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Brownfield Grants and Loans

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Brownfield Grants and Loans

Brownfield grants and loans are available from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy for projects that promote economic development and reuse blighted and contaminated properties. Grants and loans can be used for environmental assessments and cleanups at properties with known or suspected contamination. EGLE grants and loans can help communities:

  • Revitalize abandoned properties and return them to tax rolls
  • Attract developers to brownfields, creating jobs and investment, and increasing nearby property values
  • Limit sprawl by reusing properties with existing infrastructure

General Information

Applicants may be local units of government including brownfield redevelopment authorities (BRAs), economic development corporations, or other public bodies created pursuant to state law. Applications are accepted year-round.

Grants and loans can pay for:

  • Environmental evaluations/assessments
  • Baseline Environmental Assessments
  • Due care planning and implementation
  • Response Activities
  • Demolition, lead, mold, and asbestos abatement
    • Up to $1 million grant and $1 million loan per project, or more for projects with significant economic or environmental benefits
    • Grants are available to determine whether a property with redevelopment potential is contaminated, and for due care and cleanup at contaminated properties with a specific redevelopment, when economic benefits will exceed the grant amount
    • Loans may be used at properties with suspected contamination and economic development potential
    • Grants cannot benefit a party responsible for an activity causing contamination.  Loans may be available when a responsible party will benefit, but with some restrictions.
  • Interest rate is 1.5 percent
  • 15-year payback, beginning with a 5-year interest-free, payment-free grace period
  • Loans may be repaid through a Brownfield Redevelopment Authority using tax increment financing
  • EGLE Brownfield Redevelopment staff collaborate with communities to determine eligibility and the optimal mix of project funding prior to application. Please contact an EGLE brownfield redevelopment coordinator to discuss your project.

    Below is a link to our list of recently awarded brownfield grant and loan projects, as well as amendments to those projects, since 2018.  If you have any questions about any of the projects, please contact your brownfield redevelopment coordinator.

    View the list of recently awarded brownfield grant and loan projects