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Land applying biosolids
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy


Biosolids are nutrient-rich organic materials, which remain following the treatment of domestic sewage at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).  Biosolids undergo additional treatment processes to stabilize the materials and kill pathogens prior to being utilized as a soil amendment and conditioner.  Biosolids are typically beneficially used on agriculture land, although under certain conditions biosolids can be used on forest lands, reclamation sites and public use sites. Depending on the treatment process, they come in various forms, such as:  liquid, slurry, composted materials, or dried pellets.  Michigan’s Biosolids Program is regulated by EGLE’s Water Resources Division (WRD), under the authority of Part 31 of the Water Resources Protection of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, Michigan’s Part 24 Administrative Rules.