Carpe Diem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "carpe-diem" Showing 121-150 of 283
“After another deadly weekend,
mass shootings across the country,
we know--oh, how we know--how high the stakes,
how polarized the public:
the desperation for liberty, equality, and justice
and the rage and backlash against it.”
Shellen Lubin

A.D. Aliwat
“Another day, another chance.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Tamuna Tsertsvadze
“Oh, how wondrous our lives are! How everything can change but in a single instant… It is truly a miracle of God. We believe we can control our lives as we want, but in truth, we never know what’s coming up. Hence, all we can do, in the end, is enjoy the moments given, pray, and hope for the better. We must always remember that everything will change, and every moment will pass, so it should be embraced whilst it is still within our grasp.”
Tamuna Tsertsvadze, Notes of Oisin: From an Irish Monk to a Skaldic Poet

“How can you take it, when the people that say they are close. That say they care about you lie to you and be deceitful?

Route; Know that you are worth more than how they treat you. Know that with these characters, their face and identity may change. But they still fall into a default card. From the major arcana deck.

Affirmation; Grieve and move on”
Snow Liber Dionysus

“Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow.”

Victor Hugo
“Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time.”
Victor Hugo

“Living in the present doesn't mean rebelling against the warnings coming from future. A moment is truly a present moment only if it is in harmony with the past and future.”

A.D. Aliwat
“A day is made up of twenty-four hours. It’s not too few or too many. It just is. People fill the hours however they choose. Work, school, leisure activities, sleep: those kinds of things.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

A.D. Aliwat
“There can be great joy before the night.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

“And let each day be a loss to us on which we did not dance once!”
Friedrich Neitzsche

Ruth Ozeki
“As I have not much time left in life, I am determined not to be a coward. I will live as earnestly as I can and feel my feelings deeply, I will rigorously reflect upon my thoughts and emotions, and try to improve myself as much as I can. I will continue to write and to study, so that when the time of my death comes, I will die beautifully, as a man in the midst of a supreme and noble effort.”
Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being

“Lo dionisiaco y el carpe diem no son sinónimos. Lo segundo significa vive ahora, es decir, disfruta el día, o disfruta la noche, pero deja atrás la pereza, levántate, o, si quieres, más bien siéntate en una silla y reflexiona.”
Ana de Miguel, Ética para Celia

Giannis Delimitsos
“Today is the day. In fact, today is always the day, my friends!”
Giannis Delimitsos, A PHILOSOPHICAL KALEIDOSCOPE: Thoughts, Contemplations, Aphorisms

Maria Vale
“I guess I figured that one chance at living was better than a lifetime of being alive.”
Maria Vale, The Last Wolf

Giannis Delimitsos
“There is a popular view that something has to lead to a specific distant goal in order to have value. So we build goals like walls that confine us and condemn every other result or destination in life to be a failure. But by freeing yourself from the burden of reaching a predetermined point/status, you are no longer a prisoner to yourself. And you start enjoying things for what they are, not for what they could be or lead to. You relish the company of your family, your friends or your books; you do things without aiming at something else beyond. You love the Present, for these present moments are yours and no one can take them from you, regardless of what the future shall bring. You just walk where the soul is really longing for, and then you say that this was your destination. Because this w-a-s your destination.”
Giannis Delimitsos

E. Lockhart
“A game like that is typical for Tipper. She looks for ways to squeeze any last drop of pleasure from a situation, to create joy and surprise whenever she can.”
E. Lockhart, Family of Liars

Nikola Stefan
“It is too heavy a day for bloodshed.”
Nikola Stefan, Tale of Tales – Part I: A Strange Bunch

Giannis Delimitsos
“I can imagine the message from the billions of people who have walked the Earth, echoing from beyond the grave. It would be crystal clear for those who would be eager to listen: “live here and now in the Present, enjoy every big and every little moment, love and cherish with every beat of your heart, live passionately and die bravely!”
Giannis Delimitsos

A.D. Aliwat
“She knows when she dies, she will be gone. Nothing. That is why it’s important to live a good life. To get the most out of it.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Alejandro Mos Riera
“Nadie vive el mismo momento
dos veces, porque todo cambia,
en el tiempo y en nosotros.”
Alejandro Mos Riera, Invisible presencia

Valentin Rasputin
“Take everything that's yours with you, don't save any -- it won't be needed later.”
Valentin Rasputin, Live and Remember

Valentin Rasputin
“I am, whatever may come tomorrow, today I am.”
Valentin Rasputin, Live and Remember

Anh Do
“[42 Up] made me realise that life flies by and you've really go to seize the moment. p198”
Anh Do, The Happiest Refugee

R.M. Engelhardt
“Morning. Sitting in the courtyard, coffee. An old pair of jeans and a messed up damaged old black shirt cigarette in hand words being channeled from someplace somewhere nowhere places unknown without a destination. You're an artist without a canvas. The world is your canvas. Your life is the canvas. You've got to at least create something, say something, do something while you're sorry ass still remains tethered to this planet. Some people call this life, some people call this earth while others just call it purgatory. I suppose in the end that it's all up to you. Make the most of it because it ain't coming back around.”
R.M. Engelhardt

“Diferenciar ideas está siempre bien porque, como dice Spinoza, «las ideas adecuadas nos confirmen la potencia de obrar», y las ideas inadecuadas nos confieren la potencia de dar vueltas y vueltas, sin rumbo.”
Ana de Miguel, Ética para Celia

Alejandro Mos Riera
“Disfruta de tu única vida. Esto no es un ensayo. Nada sucede dos veces.”
Alejandro Mos Riera

Alejandro Mos Riera
“A través de los siglos, el incendio de nuestras vidas
Permanece en el fuego eterno como la memoria de los muertos En la vida de los vivos, pero deja que la muerte
Viva su muerte, que morir al fin es cosa de los muertos
¡Dios mío, qué solos se quedan los muertos!
Todos sabemos, hay vida antes de la muerte; después, un sueño eterno.
Por una vez en el mundo el tiempo despierta la realidad
Para despertar en un sueño, basta abrir los ojos.
Lejos, aquí siempre en este mundo
La única arma contra la muerte es el amor,
El amor a la vida es la vida eterna.”
Alejandro Mos Riera, Estrella errante

Alejandro Mos Riera
“Recordar es el arte de vivir el instante.”
Alejandro Mos Riera, La Gran Mentira

Karen Traviss
“One day’s too far ahead to plan.”
Karen Traviss, Halo: Mortal Dictata

Burton Raffel
“Ode I.11

Leucon, no one's allowed to know his fate,
Not you, not me: don't ask, don't hunt for answers
In tea leaves or palms. Be patient with whatever comes.
This could be our last winter, it could be many
More, pounding the Tuscan Sea on these rocks:
Do what you must, be wise, cut your vines
And forget about hope. Time goes running, even
As we talk. Take the present, the future's no one's affair”
Burton Raffel, The Essential Horace Odes, Epodes, Satires and Epistles