Fitting In Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fitting-in" Showing 121-150 of 156
Donna Lynn Hope
“She may have been among them but she could never be one of them. She was without inclusion for-as-much as she was not "one of the girls" and she wasn't "one of the guys." She was an outsider gazing in, endlessly comfortless, while they wished they had what it took to be less like the others and more like her.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Melissa Keil
“And, anyway it's not always about fitting in."

"It's not?"

"Nope. Sometimes, it's about reading your environment real quick, and then finding the bits that fit you.”
Melissa Keil, Life in Outer Space

Suzanne Palmieri
“You really are a chameleon, aren't you? Fitting in wherever you go.

"Aren't we all?" she said...”
Suzanne Palmieri, The Witch of Belladonna Bay

Gena Showalter
“When people look at me, they automatically assume I'm dark and weird. Why can't they see the truth? I'm just a girl, trying to find my place in the world.”
Gena Showwalter

Leah Braemel
“His eyes searched hers. “I’d rather just be me. Feel comfortable in my own skin and be able to speak my mind without having to carry a damned thesaurus. Sure doesn’t seem worth giving up who you are to please others. Far as I’m concerned, they either like me or they don’t. Their choice.”
Leah Braemel, Slow Ride Home

“For the first time in my life, I actually wished that everyone was the same. And I despised myself for my "differentness" or "uniqueness" as an individual. In the world there are lots of social groups people can fit into, and I've spent time roaming in and out of a few and being kicked out of many. Now I stand on the outside and look in. Wondering where is my place. Coming to a conclusion, I have no place.”
Laura Hanna

“Never laugh at the man that asks 'stupid' questions. Just remember, when all of society thought the world was flat, a man once questioned, "What if the world was round?”
Jeremy Smith

Jael McHenry
“Everybody struggles with this stuff, you know. With social discomfort and grief and fitting in. People with syndromes, people with disorders, people with diagnoses, and without. People who would be classified as neurotypical. Idiots and geniuses, maids and doctors. Nobody's got it all figured out.”
Jael McHenry (The Kitchen Daughter)

Joyce Rachelle
“You can do everything right and still feel out of place.”
Joyce Rachelle

M.F. Moonzajer
“Beauty is the replication and duplication of mind’s delusion. It is not uniqueness or exceptionality; it is the mentality of belonging and fitting in.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Justine Hail
“Friends are a wonderful thing. They won't make you feel like a nothing.”
Justine Hail

Melissa Keil
“So the person you drag with you - she manages to fit in no matter where she goes?'
'Well - she didn't always. But she's levelled up a lot since she started out. She just upgrades her equipment and hopes that there aren't any evil guilds waiting to shoot her in the back. And anyway, it's not always about fiting in, Dex.”
Melissa Keil, Life in Outer Space

Pamela Nicole
“Teenagers are complicated and at times stubborn, yes, but we are not dumb. We see the world in a different light than the rest do, and sometimes, we’re misunderstood because of it. And that’s alright. That must be the definition of ‘human being’: Misunderstood. But neither of us should tolerate degradation in any of it forms.”
Pamela Nicole, Fit In or Fit Out

Amy Reed
“Everyone at school has their little group. Even the people nobody likes seem to tolerate each together enough to sit together at lunch. But I just sort of wander around by myself most of the time. It'd almost be better if I thought no one liked me, if I had some weird tick or social inadequacy that could easily explain my alienation, but it's not that easy. People talk to me at school and invite me to parties, but something's missing on the smaller scale. I don't belong to anybody. I don't have anyone who is mine.”
Amy Reed, Crazy

Amy Reed
“Everyone at school has their little group. Even the people nobody likes seem to tolerate each other enough to sit together at lunch. But I just sort of wander around by myself most of the time. It'd almost be better if I thought no one liked me, if I had some weird tick or social inadequacy that could easily explain my alienation, but it's not that easy. People talk to me at school and invite me to parties, but something's missing on the smaller scale. I don't belong to anybody. I don't have anyone who is mine.”
Amy Reed, Crazy

Michelle Madow
“How was Savannah supposed to pretend this glamorous life was what she’d always known? She was from a slummy neighborhood in a town outside San Francisco. These people were going to see right through her.”
Michelle Madow, The Secret Diamond Sisters

Eloise Jarvis McGraw
“Why, you'll be 'changed, m'dear. We'll just swap you for a human child who'll make a good servant to the Band. Half Humans never work out 'mongst the Folk. No, never do."
"But--I'm half Folk too... What if I never work out 'mongst the humans?"
"Aye, you're neither one thing nor yet quite t'other. Pity, but there 'tis.”
Eloise Jarvis McGraw

Paolo Giordano
“They weren't smiling and were looking in opposite directions, but it was as if their bodies flowed smoothly into each other's, through their arms and fingers. . . . There was a shared space between their bodies, the confines of which were not well delineated, from which nothing seemed to be missing and in which the air seemed motionless, undisturbed.”
Paolo Giordano, The Solitude of Prime Numbers

Joyce Rachelle
“Take comfort in the knowledge that you are different, even from the different ones.”
Joyce Rachelle

“I fit perfectly within my vibration. I am wholly complete in the knowledge that I am who I am supposed to be!”
Debbie A. Anderson

“Exactly. We don't belong here. They're not staring out of disdain, Jordan; they're staring out of jealousy. We don't have to be a part of the horrible modelling industry. You don't have to watch what you eat and I don't have to worry about how many zits are on my face. We can be whoever the fuck we want, a type of liberty that a majority of people crave.”
Cameron How to be a Girl

Auden Johnson
“You, baby sister, keep trying to fit your body in a box it was never meant to be in.”
Auden Johnson, The Sciell

Pamela Nicole
“We won’t be able to choose who we’ll have to talk to in order to keep advancing in life. We won’t always like them, and they will most likely not like us back either, so it’s wrong to confine ourselves in our own little worlds when there’s plenty of it outside to explore.”
Pamela Nicole, Fit In or Fit Out

Michelle Madow
“Did other people have this much trouble fitting in, or was it just her?”
Michelle Madow, Diamonds are Forever

Debasish Mridha
“Don’t try to fit in; try to change.”
Debasish Mridha

S.R. Crawford
“Why do the birds return?”
“What d’you mean?” Brandon looked lost all of a sudden.
“I mean, they could go anywhere. They’re free…so why do they return to this place?”
Brandon grinned. “Cause home’s home no matter how bleak.”
S.R. Crawford, Bloodstained Betrayal

“Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out?” “I’m nothing special. I’m drowning,” I whisper. “Then kick out. Put one arm in front of the other. That’s all there is to swimming.”
If I Wake

Ashley Newell
“You won't fit in around here, Skid," he said lightly. "A do-gooder like you can burn out fast.”
Ashley Newell, Freakhouse

Terri Gillespie
“It was happening. At least in that little section of the salon, women were connecting and doing what women knew how to do, show compassion, nurturing—helping someone fit in.”
Terri Gillespie, Cut It Out!

Amy Reed
“Everyone at school has their little group. Even the people nobody likes seem to tolerate each other enough to sit together at lunch. But I just sort of wander around by myself most of the time. It'd almost be better if I thought no one liked me, if I had some weird tick or social inadequacy that could easily explain my alienation, but it's not that easy. People talk to me at school and invite me to parties, but something's missing on the smaller scale. I don't belong to anybody. I don't have anyone who is mine”
Amy Reed, Crazy