Enemies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "enemies" Showing 151-180 of 816
John Lescroart
“The essence of fascism is to make laws forbidding everything and then enforce them selectively against your enemies.”
John Lescroart, A Plague of Secrets

Sabaa Tahir
“Seeing the enemy as human. A general's ultimate nightmare.”
Sabaa Tahir, An Ember in the Ashes

Israelmore Ayivor
“Fire False Friends as early as possible. Do it before they dig out the dream seeds you've planted! The earlier, the better; the quicker, the safer!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Sun Tzu
“Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

William Shakespeare
“At this hour
Lie at my mercy all mine enemies.”
William Shakespeare, The Tempest

Howard Tayler
“Maxim 29:
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.

-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries”
Howard Tayler

Sun Tzu
“For should the enemy strengthen his van, he will weaken his rear; should he strengthen his rear, he will weaken his van; should he strengthen his left, he will weaken his right; should he strengthen his right, he will weaken his left. If he sends reinforcements everywhere, he will everywhere be weak.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

William Hazlitt
“I am not, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, a good-natured man; that is, many things annoy me besides what interferes with my own ease and interest. I hate a lie; a piece of injustice wounds me to the quick, though nothing but the report of it reach me. Therefore I have made many enemies and few friends; for the public know nothing of well-wishers, and keep a wary eye on those who would reform them.”
William Hazlitt

Heather Brewer
“Wrong. Enemies don't fight with such determined passion. That kind of focus is reserved for friends at odds with one another."
pg 69 Tomas to Vlad”
Heather Brewer, Twelfth Grade Kills

Sun Tzu
“If we wish to fight, the enemy can be forced to an engagement even though he be sheltered behind a high rampart and a deep ditch. All we need do is attack some other place that he will be obliged to relieve.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Joseph Conrad
“Over the lives borne from under the shadow of death there seems to fall the shadow of madness.”
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

Walter Kirn
“Memo to extreme partisans: If you can't bring yourselves to love your enemies, can you at least learn to hate your friends?”
Walter Kirn

Eoin Colfer
“Meg and Belch only had eyes for each other. Not in the usual romantic sense.”
Eoin Colfer, The Wish List

“He had been dazzled. Because of the dazzling brightness, he had had to kill [Seigen]. All who had encountered Seigen had had their hearts stolen by that brightness. That envy had turned to malice.”
Takayuki Yamaguchi, シグルイ 15

T.A. Miles
“He’d never really given religion much thought himself. It was just there, one of the basic fundamentals of life and living; Heaven is generally good and one should aspire to end up there, and Hell is decidedly foul and one should generally direct their enemies there.”
T. A. Miles, Raventide

Wendell Berry
“This new war, like the previous one, would be a test of the power of machines against people and places; whatever its causes and justifications, it would make the world worse. This was true of that new war, and it has been true of every new war since...
I knew too that this new war was not even new but was only the old one come again. And what caused it? It was caused, I thought, by people failing to love one another, failing to love their enemies.”
Wendell Berry, Jayber Crow

Howard Tayler
“The way you blunder from one catastrophe to the next, it's a wonder the whole galaxy doesn't hate you.

The galaxy is a big place, General. You provincial military types don't get far enough out to really see that.
-General Tagon & Captain Kevyn Andreyasn”
Howard Tayler, Resident Mad Scientist

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Hate is your enemy; you must defeat it! Anger is your enemy; you must defeat it! Violence is your enemy; you must defeat it! Death is your enemy; you must defeat it! Know well your real enemies!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Christopher Hitchens
“As he grew older, which was mostly in my absence, my firstborn son, Alexander, became ever more humorous and courageous. There came a time, as the confrontation with the enemies of our civilization became more acute, when he sent off various applications to enlist in the armed forces. I didn't want to be involved in this decision either way, especially since I was being regularly taunted for not having 'sent' any of my children to fight in the wars of resistance that I supported. (As if I could 'send' anybody, let alone a grown-up and tough and smart young man: what moral imbeciles the 'anti-war' people have become.)”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Elizabeth Sharp
“Know me, Amber. I am Amelia Hoffman, and that," I said emphatically, gesturing towards them, "is my family. And if you or anyone does anything to harm them, I will turn the wrath of the Earth Mother on you. I will turn this entire town into a desert waste if I have to, but I will protect my family. If that makes us enemies, then I will weep for you when you are dead.”
Elizabeth Sharp, Natural Selection

Howard Tayler
“Air traffic control is going to have a steamy old fit on your dime, boy.

They can get in line behind the police, the people whose cars we trashed, the Empire of Ob'enn, the Partnership Collective, and the Wormgate Corporation. Oh, and I think maybe some dark matter beasties from Andromeda.

You "think maybe"?
-General Tagon & Captain Andreyasn”
Howard Tayler, Resident Mad Scientist

Nicolae Steinhardt
“Am intrat în închisoare orb, cu vagi străfulgerări autogene ale beznei, care despică întunericul fără a-l risipi, şi ies cu ochii deschişi. Am intrat răsfăţat, răzgâiat. Ies vindecat de fasoane, nazuri, ifose. Am intrat nemulţumit. Ies cunoscând fericirea. Am intrat nervos, supărăcios, sensibil la fleacuri. Ies nepăsător. Soarele şi viaţa îmi spuneau puţin. Acum ştiu să gust felioara de pâine cât de mică. Ies admirând mai presus de orice curajul, demnitatea, onoarea, eroismul. Ies împăcat. Cu cei cărora le-am greşit, cu prietenii şi duşmanii mei, ba şi cu mine însumi".”
Nicolae Steinhardt, Jurnalul fericirii

Anthon St. Maarten
“Forgiveness is a radical act of setting your soul free, and the person you blame, hate, fear or resent cannot help you with that. Only your heart holds the key.”
Anthon St. Maarten

“Greet each man with peace, and leave each man with love. Ask yourself - One more enemy, or one more dove?”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Those around me know I study the art of war, Those against me know that I've mastered it.”
Mantšo Tšiu

“Those who oppose me, oppose The Lord. Let the might of their souls oppose the might of my sword.”
Mantšo Tšiu

“They try to trick me with the things I taught them, not realising that they only know what I permit”
Mantšo Tšiu

Robert         Reid
“He that can milk the cow and plough the furrow before talking wisdom with the Lord is indeed a man of special gifts”
Robert Reid, The Empress: The Emperor The Son and The Thief

Robert         Reid
“Mary had typed one line to finish her dissertation – ‘So a life’s work was finally complete’. As an afterthought she had written in pencil, probably after her dissertation had been assessed: ‘What was the red stone that Samuel Fowler disposed of?”
Robert Reid, The Empress: The Emperor The Son and The Thief