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Pathways to the Profession

There are many routes to a successful career in law.

Explore some of the incredible work Penn Carey Law students achieve during their internship, externship, and fellowship experiences.


Angela Yu Headshot

International Public Interest Litigation

Toll Public Interest Scholar Angela Yu L’26 is interning for Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) in Johannesburg, South Africa for 10 weeks this summer.

headshot of Will Fairhurst L'22

Protecting Affordable Housing

Toll Public Interest Fellow Will Fairhurst L’22 advocated for affordable housing in New Jersey.

headshot of Rebecca Orton

Advocating Fair Housing

Rebecca Orton L’22 is a 2022-2023 Catalyst Fellow and housing attorney with a previous career in theatre for social change.

headshots of Allison Nasson L'24 and Mikaela Wolf-Sorokin L'24

Skadden Fellowships

Allison Nasson L’24 and Mikaela Wolf-Sorokin L’24 have been awarded prestigious Skadden Fellowships.

headshot of Olivia Rosenzweig

International Law at the Department of Justice

As an extern with the Department of Justice, Olivia Rosenzweig L’23 worked on projects in the Office of Foreign Litigation and the Office of International Judicial Assistance.

Quentin Mansfield 1

Public–Private Partnerships in Real Estate Law

Quentin Mansfield L’25 writes, “The experiences and insights garnered in London reinforced the belief that with the right legal and policy framework, individual and community efforts can indeed shape large-scale urban development projects.”

Riann Winget in Amsterdam

Patchwork in the Polders

Riann Winget L’24 learned more about Amsterdam’s housing crisis during her ILR fellowship.

Giovanna Parini

The Context of Reproductive (In)Justice in Paraguay

Giovanna Parini SJD’25 writes, “it will take ‘a village’ to defend, protect, and secure human rights” in her home country of Parguay.

Hau Le

Liberal Ideas in Vietnamese Constitutional History

Hau Le SJD’25 is studying the development of the constitutional law of Vietnam for his SJD thesis.

Mostafa el-Harazi L'23

Bringing Human Rights Abusers to Justice

Mostafa El-Harazi L’23 leveraged his international law experience as an extern with Center for Justice and Accountability in co-founding the International Law Society at Penn.

Seeking Justice for Students in Idaho

As a Catalyst Fellow, Erica Rodarte L’22 launched an investigation of two Idaho school districts on behalf of Latine students.

Sarah Perlman L'22

Consumer Law & Elder Justice

At Greater Boston Legal Services, Sarah Perlman L’22 worked to ensure older adults retained access to financial resources and legal services supporting their economic independence.