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Regina Strong

Environmental Justice Public Advocate

Regina Strong leads the Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate (OEJPA) in Michigan's Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer created the office in 2019 as an external and internal voice for Environmental Justice throughout Michigan. It establishes and implements processes and reporting of Environmental Justice complaints and helps resolve issues. As public advocate, Regina also leads the state’s Interagency Environmental Justice Response Team and established the Michigan Advisory Council on Environmental Justice.

For more than 30 years, Regina has been a leader in public affairs, advocacy, and the fight for justice and equity. Achieving Environmental Justice and intentionally addressing systemic inequities are core elements of her work.

Previously, she directed the Sierra Club’s Michigan Beyond Coal campaign, leading a team focused on transitioning our energy generation to clean, renewable energy. Regina also previously served as executive director of Community Development Advocates of Detroit, the trade association of nonprofit developers building affordable housing in the city. Throughout her career, she has advocated and organized to address inequities, ensure communities can speak for themselves, and build collaborative opportunities for change.

Regina earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State University and a Master of Science degree from Purdue University. She is an Environmental Leadership Program senior fellow in the Great Lakes Region.