Carpe Diem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "carpe-diem" Showing 181-210 of 283
Kevin Ansbro
“When life gives you lemons, don't waste your time making lemonade.”
Kevin Ansbro

Gaël Faye
“- [...] On ne doit pas douter de la beauté des choses, même sous un ciel tortionnaire. Si tu n'es pas étonné par le chant du coq ou par la lumière au-dessus des crêtes, si tu ne crois pas en la bonté de ton âme, alors tu ne te bats plus, et c'est comme si tu étais déjà mort.
- Demain, le soleil se lèvera et on essaiera encore, a dit Prothé pour conclure.”
Gaël Faye, Petit pays

Gail Carriger
“I think we seldom regret the risks we take as much as the times we did not try at all.”
Gail Carriger, Imprudence

Steven  Rowley
“Jenny and I once talked about how we manage to live despite the knowledge that we are all going to die. What's the point of it all? Why bother getting up in the morning when faced with such futility? Or is it the promise of death that inspires life? That we must grab what we can while there's still time? Is it the not knowing if today is the day that keeps us going? But what if this is the day? What if the hour is here? How do you stand? How do you breathe? How do you go on?”
Steven Rowley, Lily and the Octopus

Leonardo da Vinci
“He who does not value life does not deserve it.”
Leonardo da Vinci

“Some things in life are like ice cream:
They’re only good for a while and then they melt.
The trick is enjoying it and making the most of it while it’s still ice cream.”

Ursula K. Le Guin
“A promise is a direction taken, a self-limitation of choice. As Odo pointed out, if no direction is taken, if one goes nowhere, no change will occur. One's freedom to choose and to change will be unused, exactly as if one were in jail, a jail of one's own building, a maze in which no one way is better than any other.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia

Mira Grant
“I love him, and one day I’ll bury him, and until then, I’m going to be grateful that I’m allowed to watch him talk.”
Mira Grant, Feed

“Today is all you have. Don't worry about tomorrow. Just do the best you can right now. One day, one moment at a time.”
Akiroq Brost

Paulo Coelho
“Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y él es el que me interesa. Si puedes permanecer siempre en el presente, serás un hombre feliz. Percibirás que en el desierto existe vida, que el cielo tiene estrellas, y que los guerreros luchan porque esto forma parte de la raza humana. La vida será una fiesta, un gran festival, porque ella es siempre sólo el momento que estamos viviendo.”
Paulo Coelho, El Alquimista

Mary Wollstonecraft
“Let us eat, drink, and love for tomorrow we die, would be in fact the language of reason, the morality of life; and who but a fool would part with a reality for a fleeting shadow?”
Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Charbel Tadros
“There are two contradicting universal principles which, when joined together, can help you lead a most satisfactory life: the first is to seize ever opportunity, and the second is to allow the will of the universe to be done through you.”
Charbel Tadros

Jack Kerouac
“The straight line will take you only to death.”
Jack Kerouac

Gabriel García Márquez
“Vivo espantado de estar vivo.”
Gabriel García Márquez, Del amor y otros demonios

Vanessa Montfort
“Vivir es una tarea urgente”
Vanessa Montfort, Mujeres que compran flores

S.R. Crawford
“What is the date? What is the time? … Great, that’s what Now is. And every second, your ‘Now’ changes. Because all we have is Now. We are continuously living in the Now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but Now. Today. The present. And I need you to live in it. To truly appreciate it. To breathe and feel yourself breathing.”
S.R. Crawford, From My Suffering: 25 Ways to Break the Chains of Anxiety, Depression & Stress

William Shakespeare
“Qui cherche et ne saisit pas ce qui s'offre ne le reverra jamais plus.”
William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra

Ruth Cardello
“Life is scary, but I think it's supposed to be. If you're living it right, that is.”
Ruth Cardello, Gentling the Cowboy

Clément Rosset
“The various aspects of illusion described so far refer to a single function, a single structure, a single failure. The function is to protect from the real; the structure does not involve refusing to perceive the real but, rather, splitting it in two; the failure lies in recognizing the protective double too late as the very reality from which one thought one had found protection. This is the curse of evasion: by way of a phantasmatic duplication, it sends us back to the undesirable starting point, the real. We can see now why evasion is always a mistake: it is always inoperative, because the real is always right. We may, admittedly, try to protect ourselves from a future event, if that happens to be possible; we shall never protect ourselves from a past or present event or one that is 'certain to come to pass,' as in the oracular symbolics which announces in advance an ineluctable necessity that already has all the characteristics of a present necessity. And the act by which one attempts to slough off that necessity will never be able to 'do any better' than literally reproduce the feared even or, even more exactly, constitute that event. This is what happens to Oedipus, as it happens to everyone at odds with himself - that is to say, to everyone at some point or other of his existence.”
Clément Rosset, Le réel et son double

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“What does waiting do? None of us are promised a tomorrow. We learned that, didn’t we? We don’t always get a later.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, If There's No Tomorrow

Avijeet Das
“You wake up in the morning, then go for a jog, pump up the dumb-bell, and take a shower! Put on fresh and clean clothes and get out of your apartment fast! The day is yours for the taking! Carpe Diem!”
Avijeet Das

John Sandford
“Why bother to go through life if you can't do interesting shit?”
John Sandford, Rampage

Steve Roggenbuck
“CARPE DIME is a latin phrase that means HASHTAG YOLO”

Mira Grant
“...we were doing this...this weird circling thing, like we needed to figure out every single line of the script before we could even start the movie. I knew, and he knew, and we didn’t do a damn thing about it... It’s like we thought everything had to be perfect, or it wouldn’t work. Like it was a story.”
Mira Grant, Deadline

Vanessa Montfort
“¿Sabes una cosa? Toda mi vida he tenido miedo a ser feliz por si acaso el cosmos me lo compensaba con una buena dosis de desgracia. Así que nunca he lanzado las campanas al vuelo por nada: ni por un sobresaliente, ni por una conquista, ni en un cumpleaños. Nunca me he permitido tener una explosión de felicidad total. Y ahora sé que la fatalidad llega sola. A mí también, que llevaba mucho tiempo contenida en una felicidad tibia: ser una buena mujer, tener tranquila a la familia, hacer todo aquello que se esperaba de mí en la creencia de que eso se mantendría salvo. Hacer lo que tú llamas "lo correcto". Pero el cosmos no te recompensa. Y ahora me pregunto por qué no he sido más espontánea y locamente feliz todas y cada una de las veces que tuve la oportunidad de serlo. Si yo fuera, tú disfrutaría de la alegría encontrar el amor ahora que lo tienes sin limitaciones.”
Vanessa Montfort, Mujeres que compran flores

“Some people chase the idea of death so much they forget to do something as simple, yet profound, as live.”
Andrew Durst

Aldous Huxley
“No dejes para mañana la diversión que puedes tener hoy.”
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Jesús Moncada
“No treballi tant, senyor secretari, deixi la paperassa i vingui a finestrejar. Guaiti, fixi's en aqueixa noia tan bonica que travessa la plaça. No badi, cregui'm, això dura poc. En un tres i no res, passem d'embrions incerts a calaveres atònites.”
Jesús Moncada, Calaveres atònites

“Fear not death; fear not having lived.”
Kevin Focke

Vanessa Montfort
“Sólo importaba que era verano y que bailábamos sobre un cementerio. Que reclamábamos por primera vez nuestro derecho a no tomarnos la vida tan en serio. Porque cada día estamos más cerca de la muerte, esté donde esté guardando. Puede ser mañana o dentro de diez años... [...] Qué más da. Ahora lo sé. Hay que aprender a bailar sobre un cementerio. A hacer brotar flores sobre los muertos. A aceptar el fracaso porque el fracaso no existe. Sólo existe el fin de las cosas. No nos enseñan a aceptar la caducidad de lo importante. No nos enseñan que a veces el único fracaso es la inercia de hacerlas continuar. Y es que todo caduca, como me dijo Olivia, lo bueno y lo malo. El amor es sufrimiento. Pienso que una vida que termina no es un fracaso. Todo depende de cómo lo hayas vivido. Y si la mía termina de esta noche, tras este viaje, ya sería un éxito. La relación que termina no es un fracaso, depende de lo que nos haya portado, enriquecido, de lo que nos haya dejado tras su muerte. Si ha compensado, es un éxito. Hay que amar. Y amar bien. Intensamente. Aunque se acabe”
Vanessa Montfort, Mujeres que compran flores