
Inspirational Quotes Motivation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspirational-quotes-motivation" Showing 1-30 of 475
“Courage and determination are the two majical ingredients that enhances the flavour of life and makes a perfect recipe of one's destiny”
William Fernandes

“When I’m having one of those moments when I don’t want to do something, I remind myself that there was a time when I couldn’t do it. The blessing is in the fact that you still get to do it.”
Tabitha Brown, Feeding the Soul (Because It's My Business): Finding Our Way to Joy, Love, and Freedom

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 100 Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Xóchitl González
“we're all just here trying to get you to see your own light because it's strong enough to guide you.”
Xóchitl González, Anita de Monte Laughs Last

“Living as a channel for giving and receiving invites us to view our lives from a broader perspective, seeing ourselves as integral parts of a vast, interconnected system.”
Russ Kyle, Manifestation Mindset: The 12 Universal Laws of Creation

Weslie Jensen
“The whole world is your weapon.”
Weslie Jensen, Doppelgangers

“The moment you see my message or note or article, I know what you think – Ah, once again a reminder of “responsibilities,” “productivity,” & that vague notion of “becoming your best (at least decent) version.” Who even needs that, right? Even if needed who will do groundbreaking efforts?

Whatever you think about my morning posts, these are just to motivate you to think, say & do things that bring greater blessings into your life.

But don’t be afraid, Sweetheart, champions of procrastination! Today, I bring you a revolutionary new approach: Accomplishing through Thinking Method (patent pending)...

Darling listen – today I want you to just say loudly or think this as the first thing: “I release all disease & negativity from my body. I welcome health, love, happiness & abundance into my life!” Say this to God please make me do something really big, make me gain something big or make me win a lottery today…. Repeat these with gusto, throughout the day…

Sure, it might not be the most proactive approach, but, it’s just a start. Remember, the key is to believe it until you see it.

My mantra & my method will make you feel amazing (even if you haven’t actually done anything), my guarantee! & who knows? Maybe by repeating positive affirmations again n again, they’ll magically come true. That’s the law of attraction…

I wish & hope that you embrace the power of such internal pep talks (inspirational self talks) even if these have zero basis in reality! Stay Blessed!”
Rajesh Goyal

Sazal Chowdhury
“মা, সাহসী মানুষ হইলো হিমালয়ের সমান উঁচা। কেউ তাকে সহজে ডিঙাইতে পারে না। সে যত ভয় পাইয়া পিছায়ে যায়, তার উচ্চতা ততই কমতে থাকে। একটা সময় সবাই তারে ডিঙায়ে যায়। তাই সাহস হারাইয়ো না। হিমালয় হও। তুমি না ক্রু-নাট হইতে চাও?”
মাইয়াটা হাইসা কয়, “ক্রু-নাট না আব্বা, এস্ট্রোনাট।”
Sazal Chowdhury, এক পাতার গল্প

“It makes no sense to chase dreams unless you have a sense of preservation.”
Hari Krishnan Nair, WHO AM I: Author Hari Krishnan Nair

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Keep your morale high. You cannot plant sunflowers in your heart and eliminate the darkness by keeping your morale down.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Meredith Jaeger
“For a week now, I've walked past the HELP WANTED sign in the window, trying to work up the courage to step inside. I hear Tony's voice in my head.

You don't need to work, Judy, You're my wife.

But Tony isn't here to stop me.”
Meredith Jaeger

Michael Jordan
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
Michael Jordan, The card was stuck

“Life is like an open-source software- freely given, but its development depends on you.”

Daniel José Older
“Her voice carried the voices of a hundred thousand souls in it; a whole history of resistance and rage moved with her.”
― Daniel José Older, Shadowshaper”
Daniel José Older, Shadowshaper

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