Strategy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "strategy" Showing 91-120 of 1,275
Katerina Stoykova Klemer
“Every advantage is temporary.”
Katerina Stoykova Klemer

Nancy Pelosi
“Organize, don't agonize.”
Nancy Pelosi

Joe Abercrombie
“This is stupid."

"Look. You think how stupid people are most of the time. Old men drink. Women at a village fair. Boys throwing stones at birds. Life. The foolishness and the vanity, the selfishness and the waste. The pettiness, the silliness. You think in war it must be different. Must be better. With death around the corner, men united against hardship, the cunning of the enemy, people must think harder, faster, be...better. Be heroic.

Only it's just the same. In fact do you know, because of all that pressure, and worry, and fear, it's worse. There aren't many men who think clearest when the stakes are highest. So people are even stupider in war than the rest of the time. Thinking about how they'll dodge the blame, or grab the glory, or save their skins, rather than about what will actually work. There's no job that forgives stupidity more than soldiering. No job that encourages it more.”
Joe Abercrombie, The Heroes

Sun Tzu
“If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst. [One may know the condition of a whole army from the behavior of a single man.]”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Carl von Clausewitz
“Our knowledge of circumstances has increased, but our uncertainty, instead of having diminished, has only increased. The reason of this is, that we do not gain all our experience at once, but by degrees; so our determinations continue to be assailed incessantly by fresh experience; and the mind, if we may use the expression, must always be under arms.”
Carl von Clausewitz

Chin-Ning Chu
“If you don't have a righteous objective,eventually you will suffer. When you do the right thing for the right reason,the right result awaits.”
Chin-Ning Chu, The Art of War for Women: Sun Tzu's Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning at Work

Horatio Nelson
“Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon.”
Horatio Nelson

Mark  Lawrence
“Battles are all about strategy, and strategy pivots on priorities. Since my priorities were Prince Jalan, Prince Jalan, and Prince Jalan, with “looking good” a distant fourth, I took the opportunity to resume running away. I find that the main thing about success is the ability to act in the moment. A hero attacks in the moment; a good coward runs in it. The rest of the world waits for the next moment and ends up as crow food.”
Mark Lawrence, Prince of Fools

Sun Tzu
“Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

John Christopher
“The secret of success in battle lies often not so much in the use of one's own strength but in the exploitation of the other side's weaknesses.”
John Christopher, When the Tripods Came

Sun Tzu
“Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

37 Signals
“Be a surfer. Watch the ocean. Figure out where the big waves are breaking and adjust accordingly.”
37Signals, Getting Real: The Smarter, Faster, Easier Way to Build a Web Application

Robert Lynn Asprin
“Numerical superiority is of no consequence. In battle, victory will go to the best tactician."- G. A. Custer”
Robert Lynn Asprin, Myth Conceptions

Toba Beta
“I'd paralyze anyone who wanted to hurt me.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Suzanne Collins
“That should have been my strategy! By the time I’ve worked through the emotions of surprise, admiration, anger, jealousy, and frustration, I’m watching that reddish mane of hair disappear into the trees well out of shooting range.”
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

Andrew Vachss
“Camouflage doesn't help when the other guy is willing to defoliate the whole jungle.”
Andrew Vachss, False Allegations

Germany Kent
“5 Ways To Build Your Brand on Social Media:

1 Post content that add value
2 Spread positivity
3 Create steady stream of info
4 Make an impact
5 Be yourself”
Germany Kent
tags: add-value, authors, be-social, bloggers, blogging, brand-image, building, change, change-agent, communication, content, content-curators, content-is-key, creative, digital, digital-age, digital-footprint, digital-marketing, digital-strategy, digital-transformation, digital-trends, dreams, focus, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, global-impact, higher-ed, higher-education, impact, increase-engagement, influencers, innovation, inspiration, internet, internet-marketing, lead-generation, logistics, marketing, marketing-strategy, marketing-tips, media, motivational-speakers, network-marketers, networking, online, online-branding, online-promotion, online-visibility, passion, personal-branding, positivity, power-of-twitter, progress, resource, resourceful, self-help-authors, seo, smart, social, social-behavior, social-change, social-content, social-correct, social-impact, social-media, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-behavior, social-media-branding, social-media-experts, social-media-for-authors, social-media-influencers, social-media-marketing, social-media-tips, social-networking, social-selling, storytellers, strategy, success, success-tips, successful, tech-for-good, think-before-you-post, thought-leaders, thought-provoking, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quote, twitter-quotes, twitter-tips, vision, what-you-tweet, will, you-are-what-you-post, you-are-what-you-tweet

Gary Hamel
“... all too often, a successful new business model becomes the business model for companies not creative enough to invent their own.

[2002] p.46”
Gary Hamel, Leading the Revolution: How to Thrive in Turbulent Times by Making Innovation a Way of Life

50 Cent
“That's when I realized that as long as you don't broadcast your beefs, you can get away cold with murder. It's even better if you don't allow the beef to take place. If someone disrespects you, you can know in your heard that you're going to get him, but you don't have to show him there's a beef. You can just look at it like, Okay, this nigga must not know. And then you fall back and you put it down.”
50 Cent, From Pieces to Weight: Once Upon a Time in Southside Queens

Toba Beta
“When you are dealing with an invisible enemy,
use most resources as shield, and a bit as a bait.”
Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

Toba Beta
“When you know your enemy is invincible,
run and hide, or may do business with him.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Gary Hamel
“Resilience is based on the ability to embrace the extremes -- while no becoming an extremist. ... **Most companies don't do paradox very well.**

(emphasis by author)
[2002] p.25f”
Gary Hamel, Leading the Revolution: How to Thrive in Turbulent Times by Making Innovation a Way of Life

Andrew Vachss
“The worst place to be is in the middle. When elephants fight, the grass
gets trampled.”
Andrew Vachss, Footsteps of the Hawk

Andrew Vachss
“The more bullets flying, the less accurate each individual slug has to be.”
Andrew Vachss

Thomas Jefferson
“I find that the harder I work , the more luck I seem to have.”
Thomas Jefferson

Gary Hamel
“**New business concepts are always, always the product of lucky foresight.**
That's right - the essential insight doesn't come out of any dirigiste planning process; it comes form some cocktail of happenstance, desire, curiosity, ambition and need. But at the end of the day, there has to be a degree of foresight -- a sense of where new riches lie. So radical innovation is always one part fortuity and one part clearheaded vision.

[first-line bold by author]
[2002] p.23”
Gary Hamel, Leading the Revolution: How to Thrive in Turbulent Times by Making Innovation a Way of Life

Reggie Joiner
“They are not working in sync. Working on the same thing at the same time is not as effective as working on the same thing a the same time with the same strategy.”
Reggie Joiner, Think Orange: Imagine the Impact When Church and Family Collide...

“It was at this time that he formulated a basic principle for the conduct of the Battle of Britain: that it was better to spoil the aim of many German aircraft than to shoot down a few of them.”
Vincent Orange, Park: The Biography of Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park, GCB, KBE, MC, DFC, DCL