
Chameleon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chameleon" Showing 1-29 of 29
Lana Del Rey
“I was always an unusual girl.
My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.”
Lana Del Rey

Ally Carter
“I wanted to pull away, remind him that I was a big girl, a highly trained operative, a spy - that I'd been training for this mission my entire life, and I wasn't going to be left on the sidelines. But in the dim space with Zach pressed tightly against me, only one thought came to mind. I kissed him - longer and deeper than I ever had before. The school was not watching us this time. There was nothing playful in the tone. We were just two people kissing as if for the first time, as if it might be the last.

And then I broke away. "So," I asked, as if I got kissed like that all the time (which, believe me, I don't), "where is it you're taking me again?"

"The tombs.”
Ally Carter

ساره عاشور
“التناسي هذا هو اللعبة المُفضلة للبشر هو ما يُجيدونه حد الكمال عن أي شيء أخر يفعلونه ومن أجله اخترعوا الكذبة الأكبر في تاريخ البشرية "القدرة على النسيان" فأنت لا تنسى حقًا بل تتناسى.”
ساره عاشور

John Green
“The problem with chameleoning your way through life is that it gets to the point where nothing is real.”
John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

“Healthy people understand that others have the capacity to choose to end relationships and it serves as motivation for them to learn to relate in healthy and loving ways. However, when we are driven by shame, we don't just fear losing a relationship, but we live in terror that if we let anyone really get to know us, we would never be desired, pursued, or loved. In us, that fear can be worked out in the development of unhealthy denial, workaholism, perfectionism, chameleon-type behavior, and sadly, even revictimization... When we live in denial or present a false self out of fear... we will do anything to be accepted by people... When we begin to tell the truth about what happened to us we also begin the process of turning about from this type of idolatry... When we begin to tear away our layers of illegitimate shame... When our own vision is not distorted by our shame we can discern what was our responsibility and what wasn't.”
Wendy Mahill, Growing a Passionate Heart

Suzanne Palmieri
“You really are a chameleon, aren't you? Fitting in wherever you go.

"Aren't we all?" she said...”
Suzanne Palmieri, The Witch of Belladonna Bay

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you are in the company of lunatics, behave like a lunatic. When you are in the company of intelligentsias, speak with brilliance...that is how a chameleon behaves, the territory changes it, and it adapts to the changes.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Donna Tartt
“I am gifted at blending myself into any given milieu—you've never seen such a typical California teenager as I was, nor such a dissolute and callous pre-med student—but somehow despite my efforts, I am never able to blend myself in entirely and remain in some respects quite distinct from my surroundings, in the same way that a green chameleon remains a distinct entity from the leaf upon which it sits, no matter how perfectly it has approximated the the subtleties of the particular shade.”
Donna Tartt, The Secret History

ساره عاشور
“ما نكتبه عنهم مُكرر لأنهم هم هكذا مُكررون بحكاياتهم وعذاباتهم وحتى لحظات ضعفهم وانهيارهم كل شيء بهم لا يخرج عن عدد مُحدد من السيناريوهات المُعدة مُسبقًا وكأن كُلٍ منهم يقف على باب المشهد التالي لحياته ممسكًا للورق بإحكام مُراجعًا كل كلمة مع نفسه مستلهمًا منها ما يجب عليه أن يشعر به ثم يتنفس قليلًا ويضع الورق جانبًا ويذهب ليُردد ما عليه قوله”
ساره عاشور

Rossana Condoleo
“Q: Have you been released or are you still a Beta version?
A: No official release of myself will ever follow!
Q: Then, you are not!
A: I”
Rossana Condoleo

Neena H. Brar
“It was hard to tell with her. Like a chameleon, Devika effortlessly feigned the role she sensed the other person expected to see, subject to what she wanted in return—mere admiration, for which she had a vast appetite for, or to get something she desired at that particular moment.”
Neena H. Brar, Tied to Deceit

“The Nice Guy is not a nice guy, he's not kind, respectful or honest. He's a chameleon. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.”
Traver Boehm, Man Uncivilized

Robin S. Baker
“Don't be afraid to transform, change, or express yourself as much as your soul feels called to. It isn't your job to fit into the narrative that others have conjured up for you. If you know you are the chameleon, then be that unapologetically.”
Robin S. Baker

“Chameleon Is The Animal Which Change According To Surrounding, Feature Similar To Human”

“Chameleon Is The Animal Which Change According To Surrounding, Feature Similar To Human”
Ax-n Arshed

Katja Millay
“I think I’ll stay in pieces. I can shift them, rearrange, depending on the day, depending on what I need to be. I can change on a whim and be so many different girls and none of them has to be me.”
Katja Millay, The Sea of Tranquility

“A beggar is as vulnerable as a chameleon.”
Goitsemang Mvula

Belart Wright
“I am whatever I need to be to survive. Roles are as interchangeable as clothes and there are enough fools out there for me to live a long and prosperous life. The role I’ll play next is that of executioner,” Rondo replied, grinning at each pause.”
Belart Wright, Into a Dark Adventure

R.P. Heaven
“I felt as if my own personality was changing shades or even as if I had no personality. I was a blank canvas and I let people paint their own shadows onto me freely. With what was left of my intuition I must have grasped the symbolism of it. This must be the explanation why when we were all asked by our literature teacher 'What animal do you indetify with?' I answered 'chameleon'.”
R.P. Heaven, Awakening Ignited

