Enemies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "enemies" Showing 181-210 of 816
“What are friends for, if not to kill your enemies?”
Tahereh Mafi, All This Twisted Glory

William Makepeace Thackeray
“Quando avviene che un individuo abbia contratto forti debiti con un altro con il quale in seguito gli capita di litigare, si direbbe che una regola rigorosa della buona creanza imponga al primo di diventare nemico del secondo, e più spietato di quanto non sarebbe un estraneo. Poi, per motivare la propria crudeltà e la propria ingratitudine, si è costretti a gettare ogni colpa sull’altro. Nessuno è mai disposto a riconoscere il proprio cieco egoismo e ad ammettere di essere furibondo perché una speculazione non è andata a buon fine. Manco per sogno! Le cose sono andate come sono andate perché il socio ha provocato una siffatta situazione a causa della trame più vili e mosso da perfide intenzioni. La sua coerenza induce il persecutore a sostenere che il contrario è vero: il perseguitato è un lestofante; altrimenti lui, il persecutore, non sarebbe che un miserabile. Per giunta, ciò che per solito vale a tranquillizzare ulteriormente la coscienza dei creditori più implacabili, sta nel fatto che in genere chi si trova in difficoltà finanziarie non è caratterizzato da una specchiata onestà. Nasconde sempre qualcosa di non del tutto limpido: o ha esagerato magnificando la consistenza di una fortuna in realtà più modesta, o ha celato l’effettivo andamento dei suoi affari, o ancora asserisce che le sue faccende procedono a gonfie vele quando invece stanno andando a catafascio, e continua a sorridere (quale tragico sorriso!) mentre ormai è sull’orlo del fallimento; inoltre è sempre pronto ad attaccarsi a qualsiasi pretesto pur di rinviare i pagamenti e riuscire a dilazionare anche di pochi giorni la fatale catastrofe. «Basta, basta con questa disonestà!», esclama trionfante il creditore dileggiando il povero derelitto che affonda. «Ma tu, pazzo, perché non ti afferri alla pagliuzza?» propone il signor Buon Senso all’uomo che sta annegando. «E tu, mascalzone, perché non ti decidi ad affrontare la vergogna del Bollettino dei protesti alla quale non ti è più possibile sottrarti?» dice chi s’impingua grazie all’ottimo andamento dei suoi affari al povero diavolo che si dibatte in un pelago in tempesta.”
William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

Joan He
“If he's to be my final sight in this world, I will make myself his.”
Joan He, Sound the Gong

J.M. Barrie
“Now!" cried all the boys, but with a magnificent gesture Peter invited his opponent to pick up his sword. Hook did so instantly, but with a tragic feeling that Peter was showing good form.”
J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

J.M. Barrie
“[Hook] had one last triumph, which I think we need not grudge him. As he stood on the bulwark looking over his shoulder at Peter gliding through the air, he invited him with a gesture to use his foot. It made Peter kick instead of stab.

At last Hook had got the boon for which he craved.

"Bad form," he cried jeeringly, and went content to the crocodile.”
J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

David Kenyon Webster
“Poor bastard, I thought, listening to him. He’s trying to hide from us. He’s dying, and he knows we want to kill him. What a fate: to gasp your life out all alone in the mud of a dirty little creek, helpless to hold off the slow death that is inside you and the quicker death that is walking up on you on the other side of the water. A death without love, a death without hope. God, who invented war?
But if he gets back alive, I may be dead.”
David Kenyon Webster, Parachute Infantry: An American Paratrooper's Memoir of D-Day and the Fall of the Third Reich

Kerri Maniscalco
“When you couldn't remember anything, everyone wore an enemy's face.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Throne of the Fallen

Claudia Gray
“He was far too cautious a man to become inebriated among potential enemies.”
Claudia Gray, Leia: Princess of Alderaan

Don DeLillo
“It’s not enough to hate your enemy. You have to understand how the two of you bring each other to deep completion.”
Don DeLillo, Underworld

Sarah J. Maas
“Slay a few enemies, gain twice as many in return.”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Earth and Blood

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we allow our differences to fracture our shared humanity, we will have subjugated ourselves to the lesser things that needlessly cast men as enemies.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Andrena Sawyer
“When you're doing something for God, learn early not to take things personal.
For every Nehemiah, there's a Sanballat.
For every Esther, there's a Haman.
For every David, there's a Saul.
For every Joseph, there's kin.
It's not personal, it's spiritual.”
Andrena Sawyer

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we choose to fabricate a fictional narrative in order to excuse the choices that we make, we are placing others in a position where they must protect themselves from our narrative. And in doing that, we have created the enemy that was not.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Susan Ee
“How long did you resist?” asks Uriel. “Did you push her away? Did you tell her she meant no more to you than any other animal? Oh, Raffe, did she die thinking you didn't care about her? How tragic. That must just tear you to pieces.”
Raffe looks up with murder in his eyes. “Don't. Talk. About. Her.”
Susan Ee, Angelfall

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Before the enemies assess your strength, they look at your economic situation.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

“One of the most potent strategies in the pursuit of power is to create divisions among your adversaries, weakening their alliances and making them more susceptible to your influence. Be attuned to the tensions and rivalries that exist within your sphere of influence, and learn how to exploit them for your own gain. By sowing discord among your rivals, you can more easily bend them to your will and consolidate your power.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“In the quest for power, enemies will rise against you, and even trusted allies may reveal themselves as false friends. It is crucial to recognize the motivations and ambitions of those around you, discerning true loyalty from deceitful intentions. A Machiavellian dreamer must be prepared to sever ties when necessary, sacrificing temporary alliances for the greater good of their pursuit of power.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Let us never fear. The stars in their courses fight against the enemies of our souls. Often when we march to the conflict, we find no army to contend with.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Faith’s Checkbook: Daily Devotional - Promises for Today

Mitta Xinindlu
“Don't hurt yourself trying to hurt me.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Holly Black
“...do you know how to tell the fight is over? All your enemies are dead...”
Holly Black, The Prisoner’s Throne

Mitta Xinindlu
“They have been busy digging a grave for you. Not knowing that their own time of death is set to be right after they're done digging. Shush! Don't lift even a finger because they'll be resting in the same grave that they've been digging for you. Your order of protection is far from expirying. You're fully covered.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Your order of protection is far from expirying. You're fully covered.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Your order of protection is far from expiring. You're fully covered.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“They have been busy digging a grave for you. Not knowing that their own time of death is set to be right after they're done digging. Shush! Don't lift even a finger because they'll be resting in the same grave that they've been digging for you. Your order of protection is far from expiring. You're fully covered.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“You can come to my hanging and it will make you feel lots better.”
Margret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

“Don’t be in a hurry to make friends with strangers, as they may be your enemies.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“...an enemy is rarely one by choice,' he told me. 'They usually become such due to other people's choices, or they become enemies because of situations they have little control over.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Shadow in the Ember

“But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you and persecute you." Good-will produces a great aura of protection about the one who sends it, and 'no weapon that is formed against him shall prosper.' In other words, love and good will destroy the enemies within one's self therefore, onehas no enemies on the external! "There is peace on earth for him who sends goodwill to man!”
Florence Scovel-Shinn, The Game of Life and How to Play It

“Somewhere, someone is justifying their actions against you, and their circle is comforting them.”
Deanna L. Lawlis