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Wetland Monitoring

The department has worked with numerous other agencies and organizations to develop a Michigan Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Strategy.  This strategy defines long term goals, some of which depend on obtaining additional funding or resources.  The strategy includes the following objectives:

  • In cooperation with other public and private agencies and organizations, provide for the evaluation of Michigan's most outstanding wetland resources by supporting the long-term monitoring of coastal wetlands through the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Consortium (GLCWC), the Great Lakes Indicators Consortium's Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project, and similar cooperative efforts.
  • Assess statewide wetland quality by establishing a routine wetland monitoring program.  Incorporate wetland monitoring results into federal water quality reports.
  • Enhance the state's monitoring program and aid EPA in their efforts to assess nationwide water quality by participating in the 2011, 2016, and 2021 National Wetland Condition Assessment.