11/10/2020,  56 min)
Applicability analyses for air permitting can be daunting.  What do baseline, projected actual, and potential mean?  It can be difficult to navigate and make sure the Air Quality Division has all the information in your application necessary to review your request.  Join Melissa Byrnes to get some tips and information about what to include as well as what you could expect during our review.