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Advisory Board of Examiners for Drinking Water

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Advisory Board of Examiners for Drinking Water

Part 19 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, Act 399, P.A. 1976 as amended establishes the Advisory Board of Examiners, its duties and responsibilities. The Board is appointed by the director of EGLE pursuant to the provisions of section 9 of the act for a term of three years. Members of the Advisory Board may be re-appointed. Member vacancies in an unexpired term are filled by the director by appointment to complete the three year term.

Courtney Vincent

Brianna Moore

July 18th, 2024 - 9:30 a.m.

October 24th, 2024 - 9:30 a.m.

The Board assists the department in several areas regarding drinking water operator certification and also reviews training programs.  In the area of training, the Board evaluates and either approves or disapproves continuing education training.  If the Board approves training, they categorize such training as "technical", "managerial", or "other" and determine the continuing education training hour value in each category.  All training approved shall relate to the duties, responsibilities, operation, maintenance, or supervision of a drinking water system.  The advisory board also receives notice and provides a hearing opportunity to certified operators when there is consideration to suspend or revoke an operator's certificate.

The Board consists of one non-voting department staff representative and nine voting members who have expertise in one or more of the following areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Two certified water treatment operators certified at the F-1 level
  • Two certified water distribution operators certified at the S-1 level
  • One superintendent or manager
  • One local government administrator
  • Two members of the public at large
  • One professor of sanitary or environmental engineering

The Board meets not less than twice each year at designated times and places.  Members of the Board are not compensated, but are entitled to all actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties in accordance with rates established by the latest edition of the standard travel regulations of the State of Michigan.

The Advisory Board of Examiners for Drinking Water is not subject to the Open Meetings Act.