Strategy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "strategy" Showing 181-210 of 1,275
Sun Tzu
“When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped.


when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.”
Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

Sun Tzu
“The onrush of a conquering force is like the bursting of pent-up waters into a chasm a thousand fathoms deep.”
Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

“Within a war, strategic decisions have to be made; the conquerors must apply methods that will put them in an advantage over their enemies or opponents”
David Sikhosana

“Things that drain your energy are not good for you, for your goals and for your dreams”
David Sikhosana

“The world is full of mysteries; unseen to the naked eye but experienced from within”
David Sikhosana

“Good business is simply good for business and seriously needed in solving the world’s wicked problems. And as a corporate business leader, you are crucial in this transformation. In understanding the challenges and providing purpose, direction, and resources, you can contribute to meaning, transformation and growth and help enhance the wellbeing of both people and our planet—all while futureproofing your corporate business to ensure that it stays relevant and attractive and can thrive going forward.”
Elisabet Lagerstedt, Better Business Better Future

“The world of corporate business is particularly well equipped to help solve the problems of the world through the ingenuity, creativity, collaboration and resources that it can so often call forth more effectively and efficiently than other human organizations.”
Elisabet Lagerstedt, Better Business Better Future

“We, as corporate business leaders, can go far beyond demonstrating in the streets. We can actually move capital, minds and action, and cooperate to nudge consumers into making choices that co-create the healthy future that we want and need for our business, humanity and the generations to come—our own children and grandchildren included.”
Elisabet Lagerstedt, Better Business Better Future

“As corporate business leaders (and consumers), we have seriously contributed to the dire situation that our planet is currently in. We have far too long left it to others to solve the problems that we have created. But what got us here will not get us into the future. We must realise that the challenges ahead are bigger than what we could have ever imagined and rethink how we do business so we can hand over a thriving planet and society to the coming generations.”
Elisabet Lagerstedt, Better Business Better Future

“Sustainability is no longer something for conscious consumers and brands in some of the most developed countries in the world but something that concerns us all. Across the world. Across industries. It should have been since the beginning of the industrial revolution.”
Elisabet Lagerstedt, Better Business Better Future

“Better Business can be described as a company that has a long-term perspective and is guided and inspired by a higher purpose that helps the organization create, deliver, and capture value to stakeholders while minimizing ecological and social costs, engaging its business ecosystem, and reducing its footprint.”
Elisabet Lagerstedt, Better Business Better Future

Ray Dalio
“To help you stay centered and effective, pretend that your life is a martial art or a game, the object of which is to get around a challenge and reach a goal. Once you accept its rules, you'll get used to the discomfort that comes with the constant frustration.
With practice, you will eventually play this game with a calm unstoppable centeredness in the face of adversity. Your ability to get what you want will thrill you.q”
Ray Dalio, Principles Life and Work / The Leader Who Had No Title / I Will Teach You To Be Rich / Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Ray Dalio
“To help you stay centered and effective, pretend that your life is a martial art or a game, the object of which is to get around a challenge and reach a goal. Once you accept its rules, you'll get used to the discomfort that comes with the constant frustration.
With practice, you will eventually play this game with a calm unstoppable centeredness in the face of adversity. Your ability to get what you want will thrill you.”
Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

“Operational art is what military staffs do to support tactics and strategy.”
B.A. Friedman, On Operations: Operational Art and Military Disciplines

“Prior to the advent of military staffs, armies and navies made military decisions via councils of war, in which the commander would assemble his major subordinates, solicit and pitch courses of action, and seek a consensus on which one to pursue. Napoleon eschewed such meetings once he had enough rank to forego them, calling them "a cowardly proceeding" intended more to shift blame than to determine an effective plan.”
B.A. Friedman, On Operations: Operational Art and Military Disciplines

Miyamoto Musashi
“When in a fight to the death, you must make fullest use of your weaponry. It is against our principles to die with a weapon yet undrawn.”
Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings: A Graphic Novel

“Being unlimited in your vision and goals but limiting your exposure in some ways is a great risk analysis strategy”
David Sikhosana, Time Value of Money: Timing Income

“Creating services that add value in other people’s lives should be the focus of every business and every entrepreneur”
David Sikhosana, Time Value of Money: Timing Income

“Whatever we do, will find its way back to us”
David Sikhosana, Time Value of Money: Timing Income

“In the realm of politics and power, a ruler’s most potent weapon lies not in their armies or their wealth, but within the depths of their own mind. It is the human imagination that distinguishes the great from the mediocre, allowing those with the necessary cunning to devise strategies and anticipate the machinations of their adversaries. As such, you must first acknowledge and embrace the sovereignty of your imagination if you are to ascend to the heights of power and influence.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“dreams. By understanding the various dimensions of power and embracing its potential, you can make it the driving force behind your ambitions. Harness the magnetic nature of power, feed your ambition, and develop your skills in manipulation to shape the life you desire. Always remember, however, that power comes at a price – be prepared to face the consequences of your actions as you ascend to the throne of your dreams.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“By understanding the various dimensions of power and embracing its potential, you can make it the driving force behind your ambitions. Harness the magnetic nature of power, feed your ambition, and develop your skills in manipulation to shape the life you desire. Always remember, however, that power comes at a price – be prepared to face the consequences of your actions as you ascend to the throne of your dreams.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The Machiavellian dreamer understands that the pursuit of power is akin to a game of chess, and it is through the mastery of strategy that one can achieve victory.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“Envision your life as a chessboard, with each piece representing an aspect of your dreams, resources, and potential obstacles. It is through the careful manipulation of these pieces that you can gain the upper hand in your pursuit of power. Study the board, learn the strengths and weaknesses of each piece, and plan your moves with precision and foresight.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“A skilled strategist knows when to bide their time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike or exploit a weakness in their adversaries. Learn to cultivate patience, and use it to gather intelligence, assess the shifting landscape of influence, and prepare for the moments when decisive action is required.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“One of the most potent strategies in the pursuit of power is to create divisions among your adversaries, weakening their alliances and making them more susceptible to your influence. Be attuned to the tensions and rivalries that exist within your sphere of influence, and learn how to exploit them for your own gain. By sowing discord among your rivals, you can more easily bend them to your will and consolidate your power.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The ability to adapt is critical to your survival and success. Develop a keen sense of observation, and be prepared to adjust your strategies and tactics as circumstances change. Recognize that even the best-laid plans may encounter unforeseen obstacles, and embrace the need for flexibility in the face of adversity. By remaining adaptable, you ensure that your dreams remain resilient and your pursuit of power remains unyielding.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“A skilled dreamer conducts a thorough assessment of the landscape, identifying potential threats and challenges that could hinder their path to power. By recognizing these obstacles in advance, you will be better prepared to adapt your strategies and maintain your momentum in the face of adversity.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“When confronted with adversity, the cunning dreamer will seek not only to overcome obstacles but also to exploit them. By identifying the weaknesses of your adversaries and the vulnerabilities in their defenses, you can turn adversity to your advantage, using the very challenges that stand in your way to propel you closer to your goals.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“Wants worth pursuing are carefully measured, intentionally disciplined, and thoughtfully organized.”
Scott Shumway, The Invisible Four-letter Word: The Secret to Getting What You Really Want in Life.