Enemies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "enemies" Showing 91-120 of 816
Gilles Deleuze
“You never walk alone. Even the devil is the lord of flies.”
Gilles Deleuze

Hark Herald Sarmiento
“Friends never turn as enemies. If they did, they were never your friends at all.”
Hark Herald Sarmiento

Israelmore Ayivor
“Whatever negative things people think and say about you is enough to bring you down provided you belief that it carries a weight that can push you hard. Don't agree to accept what critics say; be prepared to silence them by doing what they think you can't do!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Violet Haberdasher
“It is a good man who stands up for his friends, but an honorable man who stands up for his enemies.”
Violet Haberdasher, The Secret Prince

Criss Jami
“Whenever we want to combat our enemies, first and foremost we must start by understanding them rather than exaggerating their motives.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

John Wooden
“How many of us have conflicts with someone else- and how many of us pray for that person? We have individuals with whom we are competitive, or whom we dislike or have a quarrel with; but very few of us have true enemies in the martial sense. And yet if Lincoln could pray fervently- and contemporary reports indicate he did- for the people who were opposing him, how much more can we do for someone we just find a little irritating?”
John Wooden, A Game Plan for Life: The Power of Mentoring

William Shakespeare
“Tis best to weigh the enemy more mighty than he seems.”
William Shakespeare

Stephen King
“A man who lies about beer makes enemies”
Stephen King, Pet Sematary

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A genuine enemy is more useful than a fake friend.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Enemies are people who's story you haven't heard, or who's face you haven't seen.”
Irene Butter

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”
Niccolò Machiavelli

Santosh Kalwar
“A true man loves his enemies as much he loves his friends.”
Santosh Kalwar

André Aciman
“Yes, the past is a foreign country," I said, "but some of us are full-fledged citizens, others occasional tourists, and some floating itinerants, itching to get out yet always aching to return."

"There's a life that takes place in ordinary time," I said, "and another that bursts in but just as suddenly fizzles out. And then there's the life we may never reach but that could so easily be ours if only we knew how to find it. It doesn't necessarily happen on our planet, but is just as real as the one we live by—call it our 'star life.' Nietzsche wrote that estranged friends may become declared enemies but in some mysterious way continue to remain friends, though on a totally different sphere. He called these 'star friendships.”
André Aciman, Enigma Variations

William Shakespeare
“Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You create silent enemies by revealing how much God has blessed you.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Kelsang Gyatso
“Normally we divide the external world into that which we consider to be good or valuable, bad or worthless, or neither. Most of the time these discriminations are incorrect or have little meaning. For example, our habitual way of categorizing people as friends, enemies, and strangers depending on how they make us feel is both incorrect and a great obstacle to developing impartial love for all living beings. Rather than holding so tightly to our discriminations of the external world, it would be much more beneficial if we learned to discriminate between valuable and worthless states of mind.”
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Transform Your Life: A Blissful Journey

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Show no fear to your enemies. Only contempt. Never let anyone look down on you. You're just as good as any of them. I don't care who they are. Better in fact. In our world, Dagans are royalty and you, my son, are a prince.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Born of Shadows

Alexander the Great
“Our enemies are Medes and Persians, men who for centuries have lived soft and luxurious lives; we of Macedon for generations past have been trained in the hard school of danger and war. Above all, we are free men, and they are slaves. There are Greek troops, to be sure, in Persian service — but how different is their cause from ours! They will be fighting for pay — and not much of at that; we, on the contrary, shall fight for Greece, and our hearts will be in it. As for our foreign troops — Thracians, Paeonians, Illyrians, Agrianes — they are the best and stoutest soldiers in Europe, and they will find as their opponents the slackest and softest of the tribes of Asia. And what, finally, of the two men in supreme command? You have Alexander, they — Darius!”
Alexander the Great

“The archduke will see you now,” Bishop Riphaen said to von Pappenheim, interrupting his wishful thinking.  “And he is most eager to see what you have brought him.”
Stephen A. Reger, Storm Surge: Book Two of the Stormsong Trilogy

Eli Wilde
“There was a different smell in the hall. I knew it well enough. Festering death is pungent, but that says nothing about how bad it smells. It saturates the air you breathe with a sickening sweetness that makes you feel like retching until that sweetness is a faded memory. It is an entity that does not belong inside your body.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Victoria Schwab
“Ah, there you are, Bard,” came a familiar voice, and she turned to see Alucard striding over.
“Saints, is that a dress you’re in? The crew will never believe it.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” growled Kell.”
V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows

Kimberly Novosel
“I didn’t answer. We were not buddies. We could not chat about the proximity of our offices, or football, or forgiveness.”
Kimberly Novosel, Loved

Donna Lynn Hope
“At least with zombies I know my enemy and I know what to do: Aim and shoot. It's not so easy with people.”
Donna Lynn Hope

“What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” She coughed, and released Talaith’s hand. “Except
you have some powerful enemies.”
“Tell me what I don’t know, witch.”
“Powerful enemies who are gods.”
For a moment, Annwyl was shocked beyond all reason…then
she shrugged. “Now that I think of it—I don’t know why I would be
G.A. Aiken, About a Dragon

“Deep down a broken heart, all the sadness one can bear is misery.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Hatred begins to emerge like love and it's not too far from love.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Salman Rushdie
“The enemy is stupid, he replied. That is ground for hope. There is no originality in tyrants, and they learn nothing from the demise of their precursors. They will be brutal and stifling and engender hatred and destroy what men love and that will defeat them. All important battles are, in the end, conflicts between hatred and love, and we must hold to the idea that love is stronger than hate.”
Salman Rushdie, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights