Fitting In Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fitting-in" Showing 61-90 of 156
Pip Williams
“I often wondered what kind of slip I would be written on if I was a word. Something too long, certainly. Probably the wrong colour. A scrap of paper that didn't quite fit. I worried that perhaps I would never find my place in the pigeon-holes at all.”
Pip Williams, The Dictionary of Lost Words

Emiko Jean
“Born a foreigner
I carry two halves with me
Loose skin I pull on
To go places and don't fit
Like apple pie and mochi”
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Ever After

Stephenie Meyer
“I supposed, being shy as she appeared to be, attention would seem like a bad thing to her. Most humans felt the opposite. Though they didn’t want to stand out from the herd, at the same time they craved a spotlight for their individual uniformity.”
Stephenie Meyer, Midnight Sun

“If anything is worth doing then do it with all your dedication and passion, you never know what success it may bring to you.

Think once! Follow your passion...”
Bhawna Dehariya

Ben Crawford
“Ignore the outside voices telling you you're doing it wrong; there is no "wrong." But also watch out for wanting to fit in so badly that you start hiking someone else's hike”
Ben Crawford, 2,000 Miles Together: The Story of the Largest Family to Hike the Appalachian Trail

Victoria Schwab
“How much of my longings are for a self that looks like other selves.”
Victoria Schwab

Diana-Maria Georgescu
“People expect you to follow their "rules", to fit in, to be like the others, and when you consciously choose not to and you follow your inner voice, you don't belong there anymore.”
Diana-Maria Georgescu, THE UNSTOPPABLE THIRST : El Camino de Santiago de Compostela An Alchemic Path Towards The Inner Self

Vera Brosgol
“Oh, please. I'm such a loser. The only thing that's different about me now versus then is that I got some better clothes and got rid of my accent. You'll probably lose yours, too. But even if you don't, this is just high school. Impressing a bunch of snooty teenagers is a pretty lame life goal to have.”
Vera Brosgol, Anya's Ghost

Vera Brosgol
“I know⁠—I know I said before I wasn't like you... It's not true. I'm enough like you to know how you feel. Wanting how others look, what they have, who they have! Everyone else's life seems so much easier... But that's all you know! What you want! You don't know what's going on inside anyone else's head.”
Vera Brosgol, Anya's Ghost

Vanessa Ooms
“I put on the mask and robe, thinking that it would help me fit in. But soon the plaster crumbled and the fabric frayed, showing my true skin.”
Vanessa Ooms, Do It For You: How to Stop People-Pleasing and Find Peace

Rose McGowan
“Theirs was a language I didn’t, and couldn’t, speak. They had concerns in life to which I couldn’t relate; my problems were about surviving. When you have really big, dark things happen to you, it takes a lot more to care about things. It felt like I was about eight thousand years old in a small person’s body, essentially an alien among those who understood traditional societal constructs.”
Rose McGowan, Brave

Henry Handel Richardson
“She could not then know that, even for the squarest peg, the right hole may ultimately be found”
Henry Handel Richardson, The Getting of Wisdom

“I can't help it, it's what I feel. And I can't change it, nor can I explain it. I was just naïve enough to believe that the people closest to me would get it. I don't understand how a biological condition can end up defining how we are supposed to live - what kind of work we should do, how we should dress, how we should feel, whom to love? How to walk! It seems like the only way I can exist is if the world can decode me according to a gender. Anything else makes people uncomfortable and my existence becomes a freak show.”
Nandita Basu, Rain Must Fall

“If you’ve had to make an effort to fit-in , then it concludes that you’ve been trying on the wrong size”
Dr. Anhad Kaur Suri

“There is no such thing as 'normal.' Normal is just a setting on the dryer."
- Ariana's Grandma”
Carol Stein. Lexi Stein's mom!

Marlon James
“The world is fickle about witches.'
'The wold is fickle about women.”
"Where in all this do you fit?"
"I'm not trying to fit," I say.”
Marlon James, Moon Witch, Spider King

Gary Shteyngart
“Poor Sasha."

"Not meant for these times," Ed said. They were both somehow cheered up by this conversation. "But he means well.”
Gary Shteyngart, Our Country Friends

Jamie Arpin-Ricci
“When belonging is weaponized to coerce conformity and submission it ceases to be belonging at all, corrupting any hope of true community.”
Jamie Arpin-Ricci

Cali Willette
“I'm the stranger in the foreign land;
The one walking without a brand.
The one with someone deep within.
I want to be the one who doesn't fit in.”
Cali Willette, Fractures of Gold

Erin Morgenstern
“He tells himself that it is not a bad life. That there is nothing wrong with being a farmer. But still, the discontent remains. Even the ground beneath his feet feels unsatisfying to his boots.”
Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus

Alice Feeney
“There have been plenty of people in my life - family, friends, colleagues, lovers, a forecast of the usual suspects that make a person's social circle - but mine has always felt a little bent out of shape. None of the relationships I've ever formed with another human being feel real to me, more like a series of missed connections. People might recognize my face, they may even know my name, but they'll never know the real me. Nobody does. I've always been selfish with the true thoughts and feelings inside my head. I don't share them with anyone because I can't. There is a version of me I can only ever be with myself.”
Alice Feeney, His & Hers

Kara Swanson
“Yeah, just be aware. London is pretty far away . . .” An odd note comes into his voice. “It’s practically another world.”
Another world . . .
The thought and his hesitant tone should unnerve me, but all I can do is shrug.
“Well, maybe a new world is just what I need.”
After all, I’ve never quite fit into this one.”
Kara Swanson, Dust

Laline Paull
“To spin like everyone else was the key to fitting in, and if she could only hear the music of the ocean like everyone else, she too would be able to tune in and do it.”
Laline Paull, Pod

“Hey, can you not tell any of the kids at school about all this? I’m still trying to fit in. I don’t want to be known as the girl with the magical appliances. I just don’t want that stuff defining me.”
Jesse Jacobs, Crawl Space

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“working out whether you feel comfortable as a member of this community - and comfortably anonymous within it, too. Do you feel normal here? (...) ‘Fitting in’ sounds so dull and passive, but when it comes to your neighbourhood, sticking out is worse.”
Hugo Macdonald, How to Live in the City

Holly Black
“She looks soft, pretty, like a girl in a painting. Like a girl who fits inside her own skin.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Sarah J. Maas
“I don't really know where I fit in anymore,' I admitted...

'I've been alive almost five and a half centuries, and I'm not sure of that, either,' Azriel said.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Wajahat Ali
“This entire experience, although seemingly harmless in the grand cosmic scheme of life, was a perfect microcosm of the American dream. The good minority earned his rank by beating up the bad minority--a tale as old as the founding of this country. You try to gain as much proximity to whiteness and as much distance as you can from Blackness or the villain of the day, in order to become accepted by the mainstream.”
Wajahat Ali, Go Back to Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American