Fitting In Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fitting-in" Showing 91-120 of 156
Andrena Sawyer
“You have to stop worrying about whether people like you. Some people don't even like themselves.”
Andrena Sawyer

Melinda French Gates
“What I realized much later, paradoxically, is that by trying to fit in, I was strengthening the culture that made me feel like I didn’t fit in.”
Melinda Gates, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World

Joyce Rachelle
“If I exist, then surely there must be someone else out there like me.”
Joyce Rachelle

Joe Meno
“It will happen soon. Someday you will find yourself surrounded by people with the exact same interests as you, and you will never feel out of place again,” I say, already wary of the incredible lie I am telling.”
Joe Meno, Demons in the Spring

Yong Kang Chan
“True acceptance doesn’t require you to fit in or change who you are. It doesn’t have to be sought; it’s given to you.”
Yong Kang Chan, Reconnect to Love: A Journey From Loneliness to Deep Connection

Ogwo David Emenike
“Better to embrace the discomfort of being different than the comfort of fitting in.”
Ogwo David Emenike

Joyce Rachelle
“Invisibility can be good as a superpower. But psychiatry reveals people don't like it very much.”
Joyce Rachelle

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is an extremely strong desire in a fool to be regarded as cool.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Charlotte Eriksson
“I never really found a way to fit in or stand out and I lost myself in the crowd and people’s expectations.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps

April  Daniels
“But I don’t get to fit. Not anywhere.”
April Daniels, Dreadnought

Joyce Rachelle
“Don't stay in the harbour and miss the greatness of the sea. Just because everyone else is anchored, doesn't mean you have to be.”
Joyce Rachelle

Amber Hurdle
“Much to the confusion of small-minded people, confidence does not equate arrogance.”
Amber Hurdle, The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave Female Entrepreneur

Jeff Foster
“Friend, I love your rebellious heart.”
Jeff Foster, Way of Rest

Emma   Mills
“It was endearing, in that way that almost ached sometimes, how much my folks wanted Foster to be okay. And I think even more than I did, they wanted Foster to be normal. For me, being normal meant fitting in. For them, I think, it just meant being happy.”
Emma Mills, First & Then

Karl Wiggins
“Marilyn Monroe was a Carefree Scamp and she often felt like she didn’t belong, as if she’d somehow landed on the Wrong Planet. Clearly she wouldn’t phrase it that way, but throughout her life she was searching for members of her own tribe”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Erika L. Sánchez
“You know, I just... I just feel like it's unfair, that my whole life is unfair, like I was born into the wrong place and family. I never belong anywhere. My parents don't understand anything about me. And my sister is gone. Sometimes I watch those stupid TV shows, you know? The ones where mothers and daughters talk about feelings and fathers take their kids to play baseball or get ice cream or some shit like that, and I wish it were me. It's so stupid, I know, to want your life to be a sitcom.”
Erika L. Sánchez, I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter

Mango Wodzak
“If you don't fit in you are probably doing something right.”
Mango Wodzak, The Eden Fruitarian Guidebook

Elaine N. Aron
“We make it especially hard for others to observe our trait when it means we are observing and not "behaving," at least at first. Further, we are so responsive to our environments that we can be something like chameleons when around others, doing whatever it takes to fit in.”
Elaine N. Aron, The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You

Kate DiCamillo
“It's kind of a strange church and I thought Winn-Dixie would fit right in.”
Kate DiCamillo, Because of Winn-Dixie

Andrena Sawyer
“Authenticity is the language of visionaries.”
Andrena Sawyer

Theresa Romain
“What I mean is, she doesn't need to collect things for the sake of collecting them. She never has. She only wears gowns that make her feel beautiful, and she only spends time with people whose company she likes. She wants to please herself, not others. It doesn't matter to her if the things she likes are the ones other people think are the best.”
Theresa Romain, It Takes Two to Tangle

Dana Arcuri
“I stopped trying to fit in. Stopped going with the flow. Stopped blending in with the world. I stopped trying to mold myself into what others thought a “good” Christian should look like or act like.”
Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith In The Dark

Taylor Jenkins Reid
“Don't ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box, Monique.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Jackie French
“Why were humans so good at not seeing anyone who didn't fit into their vision of how things should be?”
Jackie French, If Blood Should Stain the Wattle

Viv Albertine
“I feel more confident with the posh mums. I’ve found someone who gets me. It’s OK that I don’t fit in here, I fit in somewhere else, so I can relax. I’m not mad, I’m not wrong, I’m just not in the right environment.”
Viv Albertine, Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys

Amber Hurdle
“Who cares what insecure people think who are insanely jealous that you are OK with yourself?”
Amber Hurdle, The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave Female Entrepreneur

Amber Hurdle
“Don’t be bothered with what you think other people expect of you when it comes to your raw talent.”
Amber Hurdle, The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave Female Entrepreneur

K. Aten
“Well, Queen Orianna, back home I was like an almond tree growing in an orchard of apples. But here…everybody is nuts!”
K. Aten, The Fletcher

Starr Z. Davies
“There’s nothing exciting about being ordinary.”
Starr Z. Davies, Ordinary

Michael Greger
“I’m not interested in offering dueling anecdotes, nor am I interested in dietary dogma, beliefs, or opinions. What I am interested in is the science. When it comes to making life-and-death decisions that concern something as important as your own health and that of your family, as far as I’m concerned, there’s only one question: What does the best available balance of evidence say right now? That’s what I’ve tried to encapsulate in this book.”
Michael Greger, How Not to Diet