Enock Maregesi
“Ghillie ni mavazi yaliyotumiwa na makomandoo wa Tume ya Dunia ya Kudhibiti Madawa ya Kulevya (Frederik Mogens, Radia Hosni, Daniel Yehuda na John Murphy) kama mbinu ya kujificha kwa kujifananisha na rangi au maumbo ya mazingira ya Msitu wa Benson Bennett, kama afanyavyo kinyonga. Hata hivyo, walivyoingia katika jumba la utawala katika maabara za Kolonia Santita ndani ya Msitu wa Benson Bennett katika mji wa Salina Cruz, Vijana wa Tume walivua suti zao za ghillie; kusudi iwe rahisi kwao kupambana na jeshi binafsi la Kolonia Santita, liitwalo 'autodefensa'.”
Enock Maregesi

Elizabeth Gilbert
“You know, you seem like a completely different person, now that you're with this new boyfriend. You used to look like your husband, but now you look like David. You even dress like him and talk like him. You know how some people look like their dogs? I think maybe you always look like your men.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Eraldo Banovac
“Living a short life as a proud person is more worthwhile than living a whole century as a chameleon.”
Eraldo Banovac

Avijeet Das
“He was a chameleon. He could change his appearance in seconds. He was a master in disguise and he could baffle the best in the game (read CIA, FBI, KGB, etc)

So, what looked like a man looking into her eyes and playing the rituals of dating, to the girl in the group, was actually the chameleon observing the entrance of the bar behind the girl, near where the group was busy celebrating.

It was all in his sinister plan. To wait for Alex to enter the bar and then go for the kill!”
Avijeet Das

Avijeet Das
“He was a chameleon. He could change his appearance in seconds. He was a master in disguise, and he could baffle the best in the game (read CIA, FBI, KGB, etc).

So, to the girl, what looked like a man looking into her eyes and playing the rituals of dating, was in reality the chameleon observing the entrance of the bar behind the girl, near where the group was busy celebrating.

It was all in his ingenious plan - to wait for Alex to enter the bar and then go for the kill!”
Avijeet Das

Liz Braswell
“She knew it was a lizard from pictures in the fairy-tale book, long and lithe and dry and scaly but with legs, unlike a snake (lizards were turned into handsome footmen in "Cinderella"). Probably a skink of some kind. The reptile bore her touch with the vacuous patience of a cold-blooded creature that liked to be warm and didn't smell anything dangerous like a fox or a hawk. Its experience with humans was minimal to none.
Rapunzel, of course, assumed this not-running-away meant it was a potential Wilderness Friend.
"I'm not going to kill you," she promised the little lizard and herself. "You adorable soft-skinned thing! You're perfect!"
She would tell her mother what she had done and then show her mother the lizard... and then it was only a matter of convincing her to take her to the floating lights. She wasn't a danger.
"Isn't that right... Pascal? I'm going to call you Pascal!" And with that she plucked the lizard deftly up and put him on her shoulder.”
Liz Braswell, What Once Was Mine

Liz Braswell
“Without knowing why, she brought her hair up to Pascal again. She knew he wouldn't be hurt. The little lizard was intrigued by whatever was going on; he nosed into her locks like a curious kitten.
Immediately the sparkles that pulsed through her hair danced around him, falling and flickering. Soon they completely covered the little lizard like snow. Rapunzel watched, enchanted.
Then he sneezed. Embers of magic flicked and faded as they fell to the earth.
Rapunzel gasped.
Pascal was perfectly fine.
He just wasn't-- Pascal.
He was an entirely different lizard. A lizard Rapunzel had never seen before, in books or anywhere. His eyes were now two balls that perched on the sides of his head and looked around independently of each other. His back was a graceful arch. His feet had two pairs of strange toes that opened up in the middle like claws. And his tail! It curled around and around and clasped onto her arm- prehensile and grasping, not a limp thing that just hung there to help with balance (and to occasionally break off and confuse a predator).
And he was looking at himself! Holding his feet out one at a time and admiring them, thwacking the tip of his tail and snapping his mouth in satisfaction. Like a... person. He thoughtfully gazed back at his body, considering it.
His skin suddenly started to change color: a wave of brown, and then red, pulsed through him from nose to tail.
"Pascal!" Rapunzel cried. "You're a dragon!"
She only wished he had turned into a slightly larger dragon so she could ride and/or hug him.”
Liz Braswell, What Once Was Mine

Benjamin Tammuz
“ודע לך שאתה מצאצאי הגזע, שהוא לפעמים כזיקית ולפעמים כזמיר. והזיקית – למען תחיה – מחליפה צבעיה לפי חליפות הזמנים והנסיבות; והזמיר – למען יחיה – שר שיר יחיד כמשוגע איש הרוח. ומשני מיני הטבָעים האלה עשויה גם נפשך. וראה שתהיה זיקית בצאתך וזמיר בביתך. אשרי מי שכתלי ביתו איתנים.”
Benjamin Tammuz, הזיקית והזמיר

Trevor Noah
“I’d rather held back with people I liked than move ahead with people I didn’t know”
Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Only the chameleon adapts to any environment it comes into contact with, including the concept of scanning the environment with its eyes in 360 degrees.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo