
Win Quotes

Quotes tagged as "win" Showing 1-30 of 712
Leo Tolstoy
“I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love.”
Leo Tolstoy

Holly Black
“The point of a fight is not to have a good fight, it’s to win.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Karl Lagerfeld
“Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!”
Karl Lagerfeld

Robin Hobb
“The fight isn't over until you win.”
Robin Hobb, Royal Assassin

Alexandra Christo
“You can't win a war. Someone else just loses.”
Alexandra Christo, To Kill a Kingdom

Lisa Kleypas
“I love you, he thought, looking at Win. I love every part of you, every thought and word... the entire complex, fascinating bundle of all the things you are. I want you with ten different kinds of need at once. I love all the seasons of you, the way you are now, the thought of how much more beautiful you'll be in the decades to come. I love you for being the answer to every question my heart could ask.

And it seemed so easy, once he capitulated. It seemed natural and right.

Kev wasn't certain if he was surrendering to Win or to his own passion for her. Only that there was no more holding back. He would take her. And he would give her everything he had, every part of his soul, even the broken pieces.”
Lisa Kleypas, Seduce Me at Sunrise

Lisa Kleypas
“All the fires of hell could burn for a thousand years and it wouldn't equal what I feel for you in one minute of the day. I love you so much there is no pleasure in it. Nothing but torment. Because if I could dilute what I feel for you to the mil­lionth part, it would still be enough to kill you. And even if it drives me mad, I would rather see you live in the arms of that cold, soulless bastard than die in mine," Merripen said to Win.”
Lisa Kleypas, Seduce Me at Sunrise

Lisa Kleypas
“I'm not good enough for you. But no one is. And most men, good or bad, have limits to what they would do, even for someone they love. I have none. No God, no moral code, no faith in anything. Except you. You're my religion. I would do anything you asked. I would fight, steal, kill for you."

-Kev to Win”
Lisa Kleypas, Seduce Me at Sunrise


Before you were born,
And were still too tiny for
The human eye to see,
You won the race for life
From among 250 million competitors.
And yet,
How fast you have forgotten
Your strength,
When your very existence
Is proof of your greatness.
You were born a winner,
A warrior,
One who defied the odds
By surviving the most gruesome
Battle of them all.
And now that you are a giant,
Why do you even doubt victory
Against smaller numbers,
And wider margins?
The only walls that exist,
Are those you have placed in your mind.
And whatever obstacles you conceive,
Exist only because you have forgotten
What you have already

Poetry by Suzy Kassem”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Libba Bray
“War." Gorgon spits the word. "That is what they call it to give the illusion of honor and law. It is chaos. Madness and blood and the hunger to win. It has always been thus and shall always be so.”
Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing

Kiersten White
“Some victories are merely defeat wearing the wrong clothing”
Kiersten White, And I Darken


Before you examine the body of a patient,
Be patient to learn his story.
For once you learn his story,
You will also come to know
His body.
Before you diagnose any sickness,
Make sure there is no sickness in the mind or heart.
For the emotions in a man’s moon or sun,
Can point to the sickness in
Any one of his other parts.
Before you treat a man with a condition,
Know that not all cures can heal all people.
For the chemistry that works on one patient,
May not work for the next,
Because even medicine has its own
Before asserting a prognosis on any patient,
Always be objective and never subjective.
For telling a man that he will win the treasure of life,
But then later discovering that he will lose,
Will harm him more than by telling him
That he may lose,
But then he wins.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Lisa Kleypas
“A weak but steady throb lay beneath Kev's searching fingertips. Win's heartbeat...the pulse that sustained his universe.”
Lisa Kleypas, Seduce Me at Sunrise

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity
tags: achieve, achieve-your-dreams, achievement, achievement-and-attitude, achievement-quotes, achievements, achievements-success, achiever, achievers, all-is-yours, bangambiki-habyarimana, believe-in-yourself, believe-in-yourself-quotes, create-your-future, create-your-life, create-your-reality, create-your-world, entrepreneur, entrepreneur-quote, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship-quotes, entrepreneurship-training, focus, focus-on-success, focus-on-the-prize-ahead, focus-on-your-dreams, focus-on-your-life, focused, focusing, goal-setting, goals, goals-and-dreams, goals-and-plans, goals-in-life, goals-quotes, inspirational, inspirational-attitude, inspirational-life, inspirational-living, inspirational-quote, inspirational-quotes, inspire, inspired, inspired-life, inspired-living, inspired-mind, inspired-quotes, inspired-soul, life-energy, motivate, motivate-myself, motivate-yourself, motivated, motivation, motivational, motivational-enlightenment, motivational-quote, motivational-quotes, positive, positive-attitude, positive-mindset, positive-motivation, positive-outlook, positive-quotes, positive-thinking, positive-thinking-quotes, positive-thought, positive-thoughts, running-quotes, succeed, succeeded, succeeding, succeeding-in-life, succeeds, success, success-quote, success-quotes, success-strategies, successful-living, successful-people, the-great-pearl-of-wisdom, win, winners, winners-and-losers, winners-mentality, winning, winning-and-losing, winning-attitude, winning-from-with-in, winning-from-within, winning-goal, winning-in-life, winning-mentality, winning-the-game, words-of-revelation, words-of-wisdom, words-of-wisdom-inspirational, words-to-inspire-you, words-to-live-by, words-to-ponder, you-are-a-god, you-are-great, you-are-powerful, you-are-the-universe, you-create-things-by-your-mouth

Israelmore Ayivor
“If you really want to eat, keep climbing. The fruits are on the top of the tree. Stretch your hands and keep stretching them. Success is on the top, keep going.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Chuck Klosterman
“But I still feel like I lost.
We all have the potential to fall in love a thousand times in our lifetime. It's easy. The first girl I ever loved was someone I knew in the sixth grade. Her name was Missy; we talked about horses. The last girl I love will be someone I haven't even met yet. probably. They all count. But there are certain people you love who do something else; they define how you classify what love is supposed to feel like. These are the most important people in your life, and you'll meet maybe four or five of these people over the span of 80 years. But there's still one more tier to all this; there is always one person you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens retrospectively, but it always happens eventually. This is the person who unknowingly sets the template for what you will always love about other people, even if some of those lovable qualities are self-destructive and unreasonable. You will remember having conversations with this person that never actually happened. You will recall sexual trysts with this person that never technically occurred. This is because the individual who embodies your personal definition of love does not really exist. The person is real, and the feelings are real-but you create the context. And context is everything. The person who defines your understanding of love is not inherently different than anyone else, and they're often just the person you happen to meet first time you really, really want to love someone. But that person still wins. They win, and you lose. Because for the rest of your life, they will control how you feel about everyone else.”
Chuck Klosterman, Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story

E.B. White
“It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people.”
E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web

Leo Tolstoy
“A battle is won by the side that is absolutely determined to win. Why did we lose the battle of Austerlitz? Our casualties were about the same as those of the French, but we had told ourselves early in the day that the battle was lost, so it was lost.”
Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“There is no such thing as fighting dirty, I told Nash, if you win.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Final Gambit

“We cannot win in team situations or in relationships by ourselves. It is like trying to pick up a pencil with only one finger...Even if that one finger is extremely strong, it will prove almost impossible to pick up that pencil unless you use your other fingers or some other part of your hand. Teamwork is a bit like using all of your fingers. Each one is unique and contributes something different, but they unite in pursuit of a common goal.”
Terry Orlick

Stephanie Kuehn
“She must have seen more of my charm than my strangeness tonight.”
Stephanie Kuehn, Charm & Strange

“If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win.”
Carl Lewis

Anthony Liccione
“The more material we lose, the less we have. The less we have, the more we win.”
Anthony Liccione

Mouloud Benzadi
“You may be able to conquer the whole world and gain everything in action,
But you'll live in torment if you can't find peace of mind and satisfaction.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
Mouloud Benzadi

Donna Goddard
“Life is not a competition. No one has to lose for someone else to win. A true blessing blesses everyone.”
Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

A.G. Howard
“Shut up!” I say, laughing hysterically. Alice transforms back to an inanimate jade piece as I toss her. My aim is off and she plops into Morpheus’s tea, splattering him and the chessboard.
With a graceful sweep of his hand, he retracts his magic. Tea drizzles down his face as his inky eyes turn up to mine, alight with something both dangerous and daring, shifting moods faster than I can blink.
“Careful, plum.” It’s his deep cockney accent now. He wipes his face with a napkin. “Don’t start something you have no intention of finishing.”
“Oh, I’ll finish it,”
I say—spurred by the dark confidence fluttering at the edge of my psyche. The side of me that knows I’m his match in every way. “And you know I’ll win.” I rise from my chair to scope out the room for weapons, vaguely aware of the prisms of glittery light reflected off my skin onto the surroundings.
“I know I’ll let you win,” Morpheus says, standing up. “I won’t even put up a fight.” His white-toothed smile spans to something forebodingly provocative, as though mimicking the spread of his wings. “Well, perhaps a small one, just for sport.”
A.G. Howard, Ensnared

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