Strategy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "strategy" Showing 241-270 of 1,275
Olawale Daniel
“In the wake of the generative content era, using AI to generate content for clients may seem convenient, but it is not a sustainable long-term strategy. Clients can easily access similar AI tools themselves. Instead, focus on leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance your creativity, streamline processes, and provide personalized value to your clients. With this, you are several yards ahead of the packs out there and your result will be massive.”
Olawale Daniel

Sun Tzu
“65. If the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Binod Shankar
“Most of the time your employer doesn’t really care about your career. All you are to them is a skilled and loyal resource. So don’t expect HR to regularly track a file marked “X’s Career.” Grasping this harsh reality should be the beginning of change.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

“Goals are for winners - dreams are for losers.”
Mark Taitz

Vandana  Yadav
“तैयारी मुकम्मल होने के बाद पहला प्रहार सामने वाले की ओर से किए जाने का इंतज़ार करना, कारगर रणनीति होती है।”
Vandana Yadav, शुद्धि

Shelley Parker-Chan
“Take him out drinking with you somewhere in Qingyuan tonight. Then on the way home,” she said, “kill him.” —Zhu”
Shelley Parker-Chan, He Who Drowned the World

Sun Tzu
“Having intelligence without conscience is like owning a field that you never cultivate. Having intelligence without courage is like having saplings and not planting them. Having courage without humanity is like knowing how to harvest without sowing.”
Sun Tzu, Art of War

Sun Tzu
“Anger can turn into love, and rage can transform into joy, but a shattered nation cannot be created, and the dead cannot be brought back to life.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Sun Tzu
“It is said that victorious warriors first win and then go to war, while defeated warriors first go to war and then seek to win.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Sun Tzu
“If you cannot completely thwart the enemy's plans, try to disrupt their alliances.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Sun Tzu
“Those who come seeking peace without mentioning an agreement are plotting against you.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Niccolò Machiavelli
“When someone enters a province with a different language, customs, and traditions, they must advocate for weaker powers than themselves, weaken the strong powers of that province, and, moreover, not allow a foreign ruler as powerful as themselves to enter those lands for any reason. That foreign ruler will come and settle there with the support of the people living in those lands who are unhappy due to fear or their immoderate ambitions.”
Niccolò Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Lui had made five mistakes: He had eliminated small powers, strengthened a powerful one in Italy, handed Italy over to a very strong foreigner, had not lived in Italy, and had not established a colony there.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Niccolò Machiavelli
“States accustomed to their own laws and freedoms have three ways to maintain control when they are conquered: The first is to eliminate them, the second is to go and settle there, the third is to subject them to taxation and establish a government composed of a small number of individuals who will ensure the friendship of the local people and allow them to live according to their own laws.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Wise individuals should always tread the paths that great people have walked, and they should emulate those who are truly worth emulating.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Any ruler who expects his name to be associated with generosity cannot do so without suffering harm. However, if he is wise, he should not be bothered by his name being associated with stinginess. This is because, over time, by acting frugally, he will realize that his income is sufficient for him, that he can defend himself against his enemies, and that he can implement his plans without causing hardship to his people. He will then realize that his name is more often associated with generosity among the vast majority to whom he has given generously, while he is seen as stingy by the minority to whom he has given nothing.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Everyone knows how commendable it is for a ruler to keep his word and act sincerely without cunning. However, we have seen through experience that in our time, rulers who achieve great feats are not those who keep their word. They have deceived people with their cunning and ultimately triumphed over sincere rulers.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

John Flanagan
“I picked this up again because every time I enter a really old building with a spiral staircase I remember this quote from this exact book about why spiral staircases spiral clockwise, and I don't know if it's true or apocryphal or just plain fiction -- I suppose I could look it up -- but I just love that it's permanently engrained in my memory at this point:

"That stairway would be a narrow spiral, set to the left-hand side and twisting the right as it ascended. In that way, a right-handed swordsman climbing the stairs would be at a disadvantage to a right-handed defender. An attacker would have to expose all of his body in order to use his sword, while the defender could strike with only his right side exposed. It was standard design for the castle tower.”
John Flanagan, The Siege of Macindaw

John Flanagan
“That stairway would be a narrow spiral, set to the left-hand side and twisting the right as it ascended. In that way, a right-handed swordsman climbing the stairs would be at a disadvantage to a right-handed defender. An attacker would have to expose all of his body in order to use his sword, while the defender could strike with only his right side exposed. It was standard design for the castle tower.”
John Flanagan, The Siege of Macindaw

“An arrow unleashed by an archer may kill a single man or not kill anyone; but a strategy unleashed by a wise man kills even those still in the womb (10.6.51)”
Kautilya (Author), Arthashastra

John Buchan
“Yon Sir Erchibald has poor notions o’ strawtegy.”
John Buchan

“Speed is a strategy it's in all the books”
Andrew Wood

Steven Brust
“If we do not know what we are doing, then it follows no one else does either; and, if no one knows what we are going to do, well then, why is someone so determined to stop us from doing it?”
Steven Brust, The Phoenix Guards

“I am a force for good, and I can empathize with others without losing my position and well-being”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Robin S. Baker
“One consistent step at a time.”
Robin S. Baker

“We can't allow our need for sales to cause us to vomit our business on our people.”
Kyle Draper, Rethink Everything: You “Know" About Social Media

Brian Herbert
“Our motivations are as important as our goals, use this to understand your enemy. With such knowledge you can either defeat him or, better, manipulate him into becoming your ally.
=Miles Teg”
Brian Herbert, Hunters of Dune

“Life is a mixture of e.g. – "E"xperiments which one attempts voluntarily to escape from status quo for better; "G"ames where one strategizes cooperatively or competitively.”
Fendi Tsim

Edward N. Luttwak
“В революционных же войнах, напротив, преобладающим контекстом выступает внутренняя борьба за контроль над правительством. Герилья является одним из инструментов этой борьбы, ее задача унизить и ослабить находящееся у власти полицейских и гражданских чиновников. Но главным инструментом революционной войны является подрывная деятельность -- разрушение официального административного аппарата посредством пропаганды и террора. Соотношение пропаганды и террора -- хороший показатель намерений: когда широко используется террор, а не пропаганда, демократическая форма правления не может быть целью повстанцев.”
Edward N. Luttwak, Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace

Robert Coover
“An old hand came down and touched a crown, veered past it to elect a seahorse, white as death: it leaped forward, but currents carried it slantwise. To be good, a chess player, too, had to convert his field to the entire universe, himself the ruler of that private enclosure—though from a pawn's-eye view, of course, it wasn't an enclosure at all, but, infinitely, all there was. Henry enjoyed chess, but found it finally too Euclidien, too militant, ultimately irrational, and in spite of its precision, formless really—nameless motion.”
Robert Coover, The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop.